I tried no man’s sky again. I think I’m just past the intro as I got to the space station trading place. It’s interesting.
I have also been trying the new fortnite update and dirt rally 2
I’m thinking I’ll probably get the new monster hunter this week? I’ve been saving a gift card for a while, so that seems like it would be a fun pick. I feel like I have so many games I wana play, but not nearly enough time in my day lol
Having a lot of fun throwing things around in Maraka. Simple arcade style roguelite, where you do a lot of flinging things at things and slamming things around. May look horde-survivor-ish from the walking in enemy hordes, but you’re very active playing, and there are some ranged enemies to watch out for. Bit barebones, but still just fun to play now and then. Easy recommend for that kind of thing.
Also working on the new character unlock for BlazBlue Entropy Effect. It’s unfortunately tied to the mainline story progress which I didn’t really care for and haven’t put much effort into since it was reset after early access ended. So I guess I have to straighten that out to play with the new character. Did get a very strong loadout option where I start with a seemingly pretty killer combination upgrade and one of its two prerequisites. In BBEE, when your run ends, your character gets added to a support pool along with a couple of the build upgrades you used, and when you start a run, you choose one main character and add two supports to get your initial loadout. So, if I setup another character to bring the other prerequisite as their support, I can combine the two to have that all going right from run start on any other character, which is pretty neat. Not the best player-driven metaprogression system I’ve seen, but player-driven metaprogression still a very unusual and rich idea that adds a lot to a game, even in this limited form. I hope some more games pick up on this kind of thing, so we can see the ideas grow and metaprogression become a more interesting thing. Characters play pretty interestingly and vary nicely, but the enemy side is pretty weak and the surrounding aspects are tedious to clunky, so only a mild recommend here :)
Hoping to see Greyskin in the NextFest this week. If you like a top-down shooter ARPG type thing, check that game out, because it’s got a lot of stuff in it, and they indicated before that this Nextfest was part of their release plan, so hopefully we’re getting closer to more than a demo.
Been playing Sleeping Dogs for the first time after picking it up for cheap on a GOG sale. I never played it back in the day and never heard much about it, but man, even 13 years later this is a good looking game. I guess I’m giving it a leg up by using DLDSR and RTX HDR, but still. It looks very impressive for its age. I can’t believe this was a PS3 game! The streets are crowded and the city looks great. Though I will say, playing something like this hammers home even more what a marvellous piece of architecture and level design Night City is in Cyberpunk 2077. Hong Kong looks nice and all in Sleeping Dogs, but it doesn’t have near the same character, the same variety and the same distinct but different districts as NC does.
The game has been very enjoyable, though. To a certain extent you might call it slop. And yes, it might not be Disco Elysium or Bioshock or Alan Wake 2, but not every game needs to be. You can’t eat salad every day. Sometimes you need a pizza. And this is a pretty fucking good pizza. It’s got all the trappings of a GTA clone you might expect, with a chinese flavour that adds some kung-fu to the mix and a boilerplate undercover cop story to make the tension tick along and let it at least pretend it’s somewhat different. The pacing has been very snappy so far as well. Almost no downtime, as far as I can tell. After playing some lengthy CRPGs lately that really tested my patience it’s been the perfect antidote - ideal brain-off gameplay, whether racing cars or beating up thugs (or singing karaoke).
I’m only about halfway so far, but from what I’ve seen so far I thoroughly recommend it if you like these kinds of games, especially if you can pick it up at a big discount - it was 80% off recently and at that price it’s a no-brainer.
Sleeping Dogs is such an unrated game in my opinion. I very rarely complete games nowadays since they take soooooo much time with all the unnecessary bloat and terrible writing, but I did finish the main storyline for Sleeping Dogs and enjoyed thoroughly.
The gritty tone and grime and filth felt so visceral, the decisions carried so much weight. Compared to the utter slop that is modern AAA games that tries to make everyone feel included and everything just has to be rainbows and unicorns.
DEI, fucking important IRL. In games, I really don’t need HR to be in my sidecar writing me up everytime I choose renegade.
If only they were to remake Sleeping Dogs. I’ll play the hell out of that one.
I mainly play iRacing with some Slay the Spire here and there, but this week I’ve been playing a bunch of Dragonsweeper, such a great game (kind of weird it’s not on iOS yet). Also just re-installed Darkest Dungeon (1) from GOG.
I think i’ve played most arkane game up till prey, i heard deathloop is their last good game but it’s also a hit and miss. Prey is super good as well, i think i did like 3 or 4 playthrough, still haven’t play mooncrash though but it’s definitely on my list.
I played a lot (1400+ hours) of The Long Dark up until a few years ago. I’m checking out the DLC content I missed, and it’s very good to be back. The “new” content and maps are very good.
Also, Alan Wake 2 after Control is quite enjoyable, but I think I like Control a little more. The tv ads in AW2 are very funny though, compared to the creepy puppet bits in Control.
<span style="color:#323232;">::: spoiler Some words you want to put
</span><span style="color:#323232;">The spoiler text
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Blah blah more spoiler text
</span><span style="color:#323232;">:::
Got an itch(dot)io bundle of games that goes to helping French devs, so I’ve been playing a couple of those. Specifically Flipon and Blocks That Matter.
Outside of those, also got into Symphonia and it’s pretty fun and so far has an amazing soundtrack. Also trying to make a level pack for Baba Is You, which is definitely harder than I thought it would be using the in game level editor.
Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition always comes to mind for making that game so much better to play and more stable than the base game. I wouldn’t replay FO3 any other way
Elden Ring Seamless Co-op is what ER co-op should have been to begin with. God it’s so good I put another couple hundred hours in to replay every inch of ER+DLC with a friend.
The Elden Ring Seamless Co-op is probably the only way I would have been able to finish the game and the DLC. It allowed myself and 3 others (who probably wouldn’t be able to complete it either) to beat most if not all the bosses.
I had two seamless coop playthroughs with friends. While the first one was buggy since it had just released, it is hands down some of the most fun I had with them. I’m shocked Fromsoft didn’t hire the developer to integrate it for real.
On the other hand, you should also know that you can play seamless co-op with mods. Seamless co-op with convergence mod is absolutely fantastic.