B0NK3RS, do games w You Pay For It, We Own It - Sony's $7.9B Lawsuit avatar

I’m all for these lawsuits etc but people need to wake up to the fact they don’t own anything digital, it’s been this way for years now so no excuses.


If it says “buy”, then I should own it. Anything else is a lie and demands justice.

B0NK3RS, avatar

You did buy something, a digital license that comes with it’s own terms.

I agree with you by the way but it’s been 20 years and people still act surprised about this stuff.


I’m going to keep this short. It takes a long time for society to “catch up” Facebook, twitter, the shitshows of algorithmic social media. It’s like watching a snail race but, that doesn’t make it right is what people are saying. When you go to the store and buy an apple they expect that apple to be theres except this is digital purchases and even in the terms it says that it can be modified by the corporation at any moment. Shit it’s been 112 years and climate change was only recognized as a real problem by the public in the last 30 years.


I know it’s like the people who get mad at me when they get hit with my chainsaw and it’s like “look wrong or right I’ve been out here swinging these chainsaws while wearing a blindfold for 24 years you need to get used to it”

B0NK3RS, avatar

I agree with all the replies I’m getting but people are literally going round in circles with the outrage over digital licenses.

Buy physical, backup your media, download illegally or do what you need to do to show businesses that things need to change.


Even if it says “licence” or whatever then I’d still not be fine with it not being permanent. The language isn’t the problem


We’re already past the “spreading awareness” stage. Now it’s time to do something about legally sanctioned robbery.


No no no, OP told us it’s been ages now so we’re in the “dogmatically apathetic” stage, right before “crywank”.


Do we need to wake up to that? Or do we need to say that’s bullshit? Which one sounds better? Maybe companies need to wake up to the fact that they shouldn’t be able to do anything they want. Why can’t we wake up to that reality?

WeLoveCastingSpellz, do gaming w How to pronounce "Mana" properly


avater, (edited ) do games w Skull and Bones - Skill Up Review avatar

Ah fuck it, I know it’s against the meta here but I got it yesterday for 38€ and I actually really like it. Didn’t play the beta, didn’t see any videos beyond the initial trailer years ago and just got it because I like those kind of games.

Oddly it reminds me a lot of Freelancer, you sail, you fight, you trade, you humm to the shanties, you upgrade your gear and ship and sometimes you do all of that together with other players. I don’t care for the hand to hand combat or the land gameplay of Blackflag cause these were actually the things I liked the less, and to be honest I also would not need the land gameplay in Skull and Bones since the real character of the game is your ship.

If you’re fine with that and get it a decent price tag, it’s a really entertaining and fun game. For me after 6 hours of gameplay it would land somewhere between a 7 and an 8 out of 10 I think and I can really see myself playing for a longer time :)

M137, avatar

“Didn’t played the beta”

Grammar hard, apparently.

avater, avatar


Chet_Awesomelad, avatar

Glad you're enjoying it!


The review is pretty fair and somewhat agrees with you.


I don’t expect it’d even be worth $20 to me, but I can sort of understand the online appeal. Sometimes having a relatively basic game happen in a shared open world, where people can choose to cooperate, adds some fun moments. The Division and Sea of Thieves would be examples of that. Watch Dogs 2 also had some very good times where you might be driving around, and without any “prompts” or loading, have a chance to join a midcity chase with/against another player.

Stillhart, do gaming w Star Engine Tech Demo (Star Citizen 4.0) No Commentary CitizenCon 2953 4K

I am in shock at the number of people upvoting positive comments about this scam project. Until they refund all the people they defrauded to get the project off the ground, they will continue to be dragged down by their own fucking karma.

Suckers want to spend money on it now, knowing everything we know now? That’s on you. But plenty of us didn’t know we were being conned at the time.

worsedoughnut, avatar

I will never let myself live down the stupidity and shame of falling for their bullshit not once, but twice. I’m ~$150 poorer thanks to my impressionable college-brain thinking their “complete in a few years” line back in 2014 was even remotely possible.

!deleted5791 avatar

Well, think of it so that you spent $150 on a class on media literacy and a crash course on the dangers of unethical business practices.


That’s a constructive way to look at it

!deleted5791 avatar

It’s sort of how I try to view my past fuckups: I can’t change the past by feeling like an idiot for making some mistake, but I can try to learn to not make the same mistakes again (and instead make new and exciting mistakes) and learn to “forgive myself” in a sense.

Fuckups are inevitable parts of life, and beating myself up over mistakes won’t stop me from making new ones. I do need to learn from them when I make them, so I might as well do it in a way that’s less unpleasant and doesn’t require carrying around an ever-growing pile of memories labeled “I’m an idiot for doing […]”

Sivick314, avatar

@Stillhart @SeaOfTranquility even if it comes out its gonna be pay to win garbage. They sold goddamned star destroyers for thousands of dollars, you think those won't have an advantage?

I can't believe there's people who still defend the amount of time and money that's gone into this. It boggles the mind.

Cagi, (edited )

Spending more than a basic access package is absolute stupidity and those that do it and regret it have no one to blame but themselves. I spent $45 dollars and play the exact same game and can buy most of those expensive ships with in game money after a few days of playing.

I have had hundreds of hours of great times in Star Citizen. Your anecdotal experience and very emotional hatred for this project because of your own bad financial choices doesn’t make my good experience, the most common experience, untrue. The massive, growing number of active users trumps your loud minoroty’s passionate hatered. Hatered 100% based on hot, salty tears because you wasted your own money on pretend spaceships like a spoiled child, not based on an objective look at things. You were 100% informed about the realities of this project, you just ignored it. I know this because I’ve been following it too and didn’t spend buckets of money on a videogame that isn’t even done yet. Because that would be really irresponsible of me.

This game keeps making money and keeps adding more users. This is because it is fun to play for more people than not. Otherwise they would be failing after this many years. Grow up, get a life, focus on games you like, ignore the ones you don’t like a healthy adult. Don’t spend money on speculative projects if you don’t want the project to change, caveats have been everywhere saying as much since day one. The only person that lied to you was you.


I personally don’t like the game at all. Some mechanics are interesting, but the game being pay to win and “shit on new players all you want, there is no consequences” just makes me never want to start it again. I really thought there would be some semblance of PvE possible, but you’re always in a PvP setting.

That being said though, while I do hate the dev process, and find it disingenuous, it’s not a scam at all.

Cagi, (edited )

Not enjoying the game is a fair criticism. It is slow paced and there is no pvp off switch, only things you can do to minimize risk by learning best practices. It’s not for everyone. It’s going for a sci-fi second life vibe, it’s not very gamey. I don’t think everyone expects that. And the prototype criminality system is rather useless right now, you’re right, so you get griefers and undeserved fines here and there. I can still have a lot of fun despite these things, but I can totally see it being not worth everyone’s time, especially for the lesser flushed out jobs. I have had my share of bug induced rage quits.

But yeah, they are making a huge game in good faith, any claim of it being a scam is childish. Any claim that it’s not fun is a valid opinion if they’ve actually tried it.

They know whale hunting is paying for the game, without them it’d be a tiny, indy, space game we’d have all forgotten about by now like they thought they’d make back in the original in Kickstarter. Some people have better stuff than me because they earned it, some just bought it, but it’s more RPG than competitive shooter and the in-game progression is fair so far so it hasn’t been world breaking yet, plus it ads a lot of diversity and multicrew options right out the gates. So it’s not great, but it’s less shady than premium currencies, battle passes, or loot boxes to me.

Nighed, avatar

I prefer that they are spending the money one actually developing advanced/new engine technologies than just releasing a half baked cames and a huge profit.

They got loads more money than they expected and increased the scope to match.

(I agree on the pricy ships though)

Even if they went bust and the game failed, I would be happy if other big studios got the engine.


Before Star Citizen got announced, I tried to get up a project that would’ve been better, bigger, and far more revolutionary… only I didn’t lie about it, so funding fell on blank stares at best, and a bunch of insults at worst.

Congrats, you voted with your wallet to get conned, so you got what you voted for. Same with No Man’s Sky.

The average citizen has no vision or perception of the costs involved, so you either con people, or nothing gets done.


Are you a well-known developer though? One of the reasons why Starfield attracted so much attention was the name Chris Roberts attached to it. As flawed as his legacy is, he’s a household name in the industry. Are you? What was your project about? How big was your team?


Precisely, you just described what’s needed to pull a con. My project was just an engine capable of running a real-scale galaxy with consistent time travel, we had no great concept artists capable of churning out eye candy marketing material. Should have made it a solo project about digging mines, or something.

andrew_bidlaw, do games w 15 More Free to Play Overwhelmingly Positive Steam Games avatar

I loved Alien Swarm, although it’s like just one episode from a big game. It’s disheartening it’s still like that. This game has a potential, especially for coop gaming. Just no content to flesh it out.


I remember playing the shit out of Alien Swarm back when it came out over a decade ago. It showed a ton of promise. It’s a shame they haven’t really fleshed it out since then.

andrew_bidlaw, avatar

Alien Shooter and Zombie Shooter series are direct inspirations to this Valve’s experiment. Idk if they are good on your platform or if they are meant to play together with others, but I liked some of these older entries playing solo. Maybe you’d like them too.


There was Reaction Drop which added more content and the Workshop for user made stuff, but even then the extra time it’ll buy you is limited.

SickPanda, do games w Riot Games and r/leagueoflegends moderators being called out for censorship over the state of their game. avatar

I literaly lost 2 friends because of this stupid game. May Rito games (misspelled on purpose) and their stupid game rot in hell


They died irl?


The body cannot live without the mind.

SickPanda, avatar

No they became super addicted to the game.

They neglect their families and friends because of the game


I’m not sure the game can be blamed for that

SickPanda, avatar

They wouldn’t act like this, if this stupid game wouldn’t exist. They never neglected other people, this started with them playing lol. I tried playing with them, but they kept insulting me for dying and even started a kick vote against me the last time I played with them. This game changed them and destroyed our friendship.


People with an addictive personality will find an addiction, self control must be experienced and learned, and you can’t blame a game for this.

SickPanda, avatar

this is utterly bullshit. Everybody can get addicted to something, this has nothing to do with the personality. The game changed them, they were never like this.


You have a very biased and immature mindset towards the situation tbh and I can’t really waste any more time on this, but blaming the game for your friends not being nice to you anymore is just not realistic

SickPanda, avatar

it seems more like you are biased towards the game because you are defending it with false claims and calling me immature. An addiction can influence the personality but the personality cannot influence if a person developes one. Everybody is able to be addicted, some people are genetically just more likely to.


Addiction, compulsion, whatever you want to call it, it’s well known a lot of games have mechanics intended to keep people playing a long time, and for some it can be a serious problem. I’ve had friends (yes, more than one) addicted to MMOs who would play for 48+ hours literally non-stop. That’s not healthy, especially if real life responsibilities and connections are being neglected for it. Skinner box mechanics can be as bad for players as loot box mechanics.

idunnololz, avatar

Oof. I’m in the exact opposite boat. I’ve made a dozen friends from playing the game. I’ve been playing since season 2.


Same here. Both turned into gigantic assholes and ditched me because I was a lower rank than them and got fun out of playing off meta champions.

I wish 1v1 MOBAs were a thing, because the worst part about playing League, Dota, Smite, etc is the community.


As someone that used to play a lot of League, friends don’t let friends play League of Legends.


There is a quite fun little pokemon MOBA on switch that could scratch that itch.

dylanTheDeveloper, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed? avatar

I’m having fun zooming around the galaxy as a tough bounty hunter/vanguard. Has all the good bits of Fallout (exploring abandoned buildings, weapon variety, base building etc). I swear people are not even playing the same game with how they describe it.


I think you mean pressing buttons in menus to teleport across the galaxy


Yeah, you’re right, they need a “fast travel to tracked quest next location” button so I don’t have to futz with the menus. But at least I’m not arbitrarily waiting several minutes to get to fun whenever I have to go somewhere.


You can fast travel to tracked quest location, I think as long as it’s not a new location. On Xbox you open the main menu/wheel thing, hover over the quests option at the bottom and just press x.

Kit, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

I’m 20 hours in and not having a good time. Feels like I’m forcing myself to play instead of looking forward to it.

It’s just… bland. There’s no memorable characters, no breathtaking worlds, no addictive gameplay loops or memorable story. Just go here, fight pirates, click on one thing, 30 seconds cutscene of talking, repeat.

I really, really want to love Starfield but I just don’t get it.

WintLizard, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed? avatar

I’m enjoying the game and having fun but I also have a long list of complaints. #1 for me right now is not having the right dialogue options. First bethesda rpg where a character can ask me if something is a good idea and there is no option to tell them no!

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Damn even the outer worlds had that.

!deleted6508 avatar

I got Outer Worlds because of all the talk about it having more choice than Fallout 4 and didn’t find that to be true at all. It was largely the same with nothing but Yes, No, and Not Now options.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

I disagree, every potential option for betrayal or aligning with one cause versus another in any given scenario was just as good as any other Bethesda game.

The narrative was tighter and not as open world, but I liked the art design a lot and gameplay well enough.

!deleted6508 avatar

I disagree, every potential option for betrayal or aligning with one cause versus another in any given scenario was just as good as any other Bethesda game.

That’s what I was saying tho. It was only just as good as any other Bethesda game; but it was being praised for being so much better than that.

iusearchbtw, do gaming w A Misguided Guide To Finishing Your Gaming Backlog avatar

I don’t really get the obsession with backlogs. Are you actually enjoying the games at that point? Are you playing this game because you want to play it, or because it’s on your backlog and you want to be able to check it off the list and move on to the next thing - presumably, since your backlog is so big it warrants a guide - as quickly as possible? Just pick out a game you want to play and play it. Why spoil your own fun?


My backlog consists of games I’ve bought because I want to play them. But because there’s always something on offer I end up buying more than I can get through. So this will be a way to stop myself spending money when I already have enough games to get me through to the end of this year. If I find I’m not enjoying one of them, I’ll mark it “dnf” and hide it from my library. So I’ve absolutely no plan to play a game if it turns out to not be any fun.



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  • alehel,

    I think this is what the commenter above is getting at. You say you want to play the game, but “dnf” means “did not finish” which alludes closer to just checking it off a list.

    My list is basically my library. I only buy games if I want to play them (I don’t bother redeeming free games if I don’t intend to play it). That said, just because I want to play a game doesn’t guarantee I end up enjoying it. The great perhaps is one such game. Thought it was for me, didn’t enjoy it, so won’t bother finishing it.



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  • alehel,

    We’ll, excuse me 🤣…

    I don’t tag them with anything.


    Some people just do it this way. This doesn‘t mean they don‘t have fun. I noticed this happens with books too; people buy books and then track how many they‘ve read, set goals etc. Some people think it‘s stupid, but for some it‘s fun.

    EvaUnit02, avatar

    Nor I. Honestly, I'd rather have a wealth of options I can play and never do rather than having a giant fuckin' chore list for something that is not supposed to be a chore.

    I don't have to "get through my backlog" because it's not a backlog. It's an option set.


    Obvious “this is what works for me and why I do it” disclaimer, but:

    • I have a growing collection of games which spans multiple consoles and physical/digital media alike, so I need a way to track what games I have and where, so as to not buy them multiple times (I don’t believe this to be a typical use case, but I could be wrong?).
    • Aside from that practical element, I have a few lists on HLTB where I track what I (might) want to play next, but realistically it’s pretty much always a case of checking out what I have and picking one based on my mood / gut feeling / whatever.
    • Lastly, it’s about actually finishing games - getting started with some form of tracking helped me tremendously get past the “pick up and drop after a few hours” mentality (?). I wouldn’t have gotten to experience some of the best games I’ve played in recent memories, were it not for my backlog, because I probably would have forgotten I had them / wouldn’t have stuck with them.
    minimalfootprint, do games w (EVE Online, OC) If you understand even 1% of this video, it may be time to touch some grass

    To anyone who finds EVE fascinating, but doesn’t actually want to play it themselves, I can highly recommend the “Empires of EVE” books by Andrew Groen. The two volumes span the time from beta to 2014 and talk about the wars and empires of Null Sec. The author interviewed loads of players. It’s a fascinating read.


    There is also 6 hour long Down The Rabbit Hole of Eve Online (yt vid)

    osaerisxero, avatar

    Yea, it's one of Fat Nuts Freddy's best works


    Fat Nuts Freddy

    Just the name I expect from a Eve lore lord

    Chozo, do games w First Ever REBIRTH in NES Tetris

    It's insane that this happened so quickly after Blue Scuti's kill screen.

    thingsiplay, do gaming w PROOF: VALVE IS RIPPING EVERY PC GAMER OFF.

    Valve and Steam is actually the best thing happened to PC Gaming and Linux. No thanks, I want Valve and Steam succeed. I’ve seen the same claims over and over again and most of the time its wrong or disingenuous. I’m not saying Valve is a prophet, off course there are things I don’t like about.

    But saying Valve is ripping every PC gamer is a lie.

    ZeroHora, avatar

    What I found most interesting is that the real alternative of cutting down Valve is giving the money that Valves make to multiple others shittier companies. In the end of the day the money will not go to the people that’s actually work on the game.


    I want to give Valve money, not 100% he publisher. Why? Because Valve is actively working on Open Source and improving PC gaming (and even creating new devices and games). Unlike shops like Game Jolt, who just cuts part of the money for selling it on their platform.

    Kolanaki, do games w Introducing Steam Families
    !deleted6508 avatar

    So what’s actually new or different about what has already existed for quite a while now?

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Sharing your games doesn’t lock your entire library when someone is playing a different game than you in the same account.

    Dvixen, avatar

    We’ve been using it since it came available to test, and is such a lovely change from before. The check out system is so much cleaner than the old locked out of account while someone in the family is playing.


    Also, you can share DLC now which is nice. I believe the old system if your share partner has the same game but without the DLC, you can’t share the DLC with them. Now they can play your version with the DLC.


    dlc worked fine before. that is not a new feature. but the lockout. so annoying.

    JaN0h4ck, avatar

    Also leaving a family blocks you from joining another family for one year and the spot will also be blocked for one year

    Vinny_93, do games w Castle Crashers DLC Announcement: Painter Boss Paradise

    It looks like it’s just the ability to play as literally anything. No new content or anything.

    I wouldn’t mind Castle Crashers 2


    That’s new enough for me, considering I’ve probably forgot most of the content since I played this what, ten years ago? More? God damn I was a kid when this came out and now I’m nearly 30


    I’d be cool with a left4dead2 scenario where it’s the same engine/art and it’s just a campaign add on for like…20 bucks.

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