Dark_Arc, do games w Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly avatar

You know you made a really interesting point that they marketed to the sellers not the ultimate customers. I hadn’t really picked up on that before, but it does mitigate what should be a healthy dose of competition by altering the target audience a bit.


I mean that’s the same side that steam is using their monopoly for, too

For the users it’s definitely the most relaxed option - but as a developer if you choose to not put up with steams 30% rule you are fucked.

The fact that pretty much immediately after epic gained traction steam announced cheaper rates for bigger publishers tells you that they definitely are aware of how 30% is too much

Personally that’s why I buy all my games on gog if possible even though I have a Steamdeck and that makes stuff more complicated.

People denying steam has a monopoly are probably also denying other fundamental truths that would imply that they had to change their lifestyle (climate change anyone?)

Carighan, avatar

Yeah, GOG is my preferred store if there’s feature parity, too. On that note, anyone here got AoW4 from GOG? Are all mods available through Paradox, or at least all you’d ever need? Or is most bound to Steam like back in the AoW3 days?

Dark_Arc, avatar

I don’t really think it is. Steam hasn’t really tried that hard to get developers to use their platform because their users already demand their platform. They’ve made concessions on their preferred way in a handful of cases with very large gaming companies like Activision.


I regret gog purchases now that I own a steam deck. I don’t see gog directly getting my money if I can get it on steam anymore.


Valve really understands how to get people to stay. Proton is an absolute life saver for gaming on linux and Steam currently offers the best experience with it. You just click play and most of the times that’s it, game works. I have no idea how VR works without Steam but I can only imagine it being a giant pain in the ass given how easy SteamVR is to use (a couple of Linux Bugs aside)

Chailles, avatar

You say that as if Steam has unreasonably high rates. Sony, Microsoft, Apple as a standard all have the same rate.


Yes, those are all unreasonably high, which is why they have so many billions of dollars in profit. The cost of running their services is a pittance compared to their revenues.


Is it surprising to you that Valve is a for-profit company, not a charity? Of course they profit from the 30%. Just like with any other product, you charge based on what people are willing to pay. If you charge too much, people won't pay for the product and you have to readjust the price. Obviously since companies are willing to pay the 30%, it must not be too high. Somehow I doubt if the people complaining about this woke up as the CEO of Valve, they would be willing to massively cut their companies profits because... why? Just to be nice to a bunch of other corporations?


No, of course it’s not surprising that they’re not a charity. Sure, the big app stores exploit their near-monopolies with exorbitant fees.

Good for Apple, Valve and Google, but I think it’s better that game dev studios and app developers get money instead. However, devs don’t currently have a real choice but to pay up.

Competition can change that, so we should support technically worse stores like Epic so developers will not have to pay their unreasonably high fees.


"Exploit their near-monopolies". Except Valve doesn't "exploit" their near monopoly, I don't see Valve buying exclusives do you? They just provide a better product. Most importantly, they provide a better product then piracy. That is the bare minimum a games store on PC needs to reach and Epic does not reach that. Epic isn't failing because of Steam, it's failing because why buy a $60 game on a featureless store that launches an .exe for me when I can just download the .exe directly for free? If Epic wanted to provide a better product, they have billions of dollars and hundreds of devs to make that happen. They just choose not to.

but I think it’s better that game dev studios and app developers get money instead.

This tired old argument... There's absolutely no evidence that the extra money these companies get from the Epic cut doesn't just go straight into a Bobby Kotick yacht or some shit. There's a lot of grubby hands in-between the store platform and the actual dev teams and maybe I'm cynical but this "trickle-down" model of economics seems kind of far fetched.


I mean that’s the same side that steam is using their monopoly for, too

Steam only has a monopoly because they have the absolute feature advantage. There is no other launcher that offers all of the features Steam does. Steams Monopoly is a natural one, it formed because every other choice was worse and developers don’t want to put the game on another 30 stores where it won’t sell anyway. Epic is trying to create an artificial monopoly where everyone uses Epic because the developers literally cannot sell the game anywhere else (at least for a time).

Steam: Developers voluntarily restrict themselves to that single store out of convenience (99% of the customer base is there, why bother with another store). The customer base is there because the store is feature rich. Epic: Developers are artificially restricted to that single store. The customer base is there because they can’t get the game anywhere else.

Given the above I predict that, unless Epic gets their Store feature equal to Steam (which won’t happen imo), Epic will have to continue forcing exclusivity indefinitely. The moment they stop forcing people to use their store their customers will migrate back to Steam for a better experience.

MeanEYE, (edited ) avatar

That’s what I always said, why use Epic store? As a user you get worse treatment. Sure price is the same or they give you some discount but number of services offered is far from being on par with Steam. No family sharing, no refund policy, no cloud saves, no networking system, no streaming, no card collecting, no steam play. I might not use or desire all of those but some people do.

The fact Epic had to resort to extremes like timed exclusives just meant I dropped those developers off of my list of wanted games as it only went to show they are willing to sacrifice your inconvenience and happiness for some extra money. For them it was probably making sure project succeeds but in the end I don’t care about them if they don’t care about me.



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  • rockerface,

    Indie games are a breath of fresh air in this day and age

    Smokeydope, avatar

    I loved my switch at the beginning in 2017 but it being nintendcucked ruined it for me. Terrible sales/overpriced games, also I refuse to pay just to have multiplayer and their half assed emulators. Steam deck is a godsend, someday ill work up the courage to eat the 600$ on one or wait until steam deck 2/pro/ultra/the deckening


    Getting the 60th Wii u port 3 years into the switches lifespan drove me crazy as well. If you think that you would like the Steam Deck and that you would use it a lot then I would say just go for it. I use mine almost every day to play games and it has to be reaching a similar level of hours used to my switch in much less time.

    I don’t understand where the rumors of a steam deck 2 came from, (it may have been something they said just so people wouldn’t dismiss it as something they would abandon) but it just doesn’t make sense for them to come out with a new one. This thing is targeting around a ps4 game level spec and if the ps3 level graphics of the switch are anything to go by the next Nintendo console will probably be similar to the ps4 as well. This is going to be a direct competitor to said future Nintendo console, they just released it early for everyone to beta test it for them. Game consoles have about 6 year lifespans as well so I see this thing being relevant for years to come. They spent a lot of money on this and are selling it at a loss so I bet they want to get as many of them out there as possible. I bet we will see the OS get a general release and other handheld device makers start to release devices with the OS before we see another one from valve.

    As far as devs not making games that run well on it I honestly hope that as the userbase gets bigger that we may start to see more games made with the decks performance in mind. It would also be good for the low spec PC gamers in general as well. But there is such a massive backlog of great games on the steam store that I really do recommend you try this thing, you won’t regret it.

    Smokeydope, (edited ) avatar

    Thanks for the reply, I was really tempted since it went for sale during the steam summer sale. My life circumstances are such that I can’t really justify the money on another game box. My switch still works, I have a decent laptop that can play many of my lower-hardware requirement games. I am currently doing off-grid living and that 600$ is better spent on survival necessities and quality of life improvements or just in my bank as emergency fund. If I were a teen again it would be a no-brainer but my time for gaming is less and less. Saying no to the deck this summer sale was one of the hardest and most responsible things i’ve ever done.


    Waiting just means the games you want will only get cheaper! I bet they will have more ridiculous sales for the deck as time goes on as well. Good luck and I hope you can get the stuff you want soon. : )

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Can’t remember when was the last time I shelled out 60€ on a game. Indie titles are usually where the fun is at. Good story, acceptable graphics and awesome gameplay. I don’t need UHD mega giga textures to have fun.

    Dark_Arc, avatar

    I’m pretty sure they have the same refund policy as steam. They also do have a networking system (which I think even has interop with steam – the Bigfoot game tried to use it but it was very unpopular since it required steam gamers to link an epic account but it exists).

    Also pretty sure there are cloud saves but less confident on that one.

    And yeah, steam streaming and card collecting aren’t really all that important to me in particular, but I get that some people really like them.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Similar refund policy, but not the same. Epic refund policy marks all the games with in-game currency and purchases as non-refundable. Am not sure about the rest and whether developer can set a game to be non-refundable. It seems they have worked on adding a lot of features, however they are still lagging a lot behind Steam and there are many more things than just cloud saves and refund although those are big features. Steam Play for example which allows Linux users to play any Windows game and by extension makes SteamDeck a possibility. That one is huge. Family sharing is also a big thing. Chat and voice communication, etc. There are plenty of those not implemented yet.

    brawleryukon, avatar

    Not only the same, but better. Epic will automatically just refund you the difference if a game you bought goes on sale within a certain period of time after your purchase (allegedly even beyond the two week refund window, although I haven’t been able to find any definitive statement of how long they watch it for). Just flat out, you get an email one day telling you they’ve credited back X amount of your purchase.

    Also pretty sure there are cloud saves but less confident on that one.

    There are. For more than four years now. The problem is that, just like with Steam, they can only put the option out there - it’s up to devs to actually implement it. And there are a lot of devs who haven’t done so, which lots of people interpret as EGS not having cloud saves at all.


    I use so many of steams features it’s unfathomable to use any other launcher or even pirate anything because steam is so streamlined. Cloud saves, automatic local file transfers instead of redundant downloads, family share to my friends PC so half the time when I visit she’ll have already downloaded and played my new games. When I get there they’re just ready to go. Remote desktop to make any tweaks on my PC or casual gaming over stream. Big picture mode so I can lay back with a controller and chill, no futzing with m+kb UI. Steam input means I can easily drop in and out with any controllers.

    I just got a steam deck and while I could install another app store on it, I’ve entirely stuck with steam just for the UX. I don’t want to fuck with extra launchers and touchscreen bs.

    I just played a coop Windows game on a Linux based portable PC on a 4K TV with a $24 USB hub for video out, using an Xbox and ps5 controllers over Bluetooth. This was completely seamless and controller navigated. Steam is insanely good.


    If I priate anything I still end up adding it to Steam as a non-steam game just because I am dependant on Proton working. Even then the ootb experience is better since Steam handles actually setting up the Proton environment for me when I actually buy the game.


    Last I tried using a Bluetooth controller it didn’t go very well, has the experience gotten better?


    I didn’t have any issues. We did notice some input lag but disabling vsync helped a lot. Not sure if that was controller related


    I tried to play Halo reach over Bluetooth a long while ago and when the rumble went off it would stop taking my input. Glad to hear your aren’t having any issues.

    beefcat, avatar

    it’s the paypal problem

    sellers everywhere fucking hate paypal

    but they all still use it because buyers fucking love paypal


    I’d say PayPal problem but in reverse, customers hate Epic but still have to put up with it to get to the exclusives.

    beefcat, avatar

    sort of. the fact that egs is still not profitable on its own merits and that developers still shuttle their games over to steam once exclusivity is up tells me that not enough customers are taking the bait.

    if being on egs didn’t mean taking a huge hit in total sales, developers would be putting games exclusively on it without uncle tim slapping them over the face with a bag of money

    Evil_Shrubbery, do games w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

    Needs more GOG


    I absolutely love their client and prefer GOG over Steam. I remember how their client GOG Galaxy is highly praised in the developer community, because it is so well designed and runs so performant. It also allows you to play any previous versions of games you own.…/what_was_gog_galaxy_20_made_with/


    Also DRM free.

    At some point we could also perhaps resell the games, maybe (not sure where the proof per license would be tho).

    worldofgeese, avatar

    What has GOG done for Linux? I care about OSS and companies supporting my preferred OSS operating system. To that end, Valve continues to be a steward without peer.

    stormesp, do games w Microsoft has apparently eliminated the $1 Xbox Game Pass trial once again, just before the release of Starfield

    Thats a bullshit of a headline if i have seen one, “eliminated again”, its just not always active, thet bring it back every few months


    Yup, it’s a promotion, so it’s available when they want to increase user counts.

    exoplanetary, do games w Charles Martinet Will No Longer Voice Mario avatar

    Honestly that’s fair. Dude’s getting old, I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect him to voice Mario forever. I’m glad they’ve got him as an ambassador though, for now at least. I’d imagine he’ll help whoever next voices Mario get it right so his voice isn’t too radically different.


    It’s just a shame he’s been downgraded to what appears to be a sideshow piece. I mean, if he’s happy doing it, more power to him. He’s been Mario for, like, 20 years? Good luck to the next Mario. Those are some big overalls to fill.


    If I recall correctly, he says it is hard on his vocal chords to do the voice. Have you read something where he says he wants to keep doing the voice acting? Or might he be happy to move to an easier role?


    No, not at all. Just sad cuz nostalgia is all. Cool he wants to travel and meet fans of him and the franchise, it’s just… Again, kinda feels like a bit of a travelling sideshow attraction is all. Maybe it would be better if he retired is my point of view. It would bother me to be reduced to what feels like a circus act or county fair attraction. “Come see the Bearded Lady, after that, get Charles Martinet’s autograph!” Ya know?

    Edit to add: at the same time, I do get that this is apparently Martinet and Nintendo wanting to continue to work together. Hell, maybe I should take my nostalgia glasses off. He gets to travel the world on Nintendo’s dime, and get paid to do it. Probably not too bad of a retirement I guess.


    He started at Nintendo 1991, so more than 30 years.


    30, almost 30 years. You lost a decade somewhere bro

    brsrklf, (edited ) do games w Unity: disappointed at how removal ToS has been framed. We removed it way before the pricing change was announced not because we didn't want people to see it.

    What a PR joke.

    Words have meaning. If they want to convince people removing the ToS was an honest mistake (almost unbelievable bad timing, but whatever), they shouldn’t make a non-apology beginning with “genuinely disappointed” and saying they’ve been “framed”.

    Because they get to never say in whom they’re disappointed, and I choose to interpret it as “disappointed in all of you people for being meanies and assuming the worst”.

    Pheonixtail, do games w "Ubisoft may also request that Microsoft perform technical modifications,including to ensure that the Activision Games support emulators like Proton"

    But proton isn’t an emulator? It’s an API converter


    It’s an api emulator.


    It’s a translation layer. It doesn’t emulate anything.




    transitive verb

    To strive to equal or excel, especially through imitation.

    To compete with successfully; approach or attain equality with.

    To imitate the function of (another system), as by modifications to hardware or software that allow the imitating system to accept the same data, execute the same programs, and achieve the same results as the imitated system.


    I’m capable of computing logical operations, that doesn’t make me a computer




    Yes, and I usually agree with you and think the whole WINE Is Not an Emulator acronym is a bit too much because a windows Emulator is the easiest way to explain Wine… That being said emulators have a technical definition, and Wine does not fit it because it doesn’t emulate hardware nor does it translate binaries. Linux is perfectly capable of understanding windows binaries and vice-versa, because they both run on the same platform the binaries are the same, which is to say a specific sequence of bits that instructs the processor to do something is the same for both Windows and Linux binaries. The reason you can’t run windows binaries on Linux (again, or vice-versa) is because they make calls to external libraries that are not available, be it the windows API or the Linux Kernel API. So if you write a library that implements the windows API using Linux APIs you suddenly are able to run windows binaries on Linux, and that’s all that wine does.


    Its a compatibility layer, which is not usually considered emulation.


    Wine is Not an Emulator.

    It’s right in the upstream name.

    Zink, do games w Terraria developer bashes Unity, donates $200k to open source alternatives

    No wonder Terraria is so awesome, coming from people that are so awesome.

    mateomaui, do games w Hatoful Boyfriend dev has not received any royalty payments from Epic games since Spring 2021

    Seems like it’s even worse than that

    M0ty, do games w Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

    Just release the game on all platforms

    Carighan, avatar


    Although, I can imagine supporting Epic is annoying. Unlike even GOG, they don’t have their own support mechanism like a forum. I can see why someone would release on Steam (and hence stuff like GMG and Humble) and even GOG but not Epic. Example Baldur’s Gate 3, which released on everything except Epic. Although in their case Larian commented that the decision to not release on Epic was specifically to not show support for their exclusives-everything stance. Hence on everything except Epic.


    That’s an EPIC move by Larian.

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Developers would for sure do that, if it were possible. Who wouldn’t take more exposure to their project as a beneficial thing. Problem is probably in legal part of releasing stuff.

    Colorcodedresistor, do games w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

    We are just now getting out of the bullshit days of 40 game launchers. The Big Industry morons like Ubi, Ea and Bliz are crumbling. Indie devs are being celebrated and releasing titles now more than ever before. We are in a ‘quiet’ time of gaming. i believe. not a dark time. If the mainstream industry can get back to more honest and longevity based projects then we will in the next 5-10 years see another golden age (think 2007 or 2017 release titles) and of course year over year everyone can point to one or two games worth playing for the whole year or two till the next one.


    2023 is one of the best years in the history of gaming. So, so many many great titles, large and small, have been released this year.


    I don’t keep up as much as I used to, what are great small games that have released this year?


    Halls of Torment is pretty good


    Sea of Stars is spectacular so far.


    So there’s this guy named notch who’s making a funky indie title in Java…

    I kid but my wife and I have banked so many hours playing Minecraft together in the last 2 weeks


    BG3, Larian wasn’t exactly a powerhouse of gaming prior to it

    LUHG_HANI, avatar

    I hope ubisoft go bankrupt. Everything is pile of hot scamming garbage.


    think 2007 or 2017 release titles

    Remember, Skyrim was released closer to the first year you listed than the second one and the sequel is still quite a ways out. There are entire release day players of Elder Scrolls 6 who were not yet born when 5 came out.


    What’s your point? They released Fallout 4, Skyrim Special Edition, VR editions of both, Fallout 76 and Starfield since then

    The worst out of the list being FO76

    SeeJayEmm, do games w Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly avatar

    I have 146 titles in my Epic library. I’ve never given them a penny and don’t plan on starting. I can’t be the only one.

    urshanabi, avatar

    I have maybe 2 dozen and I haven’t played a single one. I downloaded titles a few times, forgot about it, then went on and bought the game on steam.

    Carighan, avatar

    Oh that’s another really good point: Epic trained the consumers to open Epic weekly to get free games, then close it again. It’s a weird thing to be known for.

    Sure, had them cornering the sellers market worked out - unrealistic as it was in hindsight - then having the buyers already all have the store installed for the free games would have been a genius way of getting more and more people onto the store. But it did not, and now it has just cemented the Epic store as a place you do not spend money on!

    Cabeza2000, do games w Nominees for Game of The Year at TGA 2023

    I can’t imagine an scenario where BG3 doesn’t win the GOTY.


    Would be a crime if it doesn’t imo, although I heard a lot of praise for Zelda, I’m just not into those games


    I have played Zelda, but not BG3, and I agree that BG3 should win.


    S’ok, I’ve played both and I too agree BG3 should win, haha.


    The zoomers LOVE Spider-Man tho, I think that could also be a contender


    Not a zoomer, but I loved Spider-Man, didn’t play BG3, but I still think BG3 should win. My Spider-Man 2 experience was too buggy for me to consider it for GOTY, the story was great, and if they had delayed the game until next year, I probably would have considered it a contender then.

    BG3 was an event though, I’m not really into RPGs but it felt like that game was everywhere like Animal Crossing: New Horizons was in 2020.


    Fair! I had the same experience as you (down to having a faulty disc 💀). My friend circle loves Spider-Man 2, though admittedly they are more casual gamers than the people on Lemmy probably. That is definitely biasing my outlook.

    Additionally, Spider-Man 2 had the same problem as TotK for me, which is similar gameplay mechanics without fixing the flaws or significant additions/changes from the first game (though ultrahand in TotK is pretty cool…)

    GotY for me personally is probably between BG3 or Alan Wake 2 from the list.

    Squirrel, do games w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly avatar

    I have no problem with competition, but don’t force me to use your inferior product. If any of the major companies developed an actual competitor with the Steam launcher (in terms of features, not just a lousy storefront), it would likely get some use. If they somehow made it better than Steam, plenty of people would likely jump ship.

    Epic is just a failure of a launcher. Nobody uses it over Steam by choice, because it’s lacking in nearly every way. While I’m not big on exclusives, if the launcher was a reasonable Steam alternative, they wouldn’t bother me nearly as much. As things stand, I’m firmly in the “fuck Epic” camp.

    Decoy321, do games w Darkest Dungeon Developers: statement on the recent Unity changes

    So ruin has come to their family?


    In time, you will know the tragic extent of their failings.

    corrupts_absolutely, (edited )

    you remember our venerable engine opulent and imperial

    nicman24, do games w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

    I d trust a privately own company with Gabe as the head than the asshats that proliferated micro transactions and shitty always online DRM for single player games.

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