daltotron, do games w The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – Announcement Trailer

I mean, I dunno. I was sort of okay with the link’s awakening remake using this aesthetic, because it was a one off game, but it does sort of strike me as a very like, default, low rent kind of appearance, and the item and enemy copying ability also strikes me as something that’s not that interesting, and not as interesting as the normal zelda dungeon by dungeon kind of scheme. A good portion of the things you’re gonna copy are probably going to have exceedingly similar behaviors, they’re going to be functionally identical.

It’s obviously a copy, ironically, or maybe an extension, of the design philosophy behind the recent two big zelda games, and this one’s adapted it to a lower budget 2D game. I dunno, I’m still not in love with the idea as a whole, and that’s kind of after two big games. I dunno if it’s really ever gonna be on the level of, say, portal, or something, right? Which is a weird comparison to make, but I do feel the need to make it. I’ve never really found physics puzzles to be that interesting, which is gonna be what a lot of games that try like, universal mechanics, are going to have to cowtow to, because physics systems are theoretically infinite even though they actually do have a relatively small set of constraints, right. I’ve also never really enjoyed stacking boxes on top of one another as a solution to a puzzle, despite that being omnipresent in every good immersive sim, which is weirdly what I would kind of peg the modern zelda design philosophy as belonging to.

I dunno. I feel like the change in style has been kind of hard for me to pin down. It’s very obvious in a difference of feel, right, but in terms of formally locking down the actual difference, I can’t say I’ve really found much that’s all that weird about it. Sure, you can theoretically use whatever ability, anywhere, at any time, to make any vehicle, or scale any platform, stuff like that. But 90% of the time, it’s going to be totally useless as an ability. You’re going to fall into a couple of discrete, routine behaviors, even given an “infinite” ability that you’re just sort of, free to use and abuse like that.

Compare this to a conventional zelda tool, which is not generally usable anywhere, right. You can use the hookshot to stun or damage enemies, right, you can use it to grapple onto a discrete set of platforms, but outside of that it’s not gonna be too useful. I don’t see that as being all that different from like. Ahh, well, with this ability, you can paste together two pallets! It’s effectively the same, they’re gonna come with a pretty similar set of constraints and behaviors.

I feel like, to me, a lot of the fun of emergent mechanics comes from eeking out solutions to puzzles that designers probably haven’t thought about at all. Sometimes you can basically sidestep a challenge that otherwise you would’ve had to do, and in that way, it feels very much like a casual version of a speedrunning trick, or, it’s something that rewards your cleverness, or your understanding and mastery of the mechanics beyond even what the designers might anticipate. I like that much less when it feels like the designer doesn’t have a set, like, idea of a solution to a puzzle. When they’ve just given me all the tools, and then they tell me to go nuts, I don’t feel as though I’m circumventing anything, I just feel as though I’m doing the puzzle as god intended. There’s probably also some amount of, if everyone’s super, then no one is, going on there. If every puzzle is some puzzle I’m able to circumvent with clever rules lawyering or mechanics abuse, then it gets older, faster.

So I dunno. I really like the third banjo kazooie game, it was probably ahead of it’s time, if this is the kind of direction we’re going in now, and obviously I have some level of nostalgia for it, because the 360 was my formative console, because I’m a zoomer. Feel old yet? At the same time, the first two games were probably just straight up better games, if I had to actually be honest with myself. They have wider appeal, and even if you just have an ability that you can only use on a specific pad, with a specific symbol, and 95% of the challenges can only be conquered how the game designer intends, it’s probably still gonna be better and have more broad appeal than having to either come up with a discrete set of vehicles, use the defaults, or else spend like 50% of your game time in the vehicle creation menu constructing increasingly niche vehicles to better perform the specific task.

I dunno. You see what I’m getting at, though?


Bro what?


I dunno.

marlowe221, do games w Imagine if Bethesda retained this level of detail..[video 19:54]

Morrowind is the height of the series for me and one of my favorite games of all time. But the level of detail and fidelity in Daggerfall is just staggering.

kender242, do games w Sequel to Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters avatar

Man, Star Control 2 was my favorite game to introduce friends to during the BBS days. Two player melee over a shared keyboard! The music in SC2 was top notch MOD/XM music back when trackers were starting to form a genre. Beeps on computers were the norm but you could hear a drum track over the internal PC speaker in this game. IMHO Tunic is the only game that came close to the wonder and awe of exploration and discovery. Absolutely a masterpiece.

Babu’s game room has my favorite YouTube review. I’ll let the bot pipe the link

SquishyPandaDev, do games w MattKC announces plans to develop an open source DIY WiiU gampead avatar

I wish him the best of luck but, given that this Nintendo we are talking about, it is going to be cease and desisted into the ground.


Perhaps, but Nintendo also seems happy to let people forget that the Wii U ever existed. Also, they seem to not care as much about non-piracy/CFW releated hardware mods- take the 3DS capture card as an example, AFAIK it was never targeted by Nintendo since it very clearly was not meant to facilitate piracy.

tacosanonymous, do games w Phantom Fury - Release Date Announcement Trailer

I don’t want to shit on anybody’s hard work, hopes, or dreams but it looks dated and a little clunky.


I actually thought the same while watching this trailer. I hope some of it is just an issue with how it was cut rather than the game itself but as always, better wait and see how it turns out.

mp3, avatar

That’s kinda of the charm of the game, like Ion Fury.

Maven, avatar

It looks like that’s intentional. It’s trying to capture the vibe of games from the original Half Life era and seems to be doing a fine job from what I can see.


Are you referring to the style of shooter this is trying to emulate, or just the general quality of the game itself? Cause there are tons of “boomer shooters” on Steam that are incredibly good despite the “dated” engines they often use. The game before this, Ion Fury is using the Build engine, and looks insanely good considering how much they’re pushing the engine. Not sure about this new one though.

IDK, I love my Red Dead Redemption 2 and Alan Wake 2 graphics, but gameplay comes first still for me, and “boomer shooters” are pure classic fun, especially if they have excellent level design. This looks to be in the same vein.

Edit: actually I remember the demo for this one being pretty heavily criticized for not being up to polish compared to Ion Fury and other recent “boomer shooters.” So you may be onto something. Release date might be too soon with this one. Ion was made by a different team, Phantom is made by Slipgate which has a pretty meh reputation amongst New Blood fans. Color me skeptical now as well. I thought this was being done by Voidpoint.

Geek_King, do games w FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH - Destined for Rebirth

I have a dumb question:

So, the naming convention is confusing here, is this just the next installment of the Remake?


Not dumb at all. The naming convention is whack.

This is indeed the next instalment of the remake, the sequel to Final Fantasy VII: Remake + Intergrade (the Yuffie DLC)


Ok great! I didn’t finish the first installment on PS4, so I can wait for this new release and play through the first part and second part + DLC all in one game. Sounds good to me!


The order is actually First Part > DLC > Second part, but yes! And if you fancy getting the full experience they also re-released Crisis Core FF7 (the prequel with Zack and Sephiroth) on PS5 as well well.

SqEnix isn’t milking this at all 🤡


It makes sense, especially with the direction Remake started to go. And the original Crisis Core was getting to be very dated by now, so a refresh was welcome


Oh it does make sense storywise. I’m more salty about the fact that Remake + Intergrade are now free if you pre-order Rebirth. I spent €100 on that man T_T

I’m usually a patientgamer, but the call of ULTRA HD Sephiroth and Tifa were too strong for me.


I don’t understand why some companies just can’t figure out a consistent naming schedule for sequels. I’m looking at you Capcom and Street Fight Ultra Turbo Alpha Second Strike Tournament Edition with a Cherry On Top


How vital is it to play the Yuffie DLC? I avoided it because it came just long enough after the main game that I didn’t fancy re-learning how to play for a short DLC.

Admittedly, as may be apparent, I didn’t look too much into it.

top_ramen, (edited )

Without spoiling anything, Intermission (Yuffie’s DLC) takes place in the middle of the Remake storyline and basically follows what she’s up to before presumably joining the party in Rebirth.

I like Yuffie as a character, so I enjoyed playing the DLC. But you could probably find a Twitch stream or no commentary Youtube playthrough to catch up on the story if you don’t want to play it and not miss out.


It’s probably not too vital. It sets up some new backstory for Yuffie (and also ties into some elements of Dirge of Cerberus of all things), but I am assuming Rebirth will sum up the important parts of Yuffie’s story so far, at least in broad strokes, for when she joins the party.


The combat in the dlc is much more refined and felt like a sign of what’s to come in rebirth. It’s very fun mechanic wise, it actually makes the main game harder to play haha


Since you seem to know what’s going on, is FF7 Rebirth a full package? Ie does it include Part 1, the DLC, and the new Part 2 all in one game, or would someone have to purchase those separately?


It is just part 2. Will there be a bundle of both at some point? Maybe. But it’s set to be a trilogy, each installment a separate release.


Ah I see, thanks!

simple, do games w FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH - Destined for Rebirth

Someone wake me up when they release it on PC

ConstableJelly, do gaming w Marvel’s Blade | Announcement Trailer | The Game Awards 2023

An honest-to-goodness single-player Arkane game, with Dishonored 2’s caliber of level design, would probably be the catalyst that finally convinced me to get an Xbox.

I was almost relieved that Redfall arrived as such a dud because I didn’t have to make this decision on that game’s behalf. Still boggles my mind Bethesda took the minds behind the greatest modern immersive sims and assigned them a live service game. What a waste.

ampersandrew, (edited ) avatar

They did this over and over again with a lot of their teams, didn't find a breakout hit like they wanted, and then looked for a buyer, which seemingly was nearly Sony and ended up being Microsoft. Chasing the live service thing is why we got Wolfenstein: Youngblood and Fallout 76, as well as Redfall. Hopefully they're done with that nonsense now.


A good clarification I saw was that Redfall was Arkane Austin and all the good Arkane games have been from Arkane Lyon(sp)

ampersandrew, avatar

People quite liked Prey. There was an article that came out about Redfall's development where they had something like 70% of the studio leaving because they were put to work on a live service game, but the kind of person who applies to Arkane is interested in the type of game that Arkane is known for, not what they were tasked with building. This led to them filling out the studio with inexperienced developers as they replaced more experienced talent that moved on to other companies.

Astaroth, do games w How Crash Bandicoot Hacked The Original Playstation | War Stories | Ars Technica

Already saw this a year or two ago, it’s a great watch and would highly recommend anyone who hasn’t seen it yet does watch it

stagen, do gaming w Star Engine Tech Demo (Star Citizen 4.0) No Commentary CitizenCon 2953 4K avatar

Star Citizen 4.0 ?! Can we have Star Citizen 1.0 first maybe?


It’s alpha 4.0

They’re currently on 3.21

stagen, avatar

I think my point still holds. :D


I mean, no? Version numbers don’t dictate the release readiness of something.

You want them to just call what they have now 1.0, before they implement the Alpha 4.0 features shown there? Because that’s the gist of what you said.

stagen, avatar

Conventional version numbering (afaik) lead up to 1.0 as the release candidate.

Cagi, (edited )

Most often in gaming, yeah, but there are no rules. PURE CHAOS, BABY!!!


Usually yes if you use only numbers, but when you use alpha/beta/release cycles etc, it’s not that uncommon to have them start from 1.0 as well.

As an example, the fifth phase of minecraft dev started with “Minecraft Alpha v1.0.0” and once it got to v1.2.6, the next was “Minecraft Beta v1.0.0”. The proper Minecraft 1.0 came after Beta 1.8.1.


That was a standard that existed because of older, ‘linear’ SDLCs. It stopped being the case when Agile development took over. When you’re using Waterfall, and all your milestones are planned out before a single line of code is written, you can do that.

Modern software development doesn’t work like that, and it’s silly to use nth-degree nested decimals (0.1.0, when you can just use 1.1, 2.13, etc, and call something RC1.0 and 1.0 on release without bothering with internal version numbers or project codenames (or just keep the working version numbers anyways).

JaymesRS, do games w The Talos Principle 2 | Demo on Steam Available Now avatar

I hear this guy is super excited

mojo, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

Gamers love to throw tantrums lol

!deleted7120 avatar


ProdigalFrog, do gaming w Manic Miners, a fan remake of a classic 1999 RTS Lego Rock Raiders, has finally reached full release.

I used to play this as a kid before I could read, so I never got far. I’ll definitely be checking this out!


I could read by the time I was playing it, but I was only 9 or 10 so I sucked at videogames lol. I’m excited to actually play through the whole thing as an adult.

jordanlund, do gaming w The Color of Corruption - How Purple Is Used in Video Games
!deleted7836 avatar


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  • Quatity_Control,

    Hulk was originally grey. Printing error made him green, they kept it.


    I think it was more that the printer couldn't consistently make him the same gray, but could with green

    AstridWipenaugh, do games w Shapez 2 to enter Early Access: August 15

    Sweet! Shapez is a great take on factory games.

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