Lots of great suggestions already but I want to throw in another recommendation for Splinter Cell. The series lost it’s identity later on, but Chaos Theory still holds up in my opinion with some great levels.
Second one is stealth based as well. In fact there are even bigger levels where you’ve to cross multiple checkpoints to finally be safe, and while you can try to kill your way out, you usually have ammo for 2 kills max while you’ve to cross 10-15 foes, so practically that isn’t an option.
Haven’t seen this concept for a while. I remember playing shit out of Airfix Dogfighter, where you were basically controlling a plane model from WW2 and fighting around the house with other planes. Great game
Highly likely Hitman World of Assassination (the whole new trilogy starting with the 2016 game) will scratch the itch for you, but yeah I appreciate the weird shambles of trying to buy that in its various forms; actually the current state is the simplest: one price for the whole thing.
I guess you may want to wait for it to be on sale though, but I definitely rate it, it’s got many hours out of me.
There is a demo, not sure what’s in it though. Back when they were separate games, the training missions of each game served as the demo level, and I think at some point the Paris mission of the first game was free.
loved it as well, caught myself thinking about it very long after playing. i was really impressed with how it captured a feeling of nostalgia for a digital community and for an internet of another time, I think hypnospace Outlaw is something quite relevant for many of us now who moved away from r*ddit
Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine is a really fun stealthy top-down 2D story game. It support 4P coop. There are several characters with very different abilities allowing for unique ways to tackle the map’s challenges. There is also a scenario editor to create custom challenges.
God I would give so much to experience Splinter Cell 3’s multiplayer again. It was perfect. An improvement upon the already excellent MP of Pandora Tomorrow, but still within the spirit of the game.
And then they fucked it up trying to make it more like COD or something.
I wouldn’t even say the first BioShock is stealth-oriented, much less the rest of the series. There are some areas where it benefits you to be stealthy, but the game can easily be played going head-on into most enemies with good plasmid use. I’d argue it’s more fun that way, too.
I’ve started playing it again, and I now realize that. I just remembered it fondly as a very tactical, lean-back shooter. When I’m being expedient, the natural approach is to tag a splicer and then retreat toward my hacked turrets. Deathloop is the opposite. It’s billed as a stealth game, yet I find it easier to maintain a lean-back playstyle in Doom 2016.