Gamey, do games w Godot is Getting EPIC // 10 Games & Projects Made in Godot

Not mine but fitting! 4wnr96


Hehe good picture, how disgusting Nintendo is to me, they could put a discount on their older games sometime…

gravitas_deficiency, do games w Unity ...It Just Keeps Get Worse

Holy shit, I had no idea about that whole quid-pro-quo bullshit. That’s crazy. Also, that’s definitely super illegal.

Rhynoplaz, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

I was so prepared to love this game today. Woke up early and fired it up almost two hours ago. It’s crashed 5 times and I’ve only made about twenty minutes worth of progress into the intro.

I’m playing on a Series X. There’s no reason for this type of bullshit.

Sure, it’s a first world problem, but this has really set a bad tone for the day and this game in general.

I might try again later, but I’m probably already over it.


Where did it crash? I’ve been playing for 5 hours on a SX and it’s been rock solid (of course usual Bethesda visual glitches slightly happen).

It sounds like your xbox is overheating or needs to be cleaned


But the Xbox OS isn’t crashing. I just suddenly go back to the home screen, but trying to go back into Starfield relaunches the game. My kid said it was happening to him when he played earlier this week, but I thought he was just exaggerating because he’s like that.

Here’s where it crashed: #1: Saying goodbye to Lin. #2: Space pirates land (no combat yet) (I decided to quicksave after talking to Barrett) #3: Conversation after the pirate fight #4: Spaceship combat tutorial (2 ships)

And that’s as far as I got in 2 hours.


I get the same crashes in the same places. On a windows 10 pc with less than current parts. I thought it was my aging machine.i have 82 minutes in game and may just refund.


I wouldn’t even say anything if I was on PC, I’d just assume I wasn’t up to spec (I’ve never had a high end machine, I’m used to it) but theres not much I can do to improve my series x.


I’ve been running it on my series S for hours without a single crash - sounds like that might be something to do with your console

MutatedBass, do gaming w Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Coming to Switch and PS4

Wow! A port of a 13 year old game will soon run on 10 year old hardware? Keep on innovating R*!


And their release of the GTA trilogy was just so stellar… They seem like Square Enix with their classic games, in not caring about them anymore.

cyberpunk007, do games w The Sims & The Sims 2 Legacy Collections - Official Reveal Trailer

So if I’m reading these right, these are the same as downloading from an abandoned website but they’ve added drm? Uhhh I’ll pass.



Essence_of_Meh, avatar

Both games did get some compatibility fixes but for the most part yeah.

mox, (edited ) do gaming w Proton is the Future of PC gaming. But how does it work? [Gardiner Bryant, YouTube]

Hardware is not the only thing that can be emulated. Here’s an example. To claim that things emulating software components are not emulators is simply incorrect, like claiming that squares are not rectangles. It’s always disappointing to see someone spreading that falsehood.

It’s true that Wine is not a hardware emulator, nor is Proton. But make no mistake: they are both emulators.

The unfortunate backronym made a kind of sense 20 years ago. At the time, lawsuits were flying hard and fast at projects offering APIs and tools modeled after commercial operating systems (Unix variants), and there was no established case law protecting them. The prospect of Wine contributors getting sued into oblivion by Microsoft was a very plausible threat. Rebranding it as “Wine Is Not an Emulator” helped frame it as something different as it grew and gained attention, and although that phrase is inaccurate, “Wine Is Not a Hardware Emulator” wouldn’t have fit the existing name or distanced it from being seen as a Windows work-alike. Also, most emulators of the time happened to be hardware emulators, so it didn’t seem like a terribly big stretch.

That time is gone, though. The legal standing for software based on reverse engineering is more clear than it was then. Microsoft has not sent its lawyers after our favorite runtime emulator. The backronym was thankfully abandoned by the project some years ago. Weirdly, there are still people on social media spreading false statements about what the word does and doesn’t mean.


The term “Emulator” is not well defined and the boundaries are not always clear. But in computer hardware and software, emulation usually refers to CPU emulation. Overall one could argue that WINE is an emulation, because it emulates a certain “thing”. But as said in computer science it has accepted by most people (for the sake of having categories) that CPU emulation is emulation, and otherwise its not. Especially if we talk in context of videogame emulation. Like Virtual Machines are no emulators, because they do not emulate the CPU itself.

Slightly offtopic: I often discuss and justify why I do not consider FPGA an emulator. Sure it emulates another hardware, but in the terms of console emulation of videogames, FPGA executes the CPU cycles native. There is no middle layer in between that needs to be interpreted, it runs the CPU commands that was “programmed into”. So FPGA is mimicking, not emulating.

Just like with many other words in human language (which also is not clear across all translations and dialects of human language), the term “emulation” is just not 100% defined and there is nobody who has the definitive answer to it. And that’s okay. It’s a “domain specific” language; which means, you have to specify it before in order to make use. Otherwise you can assume it from context its “usual” meaning. Does not mean its clear, but it means nobody has the right to act like having a clear definition and saying anyone else is wrong.

mox, (edited )

as said in computer science it has accepted by most people (for the sake of having categories) that CPU emulation is emulation, and otherwise its not.

It’s important to keep in mind that things said in computer science for the sake of having categories are usually said within the very narrow implicit context of a particular field of study, like microprocessor design. It makes sense there for the sake of brevity, just as arcane acronyms make sense when everyone in the room understands what they stand for in that context. But the context no longer applies when we’re out in the rest of the world using a word that is not so narrowly defined, as we are now.

I think we mostly agree, because you pointed this out yourself:

It’s a “domain specific” language; which means, you have to specify it before in order to make use.

However, I want to clarify my position in response to this:

nobody has the right to act like having a clear definition and saying anyone else is wrong.

I often encounter people on social media chiding or mocking others for referring to Wine as an emulator, which is disheartening for a number of reasons. Importantly, the people reading such comments are being taught that it’s wrong to call Wine an emulator, when in fact it is not wrong at all. Wine’s very purpose is to emulate. This is plainly visible not just in how it is used, but also in how it is developed (many of its behaviors are reverse engineered Windows behaviors, departing from the API docs) and how it functions (it does a heck of a lot more than translating system calls).

The Wine project’s FAQ acknowledges the misunderstanding, a bit indirectly, by pointing out that it is “more than just an emulator”.

Unfortunately, since most people in the discussions I mentioned have no visibility into Wine’s internals, they don’t know any better than to accept what they were told by multiple people on the internet. They are misled by a smug few who love to tell others they’re wrong by repeating that officially abandoned slogan that was never really true (at least not in the context that framed it) in the first place. And then some of the misled people adopt it themselves, so we end up with more of the “you’re wrong” attitude, perpetuation of a ridiculously narrow understanding of the word, and people who publish about the topic performing awkward linguistic gymnastics to avoid simply saying “emulator” for fear of rebuke.

I think all three of those results make the world a little worse, so I’m here to let everyone reading know that it’s perfectly appropriate to call Wine (or Proton) an emulator. Anyone who claims it’s wrong to do so is perhaps a hardware field specialist who has lost sight of the importance of context in language, or (more likely) either honestly mistaken or an internet troll.


Besides those toxic people who claim something and everyone else is wrong, its not too bad. In the end, all it is about is just one tells someone else a specific definition of a word. And in a sense he is always right, because he (or she) is defining it at that moment.

I understand what you are saying there (last paragraph), but, there is context if one says Wine is not an emulator (not because of its name). The reason is, we are talking about software emulation in the sense of gaming. And there are emulators to play videogames literally emulating other systems. And we have other words to make a category for distinguishing reasons such as Virtual Machines or API compatible or ABI compatible too. I’m fully aware of the fuzzyness of the terms. I’m also fully aware what upsets you when people tell others Wine is not an emulator. But they do it with intentions to teach (such as you and me here), at least usually. Trolls aside or “idiots” aside.

So looks like you are right; we agree each other us here.

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, do gaming w Every Video Game Is Woke Apparently... [The Act Man, YouTube] avatar

Not a fan of someone who uses the r-slur and makes a show of not being “woke,” but I agree that that list is utterly ludicrous. Flagging something like it’s practically unplayable because you can if you search for them find a couple of same-sex characters in the ass end of nowhere holding hands is kinda mind-blowing.

They even complained about someone claiming to be asexual. Seriously?? Someone not wanting sex is the big horrible Woke Agenda™ being shoved down poor, innocent Gamers™’ throats? Look here, it’s incels doing reverse wokism “making” a game engine because Real Men™ never use a premade one! Don’t think about why they would want to associate with a general-purpose game engine despite also claiming that every dev must make their own! Thinking is WOKE! You’ll turn gay if you think!

🤬 Baffling absurdity, I say!


Because of idiots like them, either not understanding what woke means, or by taking it to comical extreme, real issues get buried under. I wouldn’t be surprised if this list was created by an Ai or was meant to be funny in the first place. I would say some stuff there has nothing to do with wokeness at all, such as gay relationships is too woke for them. I go this far and say whoever made that list seems to be anti-gay.

And that’s my take, going too extreme is always bad and destroys any nuances and makes real problems hard to find and discuss.

Donjuanme, do games w Steam Summer Sale 2024: Official Trailer

I’m here for it, my wishlist is approaching 100 games. My unplayed list is approaching a thousand though…

Suburbanl3g3nd, do gaming w Xbox multiplayer risks your security, if it hasn't banned you already - What console users pay for.

Don’t multiplayer PC games have anti cheat software that is malware-esque and often times root level? I seem to see folks pissed about all the anti cheat software on PC all the time

Point being, don’t you get fucked to play online one way or the other anymore?


PC players have the choice to install that software when they install the game. It’s easy to know which games use DRM and invasive keenel level anti cheats. Console players have no idea how much personal info they are leaking to a broader audience and their 800 corporate friends.


But my point is, if you want to play said game onlline, you have to give up your privacy in unknown ways, too. There’s no way to know what Denuvo or whatever is sending off to their 800 corporate friends or what they’re collecting while you play, either.

HeavyRaptor, do games w 10 Best Upcoming Games of March 2024 (Ps5, Xbox, PC)

(without having watched it) Why are these videos always top 10 upcoming games and never top 10 games that just released last month?

I’d be much more interested in stuff that’s already out instead of hyping myself up for something that might come out and be terrible.


everyone already talked about the games that came out the last month? you can find endless oodles of detailed information, you can go look at the critic ratings via metacritic/opencritic, you can go look at the last months worth of social media threads about games, it’s really endless

i don’t think there’s a lack of information there, I understand you’d like a compact packaged version (and i’m certain someone on youtube provides that if you go look) but It’s really not hard to understand why people would be more interested in a video about future unknowns, over just seeing what happened last month, which you probably already know, you were there.


I understand your point. It will be good to have videos of past months or year game video. But getting to see the upcoming games video kind of gives a feeling of hope that something is coming soon. I am personally hyped for dragon dogma 2!


I wont watch a video that at least doesnt list the top whatever in the description here. Its that kind of crap i left reddit for. Its just clickbait


i mean lets be honest, you won’t want the video regardless. you just want the list in the description so that you can give your opinion without watching the video.

that’s okay, it’s a discussion forum, but lets be honest with ourselves.


That’s cool that you’re looking forward to it. It’s nice to have something to be excited for. I guess I’ve just been burned one too many times to give in to the hype again.

I’m not even really talking about this video specifically, just that these type of videos are usually hyping stuff up, getting clicks, and in the end the games are often a letdown.

stagen, do games w [F4 Mod] Fallout London - Official Release Announcement avatar

This might just put Bethesda to shame. Can’t wait to try this out!

Zahille7, do games w LEGO Fortnite - Gameplay Trailer

What even is Fortnite anymore?

BloodSlut, (edited )

Epic is trying really hard at making a Roblox-like ecosystem out of Fortnite. They even have a half-stripped-down-but-with-extra-things version of the Unreal Engine (editor) to build games that are a part of this ecosystem.

There’s a significant enough overlap between the Fortnite/Roblox playerbase that Epic thought they could make a decent amount of money by “poaching” the Roblox model and keeping it under their roof.


A metaverse, as Tim says.

sebinspace, do games w 15 More Free to Play Overwhelmingly Positive Steam Games

OpenTTD is just fucken… -chef’s kiss-

Kaldo, (edited ) do games w Starfield Review - Buy, Wait, Never touch avatar

He talked a lot about his experience and feelings (and that's great!) but I wish he went a bit more into actual mechanics. How "RPG-like" is the game, do choices and builds matter or do you just stack stats and better gear? How is the enemy scaling? What are the build archetypes, if any? Other outlets said the exploration is a bit lacking, so is the settlement building complex enough to carry the game on its own or are we going to have to wait a few years until we get "sim settlements" or something?

It definitely looks like a purchase for me down the line but I still can't tell what kind of demographic is the game actually aimed at, if that makes sense. Is the focus exploration? Basebuilding? Story? Or is it really everything a bit but nothing in specific?


You can make of it what you want, but you have to make the effort. There is a mission for base building, and mission boards for doing cargo, bounties, exploration, etc. The game does start out with the storyline, but it doesn’t force you to stay on the story past a certain point, you are free to go off and do what you want, but it also doesn’t hold your hand, and you have to figure out a lot of mechanics on your own.

Sektor, do games w ZeroSpace look like a good StarCraft2 spiritual successor

Why does avery modern game have a color palette like it’s aimed for preschoolers?

woelkchen, avatar

Why does avery modern game have a color palette like it’s aimed for preschoolers?

Because everything being brown and grey is boring.


And it already looked lifeless back in 2006


I lived through the grimbrown era, and I’ll happily tolerate any kind of color assaults on my senses because it reminds me the era has gone.


Everything looking the same is boring. FTFY.


That might just be you bro.


It’s a competitive game. You have to be able to recognize features as fast as possible and a vibrant color scheme can help with that. And I just like seeing things without turning max brightness and going in the basement. There is no need to set some mood here with a dark gothic color palette


Surely part of being competitive is being able to quickly recognise features regardless of being spoon fed?


In a competitive RTS game where there can be multitude of different units in the hundreds you need to be able to tell the difference between. Else its just a messy blob that you attack move into and theres no skill or strategy, just a spray and pray. Visual clarity is extremely important otherwise the game feels bad to play and the competitive scene will die instantly cause no spectator can understand whats going on.


Exactly. Visual clarity is not just for the players, which can get used to anything after thousands of hours of play, but for spectators as well which will not have the same dedication.


CoH is also competitive.


Haha, good joke.


I’m with you. Loved the art of Tiberian Sun. I’d like to go back to those days.

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