Caligvla, do games w FPS as it was, once upon a time avatar

God I miss Unreal Tournament, why can’t we have multiplayer games like this again? Just a silly fun multiplayer shooter with lots of options on how to play and no greedy shit on top.


There’s plenty games that’re like that, just not as popular as other shooters around right now.


But still with more players than there ever were on Unreal Tournament.


Edited my comment to make that clear for you.


I understood your comment without the edit.


You like to name some?


Multiplayer games with some form of progression are much more popular. Games like you describe still exist, they are just less popular relative to others.


Because Fortnight. Epic cancelled development on everything else except fortnight.……/unreal-tournament-cancelled

I played that beta. I played that Early Access. UT4 was fun and I was stoked for it. I was shit at it, but I was having a blast when I played it. Now it’s dead. All Hail Fortnight!

Caligvla, avatar

Don’t even remind me of UT4, I was there day one and was absolutely furious when they cancelled it. Seriously, fuck Epic.


God I miss Unreal Tournament, why can’t we have multiplayer games like this again? Just a silly fun multiplayer shooter with lots of options on how to play and no greedy shit on top.

well we do it is called xonotic and it has the best rocket launcher in any game hands down, it comes out of the quake lineage tho

Frogster8, do games w Lords of the Fallen - Dark Crusader DLC Class Gameplay

Isn’t this game not out yet, how is there dlc gameplay?


The (current) top comment on Youtube answers your question. Might have slight game spoilers so I’m gonna tag it just in case someone wants to go in fully blind.

spoiler“Ok, this class. Is DLC only atm unless you beat the game with a specific ending and then can pick after that. It’s a pretty strong class. Good armor, stats and weapon. Ranged is kind of borked and slow, but gets the job done. Here’s you easy mode class to start the game if you want it. If you guys want to see other classes let me know. I’ll try to get them up as I play through the game. Enjoy!”

I haven’t super kept up with this game though, so I’m also quite curious what the point even is. From what I understood “classes” in this game are the same as in Dark Souls/Elden Ring. They define your starting stats and equipment but don’t give you any special bonuses beyond that, so making a class-gameplay-trailer feels weird to me. Maybe I misunderstood something though.


Ah okay, I have comments on YouTube hidden for the same reason I haven’t read beyond that bit of your paragraph (sorry) spoilers!

Maybe it’ll make more sense to me later then, I was just confused seeing DLC trailers for a game I hadn’t seen come out yet.


Haven’t been following LOTF2 so massive grain of salt but:

In LOTF1, your class actually had a very strong impact on gameplay. It defined your magic which boiled down to buff, direct damage, and an ult. I THINK you could change that on an NG+ cycle but it has been a minute.

Since it is a different dev team and a more modern game, I assume it is closer to Remnant or Code Vein (aka “Sexy goth anime vampires”) where it is an equip slot that impacts stats and spells but you can more easily swap it out.


The game itself is just a Dark Souls DLC.

Aielman15, avatar

Apparently you can unlock the class by finishing the game once, or unlock it immediately by paying for the deluxe edition.


That’s a really shame, good that it’s still possible to get it but weird to make it available immediately by paying. Just an odd choice, wonder what makes it special, guess I’ll find out once I beat lies of P then get the game and beat it to unlock

zipzoopaboop, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

It’s it bombing of it’s a bad game?

beefcat, avatar

But it’s not a bad game

!deleted6508 avatar

Being middling is worse than being bad. At least bad things get remembered for their badness. Nothing mediocre gets remembered.

beefcat, avatar

But it’s not a middling game either. I’m having a blast.

Vinny_93, do games w Castle Crashers DLC Announcement: Painter Boss Paradise

It looks like it’s just the ability to play as literally anything. No new content or anything.

I wouldn’t mind Castle Crashers 2


That’s new enough for me, considering I’ve probably forgot most of the content since I played this what, ten years ago? More? God damn I was a kid when this came out and now I’m nearly 30


I’d be cool with a left4dead2 scenario where it’s the same engine/art and it’s just a campaign add on for like…20 bucks.

VerseAndVermin, do games w Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP Remake Reveal Trailer 4K

I never got to play the original, but I remember it had more character in its trailers.


Wow. After watching both, the one you posted makes me actually want to play the game. No Engrish, good music, good visuals, and an idea of what the game’s sense of humour is. The OP trailer looks awful by comparison. It’s just a couple of gameplay clips and some freeze frames of characters, and clearly Google translated captions.


If your pc is good you should play it through rpcs3 which I played at 4k/120 without issue. And it looks to be Lollipop Chainsaw isn’t a remake and rpcs3 is basically a remaster that is available now.

pastel_de_airfryer, do games w How Crash Bandicoot Hacked The Original Playstation | War Stories | Ars Technica

They also pulled a really cool hack on Jak and Dexter. They were able to hack into the PS1 chip hidden away in the PS2 for backwards compatibility to get some extra processing power!


source? I’d really like to read about this


I read about it over a decade ago. Something about the game being difficult to emulate because of it. Now I can’t find anything :(


Their engineers were crazy good to pull off this sort of stuff.

million, avatar

Another interesting fact concerning the ps1 chip, Sony used it as an Io controller so backwards compatibility was essentially built in to the design of the ps2

PlayStation 2 software is distributed on CD-ROM and DVD-ROM. In addition, the console can play audio CDs and DVD movies, and is backwards compatible with original PlayStation games. This is accomplished through the inclusion of the original PlayStation’s CPU which also serves as the PS2’s I/O processor, clocked at 36.864 MHz in PS2 mode.

From Wikipedia

Jaeger86, do games w Persona 3 Reload New Gameplay No Commentary 4K TGS 2023

I still think $70 is too much for a release of a remake or any new game for that matter. Tho I only pic games up. Now adays on sale anyways. But it’s still the principle of the thing.


I’d be okay with $70 for this if FeMC was included, as that would mean a lot of branched content. They’ve said there will be (and shown) added content to make up for it, but that could shake out to being an extra two hours in the end.

I’m glad the UI and battle transitions look slick, though, if only to put the fan narrative that no one’s making quality turn-based JRPGs to rest.

helloharu, (edited ) do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed? avatar

It would seem so to me. When there’s a big disparity across the ratings - positive and negative are similar on metacritic with little in between - it raises a lot of red flags to me.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Not sure if it’s evidence of organized review bombing. but yeah, it seems like most people are just being as extreme as possible because they know it’s a scale of averages.


I dunno dude, I've heard a lot of people have legit complaints about the game, especially on PC.

cottonmon, (edited ) avatar

For PC, game optimization is very inconsitent. When I’m in a smaller space like a dungeon or the Constellation Lodge, it’s actually pretty great and runs smoothly. When I go into the city though, the framerate is terrible. The graphics also become significantly worse. So yeah, wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of those negative reviews are from PC players having to deal with Bethesda jank again.


People also need to stop calling 40fps unplayable. They expect their 3050 to run every game at 120fps on Ultra.


It's reasonable to expect high framerates in 2023. If people want the game to run smooth there's nothing wrong with that. Hell, doom eternal was a Bethesda game and it looked gorgeous and ran like butter, so we know they can pull it off.


Bethesda was the publisher of Doom Eternal and had nothing to do with the engine.


Fair point. But still, if the doom eternal engine puts theirs to shame so easily, maybe they should have done some more work on their engine.


A lot of people also seem to not know that you can’t just spend 80% of your budget on a graphics card and buy whatever CPU you can afford with whatever is left.


I have a 3080 and the game runs noticeably worse in the cities than it does in small rooms. And that's with everything at low-medium and 75% rendering resolution which seems ridiculous. And the game doesn't even look that good.


I’ve heard the game is bottlenecked by the CPU. What do you have?

Saganastic, (edited )

I have a ryzen 3900x. It's never been the bottleneck for me before. I can have 20 applications open while playing most games without a hiccup.

I have high standards, but still, there's no reason starfield should perform so much worse than other modern games.

WeLoveCastingSpellz, avatar

Uh no. People are barely doing 30 fps in the lowest settings with this game

helloharu, avatar

Oh I know there are, I’m not saying otherwise.


Nah. There are good reasons to love and hate the game.


That seems like a standard reviewing to me. Now go look at The Last of Us Part 2, now that game is truly review bombed.

helloharu, avatar

I dunno, TLoU2 definitely got it harder but there’s still that massive gap in middle range reviews (see image) that made me question it with Starfield.


It’s because it’s Metacritic, people only rate in 10s and 0s. Look at Baldurs Gate even. It’s 75/2/21 split.

Regardless, People diss on pro journal reviews, but user reviews are 100x worse, I have never relied on them except for Steam Reviews.

ampersandrew, do games w Real-Time Strategy is incredible and you should play it avatar

That line about “only 20% stick around for the multiplayer” isn’t exclusive to RTS. Usually I hear a number like 30%, even for other RTS games, but that’s the case across every genre, even for games like fighting games that you think are only there for multiplayer. Only about 30% of people of any game’s player base will stick around to play online matches against other people.

StarCraft II is one of my favorite games, but to get back into RTSes, for me personally, I’m looking for two solutions: I want it to work well with a controller, and I think I want to get rid of the fog of war. The controller thing, done well, solves the APM complaint already, since there’s usually a speed limit on it. Tooth & Tail, Cannon Brawl, Brutal Legend, etc. give you a “cursor” character such that it doesn’t matter what input device you’re on, since that character can only move at a set speed. This isn’t the only way to do it though; it isn’t coded to use controllers, but Northgard operates on distinct tiles and things move at a slower pace such that a game like it could work on a controller without compromise. One of those compromises that games like Halo Wars or Battle Aces have made is that you can’t really place buildings strategically, and that feels like they’ve gone too far. As for the fog of war, I recognize its strategic value, but it wrecks me mentally and emotionally. It’s just so stress-inducing, even when I understand how to thoroughly scout. Cannon Brawl does without it entirely, and I can enjoy that game in a way that I can’t other RTSes. You still have to split your attention paying attention to all of the different attacks in motion that your opponent has thrown at you, and so it doesn’t feel like it’s missing something. I’m the star of my own story, so these things definitely feel important to me, but I do feel like both of these things would do wonders for making the genre feel more approachable.

And of course, for me, it’s a non-starter if the game is online-only. The two big RTS revivals with the most marketing right now are Stormforge and Battle Aces, and both are online-only, as is that Beyond All Reason game right now. These games have been cooking for a long time, and they’re going to be launching into a live service game crash. Their lead developers may take away the lesson that the genre can’t be saved when I hope that the actual reason is that customers hate putting time and money into a game that will likely be deleted off the face of the earth in a matter of months, not even years.


Starcraft 2 has the best control scheme out of all the RTS games that I have played. I wish Age of Empires 2 could put the map on the left, then I would be way better at using it.

Fog of war

Just play Terran and scan, hurr durrrrrrr. Interestingly, AoE2 has a game option of letting everyone see each other by default.

MysticKetchup, do games w Nightmare Kart Launch Trailer

Boy this legally distinct gothic horror themed game that shares nothing in common with a popular Sony franchise sure looks like a fun time

LucidNightmare, do games w Streets of SimCity 27 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective

I love LGR and his content. Glad to see others do too!

moosetwin, do games w MattKC announces plans to develop an open source DIY WiiU gampead avatar

The absolute leg…o island guy, he never misses!

hal_5700X, do games w [Mod] Fallout London - Next-Gen Update Announcement

Don’t be like The Frontier. Please be good.

scops, do games w Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 - Official Gameplay Trailer

There’s also an extended Gameplay Reveal on WoD’s Youtube Channel. I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, but the trailer hasn’t blown my mind. That dialog interaction looked so flat. Still, VtMB 1 had its own share of jank.

I’ll still reserve judgement until I can get my hands on it.

WuergerLarsDietrich, do games w FPS as it was, once upon a time

One of the beste games i’ve ever played.
I remember that I played at 2x Gamespeed, lowgrav and Instagib for so many nights. Thanks for the good memories

OrkneyKomodo, avatar

Was just thinking the same. A happy trip down memory lane. We used to do quad jump + low gravity + instagib. There was some capture the flag map that was great with these mods. I can’t remember the name now though.


Maybe CTF-Face? With the two huge towers?

But there were many maps extra made for this. And even whole servers runnig this gamemod 24/7.

OrkneyKomodo, avatar

Yup. That’s it.


It was so great to have those options. Games could do that now but most don’t.

1984, avatar

Instagib deathmatch with low gravity was so much fun :)


[The map] Morpheus with those settings was a riot.

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