KoboldCoterie, do gaming w Spedrunning Noita in 2 Seconds (Glitchless) avatar

Calling this glitchless is a little misleading, unless you’re suggesting that carrying spells over from one run to the next was intended / normal functionality. This also requires a mod-constructed wand that isn’t possible to get in a non-modded game.

It’s still awesome from a theorycrafting standpoint, but there’s no one arguing that this is a legitimate speedrun.


It’s not a mod wand. Wands have a super rare chance of having more that 26 slots.
I think there is an effort to gather seeds and locations of 26+ slot wand spawns, in order to try and make calculators/finders.

I would agree that a run should be a run in isolation.

Urwis, do muzyka w The History Of Sunrise 2024 - Live Show avatar

@Emill1984 Ten set jest kozacki

ReversalHatchery, do gaming w This YouTuber Is Actually Suing Minecraft & Mojang

they have been breaking the GDPR for years but it seems nobody cares. data mining is still an opt-out setting


I could have sworn they removed it and replaced it with opt in but this is worse. says they removed it in snapshot 18w21a to comply with the GDPR but re-added it in snapshot 21w38a and since then.


all jira tickets regarding it has also been closed without a (real) response

Boomkop3, do gaming w This YouTuber Is Actually Suing Minecraft & Mojang

Stupid spammer


Spammer? Their lasts two posts were 2 weeks ago and 1 month ago. What the fuck are you talking about?

I’ve seen the video, he wants to sue but I’m not sure the process has started yet.

I don’t know, but he seems to have actual contract breaches to sue over, a real stake in it as a mod developer. Mojang is trying to just force out every mod with a weapon more historically recent than the crossbow.

Ultimately I think this is going to be another case of gamers voluntarily ignoring overreach and allowing corporate complete sovereignty over the software. Just like the Ubisoft game deletion thing, “StopKillingGames”. Gamers just don’t want to get in the way of Bobby, Phil and Guillemot.

atrielienz, do games w Potential SteamOS machine?

I actually still own one of these Alienware Alphas (a Windows variant). Traded out the HD for an SSD and it’s surprising how much they could be overclocked.

Now that Steam OS is leaps and bounds better I really do hope Valve try again with this kind of gaming PC. It’s been a great entertainment center PC.

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

I would buy the fuck out of a steam machine 2.0 if the specs were all right for the price

(Which means don’t work with fucking Dell Alienware)


If I recall correctly at the time I bought mine, the specs and price generally made sense. But I honestly doubt that Valve will be partnering with anyone for this in regards to hardware after the steam deck’s success except perhaps as an alternative to windows. It would honestly be better for most consumers to have that alternative in store. We want steam os to become more popular.

april, do games w Potential SteamOS machine?

No new information. He’s just covering that “pure speculation” reddit post


Welcome to 10+ minute YouTube videos. This is why I rather read an article or just the source information.

ech, do gaming w This YouTuber Is Actually Suing Minecraft & Mojang

Providing an actually useful summary instead of more click bait would be preferred.


As far as I can tell, unfair terms in their EULA which are illegal in some places, and silently changing the terms of the EULA after the fact without informing anyone. Removal of content/mods under the new terms that they deemed they “didnt like” it because it had guns while putting guns in their own shop. Probably a number of other things.


Interesting. Thanks!

KairuByte, avatar

I believe there’s also the fact that they flat out ban the selling of mods, but “add-ons” that do the exact same thing can be sold through their store.


They have also have been allowing pay to win servers in the marketplace loot boxes and all while it being against their own terms.


My bad I fixed the TLDR to be more specific. cheers.



Electric_Druid, do games w Medievil: A Skyrim Tale - Official Mod Trailer [1:19]

Amazing, love this game enough to have had it tattooed on me. Will totally try this out!

Wrufieotnak, do games w Vertigo 2: Into the Aether - Reveal Trailer

Oh nice. Vertigo 2 was a great step forwards from Vertigo 1. I’m interested in this new addition to the series.

simple, do games w Medievil: A Skyrim Tale - Official Mod Trailer [1:19]

No shit?! I loved MediEvil in the PS1 days. Did anyone try this? Is it good?

Chingzilla, do games w [Crowbcat] Dad, how was Call of Duty before?

Makes me nostalgic for when everyone agreed that killing Nazis was good clean fun. (Or am I too old now since I’m thinking of pre Mondern Warfare?)

DoucheBagMcSwag, do games w [Crowbcat] Dad, how was Call of Duty before?

Really wanted to watch this, but it starts with a potential spoiler for the Black Ops 6 campaign so I can’t.

Nikls94, do games w [Crowbcat] Dad, how was Call of Duty before?

I‘ll tell you my boy. Back on the PS3, when Nuke Town Noob-Tubers were real - it was right after we lost the 25 kill streak nuke, which was an instant win - it was the last time I remember not being able to run on walls, have a jetpack. Back then you had to play to unlock new skins and weapons. That one level 37 dude running around with the low level weapon in gold? He was to fear. His K/D was about 12. but all changed when lootboxes appeared. We got colorful skins, not representing the sheer dedication and skill one had to have to unlock it, only showing the money the player spent in order to archieve it.

A_Random_Idiot, do games w Do Not Buy NZXT | Predatory, Evil Rental Computer Scam Investigated - Gamers Nexus

Is this the first time Steve has said an uncensored fuck?

Its at least rare enough that it stood out enough for me to pause the video and go back to hear it again to confirm.


Same. My jaw dropped. Absolutely loved it.

Enoril, avatar

Yeah… i had to replay it too. He was quite upset.

Steve has no patience for people or company that lack empathy and abuse people.

Remind me his reaction to the email of Artesian CEO, he was quite upset too.


i dont remember this, got a recap/link?

Enoril, avatar

This one: (’Steve Loses It’ chapter)


I appreciate you digging up the link and even timestamping the relevant area. Top class, thank you very much.

Also I forgot just how utterly massive of a cunt the Artesian CEO was. Man had significant Elon Musk vibes, Just didnt have the money or family money to stop his fall.

TowardsTheFuture, do games w Do Not Buy NZXT | Predatory, Evil Rental Computer Scam Investigated - Gamers Nexus

Commenting to watch this later


There is a save button.


Yeah but I don’t ever use or look at that. Honestly, almost never go to look for shit later on here, so not a habit I have. So if I did save it, I wouldn’t see it til like 6 months from now and I’d probably just go… why the fuck is this saved? And delete it.


Sometimes the save button doesn’t give you context for why you saved it and it’s not something you check everyday.


There are also things called elephant trails.

People commenting to be able to easily come back to the topic are creating an elephant trail, which will exist regardless of the UI designer, if the software allows people to do it.


Except that the “ui designer” of most (all?) of the lemmy themes and apps have support for saved comments.

So no, it is just people being stupid and not understanding how websites work.


You can fight the elephant trails, or accept them being there. Your choice.


I don’t understand why people get angry enough at this to down vote it

acosmichippo, avatar

it’s not about anger, the point of downvoting is to put low effort or other random crap comments below any others that may actually contribute to the topic.


That doesn’t work for me on Lemmy because in the app I use it doesn’t sort comments that way. So I see the comments basically newest first. This is reddit behavior is what it is.


Your app should have a button to change the comment sort. I use Boost and it does.

atrielienz, (edited )

Sync doesn’t do this by default (I haven’t changed any settings to this effect). I’m currently in settings now looking for a setting to change just to see.

Edit: Under settings there is an option for setting comment views (settings/comment options/comment views). However it defaults to new. Additionally it does the same thing in my bed browser using Alexandrite.

The point is though this doesn’t work for everyone using Lemmy and it’s definitely a carry-over habit from reddit and similar messageboard style sites.

acosmichippo, avatar

if that was the intended layout of lemmy comments they wouldn’t have vote buttons at all.


Lemmy is meant to be a direct alternative to reddit and it copies plenty of design and user elements from there that don’t necessarily fit with the overall user use case here. There are whole instances without downvote buttons for example. This is an over-arcing statement that lumps together a bunch of instances and user bases that don’t necessarily comply with such a notion.

acosmichippo, (edited ) avatar

This is reddit behavior is what it is.

Lemmy is meant to be a direct alternative to reddit

There are whole instances without downvote buttons for example.

well this is not one of those instances.


it's a single click


I do appreciate the idea of having some note you create to go with why you saved something. I’ve definitely saved stuff and forgotten why

Default_Defect, avatar

Its single click more attention than it deserves.

Nighed, avatar

But by clicking it, you save other people’s attention!

franklin, avatar

commenting to watch this later


Watching to comment this later

Badeendje, avatar

Lol at all the down votes… people could also have not engaged with your post… but apparently there is a right way to use your posting privileges and you broke the law.

embed_me, avatar

Commenting to downvote later

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