ipkpjersi, (edited ) do games w Terraria developer bashes Unity, donates $200k to open source alternatives

What an incredibly kind move by the Terraria developers. This is part of why Terraria is awesome!

Teppic, do games w Unity: disappointed at how removal ToS has been framed. We removed it way before the pricing change was announced not because we didn't want people to see it. avatar

Unity: Disappointed to discover denying access to a document with legal standing to the affected parties could have legal implications, and now trying to make up a cover story.

There fixed it for you.

Blizzard, do games w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

This is a great opportunity to mention 15th Anniversary of GOG.

lambda, avatar

If only they supported Linux better, or really like at all… I know you can grab the files and install without DRM. But, the whole lack of a client makes it a nuisance to use. I used to buy everything on GOG when possible. Since I got a Steam Deck that’s changed. I shouldn’t have to use Heroic Launcher IMO…


Why shouldn’t you have to use heroic launcher or lutris? The whole point of drm free is that you don’t need a specific launcher connected to Internet.


Yet, ease of access is what appeals to the average consumer which leads to preferring steam for Linux for the same reason people get hardware restricted consoles. If a company wants to appeal and expand their market making themselves more accessible is how they do it. Otherwise alternative is to be an overlooked option.


Not directly related but this Gabe quote still seems somewhat fitting: “Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem”


Yeah, had Valve tried to push Linux again without trying to make it accessible for the average user it would have flopped like the Steam machine. Or at the very least users would have tossed Linux for Windows. Accessibility is very important, and technical users should not be looked to as guides on what is acceptable for the masses.

lambda, avatar

Because they should be able to make a launcher that works. The Windows GOG launcher (GOG Galaxy) is a joke. They want to make one launcher to rule them all but it struggles with almost every one. I have a Windows computer for games that require it (Valorant mostly for me) and even on PC I use Heroic. I don’t want crazy features. I just want an officially supported GOG client that works well on Linux and Windows.


Galaxy works fine on windows. It’s far more stable than steam btw.

In the meantime heroic or lutris work very well. So why is there even a need for something else? I’d argue it’s better if a company don’t hold your game hostage for you to play them.


“It’s far more stable than steam btw.”

I’ll admit I’ve only used Linux for the past 5-6 years, but I think the last time steam crashed for me was almost a decade ago or something? Is it not stable on windows anymore?


It is stable.


It does crash regularly, or it stops working and you need to restart it, and it always did this kind of thing. The obnoxious “I need to update before you’re allowed to play” is hardly a selling feature. The videos and the adds are both obnoxious and intensive on resources.

Galaxy has its ups and downs, but overall I feel its lighter and much more responsive. The interface is much less cluttered, much more logical and clear. And it’s not a fucking drm.

I thank vavle for what did for Linux gaming. Proton is brilliant and incredibly useful and valuable. But I also despise them for steam being litteraly a DRM. So I will forgive cdpr if they need time to develop galaxy on Linux and I’ll use lutris and heroic game launcher in the meantime.


It is trivial to disable all the video content (and some more) on steam if you happen to be on low-end hardware that needs that (or just if you don’t like it, really)


I’m not on low end hardware.


I explicitly addresed that possibilty in my comment.

woelkchen, avatar

It does crash regularly, or it stops working and you need to restart it, and it always did this kind of thing.

Then you use it wrong. No idea how that’s possible but I run Steam on Windows, macOS, and Linux and except very early in the life cycle of the Steam Deck, I can’t remember Steam ever crashing on me in the last 10 or so years.


“you use it wrong”… Of course… It cannot possibly be the fault of a shitty software and it must be me…

woelkchen, avatar

It cannot possibly be the fault of a shitty software and it must be me…

If you were correct, there’d be widespread reports of crashes. While no software is always free of bugs, if a piece of software is crashing for you all the time and hardy for everybody else, it’s the logical conclusion that the underlying problem is on your side, probably by installing unstable drivers.


Hahaha like people will fill a bug report everytime a software crash… I wonder whether you’re delusional or blinded by your faith into this piece if shit of a software.

lambda, avatar

I have the exact opposite experience as you. I have never once seen steam crash. My steam account is now 9 years old. I was absolutely stoked when I saw GOG Galaxy was trying to handle not only GOG games but games from other platforms as well. But my experience with that has been so bad. It’s fine for GOG games, but I’d much rather just add all my games into steam at this point. So as for stability, I don’t see any way that GOG Galaxy could ever beat Steam.

For Linux support, Steam is a DRM which is a detractor. But with all they’ve done with proton, steam input, steam deck OS… I’d say that Steam is definitely doing more for the Linux ecosystem than GOG.


Steam has been working on the steam deck for how long now? 5? 10 years? Gog has that much time to catch up.

And as I said, I don’t deny the role steam played and is still playing for Linux gaming. But it’s still a drm. And that’s something I simply cannot ignore.

I do use steam mind you. But I’ll use and support gog everytime I can. If steam did the most for Linux, gog did and still do the most for players.


Because consumers are lazy and don’t care about ownership.

FrostKing, do games w Terraria developer bashes Unity, donates $200k to open source alternatives

Re-Logic have always been my favorite group of devs in the industry. This is yet another item to add to my long list of reasons for that.

Putting their money where their mouth is.


I just bought my 6th copy of Terraria, glad the money was well spent.

Pxtl, do games w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly avatar

It’s incredibly frustrating from an ideological perspective that the whole PC gaming industry runs on a benevolent dictatorship by Valve.

I mean they have near total control not just over sales, but over the gaming software installed on our PCs. They have the power to do whatever, whenever, to whoever.

But at the same time, they’re cool people with good products who have good stewardship of this role.

So we uncritically give them all the power.

nanoUFO, avatar

It’s what happens when your competition is publicly traded cancer.


GabeN is getting pretty old, and he can’t keep doing this forever. It’ll be interesting to see where the company goes after that.

By “interesting” I mean “expecting it to be handed over to salivating, greedy idiots who don’t know what made it work before”.


The day Gabe dies and pathetic bastards with business degrees take over and ruin everything that’s made Steam great for all these years, is the day I begin pirating everything.

Pxtl, (edited ) avatar

Exactly. Steam is a load-bearing member. After seeing what happened to Twitter, Reddit, Unity, Wikia, etc. it’s reasonable to think ahead. If Valve gets enshittified that’s basically the end of PC gaming.


Good luck, piracy ain’t what it used to be. Denuvo is getting strong af


I don’t even play games that have Denuvo. But I’m happy to see many of them remove it after a few years because they can’t afford to keep paying for their game to literally be worse and several had been cracked (although it’s my understanding that only one person was cracking those games).


…but… Literally, benevolent, sectionalized dictatorship is the only response to the Tragedy of the Commons.

…that is to say, individual responsibility and exercise of power. Work primarily on responsibility until you’ve got one area covered - then expand your power. Know your limits, and don’t try to expand your power beyond what you’re capable of handling responsibly. Encourage others to do likewise. Steam is good because they haven’t sold out, but are managed by people who have genuine interest in the industry, and who are willing to exercise power responsibly.

NOT_RICK, do games w BREAKING: Microsoft has closed Redfall's Arkane Austin, HiFi Rush's Tango Gameworks, and more in devastating cuts at Bethesda. | IGN avatar

I don’t understand why you kill Tango after Hifi Rush was so well received. Wack


Because being received well isn’t what Microsoft are after. They’re after making as much money, as (un-)realistically possible, even if it means shutting down things. This isn’t the first, and definitely not the last time. They’ve had more than a handful of studios with iconic IPs, that got absolutely annihilated after acquisition

ampersandrew, avatar

Being after well received titles is congruent with their Game Pass strategy. Being after as much money as possible would mean they probably should have charged more than $30 for one of the best games of the year.


It was well received but did it have microtransactions? Checkmate game enjoyers!


Ten years to make one well received game. After two failed high budget titles, an attempt at a franchise, Ghostwire and a mobile game supported for only five months.

The studio head Shinji Mikami left shortly after Hi-Fi rush. So I would guess any projects they had in the works weren’t interesting enough to justify the costs.

FunnyUsername, avatar

Tbh, the game wasn’t even that good. After the first 5-6 hours most people put it down. It just becomes frustrating and not fun.


Just because the company you work for is making bank doesn’t mean they won’t fire you at the drop of a hat if they think they can make more by doing it.

FluffyPotato, do games w Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

I get like 99% of my news about upcoming or newly released games from steam. There have been so many games I’m not even aware exist, like last week I found out Saints Row got a new game a while back but it was epic exclusive so I never knew.

Also being a Linux gamer steam has amazing support for Linux while epic has none.


Rest assured, you didn’t miss anything with the latest Saints Row. It was decent fun for about 20-30 hours, but it felt like much less of a game than any of its predecessors. I got the impression that the idea was to restart the franchise back to square one with minimal features so they could sell them back to us in future installments.


Linux gaming has come so far. I don’t even run Windows anymore. Especially with how much open source AI stuff I use.


Friends are shocked to hear Kingdom Hearts is on PC. But it’s Epic exclusive.

yamanii, avatar

It’s surreal that it still is an epic exclusive, must be the only game that isn’t just a timed deal.

JokeDeity, do games w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

Valve may not be the cheapest by any means, but that’s because they’re offering a product 30x as valuable. The other launchers companies have are shit, across the board, nothing but shit. It’s not even in the same continent. If any one of these companies actually wants to ever see this change, they are going to have to set their greed aside. That’s impossible for CEOs in this day and age, so I don’t see Steam ever losing their stranglehold unless they do an about-face from everything they’ve done so far. In the grand scheme of things, Valve is one of the most customer friendly companies on the face of the Earth and they continue to be innovative and supportive to users. Epic on the other hand is everything wrong with capitalism, and much the same can be said for any of the other companies with competing launchers/game stores.


What’s so wrong with Epic? I prefer Steam but Epics client has a better UI, I haven’t found any problems, and deals seem better than Steam, especially with free games.


No communities, no guides, no VR , no game streaming, annoying download manager, annoying friends tab, no steam deck, no game collections AFAIK. When Fall Guys came out for free I gave the Epic launcher a real chance and it was incredibly limited in it functionality and frustrating to use compared to Steam.

Steam is shaping up to be your all in one library for anything games be it PC, VR or portable. The Switch, Quest, Playstation, Xbox and Epic launcher all offer a piece of that experience but having a unified platform that syncs your saves and doesn’t nickel and dime you for features and accessories is why Steam is more popular.

I haven’t been using Epic enough to really compare with Steam sales but stuff gets really cheap on steam really fast. I would also gladly buy my games for money on Steam just to be able to play them easily on my Steam Deck. Also Epic is only doing the free games because they have unreal and Fortnite money, there’s no telling when the free games will stop.


You’re right about most things, and Linux/VR support is often a deal breaker for me so I rarely use Epic. But you really think its that unusable? I’ve heard mostly positive things from my friends. I don’t care how or why they’re giving out free games but its a huge plus. I just really don’t understand all the hate.


I remembered some more stuff epic doesn’t have. Steam input and launch option customization. I can play Civ 6, a game meant for kbm, on my steam deck with the controller buttons. Epic obscures their exe files to make it hard to know which to add as a non steam game to steam.

It was annoying to go from steam with it’s deep and helpful functionality to epic with what essentially just feels like the iOS appstore. I especially hate being forced to use epic online services on a game I bought ON STEAM. I couldn’t play the sackboy game with a friend on steam deck because something along the way broke and epic services wouldn’t let me. This game is P2P there’s definitely no servers being involved so why the heck can’t they just use steamworks?

Epic being unusable is a bit of an exaggeration but in terms of the platform they offer it is inferior to steam in every single way and they have done almost zero to make up the gap. Instead they pay money to keep games away from steam and force you to use their launcher in the most annoying and inconvenient way. That’s why they get so much hate from people.


Adding to what Natryamar said, epic once bundled actual malware with their client and is partially owned by Tencent, the chinese company known for turning games into garbage.

kae, do gaming w (Now former?) Telltale employee: "This is a sore subject, but I feel it necessary to add to the gaming layoff news: Telltale laid most of us off early September. Status of TWAU2, I can't say (NDA)."

If you aren’t up on the acronyms: The Wolf Among Us 2.


The Wast af Us 2

AmosBurton_ThatGuy, avatar

Time to get that wascawwy wabbit!

dingus, avatar

Amog Sus?



echo64, do games w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

This is literally the most popular opinion.


Yeah. Dusk is an amazing game and the creator is talented as fuck but this is “I like oxygen” levels of unpopular opinion lol


Oh, I dunno. Everyone seems to bitch about Apple not wanting to give any leeway to Epic on the App Store. Personally I find Epic ridiculously hypocritical, so I say let them eat dirt.


This is also the most popular opinion.


Everyone likes to shit on Epic so it’s probably not a very unpopular opinion ether but there is a big difference between the App and Play store and Steam, only one of them doesn’t use anti-competiive practices and the other two also force their payment provider which is rather shitty!


Then why are must of the comments arguing against it?


This post has more upvotes than most of the posts on this server.

Jaysyn, do gaming w Hi-Rez Studios, the people behind Paladins and Smite, have stated that they will be using AI to clone voices and refused to add in any words to contracts that would protect actors from it avatar

It sucks that I can't boycott their garbage anymore than I already do.


Not sure I’d really consider it boycotting if their product is garbage anyways


Torrent and share their games to affect their bottom line.


They are online only games and free. So there’s no piracy you can really pull.


Torrenting their free-to-play games?

Touching_Grass, do games w Relogic: Makes a statement on Unity and donates 100k to Godot and FNA with a further 1k a month moving forward.

I didn’t realize until now that unity’s CEO was CEO of EA. Making a lot more sense now why unity would make such a bone headed decision

Riccitiello returned to EA to serve as CEO from February 2007 to March 2013,when the board of directors accepted his resignation because of the company’s financial performance. Following EA, he worked as an advisor to startup companies and became an early investor in Oculus VR.

chaorace, avatar

MonEA. It’s in the executive.

Early_To_Risa, do games w Darkest Dungeon Developers: statement on the recent Unity changes

10 stress damage right there


Unity, remind yourselves that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer

Silverstrings, do games w Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly avatar

My biggest issue with Epic is them very clearly doing the classic tactic of selling goods at unsustainably low prices in order to drive out competition before jacking them back up again. Their whole free game shtick can’t possibly last forever and they know it.


I believe it used to be illegal to sell things at less than cost because the original monopolists did this too. Why did we make that legal again?


It isn’t (at least over here) but the “cost” for a game is really iffy to define because if you want to be pedantic the distribution cost for a digital game are cents and that only if you actually factor in infrastructure costs. So technically they can just price them however they want because technically a single game download has 0 cost.

Technically because we all know that the production costs have to be regained somehow, just that with enough lawyer bs you can ignore that as a product cost on paper (for example if you label the entire production a learning experience or smth)


This and the paid exclusives mean I haven’t, and won’t use EGS out of pure spite.


I’ve picked up a ton of their free games. I’ve yet to actually install their client and actually play one

CileTheSane, avatar

I could always get one of those games off the high seas and pay the same amount. I’m not going to give Epic the engagement numbers to get investors with.


I believe these Indy devs get paid when you boot a game you got for free, so I’m happy to install stuff and boot it once just to support gaming in general

zeekzag, avatar

Just install a FOSS alternative to their launcher like Heroic

Gabu, do games w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

This opinion is in no way unpopular. Valve is privately owned and headed by a single individual with tremendous purpose of will, which is how they’ve done so many great things for the gaming industry. The issue lies with said leadership vacating their role (GabeN is getting old) and some greedy bastard taking the company in a wholy different direction. tl;dr: we need a strong competitor, but not now, and ABSOLUTELY not Epic.

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