dinckelman, do games w Report: Embracer cancels Eidos' unannounced Deus Ex project, lays off staff

Companies like Embracer are a disease. Their leadership are taking any passion out of the art, and continue running the money printing machine with no oil between the gears

SharkAttak, avatar

Would be a real shame if someone boycotted every game they put their greedy claws on..


Well if they just close studios and cancel games, there’s not much to boycott lol

altima_neo, avatar

At the rate they’re closing their studios and cancelling games, I don’t think there’s gonna be much left.

I don’t know what other games they had planned. So far they still have the studios that make tomb raider and borderlands.

Chee_Koala, do games w Slay the Spire devs followed through on abandoning Unity

I hecking love working with Godot btw, nothing is perfect but man is it glorious shiny FOSS and extremely usable!


And it’s going to get so much better with more people flocking to it!


What I love most about Godot is that it doesn’t give a fuck whether you want to use python-like code or write your own libraries in C#/C++. 10 minutes and you’ve got something working.


I can’t even imagine how that backend must look, 🤣 I work 100% in GDscript, but it’s really cool to hear : “Yeah it’s about 30% GDscript and 70% C++”

Coming from Java, I personally love how signals work between classes. Friggin hated my getters and setters, and the way signals work in Godot is just like how my brain thinks about that problem, so very easy to use and understandable.

darth_helmet, do games w Report: Embracer cancels Eidos' unannounced Deus Ex project, lays off staff

Literally the only property of Eidos that I care about, and it was bad enough that the studio wasted so much time on that garbage avengers game rather than finish the deus ex story they left hanging.

radix, do games w 70 percent of devs unsure of live-service games sustainability avatar

99% of gamers knew this years ago.

It’s always been a race to gobble up the handful of whales that keep the mobile game industry alive. Now add hundreds more desktop and console games to that list. Sure, there are lots of people that will happily spend thousands of dollars on any shitty game, but once you’ve got the entire industry spending billions fighting over those players, the well runs dry eventually.

Shadywack, avatar

Underrated comment honestly. That’s nailed on the head, greed drove billions in investments to compete for whales and now it looks like a wasteland…compounded by the fact that the whales were always unsustainable users in the first place. Sometimes rich people were whales but the majority of the time they were users who didn’t have a pot to piss in, in the first place.

newthrowaway20, do games w Xbox president: Studio closures will ensure 'business is healthy for the long term'

What’s healthy for the business long term isn’t healthy for the customer. Remember that.


I really hope these developers create new independent studios and if they ever get offered a big bag of money, they will remember what happened last time. Maybe they will be smart enough to create worker owned studios and not waste huge salaries on useless CEOs.


I won’t bet on that, neither for nor against.

Look at the guy that created Minecraft. He was passionate about his work, had a company that was doing great and with prospect of future growth.

One thousand millions later and the guy checks out a boat load of money and sell off the company: he already had his.


It was also his one game. Youd do the same if you were done with it and offered more money than you could spend in your life.

That’s a very different scenario than a studio having released multiple games over a couple decades being bought out.


Don’t know if I would. Never had such an offer, never will.

I’m not very invested in the game/game studio culture but boiled down it gets to either a private owner or a board of directors deciding if it is the right moment to cash out.


Right. So not the same situation as the Minecraft guy at all.

It’s apples and oranges. You just took a name you heard and tried to shove into the wrong context.


I can’t agree with you.

The major share holder of a game studio, with a major success on its portfolio, already working on other projects, decided he wanted to move away from it as the day to day work had become too demanding and made his part of the studio available for purchase, in fact cashing out on a very large sum of money.

I really can’t see where that is “apples to oranges”, concerning the current debate on studios being bought out and shut down on the turn of a dime.

Are game studios some separate entity that exist exempt of the at work business logic or human nature? Studios are companies created to generate profit for its founders, that will most likely take the opportunity to cash out when presented.

By contrast, independent authors/creators are becoming a growing force to be respected - which is very good - but will such authors be immune to selling their work for a high offer their work if such opportunity presents itself? Hopefully, they will, but I won’t bet on it, neither for nor against.


The Minecraft guy was an independent author.


Yup, that’s what qyron is presupposing with his argument. Read it again if you misunderstood.


If I ever run a successful company, I am never taking it public, and I hope that I will never accept a sum of money that more than doubles our assets.

I’ve worked in the startup world and seen too many companies fail in all but name when they receive investment money. It really sucks the soul out of a company.


I wish more people would create worker owned cooperatives. They might be more resilient and might even be more productive. Of cause the downside is that they don’t make one person very rich.…/247750384_Cooperatives_Worker-…


Nor the employees, only the capitalist benefits


Right, because a healthy business consists of a sort of zombie corpse leech, not a symbiosis.

The little diner down the street where everyone has a good time every day? That’s not a healthy business.

It is very important that we twist the definition of every word to ensure people understand how bad capitalism is. Language and the ability to think is secondary to the great Revolution Take 25!

Paradachshund, do gaming w ESA says members won’t support any plan for libraries to preserve games online

Shitty corporate backed agency supports corpos. More news at 11.

dinckelman, do games w Xbox president: Studio closures will ensure 'business is healthy for the long term'

They want to ensure their business is working well, so they shutdown the parts that were working well, and left those that are failing miserably. Logic checks out

acosmichippo, avatar

they got the IP, that’s all they wanted.


Can’t you buy the rights to an IP without the attached studio ?


You can, but people won’t be as thrilled for TES or Fallout without Bethesda, for example.


I would be.


I can understand that, yea. But I know I would be! It’s high time something changes in that regard


FO5 is going to be a FO76 tier disaster. With the show there has to be a ton of pressure to crank something out the door. Microsoft’s folks are probably beating down Todd’s door. Bethesda has never really understood the series anyways.

If TES6 comes out, it’ll have 3 skills and ignore all established lore to turn an interesting and nuanced character into Bad Guy who wants to destroy the world for no reason. Admittedly normies really like this version of the series, so maybe it’ll still be wildly successful.

owenfromcanada, avatar

Don’t forget removing competitors! Gotta remove those competitors. That’s what healthy businesses do. /s



cAUzapNEAGLb, do gaming w The 'rushed' attempt to rehabilitate Cities Skylines II is becoming a cautionary tale

I wish they’d make this game good

I was so excited in October, but I’m glad I waited for the reviews

I watched every dev notes that released weekly in the lead up, I was part of the hype. Hundreds if not thousands of hours into cs1.

I’m still waiting for this game, I can’t wait to buy this game.

But I’m not buying some half baked beta game.

1984, avatar

I bought it but haven’t played it nearly at all. Just lost interest in it when everything felt slow.

It will probably become quite popular in a few years when better hardware is default.


Ah you’re one for those buy before reading reviews kind of people

1984, avatar

No I bought it after the reviews were bad, but figured they would quickly fix the issues. They did not


I’m not sure which is more foolish

Dirk, avatar

I wish they’d make this game good

It should have been optimized to run good on common PC configurations. It should have mods since day 1 via the Steam Workshop.

This would have solved 99% of all complaints.


Sadly short-sighted “money now” comes first


Which leads to less money. I’d prefer a few failed games and the industry learns. Fun games sell, it microtransaction nor half baked shovelware. Some strike it lucky with micro transactions, but only if the game is good.


I know. I’m personally looking forward to WB declaring bankruptcy now that the morons have announced they’re doubling down on shitservice despite Hogwarts and Shiticide Squad showing what the public actually wants.


In my experience I’m actually impressed with the ‘full simulation’ performance so far.

Absolutely it was released far too early, I’m looking forward to feature parity with CS1 and getting it to a proper state.


I still don't see the point of a sequel in the first place.

RGB3x3, (edited )

Probably for engine updates, systems improvements, performance improvements, graphical improvements, to recharge people for more game.

That’s why they would do it, not saying that’s what they did, except that last point.

Potatos_are_not_friends, do games w Report: Bungie CEO blames layoffs on waning interest in Destiny 2

Maybe the interest would be better if the story wasn’t rushed garbage.

And for those who say story quality doesn’t matter… BG3 is another reminder.


More that there’s only so much you can do with a looter shooter. Sure you can dress it up but you’re always endlessly shooting bad guys and occasionally collecting things and putting them places. They didn’t help themselves by sticking weapon crafting unlocks behind forcing you to do the daily bullshit over and over hoping to get 5 goddamn red borders to shred so you could continue to grind until you finally had a version that you cared about when in reality you probably already got the roll you wanted before you even unlocked the pattern.

OK yeah maybe destiny does suck now and I wish it was season of the forge again.


I don't think looter-shooters (and loot games in general) are inherently limiting, but loot needs to be exciting. I've played thousands of hours of Path Of Exile, and hundreds of hours of other looter games, and what holds my interest is interesting loot and build variety/depth. That simply doesn't happen in Destiny. Compare Destiny to Borderlands, for instance, and you can see how boring the loot really is. Look at games like Path Of Exile, Grim Dawn, or Last Epoch, and you can see how boring the skill trees are. In all of those other games, I've had items drop where I've been excited to redo my entire build to accommodate it, or to make a new character built around it. In Destiny, items just don't feel exciting enough. (Not every game needs to be as complex as Path Of Exile, but Destiny is incredibly shallow.)

And, of course, Destiny's story has consistently been disappointing. There's some great lore there, but they've failed to translate that into a well-told, engaging story over and over again.


combined with fragments, aspects and seasonal mods it’s just a spreadsheet simulator now.

When in other games I can pick something up with a big green number and purple text that indicates “this will blow shit up real good” Destiny has a icon with some circles and a dot which indicates that if the community does a few hours of research, I can look up on a third party website that this gun will increase my fire rate by 0.3% but decrease my airborne accuracy by 0 .2% unless I’m within 9 meters of 3 enemies and I threw my grenade longer than 1 second ago but sooner than 8 seconds ago in which case it’ll decrease my airborne accuracy by 0.1% and increase any shoe-related buff cooldowns by a third of a second

“is that good?”



See, I love spreadsheets and being able to optimise things, but I do need to actually be able to feel the impact in the gameplay, too. And yeah, Destiny is terrible for that; the buffs and upgrades you do get just feel irrelevant, for the most part. Especially with the terrible scaling system they use where you never feel any stronger against weaker enemies, just weaker against stronger enemies. When getting a huge numerical upgrade (in terms of gear score) doesn't change anything about how the game feels to play, I think that's poor design.


I did have a pretty bonkers warlock build that had a bunch of mods or gear that gave me rift regen, plus the boots that shoot orbs as people while I stand in a rift. I basically just used rift on cooldown and could have as many as 5 at once and spam healed the team. Also used rose to heal as well. Obviously not optimal, but I wasn’t about to spend the time collecting the obscure mods and stats that the spreadsheet wizards said I should have, only for the meta to change completely next season.

Kaldo, avatar

More that there’s only so much you can do with a looter shooter

Warframe seems to disagree, for better or worse they have a new gimmick every few years to keep it interesting, and a pretty good and interesting story to go along with it. I'd sooner say it's just destiny's problem in this particular case.

newthrowaway20, do games w Embracer rolls out new AI policy to 'massively enhance game development' | Game Developer

The executives that say this shit have such a lack of understanding of AI and the kind of work people do daily.

altima_neo, avatar

They drank the AI Kool aid are trying to make it sound like they’re boosting productivity and thus their profitability. But we all know it’s bullshit.


I get the sense from how they operate that Embracer Group generally likes the taste of cool aid.


Embracer, functionally speaking, have zero understanding of how game dev works. The whole thing is just a massive investment fund. Basically a bunch of rich assholes who bought up every small developer they could get their hands on and then tried to MBA all the numbers up by cutting headcounts and doing other useless metrics driven bullshit. Then when this failed to produce meteoric returns on investment they all went surprised pikachu face.

radix, avatar

But why pay all those programmers when all they had to do from the beginning was a simple



They have a lack of understanding for AI, games and running a company. All they know is how to write themselves bonuses.


They mention using it in HR to enhance employee retention, which is… pretty damn dystopian

garretble, do games w Report: Embracer cancels Eidos' unannounced Deus Ex project, lays off staff avatar

It seems like the only time you hear about Embracer is when they are cancelling games or closing studios.

What even is their purpose?

edgemaster72, avatar

Step 1. Amalgamate as many smaller studios as possible

Step 2. Probably some BS about tax writeoffs or packaging debt for sale

Step 3. Profit? (but not enough to pay anyone outside the C suite and maybe investors)


They supposedly should have an investment deal with a Saudi backed company. But failed last year…/embracer-group-saudi-government-lo…

So they need a lot of cash now

altima_neo, avatar

They’re the holding company that used to be “thq”

Kind of like how Alphabet is to Google, or Meta is to Facebook and Instagram.


Canceling games and closing studios.


Not so fast! Sometimes they also announce the return of old franchises, just to be shut down shortly after.

Like Timesplitters 4.


There is a precise technical answer to your question a finance person can probably give you but it doesn’t really answer the question no matter how many acronyms they throw at you.

The actual answer is that there is no reason any of this has to be rational. Business people believe so strongly that companies like embracer are valuable and have a function in society that they detect zero cognitive dissonance when said companies don’t actually do anything but buy smaller companies, dissect them and destroy value.

You can’t understand business and finance people like they are scientists, they are closer to priests of a religious sect that believe in things because of their belief system not because of some rational framework that actually supports their ideas.

I think for the rich, it is just “good practice” to commit economic violence against smaller companies, it is good hygiene for keeping the power in the hands of the rich like mowing a field once a year or something. This doesn’t fully explain how poorly some of these companies function like embracer however.

Savaran, do games w Steam dropping support for macOS Mojave and by extension 32-bit games

Keep in mind, the last PowerPC (G5) chipset used was 64bit, and all Intel chips used after late 2006 were 64bit.

mp3, avatar

It does means that some legacy games that are only available in 32-bit binaries will no longer work though.


Which is a ton of older (and still fun) games.

Swedneck, avatar

watch them work just fine in proton (i don’t actually know if that works but i wouldn’t be the least surprised)


Proton does not work on macOS, just Linux.


Nice! I’m never getting a device with macOS on it.


Just on MacOS though, I don't think Windows will be dropping 32 bit support ever.

knF, do games w Unity is reviewing its product portfolio and says layoffs are "likely"

It’s all developer’s faults. If they only accepted the fair new pricing policy without protesting, this decision could have been avoided /s

canis_majoris, do games w Report: Bungie CEO blames layoffs on waning interest in Destiny 2 avatar

Destiny’s onboarding for new players is literally the worst. If you don’t have a veteran guiding you into the game it’s literally impossible to pick up. You want more interest in the game, then make it easier to actually pick it up instead of flat replacing the starter content.


100%! This was exactly my experience when trying to guide a new (to Destiny) friend through the story and get him geared up. He ended up quitting in frustration in less than a month because nothing made sense.


As a gamer who grew up in the 80’s, lots of games that have any significant online component at all feel like this now. If you don’t pick it up in the first couple months, forget it. It’ll be full of people who play 9 hours a day and it’ll have so many layers of systems and currencies it feels like an absurdist satire. Seasons and prestige and lore and so much baggage. I get so tired of asking “wait, can I earn the blue triangles by playing, do they cost real money, do I trade orange circles for them…?”

smort, avatar

One of the reasons I still play rocket league now and then. Everyone else can have all the rare cosmetics they want, and great for them.

But when the match starts, we’re all on a level playing field (lol), and when the match ends, it’s because the winning team just executed better.


I tend to find this type of game at least a little less depressing. A fun little skill test with a social component.


I started a game that had been out for only hours (the Finals) and people already had advanced builds and insane map knowledge. These guys are preordering and then no lifeing the closed beta. Its crazy man.


Gotta love dropping $100 on a free game before it’s even out, then drip-feeding it thousands more over time when the game intrinsically provides nothing more than a highly engineered dopamine drip. No story, no meaningful progression, no value or benefit to you as a human, just obsessively learning and mastering a skill that has literally only one purpose on the planet: playing that game.


It’s by Nexon anyway. If you don’t play it you probably dodged a bullet. Their games are extremely P2W and they literally pioneered the earn in-game currency that you can only use to trial weapons and characters method of wealth extraction. It’s been so long since I’ve played one of their games, but that form of microtransaction has always stuck with me as a “if I see it, I’m immediately deleting your game” approach to gaming.


The very first time a game tells me I have to pay for something with real currency in game that isn’t purely cosmetic, it gets dropped. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I let a game tell me that the blue triangles are mtx only.


Generally agreed. But it shocks me just how many games out there are making crazy amounts of money just selling cosmetics. I still remember horse armor! It was a scandal!


Hell, as a “vanilla” destiny 2 veteran, last time I tried to check it out I had no idea where to go.

AdmiralShat, do games w Baldur's Gate 3's success is not about setting a new "standard"

The only reason this is still a discussion is because game journalists have nothing else going on and half of them are AI by this point

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