FeelzGoodMan420, do games w Starfield has gone gold! Preloads begin tomorrow for Xbox X|S and Windows PC and August 30 for Steam

Imagine pre ordering a game in 2023.


I don’t know if I will preorder but I will buy Game Pass for a month to try it out. And I’m interested enough to try it out first day.


It’s gonna be on gamepass at launch??



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  • dan1101, (edited )

    Looks like Gamepass gets to play Sep 6, so it isn’t the “premium” edition that lets you play Sep 1. Oh well another 5 days won’t kill me.

    ETA: Microsoft continues to do dumb things with pricing. Standard edition is $70, Premium edition is $100. Yikes, but ok. However, they sell a Premium edition upgrade for $35. Why does Standard + Premium upgrade cost more than Premium?

    _waffle_, avatar

    Man, I really do not like the whole “pay more to play early” nonsense. I can wait the extra days but having to avoid the Internet will be annoying


    Likely they think that the upgrade is mainly (maybe exclusively) for people playing via game pass. The $5 more is because you didn’t buy the game to start with. They did the same with FH5 when that launched I believe.


    Nah gamepass is totally fine. It’s the thought of pre ordering that makes my brain hirt.


    I’m with you on pre-ordering but GTA and Elder Scrolls games are my two exceptions. Not sure how I feel about Starfield, should be similar to an Elder Scrolls game since there is no online stuff to go wrong.


    My whole hearted advice is to wait for reviews before ever buying a game. Therenis really absolutely zero reason to ever pre order. The pre order bonus skins or whatever are playing on your emotions. People need to resist!

    YellowGas, avatar

    Haven’t preordered a game in at least 15 years. I preordered this one. I want that juicy September 1st playtime. Haven’t been this excited for a game since I don’t know when.

    DarylDutch, do games w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

    I get it. Steam doesn’t seem to do exclusivity deals with 3rd party titles. So you could still sell your game on gog and humble without issue.


    They control prices though, can’t sell for less on another platform.


    Of course you can, just not steam keys.


    If it was only about Steam keys, there wouldn’t have been a lawsuit.

    Paranomaly, (edited ) avatar

    They don’t though? Devs set the price. Steam just says that you need the same base price there as elsewhere.


    Yeah because if you don’t, they delist your game. That’s the literal definition of anti-competitiveness. They could never get away with that if they weren’t a monopoly.


    That’s the literal definition of anti-competitiveness.

    No it isn’t. That’s actually a very common store policy that’s been in place since the days of brick and mortar locations. Why do you think you never see any platform listing games at higher or lower full retail prices than every other one regularly, even when they’re not on Steam?

    Where did you get the idea that this was the definition of anti-competitive? There are so many more things that define it more, like buying up all the competition or taking a big hit on loss leading pricing to force the competition to undercut themselves and collapse.

    bionicjoey, do games w Microsoft estimated Valve's revenue in 2021 at $6.5bn

    Here’s hoping they never go public and GabeN lives forever. Imagine the horror if they started being driven by a Board of Directors instead of a loveable fat guy with a beard.


    GabeN lives forever.

    Unfortunately, being a “loveable fat guy” also raises his risk of many obesity related diseases, :(

    I hope he is an outlier


    Me too. I have this terrible fear that Valve will rapidly turn evil without him at the helm. I hope he has done some succession planning…

    Adramis, do gaming w Unity Apologizes For Runtime Fee Policy, Promises To Alter Plan This Week

    Are they also going to alter their stance that Planned Parenthood and a children’s hospital aren’t charity?


    Planned parenthood was founded to cull the black population in the US

    jellyfishjelly, do games w Sea of Stars sold 100,000 copies on day one

    To think it’s also on PS Plus (and I think Game Pass?). Well-deserved though, it’s a great game so far! Big Chrono Trigger vibes, which I just finished a few months ago so it’s cool to have some more old school JRPG stuff to play.

    Although I’m super tempted to get it on Switch despite having 2 hours on PS5. It’s the perfect game to play in bed


    It is on gamepass. I started playing last night. So far, it’s a win.


    Welp, looks like I know what I’m doing while waiting for Starfield.


    Same, basically.


    Same. It’s no Chained Echoes, but I’m still early, so maybe it takes off after a bit. I’m enjoying it a lot either way.


    I just finished Chained Echoes, really surprised at the quality. I’m hoping Stars at the very least equals it.


    I can play it for free through both GamePass and PS+ and yet I still bought it on Steam.

    Suffice it to say the Steam Deck has changed how I consume certain games.

    hogart, avatar

    I thought this would be viable through Game Pass Cloud streaming. Bummer if it isn’t since Moonlight can’t find games installed on Game Pass on my pc. Might have to settle for a payment though Steam as well, then :)


    But you could still use your phone to remote play to your PC or XBox isn’t it?

    You could even add a non Steam game to make it usable with Steam Link.

    hogart, avatar

    You can just play it with Game Pass Cloud streaming. There are no issues with this game specifically.

    Generally though, as far as I know, you can’t add games installed locally by Game Pass as a non Steam Game. They aren’t installed in the traditional sense. No .exe, for example.


    Thank you for clarification. I thought that they can work together.


    I feel you. I do have a Retroid Pocket though, I might try PS remote play first

    hogart, avatar

    Works great on my Steam Deck through Game Pass.


    If you like old school, but new, games I have to recommend Octopath Traveller 2. I started it 3 days ago and already have 30 hours with no signs of slowing down.


    Nice! How long is that game? Been hearing a lot of great things about it so I’ll have to give it a spin sometime.


    Average playtime without side quests I’ve seen about 60 hours. I’m at 40, there’s 8 characters, and I’ve only been focusing on 4 of them. My playtime may be off, though, because there were a few times I left it paused for a few hours.


    Steam deck for me but yeah looks like a great game.


    How about whatever PS5 remote play on your phone?

    remote play on a phone while using a gamepad is a viable option if you don’t want to buy it on Switch.

    BallShapedMan, do games w Armored Core VI peaks at 150K peak concurrent Steam players on day 1, making it the 4th biggest launch of 2023. It's also the second biggest From Software launch ever, second only to Elden Ring avatar

    And this just in, I suck at it.


    Something I’m struggling with: I don’t like it, but I want to.

    I’ve only played like 2 hours, and I only bought it bc from software, but it looks soooo cool. I suck at most fromsoft games in the beginning, but the repetition and watching yourself get better as you master the mechanics was what got me.

    But I don’t know with this one. I’m not complaining, everyone has their cup of tea. Just can’t decide if I’m going to give up on it or keep trying. I’m very very happy that it’s successful tho!


    Every single Armored Core.

    I’ve wanted to like this series and I never really do lol


    Funny, I’ve been an AC fan my entire life but none of the Souls games have drawn me in. Different strokes I guess


    I despise the souls and souls-like. I just really want a merch game I can get into and I never do get into them. Not since like front mission 3 or xenogears or something.

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    !deleted6508 avatar

    Well… Front Mission and Xenogears, while featuring giant mechs, are RPGs/tactical strategy games and not “mech games.”

    “Mech” games are typically what AC is or more of a tank simulator, your tank just has 2 legs and arms.


    I am in the same boat as you. I’m so happy a new Armored core game is here

    BallShapedMan, avatar

    I’ve found the build of my AC has a lot to do with how successful I am. I’m rocking two shotguns and lasers on each shoulder and right now I’m murdering most things.

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    !deleted6508 avatar

    If I was able to beat Steel Battalion, I sure as shit can handle this. Even if the boss at the end of chapter 1 is a huge douche nozzle with his god damn wall of missiles and speedy movement for his ridiculous size and god damn shield that sometimes doesn’t even take damage when I chip away at it, or my guns won’t fire despite not being reloaded or overheated…

    aluminium, do games w BREAKING: Microsoft has closed Redfall's Arkane Austin, HiFi Rush's Tango Gameworks, and more in devastating cuts at Bethesda. | IGN

    Xbox is a reverse midas. Everything they touch turns into shit.


    Known as the “merdes touch.”

    Computerchairgeneral, do games w E3 has officially ended.

    Not surprised, it feels like E3 has been on life-support for a while now. Still disappointed to know that it's over. Back in the day E3 was a highlight of the summer. Maybe it's just nostalgia talking but classic E3 was just so exciting. All these major announcements dropping at once combined with all the booths showing off new games. It was just great. I guess we have the Game Awards and Summer Games Fest as the big gaming events, but none of them feel quite like E3 use to.


    E3 was great before communication became constant. E3 used to be one of the only times you’d be able to hear from the developers themselves, even if they were highly choreographed speeches and interviews we still got something. Social media kind of took some of that magic away since we could hear from developers all the time. It took away their motivation to carefully craft messages and shows since they can now communicate with fans basically all the time.

    echo64, do games w Ubisoft closes London studio

    I needed to look up this studio to figure out what they did. They made a franchise I’ve never heard of for iphones called “hungry shark”. I guess that wasn’t worth keeping the studio around for ubisoft when the screws are being tightened


    I think that was a super popular mobile game about a decade ago, I used to play it a lot

    Ashyr, do games w Concerned Ape: Stardew Valley 1.6 content sneak peek. no release date yet

    A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

    ParkedInReverse, do games w Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 and 2: This. Is. Epic. Drop in to Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 on Steam, October 3

    Anyone else find the wording odd? ‘This. Is. Epic.’ that they’re finally coming to Steam after only being on… Epic.

    woelkchen, avatar

    Anyone else find the wording odd? ‘This. Is. Epic.’

    I think it’s supposed to be word play.


    should be “This. Was. Epic.”

    Molecular0079, do games w Jim Ryan on the future of PlayStation Studios. "These third person, graphically beautiful narrative rich games will continue to be the bedrock of our first party publishing business."

    Good. The last thing I want is more live-service games.

    MentalEdge, (edited ) avatar

    I would love to see some other genres covered, tho.

    RIP Studio Liverpool.

    At the same time I get that GoW and Uncharted sell better than WipEout… but come on, I want at least something more than different flavors of the same game type.


    I need more arcade racers in my life. If there were a Sony equivalent of forza horizon I would be all over that.

    GammaGames, do gaming w Unity Apologizes For Runtime Fee Policy, Promises To Alter Plan This Week

    Still apologizing for the confusion 🥴

    brihuang95, do gaming w Unity Apologizes For Runtime Fee Policy, Promises To Alter Plan This Week avatar

    honestly, i’m getting tired of board members of corporations just making shitty decisions to try and squeeze more money out of their customers rather than trying to learn what about their product appeals to their customer base in the first place. notice how it’s never enough to look at revenue over the years and say, “this is enough, let’s keep this steady.”


    I’d even be fine with a bit of increase. Have to keep pace with inflation, make sure you’re making enough to keep all your workers’ wages worth the same this year as it was last year.

    But they want MORE profit NOW NOW NOW at a much higher rate than needed to keep pace with inflation, and the money sure isn’t going to workers to keep their wages at pace with inflation.

    They said kids who failed the marshmallow test (eat one marshmallow now or wait and get two? basically, a test of if you can do delayed gratification or not) were less likely to fail than kids who passed it. But it looks like the instant gratification MORE PROFIT NOW NOW NOW guys are winning. But only if you’re super rich.

    brihuang95, avatar

    and the fact that they tried to retroactively charge folks for using unity…like wtf cmon

    harmonea, avatar

    The fact that they even tried to pretend it wasn't retroactive because they didn't charge for old install counts. Like, does it charge games that were released under different terms? Yes? Then it's retroactive!


    That's just the system. This is what happens when people confuse commerce with capitalism: They think that capitalism is being rewarded for doing commerce better. Instead, capitalism is about leveraging ownership of property and underpaying workers in order to get money for free.

    And the thing about money is that it's really just a proxy for power. When you only have enough of it to eek out a comfortable life (or less), you don't really notice, because all of your power goes in to achieving or maintaining that acceptably good life (or hanging on for dear life trying to survive), but once your needs are comfortably and handidly met, money is entirely about being able to make other people do whatever you want. And the more money you have, the more things you can get them to do, or the more of them that you can get to do what you want.

    And if you've managed to be one of the lucky ones who just get free money for owning shit, then you have the power at your fingertips to try to grow your power over others exponentially, while still doing no honest work in your days. And if you're a shitty person who gets off on all of this, that's exactly what you'll do.

    The wealthy are insufferably greedy leeching assholes because one does not become wealthy without being greedy, leeching off of others, and being an insufferable asshole.


    Companies aren’t run to earn profit based on goods and services generated anymore. They are investment vehicles for wealthy VC to use and abuse until they run them into the ground while they jump to the next disposable company. Someday this will result in no effective company existing anymore, but the investors don’t care.

    If governments were actually functioning they’d recognize this danger and crack down on this behavior because it weakens the country as a whole, but most of the politicians are already bought and paid for.

    argo_yamato, do gaming w Unity Apologizes For Runtime Fee Policy, Promises To Alter Plan This Week

    Not quite sure why they would think there was any confusion. People read the new terms, saw they were a complete and utter cash grab and then spoke up about it. I have no idea how anyone that has the means to switch to another engine isn’t doing that right now. Whatever Unity says next will not be trusted.

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