To answer the OP, it’s an expandalone with flight mechanics and new powers. Regular Elden Ring is also a co-op action adventure game, but more notably in this trailer is that none of the other players are phantoms, meaning that, like they said in a previous interview, the “seamless co-op” mod and its popularity has influenced how they’re handling multiplayer going forward.
My big question is whether this can be played singleplayer or if it’s designed from the ground up to be multiplayer, since the trailer put a lot of focus on it being co-op. Man, I’m hyped either way!
I actually still own one of these Alienware Alphas (a Windows variant). Traded out the HD for an SSD and it’s surprising how much they could be overclocked.
Now that Steam OS is leaps and bounds better I really do hope Valve try again with this kind of gaming PC. It’s been a great entertainment center PC.
If I recall correctly at the time I bought mine, the specs and price generally made sense. But I honestly doubt that Valve will be partnering with anyone for this in regards to hardware after the steam deck’s success except perhaps as an alternative to windows. It would honestly be better for most consumers to have that alternative in store. We want steam os to become more popular.
I could have sworn they removed it and replaced it with opt in but this is worse. says they removed it in snapshot 18w21a to comply with the GDPR but re-added it in snapshot 21w38a and since then.
Spammer? Their lasts two posts were 2 weeks ago and 1 month ago. What the fuck are you talking about?
I’ve seen the video, he wants to sue but I’m not sure the process has started yet.
I don’t know, but he seems to have actual contract breaches to sue over, a real stake in it as a mod developer. Mojang is trying to just force out every mod with a weapon more historically recent than the crossbow.
Ultimately I think this is going to be another case of gamers voluntarily ignoring overreach and allowing corporate complete sovereignty over the software. Just like the Ubisoft game deletion thing, “StopKillingGames”. Gamers just don’t want to get in the way of Bobby, Phil and Guillemot.
As far as I can tell, unfair terms in their EULA which are illegal in some places, and silently changing the terms of the EULA after the fact without informing anyone. Removal of content/mods under the new terms that they deemed they “didnt like” it because it had guns while putting guns in their own shop. Probably a number of other things.
I believe there’s also the fact that they flat out ban the selling of mods, but “add-ons” that do the exact same thing can be sold through their store.
I‘ll tell you my boy. Back on the PS3, when Nuke Town Noob-Tubers were real - it was right after we lost the 25 kill streak nuke, which was an instant win - it was the last time I remember not being able to run on walls, have a jetpack. Back then you had to play to unlock new skins and weapons. That one level 37 dude running around with the low level weapon in gold? He was to fear. His K/D was about 12. but all changed when lootboxes appeared. We got colorful skins, not representing the sheer dedication and skill one had to have to unlock it, only showing the money the player spent in order to archieve it.
I mean, I could see if they tried to make this rent-to-own over 2-3 years. At half the price they’re offering.
But renting… where you’re paying over the entirety of the price in a single year, is fucking insane.
If renting, and updating it every 2 years, then for like 1/4th of the price then sure. I could see it being promoted how they are. Rent out older stock for 50% retail to at least get some value out of it while allowing people to pay ~$30 a month for a decent computer. (and then you could “upgrade” the lower tier with this to end up recouping 75% of retail over 4 years.)
But who the fuck is paying 10% of the cost a month to borrow an okay computer, even ignoring the full month cancelation fee, and ridiculous contract. (which is… ignoring a LOT.)
It is sad to see NZXT lowered to this as I used to have a decent view of them. They make some nice cases. CAM kinda lowered that view a bit, but I was in the beta for that and got a free water cooler out of it so I could overlook that (it’s improved a lot since beta, though it gathering data is still not great it’s less horrible than it was.). And pushing their own not as great products for the prebuilts still seemed okay for prebuilts for those scared to build on their own. But this is just… too much to overlook. Wild.