AceFuzzLord, do games w 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC!

Peglin (Steam, iOS, Android, Switch)

Just released 1.0 a month ago. Simple enough gameplay loop. Throw orbs at pegs on board to fight enemies. Go down different paths on a map until you reach the boss fight at the bottom, upgrading and getting new orbs and relics along the way to help. Repeat 2 more times and you win. Has 20 levels of increasing difficulty after beating your first run, but locked behind standard progression.

Dungoens and Degenerate Gamblers (Steam)

Released beginning of last month. Play Blackjack against opponents, but you each have a life bar. Score higher than opponent to deal damage equal to the difference in your scores to them. Various non-playing cards and other nonsensical cards will appear as playable cards. Things like a get well soon card, SD card, a flat out 21 card, a birthday card, and many more can be found. Go until you either lose all your health or beat the final boss on one of two different routes to be taken.


Could you split this into two comments, as per rule 2? It makes it easier to vote and discuss without mixing both.


Peglin is great.


How long can you play the game without getting bored?


I have over 300 hours still going. It’s only if you like that kind of game.


I do. It’s on my wishlist because I have so many new games that I didn’t play yet that it wouldn’t make sense to buy it now I just wondered, in regard to the gameplay, if some people eventually feel bored after some days :) so thanks for the feedback

CrabAndBroom, do games w 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC!

(Steam, iOS, Android, Switch, PS4/5, Xbox One/X/S)

A deck-builder card game where you make poker hands, but Jokers and other cards give you crazy power-ups. I probably didn’t explain that very well, but it’s absurdly addictive. It’s like the perfect Steam Deck game.

ampersandrew, avatar

Put a space between the # and “Balatro”.


Should be fixed now!


Overwhelmingly Positive (97% of 43,242) All Time

Overwhelmingly Positive (98% of 1,908) Recent


This game is probably too addictive.


It definitely is lol


At the beginning, it definitly is. But after you played several runs, you get less and less new ways of winning. The game offers you new jokers whenever you make some significant progress and for a while, thats a lot of fun.

I haven’t had so much fun for a while now. I played it for like 40 or 50 hours


Yup this is the one. I bought it a few months ago and played no other games until I bought UFO 50 a couple days ago. Now I play that… And Balatro.


Those are my two current ones as well lol

Artyom, do games w What letter has the best games?

H for Hollow Knight, I think that pretty much settles it…

minimalfootprint, do games w Horse archers ruin every game they are in.

Thank you. You just gave me a flashback to Total War: Rome campaign I played as a kid. I didn’t play long, because it got boring fast. I had exclusive horse archer armies that wiped out whole armies without losses.

PoolloverNathan, do games w What letter has the best games?

Does P for Proton count?

simple, do games w 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC!

Nine Sols

A fantastic metroidvania that’s almost flawless. It has great combat, a great story, great soundtrack, and beautiful art. Highly recommended to anyone into these games.

Dalvoron, (edited ) do games w 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC!

Shadows of Doubt

An alternate universe corpo city filled with generated crimes to solve. You get a case board, scan for fingerprints/footprints, talk to witnesses, look up sales records, check out cctv cameras among loads of other stuff. All of it is happening live in the city - everyone has schedules, an apartment, a workplace, an inventory, an email account, a blood type, a shoe size… - so that murder/kidnapping/robbery literally happened in the game while you were crawling through vents looking for an envelope with sensitive documents that someone asked you to steal. Just yesterday I got to a crime scene super quickly and caught a murderer leaving the scene of the crime with the murder weapon on their person. There are deus ex style body augmentations too.

One of my favourite cases was a woman who got murdered. I had the husband pegged for it but couldn’t pin it on him. His fingerprints were all over the place and he was on the cctv but they lived together so that wasn’t really evidence. The case went cold. A couple of days later the HUSBAND is murdered and I’m stumped. Just go looking for anything related to the guy and hope I stumble across something useful by accident. So eventually I break into the husband’s boss’ apartment and find a bouquet of flowers with a note for the boss from the husband. It turns out the husband is having a secret gay affair with his boss. The boss kills the wife so he can be with the husband. Husband doesn’t want to be with a murderer I guess so the boss kills him too!

It’s occasionally a little buggy still. I was supposed to follow someone, take a photo of a briefcase handoff, follow the recipient and get the briefcase back and have done this type of case before. Yesterday though the handoff never happened and I waited with the original owner for a few in game hours. My guess is the recipient is dead or was someone I knocked out earlier while I was solving another case and I messed up their schedule.


I second Shadows of doubt. I haven’t played the release version yet (I’m still building factories in Satisfactory) but I can give my most memorable detective work from early access. I was doing side jobs because my murder case had gone cold. I had a gig where I needed to find proof that the clients partner is having an affair. The information I got about the potential lover were some vague physical traits like eye color and shoe size. But the key information was that the lover’s partner worked as Wait staff. So I

  1. went through every restaurant, bar, diner etc in the city.
  2. Got a list of every wait staff member.
  3. Found out where they live.
  4. Broke into their house.
  5. Found their partner information.
  6. Found the potential lover.
  7. Started looking for key evidence to tie them to the affair.

The last step is where my gig ended up in a roadblock. I’m not 100% sure but I think it was bugged because I did everything I could come up with. I went through the clients partner personal stuff and found nothing. I went to their work and found nothing. I went through the lovers personal stuff and found nothing. I went to lovers work and found nothing. I even planted a tracker on both of them and followed them around to see if I missed something and I still found nothing. I even checked the mailboxes. So the key evidence was probably bugged and I couldn’t find it.

Despite that I haven’t had such a unique experience in any other game. It’s up there in my backlog waiting for me to return, but first the factory must grow.

Tattorack, do games w Horse archers ruin every game they are in. avatar

Pretty sure, historically, they were also pretty powerful. I remember at one point reading about several nations that had serious issues with horse archers. A ranged unit of constant mobility, of course they’d be difficult to deal with.

How effective they are does depend on what kind of game you’re playing, however.

In Age of Empires II horse archers are only really good in those civilisations that have adequate research for them. And then it requires a good deal of player skill to micro the units to make use of their enhanced mobility.

In Mount and Blade Bannerlord it all depends on terrain. Horse archers are deadly on any sort of open terrain, but introduce trees or even a mild amount of rockiness and those horse archers are in a serious disadvantage.


They were also rare. To effectively pull off horse archery, you needed good horses, good riders that also happened to be good archers (both of which weren’t trivial on their own, let alone combined) and good coordination. Bows are more effective the closer you are, so to get the most out of your arrows, you’ll want to close in, but then you also need to wheel off again without your riders getting in each other’s way, so you needed to drill maneuvers for that.

So you either need to have a sufficiently large body of soldiers with the leisure to train both archery and riding instead of working the fields, or you needed a society that treats them as basic skills anyway and only needed training in the military application. Nomadic peoples like the Scythians or Mongols often had the former, so they were notable sources of dangerous mounted archery, particularly where the raising and support of a professional army wasn’t feasible. Rome had the Equites Sagitarii, but they were part of the distinct social class we would call Knights, so not your rank-and-file soldier (and those were already more professional than later levy- or retinue-based militaries).

So if we were concerned about accuracy*, these units should be expensive and require good management to make the most of them, but be very dangerous too. The point about open / closed terrain certainly fits as well.

What’s a bit more foggy is how games usually handle bow effectiveness at range, but that’s its own topic.

*I do care about accuracy, but not at any cost - games need to be fun too, and that’s worth sacrificing some accuracy for.

Tattorack, avatar

Yeah, in Age of Empires II they’re more expensive than Skirmishers, who are archer-countering units. They’re also more expensive than regular archers, and that’s not going into the research that a good cavalry archer needs, as they’re also subject to some of the most expensive research options.

In Bannerlord you can get good horse archers only be recruiting young nobles. Then you have to spend time on levelling them up, because at the lower tiers they’re just not that good, and you risk a number of the dying before they reach a high enough level.

So between the two games I play that prominently feature horse archers, I’d say they’re managed pretty well, with the increased costs, slower training times, player skill, or levelling requirements.


Skirmishers as in “Light Cavalry”, designed to catch closing archery and ride them down? I’m not big on RTS (I suck at multitasking), but I’m always fascinated by gamified implementations of historical dynamics.

I don’t suppose they also support “recruit auxiliary specialists” as option?

Tattorack, avatar

Age of Empires II is honestly a somewhat strange combination of historical and not. Take, for example, the upgrade lines for certain units:

Militia -> Man-At-Arms -> Longswordsman -> Two-Handed Swordsman -> Champion.

So the skirmisher is a spear-throwing foot soldier with a shield. Historically a foot soldier would have a shield, a few throwing spears, and then a melee weapon. But in Age of Empires II the spear throwing and the melee are divided into two separate units.

Age of Empires II does have a light cavelry line, though, and they’re pretty quick. But only civs historically known for their good cavelry have bonuses towards them that make the viable (i.e. There are various steppe-civs in AoEII, as well as Mongols and Huns, and I’m sure Turks and Saracens have some benefit to light cav as well).

In this regard Age of Empires IV is more historically accurate, as that game can have completely unsymmetrical civs, whereas Age of Empires II has far more symmetrical gameplay.

the16bitgamer, do games w 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC! avatar

Pepper Grinder (Steam/GOG/Switch/PS4/PS5/XB/ONE/S/X)

Released in March of the is year (and in August for non switch consoles) Pepper Grinder is a traditional 2D platformer with a world map, levels, and a gimmick of using a drill to travel underground like a dolphin through water.

Its platforming has a good rhythm to it, with a nice momentum when you go in and out of the dirt. The best way I can describe the game is that it feels like a Mario Gimmick level that’s been expanded to its own game.

If I had any complaints about this game, is that the boss fights are a bit too tedious. Not impossible as I’ve been able to beat them. But requires a bit more precise movement than the levels which preceded it.

Overall though, I haven’t played a 2d platformed in ages which I’ve actually wanted to go through in ages. And it is a welcomed addition to my gaming library.

thermal_shock, do games w What letter has the best games?

S technically

so many amazing games for Super Nintendo back in the day that literally started with “Super”

roadrunner_ex, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 29th avatar

I have been playing Evoland Legendary Edition. The 2 games bundled are surprisingly dissimilar, with the first being almost a parody game of extremely short length, and the second being a fairly fleshed-out, 20 hour RPG-lite, with a story of real stakes (highly inspired by Chrono Trigger).

Very worth it if picked up on sale, just be prepared for the tone-whiplash between games.

Poopfeast420, avatar

I really enjoyed the first game years ago, but never really got into the sequel the few times I tried, although I never disliked it.

vikingtons, do games w 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC! avatar

Echo Point Nova (Steam)

(Made by the same folks behind Severed Steel) A short and sweet, low-fi yet beautiful co-op (and optionally PVP) movement shooter with extremely satisfying projectile mechanics, destructible environments and a gorgeous soundtrack by Floating Door. Zip through at ridiculous speeds across a series of mysterious floating islands with your hoverboard and grapple beam. Inch closer to god-like power as you progress.

Definitely not for everybody but there’s a demo (which can also be played in co-op) available on the store page.

GammaGames, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 29th

Lots of Skyrim!
Also this game for Playdate called Spilled Mushrooms, I’d been waiting for it to come out a while. It’s a nice blend of simple card game and puzzle, each round only takes a few minutes. The goal is to pick animals to help collect your mushrooms from different areas, animals have different abilities and each biome can have modifiers. It’s pretty much endlessly replayable and very satisfying once you get into a groove! I’m glad it’s not on more platforms because I’d lose so much more time to it

I need to get UFO 50! It looks like so much fun

_Lory98_, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 29th

Started Horizon Zero Dawn. I usually don’t like open world games, but this one has an interesting setting and the gameplay seems fun, so I’m giving it a try.

Finally finished Trails of Cold Steel which was meh. It felt needlessly padded (it could have been shortened to like 30 hours instead of 60 IMO) and there were too many uninteresting characters (I actually can’t think of an interesting one). Hopefully the following games are better, as now the setting should be more interesting.

adonkeystomple, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 29th

Been playing lots of The Finals Lately, and recently jumped back into Titanfall 2. Really enjoying the creative gameplay of the Finals, and Titanfall is just so damn good.


I should replay Titanfall 2, that story is so much fun


I just recently finished the campaign. It was soo good. Definitely one of the goats.


Is titanfall 2’s multiplayer still active?


Yeah always around 2k online. There was a jump to 5k lately because it was super on sale on steam. I can usually always find a match (anecdotally for me on steam anyways)


Cool that’s good to know, thanks!

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