gerryflap, do games w What's up with Epic Games? avatar

Personally my main gripe is their aggressive strategies to force people into their garbage-tier launcher. Compared to Steam it’s just miles behind, and it’s yet another app to run on your PC. All my friends are also on Steam, and Steam had Linux support. However, if all you want to do is launch singleplayer games, you don’t mind the Epic launcher, and you get a good deal, then do whatever you want to.



I have never used a launcher before (for obvious reasons as mentioned in my post), so I found the idea of a separate launcher dumb in the first place. I have used it in recent times thanks to Epic’s free games. Finished two of the Tomb Raider trilogy.

Like, I’m fine with a store, but I gotta open the launcher to launch the game? On Windows, with the Tile based Start Menu, I kind of thought it was a terrible idea NGL. I gotta open, wait for it to load, open the library, then click to run, THEN it’ll open…

Plus, if I want to track progress, it’s a hassle because I can’t track without the damn launcher…



I fundamentally have no issue with the Epic Games launcher. Steam needs competition to keep it in check. Without alternatives, Steam can and will strangle Dev profits, which is a problem. But Epic is a mediocre service, another app to be running, and actively going out of their way to prevent games from being on the platform of the consumers choice, which I am not a fan of.

Related note: does Epic have any DRM free games? Even Steam has a fair portion of games that are DRM free and work perfectly well from a flash drive on a computer that doesn’t have Steam installed. As far as I am aware, Epic does not.

There’s just a series of minor ways in which epic is worse, and I don’t like having front-end clients for my games as is, so a second, competing alternative going out of its way to push me into using it rubs me the wrong way.


Where can you find what steam games are drm free?


Steam DRM is optional and implemented by the developer.

OrgunDonor, avatar



You don’t need all store fronts running at once on your pc though. Just boot up what you need for the game you want and it’s just six and two threes, whether it’s steam or epic, or any other launcher.


You don’t understand, it’s ok if the extra app you need to run is Steam, it’s not ok if it’s Epic!

gerryflap, avatar

The issue is that I miss features when using Epic. Additionally, games from Epic are not visible in my steam library which leads to me forgetting that they even exist. And also nobody uses it, so there’s no community feeling like I have with all my Steam friends.

I don’t mind it for free games though. If they give me a game for free, they deserve me using their launcher for that game haha.

pylohn, do games w What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises?

Cassette beasts is a great pokemon like with some fun twists and great sounds track


Congratulations on your excellent taste!


Coromon has a similar vibe. Such good games.

kadu, (edited ) do games w Starfield - Review Thread (87/100 OpenCritic) avatar


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  • Frozengyro,

    You assume it takes anything to be a journalist these days

    Gyrolemmy, (edited )

    Im a journalist!

    And this post is my journal. Please respect my 11/9 review


    Remember Dean Takahashi? I member


    RIP San Jose Mercury News. You have the best game and movie reviews of any media.


    Honestly, most “professional” game reviews are made by average joe gamers who happen to have a platform to broadcast their thoughts. Most of these writers are not expert players nor are they always well versed in the genre of the game they’re reviewing.

    I never understand why people put so much stock into them when their opinions are no more valid than any random person on the internet.


    Docking point for subjective things is weird to me as well. “I wanted a minimap!”

    Skimmer, do piracy w Proton VPN. How good is it?

    Proton VPN is probably one of the best VPNs out there. Has open source clients, is based in Switzerland so under their strong jurisdiction for privacy and data protection, doesn’t keep logs or sell data, has good speeds, includes useful features, etc. I’d definitely recommend it, as well as Proton’s other products.

    seb_tmg, avatar

    @Skimmer Yep. Reading your post through a Proton VPN at the moment. 🙌🏼


    Fuck, wish I didn’t have a year of surfshark remaining

    whyrat, do gaming w How much 5e do you have to know to enjoy Balders Gate 3?

    None really. The game will walk you through everything through tool tips and help menus.


    I’d second this as someone who is only lightly aware of 5e. If only I could remember my attribute points before some dialogue choices. Whoops.


    At least on pc over over the option and it will show what your roll will be.

    Can’t see the DC till to late but that’s a normal rpttrpg thing


    Ahhh ok. I’m using a controller at the moment for accessibility reasons, but I’ll definitely look into doing that when I can again! Maybe it’ll show if I just idle a couple seconds over the selection


    It’s possible to view on the controller as well. I think one of the bumpers maybe? I don’t remember exactly sorry but it’s definitely possible!

    JollyBrancher, (edited )

    Right on 🤙🏻 I figured there had to be with how accessible the controller options truly are - I haven’t been able to check since my initial response. I should get to relatively soon though! Option on the controller is: select --> enable help tools


    Press the left stick during dialogue choices and a little window will tell you what stats are used and if you get any boni on the rolls.

    Ashtear, do games w shuts down after 20 years; database has been moved to the Internet Archive

    One of the last Web 1.0 bastions in gaming. Really hate to see this, especially when Discord is around the peak of its popularity right now. Here’s hoping a more future-proof alternative than that arises.

    acetanilide, do games w Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions?

    Stardew Valley and Terraria may both fit your list, although Terraria stresses me out a bit.


    Stardew Valley is a good one, but I definately wouldn’t consider Terraria casual or low-stress.


    Not to mention using touch controls for it is brutal. At least, for me it is. Might be decent if using a controller with your phone.


    I’ve tried it even with the razor kishi. No dice. This game was born for mouse and keyboard.


    I agree. I only mentioned it because it was recommended to me as low stress, so I thought it was just me that didn’t get it lol


    Terarria can be played as casual or low stress. You choose when to advance the difficulty, and how elaborately you contruct your preparations for the next step. But for a largely stress-free casual playstyle, focus on being a summoner. Also, there isn’t much penalty for dying. So if you can wrap your mind around not being bothered by dying, then any playstyle can feel casual really. It’s certainly a tough mindset to achieve for some of us though, lol.


    Stardew Valley can be stress inducing if you are that type of player.

    • “Let me do a bit of fishing on the beach OH FCK it’s already 1 AM. Intense cardio session towards my house before JoJo employees steal 1000G.”
    • “I need to give Demetrius a gift by the end of the day. WHERE TF ARE YOU ROAMING ABOUT? Come take your gift!”
    • “Let me visit the shop for some seeds. WHO THE HELL CLOSES SHOP on a Wednesday? Am I the only one working in this town?”
    • “Marnie TF you closing shop at 3 PM! My chickens need hay and you are frolicking in the bar”

    Lol this is me before mods


    Simply do not consent to JoJo




    Does terraria have a chill mode?


    Not sure if you saw this comment above. Looks like there are ways to change the difficulty. I’m not sure that would help me though. The monsters move fast for me.


    Oh I knew that at least. I usually turn that all the way up and play on PC. I was thinking more along the lines of Minecraft passive mode or whatever they call it these days. I suppose it wouldn’t make sense in the context of terraria though. Terraria is about the fights.


    That’s true. Maybe I should try it on PC. I know a lot of people really like it so I would like to give it a fair shot.

    TAG, avatar

    Note with Stardew Valley: it is not unplayable without a controller, but if you have clumsy sausage fingers like me, the poor touch controls really took me out of the game.


    Stardew valley stressed me out so much I stopped playing before even reaching that first year party. It looks like a casual fun game, but there are so many characters to make friends (even if it’s optional, it’s stressful because of the implication/expectation). And you need to tend to your garden, and even if you don’t do anything, midnight rolls around and you feel like you didn’t do anything useful and it’s overall very stressful to me. May be it gets easier once you get sprinklers and whatnot, but early game was anything but casual and fun for me.


    I completely understand. It was very overwhelming for me at first and sometimes can still be overwhelming depending on how my computer is working lol

    If you ever decide you want to try it again I highly recommend modding it (and I would be happy to send you what I use). That said it’s not a bad thing to play other games if you like them better :) games should be fun not stressful imo

    Edit: removed the extra “my”


    Sure, please let me know what mods you use


    Alright, I found my list :) I apologize in advance for the length lol. I don’t know how familiar you are with mods, so here is some context:

    I use a PC and was not successful in helping a friend get mods on her Mac, so I don’t know if these work on a Mac. Mobile mods are also much harder to get to work mainly because of OS restrictions but also because phones are different, so most of these probably won’t work on mobile. Also, if you already have an unmodded game going you should be aware that adding mods could break it. There are ways to turn them off and on but I’ve only done it once (for a multiplayer game) and it was a lot of work lol. I think it’d be easier if I had a better memory and played more often though. There are also ways to have different folders of mods if you go between single and multiplayer, so that might be helpful if the people you’re playing with have different or no mods.

    I get my mods from Nexus Mods and I have the Vortex mod manager, which will tell you when each one is due for an update (with a few errors). There is at least one other mod manager but I have never used it.

    These are just the mods I intentionally sought out - each one will have its own dependencies (additional mods to download) - all of them require SMAPI iirc, which is basically a way for modders to make mods work without reinventing the wheel.

    The expansion mods will have the most dependences since they add so many things to the game. Also, I have not updated my list for awhile and there has been at least one big update recently, so some of these mods may not work anymore or may now be implemented into the game itself.

    I added a brief description of each mod, but their Nexus page will have the best and most updated description, as well as a place for any issues/bugs that have come up.

    1. Tractor mod - allows you to use a tractor to plant crops, go to the mine, etc. I haven’t actually used this one but I’ve had it forever lol. The tractor costs a lot of money so you will not be able to use it right away.
    2. Lookup anything - this allows you to have basically an encyclopedia. Some details include when and where to fish for certain fish, what objects can be used to make other objects, etc. It also has pictures so you know what things look like.
    3. Chests anywhere - this allows you to access chests basically anywhere in the game instead of just when you are directly in front of them. Note that if you are playing multiplayer then only the host will have access to all of the chests if they are anywhere besides the homestead. Something to do with syncing I believe?
    4. Automate - this automates certain tasks, such as using the furnace or making mayonnaise, so you can spend time doing other things like finishing quests and talking to people (or just exploring).
    5. Farm type manager - allows you to spawn various items anywhere (like rocks, plants, monsters, etc). I don’t believe the season matters but I don’t really use this mod much.
    6. East Scarp - an expansion mod. It adds a new location/map as well as new characters and quests. I would consider this the middle expansion if I rank all 3 of the expansion mods I use by size/complexity.
    7. Swim - allows you to swim almost anywhere there’s water. Has an additional download so there can be an underwater map with quests etc. i have never downloaded the extra map. Also, you may want to change the swim button if you download the warp mod since they default to the same button. But it’s not a super big deal if you don’t change it (the button is what allows your player to swim vs prevents it, helpful if you need to do something on the shoreline or the dock and don’t want to jump in the water).
    8. Ridgeside Village - expansion mod. Adds a lot of characters, quests, etc. This is the biggest/most complex expansion mod that I have imo.
    9. Free Love - allows you to have multiple spouses without making anyone mad. I would use alongside the date night mod so you don’t get overrun by date requests! They get offended if you don’t go out with them lol.
    10. Destroyable bushes - allows you to cut down bushes as you would a tree for extra wood. I don’t use it much.
    11. Stardew valley expanded - expansion that adds more characters and quests. I would consider this the smallest one that I have, although it’s probably actually the biggest one if you actually use all of the locations/quests. There are just some things I refuse to do lol
    12. NPC map locations - shows where each person is currently on the map. I think it also shows player locations? Pretty sure lol. Also it works for all of the maps afaik.
    13. Automatic gates - gates open and close automatically
    14. Mikey’s Greenhouse - allows you to make a bigger greenhouse. I recommend setting this one up at the beginning because it’s a pain in the ass if your greenhouse already has stuff in it.
    15. Warp multiplayer - warp to like 6 different locations on the map, including a custom location, without using any equipment. Can be used on singleplayer.
    16. Warp multiplayer (locations) - used alongside the above mod. Not sure why you need both. But you do lol.
    17. Wear more rings - allows you to wear more rings than normal. Can be customized - i think i can wear up to 16 rings but not sure. At some point you don’t really need all those extra rings because you can combine them. However it is very easy to change the number of rings you can wear - it’s a slider bar in the mod menu.
    18. Pause time in multiplayer - allows you to pause the game (works in single player as well). IIRC a majority of the players (both if it’s 2 players) have to agree to pause before it will pause.
    19. Date night - allows you to choose the probability that you will go on a date with your partner. I recommend setting it very low if you have multiple partners. Otherwise two or more will ask you on a date on the same night and you will make somebody upset.
    20. Craftable autopetter - allows you to craft an autopetter, which will save you from the tedious task of petting your animals (you can still pet them if you want but they wont be upset if you dont)
    21. Event limiter - sets the number of events that will happen in a day. I must use this for another mod because i have never configured this one.
    22. Greenhouse sprinklers - adds an upgrade option to your greenhouse so that you dont have to water everything. I believe there are 2 upgrades but i can’t remember why.
    23. Show birthdays - this will tell you everyones birthday on a given day on the calendar. Extremely helpful with expansion mods.
    24. Deluxe grabber redux - allows the grabber to pick up pretty much everything in the area instead of whatever the game limits it to.
    25. Plant and fertilize all - plant or fertilize the entire area with the press of a button. Extremely helpful if you have a large area you want to do at once. Not helpful if you want to plant multiple types of things.
    26. PFM automate - this is another automation mod, I’m not sure which one is current so I would look at the one I listed earlier as well.
    27. Better chests - name, categorizes, change size, carry chests…so many things you can do
    28. Fruit tree honey - make honey from fruit trees instead of just flowers
    29. Gift taste helper - hover tip that tells what someones favorite gift is (calendar or social page)
    30. Skull cavern toggle - change difficulty of the skull cavern. I believe this has been added to the vanilla game since i last updated mine.
    31. Skull cavern elevator - adds an elevator to the skull cavern. Absolutely required to relieve the stress that is the skull cavern lol. You can thank me later 😂
    32. Reverse proposal - allows NPC to ask you on a date
    33. Lockpicks - a purchaseable item that allows you to go into peoples houses in the middle of the night (or whenever else they might be locked). Kinda creepy and i never ended up needing it lol
    34. Custom music - use your own background music. I got frustrated and removed it bc it turns out i really like the game’s music lol
    35. Convenient chests - allows you to craft and cook from nearby chests. I think better chests also does this so idk if i actually use both or not. But either way it’s nice to not have to reach into each chest and grab things. Just remember if you use this that it may use something you were trying to save, so keep that in mind.
    36. Simple crop label - hover tip of what each crop is. Great if you always forget what you planted (especially if you don’t play regularly)

    Let me know if I can help in any way :) I hope you find this useful!

    NutWrench, avatar

    I like “Traveler’s Rest” because the game doesn’t force you to keep regular hours at your tavern. If you want, you can spend the whole day crafting and restocking until you’re ready to deal with customers again.


    Thanks for the game idea!!

    Nefara, (edited ) do games w Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo?

    Torchlight 2 spoiled me for basically the whole genre. It is a classic Roguelike ARPG dungeon crawler but has so many thoughtful player centric quality of life features. Inventory is full but don’t want to stop kicking butt? You have a pet that can run back to town for you, sell your stuff, and even buy a “shopping list” of potions and scrolls for you. It’ll even run and pick up loot for you. I have trouble playing other games in the genre because I keep running into problems Torchlight 2 solved that I didn’t even think about. It also has mods available to add even more or keep things fresh. It’s getting old but because of that you can run it on anything. It’s a damn good game.

    Edit: seems I didn’t know what a roguelike was

    Tedrow, avatar

    What are your thoughts on Torchlight 3?


    I haven’t played it. My impression is that it was trying very hard to cater to the mobile market. I heard it suffered from a lot of design changes and ended up being sold and then patched up and released by a new team to cut their losses. Meanwhile, Torchlight 2 may be older but it was made with love and care and a strong vision. It’s dirt cheap now too so it’s not hard to get your money’s worth out of it.

    Tedrow, avatar

    I’ve played the first one and second, they’re both great. Sad to hear about the third game.


    I mean there’s always Torchlight infinite; which I hear was bought up by a Korean mobile game dev and monetized to hell


    Have played a few hours of infinite and there’s fun to be had with the different characters, but every character being (different build and skills) locked behind another paywall, it’s a tough sell… (And as far as I remember the publisher was Korean from the start)


    It is a classic Roguelike

    I get that Roguelike is basically a vaguely defined genre now, and though Torchlight 2 in a great game it's definitely not a "classic Roguelike".


    Ok, is a Diablo-like a thing I can call it then? It’s just such a specific type of game, the isometric top down view RPG with classes, customizable character leveling, randomly generated levels with area themes, randomized loot, a town hub and inventory etc. I’ve always heard those games called Rogue-likes but I never played Rogue.


    It’s an ARPG. Rogue-like has permadeath with random levels. Rogue-lite has permadeath with random levels but persistent unlocks and upgrades.


    Also a roguelike is usually top down/isometric and tile based. Really not a ton of roguelikes these days, which is good as far as I’m concerned because roguelites are better.

    Shattered Pixel Dungeon notwithstanding, of course.


    Funnily enough, Diablo was originally a rogue-ish game inspired by the likes of NetHack. The engine was even (technically) turn based - there’s a pretty cool anecdotes about how they made it real time over the course of a single weekend with some clever hacks.

    I don’t know if it was ever supposed to have permadeath outside of the hardcore difficulty setting though.


    I dunno about it being Rougelike, but I did love me some Torchlight 1 and 2. (Haven’t played 3.)

    Vipsu, avatar

    Torchlight 1-2 are decent fun for normal playthrough but plagued by bad design decisions and downright silly difficulty spikes on harder difficulties. Mods probably fix many of these issues but in vanilla the build diversity on harder difficulties is quite bad with only handful of viable builds with skill trees full of “trap skills”.


    I might have lucked into some cheesey builds, I only maxed one character and have a few at 60. One mod I did get was a full respec mod, but the default reset of the last 3 levels was at least good enough for me to see if a skill was working for me or not. I agree that there seem to be too many “dud” skills, especially on embermage and engineer. My lvl 100 character I did without mods and I kind of liked how punishing it was. I get that that’s a preference though.

    kusuriya, do games w Fuck Ubisoft. avatar


    samus12345, avatar

    Unless Denuvo!

    Viper_NZ, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

    Paid exclusives locking content away from other online stores. Basically trying to force me to use it is a sure fire way of making me refuse.


    Why are paid exclusives worse, though? I’ve never understood that. I understand why we hate exclusives, but I’ve never heard anyone explain why paid exclusives are worse. Steam has tons of exclusives, some of which are exclusive because they targeted Steam APIs that are proprietary and the developers don’t have the resources or incentive to port the game to another platform. Why isn’t it bad to encourage developers to use proprietary APIs that make it difficult to port games to other platforms?

    As a consumer, exclusives are shitty because they restrict where I can buy and play a game. This is true whether they’re paid exclusives, technical lock-in exclusives, lazy developer exclusives, etc. All types of exclusives suck. Is it worse that Borderlands 3 was exclusive for 6 months compared to Borderlands 2 being exclusive for ~7 years, just because one was paid? I can’t understand why the 6 month exclusivity period is worse for a consumer than the 7 year one.


    Most of the salt I have for this behaviour from games that were pulled from Steam because Epic threw cash at the developers, or they’re exclusive despite there being no reason to be.

    I have no issue with Epic releasing their own games in their store, just like valve do, or EA/Actvision did.

    mammut, (edited )

    This is the same kinda shit that Valve / publishers pulled when Steam launched, though.

    Half-Life and Counterstrike originally didn’t require Steam, and then one day Valve told everybody they’d need to start using Steam if they wanted to keep playing the games they’d already bought. That’s a Valve game, but it’s akin to Epic moving Rocket League to EGS (which also pissed people off).

    For more general / non-Valve games, there was a time period where you’d pre-order a physical copy of game and honestly not know if it would require a launcher. Tons of games that launched in early days of Steam didn’t bother to tell consumers upfront that Steam was required, and consumers wouldn’t find out until the game hit the shelves and there was a little note on the back of the box, “Internet access and Steam account required.” In that case, non-Steam pre-orders weren’t even given an exception – every copy required Steam. That seems even worse than the Epic mess IMO. There, the publishers at least made an exception for people who thought they were ordering a Steam game. If you thought you were gonna get a real physical copy of game that didn’t require a launcher, and it ended up requiring Steam, the publisher just told you to either use Steam or pound sand.

    I don’t like the behavior either, but pulling already announced / released games and forcing them onto a different launcher is standard practice when a new launcher comes out. It’s happened to paid and non-paid exclusives. It’s happened to EGS and Steam (and probably Origin or Uplay or others too). I don’t see any reason to be any more upset at publishers over the EGS debacle than the Steam one.

    My take is that launcher exclusivity shouldn’t exist, because every single launcher has just pissed off / screwed over consumers when there is exclusivity / any requirement to use the launcher.


    This is the same kinda shit that Valve / publishers pulled when Steam launched, though.


    mammut, (edited )

    Yes, in the long run it always is. That’s my point. EGS will probably be successful, and 15 years from now someone will bring up a story about how EGS really infuriated people “back in the day”, and everyone will say it’s irrelevant.

    Nobody cares how the service got started. They only care where it goes. It doesn’t make a bit of difference how pissed off everyone is at Epic. It didn’t matter how pissed off everyone was at Steam in the early years. There’s a reason these companies start off by pissing everyone off: it works. There’s no long term downside, and, in the short term, it gets you users. Users don’t show up voluntarily on the early days, and they defend the service once it’s established.

    As long as Epic lasts long enough for everyone to later forgive them for their anti-consumer beginning, they’ll be golden. It’s the market standard. The early days will always be viewed as irrelevant. “It was a different time,” people always say. “You can’t compare it to now.”

    xspurnx, do piracy w Is It Farewell To The Internet Archive?

    I can’t believe these are the times we live in. The services of the Internet Archive are invaluable for scholars and students alike. No library can afford all the printed books/journals or licenses needed for an adequate approach to most topics. And to be honest, shadow libraries are also much needed when publishers lock away vital knowledge (which was often gained through support from public grants).

    This seems just another example of how capitalism will bring about the downfall of our civilization as it hinders the progress of science.

    EddyBot, (edited ) do piracy w With PLEX blocking Hetzner Hosting, I'm thinking of Moving to Jellyfin, but I have some questions.

    If Jellyfin would do such stupid thing, somebody would fork it to a new project
    in fact this did already happened in the past: Jellyfin was forked of Emby after they changed their license


    Jellyfin is unable to do that because they don’t have centralised auth like Plex does.

    Appoxo, avatar

    Not like it could be implemented.
    But the the community would (as OP said) fork the project.

    cooopsspace, (edited )

    There’s absolutely zero way that is going to get pulled into the actual Jellyfin project, hence a fork is unnecessary.

    It’s unreasonable to take responsibility for apps a user runs on their server.

    But when you all of a sudden see a heap of Plex IP addresses hitting your provider with mass media sharing rings you’ve got problems.

    Jellyfin however is just serving HTTP/S. Thats it. You can’t ban Nginx or Apache.

    kadu, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending? avatar

    I’m going to be honest, I find things that can permanently mess up your save (in the sense that you’ll get a lesser experience or not reach the ending) is extremely bad game design. It’s something I’d expect out of a 2 hour arcade game, not a modern release.

    There are a lot of horror games in the PS1 that are “if you didn’t do this extremely specific thing, in the right order, with the right coloured t-shirt, on a Tuesday, without any hints whatsoever… Too bad! When you reach the end of the game in another 60 hours of gameplay we will tell you you’ve failed”

    Baldur’s Gate might be a great game, but sometimes it’s “dice rolls makes things spicy and each run its own thing!” mechanic gets unbalanced and by a little bad luck you can have a significantly degraded experience, sometimes without even knowing it.

    This is bad game design, even if ultimately the game can be good in the end.

    CorrodedCranium, avatar

    I get what you mean occasionally games like that can feel like they force the replayability aspect rather than encourage it.

    0110010001100010, avatar

    I’d like to expand on this and say, as a 37 year old parent with a house that barely has time to play a game ONCE it’s complete and utter bullshit. I’m doing good just to finish a game, there is pretty much zero chance I’m going to play it again.

    I’ll shamelessly say I do reference walkthroughs if I expect there to be choices the impact the game in big ways.


    I'm impressed your house has time to play games at all.

    all-knight-party, avatar

    You should give your house regular lunch breaks, it's unethical to make it be a house all day.

    Ace0fBlades, do games w Baldur's Gate 3 ended up making me regret playing.

    Cranky because they didn’t let you seduce the dragon, huh?

    TacticsConsort, avatar

    Seduction would have been like winning the Euromillions. Extremely nice, but totally unrealistic and I know it. I just wanted a nice chat and some pocket money after trekking all this way.

    FiskFisk33, (edited )

    'twas I who fucked the dragon fuckalie sing fuckaloo!

    absentthereaper, avatar

    ♪ And if you try to fuck with me then I SHALL FU~UCK YOU TOO ♫

    ulkesh, do gaming w I watched 2 hours of starfield gameplay and an hour of review avatar

    Sounds like you simply don’t like science fiction video games then. Thanks for letting us know. I’m gonna go play some Starfield now.

    amju_wolf, avatar

    Well I (not OP) would love me some actual Mass Effect 4, for example. Not really excited for a sci-fi Bethesda RPG though.


    what lol — he doesn’t like starfield so that immediately means he doesn’t like science fiction games??

    I’m a huge scifi and fantasy fan and I refunded starfield after 4-5 hrs

    sexy_peach, avatar

    I love death stranding for example.

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