@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar



Half a goon and half a god

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@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I really loved his work. Thankful to be finding out from the ones who introduced me to him.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Counter-example: I badly suck at Sekiro, but it might be one of the best games I’ve ever played. It’s too stressful to play it unless I’m in the right headspace. Like trying to listen to Dark Side of the Moon during Thanksgiving dinner with your funny uncle, it doesn’t hit.

If you judge any art purely based on its entertainment value or the mere pleasure it gives you, the only value in art will be its market value. That’s just empty to me.

The difference is that I judge games on how I view the meaning and execution behind creative choices I noticed during play. Some will call that pompous or elitist, but it’s really just that I need to be seeking meaning in life. Otherwise why live?

Not joking. Meaninglessness feels worse than just being dead to me, sorry to the anti-intellectuals who are going to laugh at me or call this a new copypasta.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Zombie Kidz is quick, cooperative, and has plenty of achievements (with a sticker book to record them) as well as unlockables through gameplay. You get to use teamwork and planning, and turns occur in quick succession.

I think it might tick every box you mentioned.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Wishing them luck. I love all their work so far, I don’t mind games that size at all.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

It’s great though. Every time I figure something out in that game I feel like the greatest MFer in the universe, and the rest of the time there are cute animals. And it was made by a single unhinged man. Top shelf, game of the decade.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I have a hard time accepting the way social media works. The whole chain of logic you just spelled out makes me want to vomit. I don’t want to have my strings pulled, my chain yanked, or my goose got. I want to be talked to like I’m a person, and I know it’s just going to keep happening less and less and one day it’s going to do my head in.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

The context only increases the granularity of my distaste. We live in a society of conspiracism and forgetful unthinking chaos. I don’t want to read entrails for clues about the future, I want to wait patiently for a good game and not become schizophrenic trying to connect meaningless dots.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

It just seems like unnecessary noise in an already noisy world.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Is it such a failing? I hope I haven’t upset anybody.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I would sooner buy a PS5 lmao

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Do you think me a poltroon? A veritable cabbage of a man? Am I the corn chip that a bird sold to Satan himself? Please reconsider.

Players Actually Sent Me 500 Word Essays For My Narrative Game (Full Story): (lemmy.world)

Hey today I wanted to show something amazing from the Stanley Parable-inspired game I’m developing. Might be a long read so bare with me: at the end of my demo The Narrator is annoyed that the player presses The Button (in a game called Do Not Press The Button)! So he demands the player to send a 500 word essay on why they...

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Wish listed. Should I show my kid? They’re a strong reader but would probably do no reading and smash the button with their forehead most days

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I’ll let you know if any good anecdotes come of it, thanks!

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Well they’re a corporation. They can’t just say “from Feargus Urquhart”, they’d have legal on their ass

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

You don’t feel you came on a bit strong? Did you actually expect a sensitive and conciliatory response to your comment?

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Apparently I’ve just shared in Funko Pop’s passion for creativity.

Is this a different language that sounds deceptively like English? I feel like someone wrote this by running whale song through an LLM.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I can’t say I’m surprised

…But my relief is profound

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

We don’t really teach appreciation of art enough. People unabashedly “hate watch” shows or go out to see blatant cash grabs in theatre, and buy games they don’t enjoy…

I’ve had arguments with friends who defend shows they admit have no redeeming value, and are only watching it because there’s a lot of it. Like there’s a hole in them that can only be filled with sufficient volumes of content. I can’t even talk to them anymore.

Art is in a way the study of choice. To simply make things without meaning anything by them, without doing anything on purpose except to make money, to me is little more than cheap nihilism - without adding to the conversation in the way that considered nihilism can.

A few game makers actually do contribute to the conversation of games as art, following on what came before and enriching us with new ideas. Those few should be followed closely and supported, when you find them.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

… Maybe it’s in the tradition of Magritte? “This is not a game.”

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Of all the callow villainry, I wish a comparison to Baldur’s Gate 3 was the worst I’ve heard. I have seen such articles talk about Avowed in terms of Skyrim, which was released closer to Banjo Kazooie than Avowed. No irrelevant remark is beyond them, no matter how patently inane.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Mine is not dissimilar and it runs BG3 on low settings.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

It’s a surface book 3. I’m out of office at the moment so the comparison is from memory alone, sorry if I was significantly off.

Further wrinkle: I run it from an external SSD.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I think we’re about six hundred doomed worlds deep by now. Eventually we hope to cross some kind of Einsteinian barrier to get to the other side

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I think they really don’t believe in storytelling in the way traditional game writers do. They think enough simulation can replace good writing.

Personally I’m certain they are wrong, and it’s tragic that they own the Elder Scrolls IP.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I should have said more, for once. I meant simulation more to describe the Bethesda house style, which seems to be this idea that having apples that can roll around on a table or whatever is immersive and engaging enough that you don’t need Michael Kirkbride hanging around putting weird metaphysical shit all over the place, actually. I wasn’t saying they were good at it, only that it appears to be what they think.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

To make a good game, the writers must have great creative influence over the development process

To contain their power, there needs to be books on shelves you can read

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Tangentially, I did enjoy Noah Gervais’ “playing Quake for the plot” video. But the comment was just a tongue in cheek allusion to Morrowind anyway

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

It doesn’t do much for my hopes of proving how important writing is, but it’s interesting isn’t it?

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Expecting your first indie release to be perfect is putting insane expectations on yourself. The worst things you can do at this point are to give up or fail to reflect on what you’ve learned. Think on what you would have done differently with what you know now - and then do not waste the lesson.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I’m really happy with my few hours in it. I was afraid it’d be another Rain World situation where I can tell I like it and admire the craft but don’t actually feel the need to play it much, but I do find it enticing still.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar


Make Way

Mario Kart

I have a type.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Like a stripper pole in a church. Make em think about what they’re missing, hell yeah.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Freegunners never die, hell yeah 😎 fucking cool tweet

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Funny answer: Nightmare Kart. It’s Bloodborne Mario Kart with Sega Saturn graphics. Delightfully postmodern, spooky, and free.

If you need a break from genuinely scary and just want thematically spooky fun, it’s Crypt of the Necrodancer and Darkest Dungeon.

If you have a reasonably strong machine, try emulating Call of Cthulhu, Dark Corners of the Earth. It’s genuinely scary a lot of the time.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

We overpay executives, who overpay consultants, who tell companies to churn out cash grabs that test well.

This doesn’t pain me. I have enough indie games to occupy my time.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

The bullet hell thing has firm Axiom Verge vibes

Gradually_Adjusting, (edited )
@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I would like NASA to try to fix me now. I too am a socially isolated remote worker who occasionally says insane things

Edit: Guys, all of a sudden I feel different

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

That explains it. I grew up with the old stuff where he was just angry

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

This is what steam is: a lesser form of ownership in exchange for the perks of the platform. I’ve come to prefer physical media first, DRM free second, and steam third. It’s just not as good of a value proposition to me compared to outright ownership (of the license to use the software, I know we don’t own “the game”).

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

It’s sadly true. I have been lucky so far, but I know one day I’ll accidentally give money to a developer who does this

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I added the caveat simply because I didn’t want to get into it

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I admittedly don’t buy many games lately, especially not from the big budget crowd. BG3 seems to run fine without internet, as do Sea of Stars and Noita.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I give this video a 5 out of 7, it has a little something for everyone. Shutting the website off now bye

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