shiveyarbles, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World"

Bethesda game full of jank. Same as it ever was, Pikachu face.

sadie_sorceress, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

I’m playing with a Ryzen 5 and a 970 and it runs pretty smooth on low settings. I’m not a graphics whore though so I don’t mind the visuals on low.


A Ryzen 5 is a pretty large span of processors, ranging from “old and mostly obsolete” to “modern and highly capable for gaming”. Which one exactly would be helpful for others to help judge their own.


Looks like this is what I bought almost exactly 3 years ago: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core, 12-Thread Unlocked Desktop Processor with Wraith Spire Cooler

anteaters, avatar

Game does not really look good even at high settings. Releasing something with such bad performance and nothing to even show for is just insulting.


Not my experience at all, looks really nice, I did get rid of the overblown LUTs tho for a neutral one from nexusmods.

There are definitely some silly things like some of the random gen NPCs look… Disturbing sometimes.

Other then that though, very detailed environments, textures are very high quality and shadows/lighting is good

anteaters, avatar

I’ll take another look at it today after I fiddle with the settings a bit. What I saw yesterday was not impressive - occasional stuttering while barely utilizing my 2060 on low/med settings while looking worse than Skyrim did in 2011.

verysoft, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

The fact you need a 4090 to touch 120fps on 1080p in 2023 is disgusting. That should be the minimum target fps for mid range hardware at the least.
Meh, game is bland anyway.


PC bad. Game bad.


Not having a 4090 = pc bad.


You don’t need a 4090.


Ok sure, 1080p low settings, I can get away with a 4080 if I have an i9 13900K. 1080p high? Yeah, not even a 4090 with a 13900K will get you near 120fps.

The game runs like shit.


1440 at 144fps, max settings with nothing more than a 3080 12gb and i7 12700k.

verysoft, (edited )

You are upscaling, I am talking native resolution.


This is very deceptive if you’re using dlss or the amd equivalent.


The game is cpu bound so having a 4090 won’t do you much good if your Cpu can’t keep up, which is the problem most people have


Even with a 7000x3d, GPU performance is pretty rough across the board


It's shitty code bound. Sometimes no matter how powerful your hardware is, software will perform poorly because it just doesn't scale. Writing complex software like game so that it can fully utilize current hardware AND actually run faster with better CPU/GPU can become very difficult once a certain complexity threshold is reached. It's easy enough to do for a small linear game even if it has exceptional graphics, but an open world sandbox game like ones that Bethesda makes is a completely different story.

That doesn't mean that it's impossible of course - Bethesda absolutely should have made a better job, but it's by no means an easy task.


I was able to get a consistent 70+ fps with most things set to medium, 1440p with a 3900x and a rtx 2080 with dlss2 and a mod that helps performance without any noticable dregredarion I can tell.


Games don’t feel like they’ve advanced very far in graphics since the witcher came out, I should still get 144fps on my 1080ti, if I’m honest.

PeterPoopshit, (edited )

But then people wouldn’t buy $1000 graphics cards all the time which isn’t very cash money for the industry

bermuda, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World"

To chime in, I think a lot of this kind of discourse is just based on what you’re looking for in a game.

In American Truck Simulator, one of the DLC’s is the state of Wyoming, which is remarkably barren. It’s the least populous state in the whole country, and many of it’s “biggest cities” don’t even top out over 100,000 people. If you look at the reviews for it, it’s actually somewhat divisive. A lot of people criticize it for being “boring,” but that’s also how Wyoming is in real life, having driven across the state partially myself. I think a lot of this has to do what people come into the game expecting. Some want to enjoy the game as a truck simulator and Wyoming offers plenty of space for that. Some also want to enjoy the game via other formats, such as the scenery, and Wyoming doesn’t excel that much in those areas.

My point being, I think it’s just hard to make claims about this thing because it’s all just subjectivity. I think if you make a black-and-white claim about this then you just aren’t thinking very rationally. Some people will like it and some people won’t. Such is life.

Kolanaki, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes
!deleted6508 avatar

I’m wondering if this would help get a solid 60 outside of interiors/around loads of NPCs. Only my GPU doesn’t meet requirements, and it’s still playable. But is mostly 30-40’s unless I’m in a small interior or an interior with not many NPCs. The NPCs are more bound to CPU so I’m not sure if having lower res/filesize textures would help. I don’t think the VRAM is the problem.


it will certainly help

!deleted6508 avatar

It’s a little better. I’m pretty sure it’s gotta be the NPCs now. Video card is handling it all quite nicely, despite not having RTX or even DLSS support, but everywhere there are crowds it slows down by 20 fps. Currently just standing in the main road of Neon and it’s around 40-45, dropoing to 35 when I run, but get a solid 60 when no NPCs are visible by looking up at an animated billboard or something.


what CPU do you have?

!deleted6508 avatar

A Ryzen 5 3600x


yeah you might want to maybe look at upgrading that that might give you the most benefit from what I understand

!deleted6508 avatar

It’s literally the recommended AMD CPU for this game.


that doesn’t mean a whole lot these days it seems

deadcream, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

Potatoes? You mean PCs with < $1000 GPUs?
I'm not touching Starfield until I can play it at 1440p 60 fps with decent graphics (yes, actual 1440p, not "720p upscaled to 1440p" bullshit. Neither that nor 30 fps are acceptable to me).

If Bethesda can't be bothered to fix performance and I will need to wait years until I decide to upgrade so be it - I have plenty of great games in my "to play" list. By that time the will also be lots of mods to choose from to make Starfield worth it.


It's crazy to me that they make the same game for almost 20 years but still can't make it work. The ai seems to get worse every game, computers get better and better but it still runs the same.


Just from a a couple of nights playing Starfield. The combat ai does seem more interesting then with enemies jumping off ledges to get to you etc but not but a whole heck of a lot. L


Wait a year for the modding community to finish it.

When I first played Fallout 4 years ago, it ran at 20fps in some parts of the map and on medium.

Playing it again now, modded to the max, ultra, higher res textures, 60fps everywhere.

Same pc.


That's the plan. I haven't actually properly played F4 yet either lol (tried years ago but dropped due to performance issues). Probably will do it soon after spending a month modding it.


Did that on skyrim.

Don't know how much free time you have, but I couldn't be bothered anymore for FO4 on nexus. I just downloaded one of the bigger/better collections and ignored/deactivated the creepier/boobier mods.

Already more than enough of a hassle to get that working, with vortex sometimes not installing stuff properly, pre-cleaning files, etc.


I just enjoy that stuff lol. I only stopped my last Skyrim playthrough because I kept updating my mods and adding new ones and at the one point it just broke all of my saves. I took it as a sign to move on to other games.


Same, but realistically once you start heading towards the 500 mods range, it's almost impossible to get it working reliably.

At one point I had 200+ mods on skyrim, and the mod cycles and before/after conflicts on vortex looked like mandelas. I did enjoy 'completing' the vortex mod manager game. That's when it's 3AM, you're fed up, you give up trying to figure what's wrong, and just click randomly and uninstall/reinstall mods until vortex shuts up, and it somehow just works. Bit like winning the lottery.

DadVolante, avatar

I’ve never played a Bethesda game at launch.

Or any game for that matter.

punseye, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

is there a similar kind of mod for fifa?

Cocoa6790, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes avatar

Thank God

wave_walnut, do gaming w Starfield's planets are an illusion: you can't land on them avatar

Space Engineers has a planet, where you can burn fuel and fly for hours from Earth and land to. However, there is no story there. Choose the game that is more interesting to you.

Die4Ever, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes avatar
LameName3000, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

Reminds me of Oldblivion. It was amazing being able to play that game with a Geforce 3.


It’s just poorly made (performance wise), period.

Even modern hardware struggle with that crap. The old “But will it run Crysis?” meme is even more relevant for Oblivion


Me: Turns on HDR

Oblivion: Fucking crashes

nottheengineer, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

It’s sad that this is necessary. And given that it took less than a week for modders to get actual performance gains means that bethesda could’ve easily done it themselves.


You see modders care for the game.


Starfield is a shit game that should not need the level of detailed gfx to run. Anything from 2000 will trash Starfield today. The devs know this.


Bro you hating.

Username02, (edited )

I can understand the hate. I can’t understand the love. Feels like people that like starfield never touched any genuine good games before.


I mean theres certainly a game there, but its very much a game pass filler or a sale game. Its definitely not worth the asking price.
Its like Fallout 4 but with less going on all around you. The dialogue is improved I can give them that, but all around the game is pretty uninspired and bland, its very much a console game. Theres a lot better out there.


I’m surprised that the mod is even necessary given that the game can run on the Xbox S or whatever the hell it’s called.


They probably optimized the minimum settings for that and spent zero time considering low-spec PCs.

I’d guess that this is a management issue and not a development one.


The Series S is still current Gen tech running at a lower power profile. A lower end PC may be using a previous gen CPU or GPU making it harder to optimise.


Don’t think Bethesda is focused on making their gaming look specifically bad just to make it run on older hardware. Similar to all other companies there is a minimum spec. I do think that having such great mod support allows for this to happen which is great.


They are sabotaging their own sales by not doing it. Starfield is such a hyped game that many people who don’t usually game much will want to play it and those people tend to not have the most up-to-date hardware. The PC I built in 2018 for about 1100€ is pretty much exactly the minimum spec for starfield. And given that minimum specs usually target 30fps for some reason, I’d need this mod if I wanted to play it at a reasonable framerate.


I'm running starfield medium graphics on a 1660 super and getting 60fps at 1440p.

It honestly runs fairly good on just a decent graphics card.


Good to hear, maybe the minimum specs are just a very conservative pick for this game.


It’s a first party title used to drive Gamepass subs now, they have different metrics for success. Not to mention you can play it streaming on multiple services too and on console. They’ll be fine not appealing to people stuck a decade back tech wise.


From a money perspective, probably. But there’s also the PR perspective to consider, and they threw away an easy win there. Starfield can run decently on the steam deck and if they cared to optimize it for that, it would have been a big win.


People were going to shit on it no matter what, literally the only game in recent memory that the Internet didn’t shit on was Baldurs Gate 3, and that’s probably mostly because it’s a much smaller company.

Bg3 is great don’t get me wrong


That shouldn’t be a surprise for a five year old computer.


This seems like pure speculation. The relative number of people below this spec is probably not worth it for them to focus on this. Besides their explicit support for modding allows them to improved sales value. Consider for example Skyrim. It was re-released so many times and people kept buying it and mods allowed it to look great even years after its release. I think by narrowing their scope they can focus on development of a good core and by leveraging their mod community it can run on older or higher hardware. Win win in my opinion.

Ganbat, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

What? Already? Damn, that was fast.

SirSauceLordtheThird, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World" avatar

I am confused by a lot of complaints about the game I’ve seen, namely “it feels barren”, “id rather have 3 good planets over the 1000 procedural generated ones”, and then theres the people with the same complaints they have every time bethesda releases something. I have seen only like 1 trailer for the game, kept away from all the press and whatnot and somehow I feel like I still had a better concept in my mind of what this game would be like than most others did? So many complaints I can just address as “it’s a bethesda space game, and this is what it’s supposed to be like”.

Many people don’t like fallout and elder scrolls, and that’s fine, but if you dislike those games why buy this one? Especially why in the hell would you PREORDER this one?

And secondly a lot of people ive seen talk about this have obviously never played a true space game before. I’ve played no mans sky, elite dangerous, empyrion, heck I’ve played most of them and they are all barren, that is the point. And if bethesda had hand crafted these planets we would have maybe idk, 5 planets id wager that we could actually explore, which is the total opposite for what bethesda wanted to do here.

So many complaints of this game I just feel are “well yeah, obviously” that I’m struggling to find the actual issues in the game. My only thing that bugs me so far is how I can’t fly around on the planets surface, and the lack of a dune buggy.

Erk, (edited )

I do wish I had a ground vehicle yeah.

I spent five hours exploring Nesoi where my house is yesterday, largely so long because there were a few unique biomes to check out and then I happened on a random quest that had interesting stories and voiced lore snippets and things, and took me some time to complete. Also hooked into another off world quest that I’m not done yet but has been really fun.

I would put it on a very similar level to NMS, in that the world does get samey after a while… But there are biomes on the planet, so at least I can find mountains and deserts and things. Looking forward to whatever mods or dlc increase the baseline biodiversity on lush worlds but I think five hours contendedly exploring a single planet is a pretty good stat at launch to be honest. Plus the quests are actually fun and good and there’s combat with more than one kind of enemy.


"So many complaints I can just address as “it’s a bethesda space game, and this is what it’s supposed to be like”."

Why do you have such an incredibly low bar for Bethesda in particular? Demand better or you help make the entire video games industry worse.


My bar for their games is high and its been exceeded. I would be happier if it had every feature I can dream up but if I wanted a game that had an infinite scope and an endless development cycle I’d just pay $10k for a ship in star citizen and hope it releases before I die. Thankfully I’m able to enjoy a game made by one of the most lauded and successful video game developers in the world and not be a curmudgeon about it.

Not trying to be a dick, just seems like everyone else is. Don’t buy it if you need x feature and it isn’t there, maybe they will learn a lesson and make the game you wanted them to next time.

SirSauceLordtheThird, avatar

Well said, and yeah

Not trying to be a dick, just seems like everyone else is.

sums up how I feel about this game’s reception so far pretty well.

SirSauceLordtheThird, avatar

Feel like you’re misinterpreting what I’m saying, that statement is not to excuse bugs.

Demand better

Bro I am pleased with the game? I am having fun and I think it’s a good game, as the other guy who replied to you said my bar for this game has been either met or exceeded. I hold bethesda to the same bar as other devs, and people painting this to be as bad as the fo4 or f76 launches are just wrong from everything ive played and seen. Any bug I’ve had has been purely visual and did not hamper my gameplay, and in 20ish hours I’ve had one crash. And this is on linux even, which makes how stable the game has been even more impressive. Gameplaywise too I think it’s great fun.

you help make the entire video games industry worse.

For the record I would like more games like this one. I am the target audience for this game, I enjoy it, and if more devs made games like it I would be happy.


For the record I would like more games like this one. I am the target audience for this game, I enjoy it, and if more devs made games like it I would be happy.

That’s interesting. My personal impression was that, since the success of GTA3 and Skyrim, basically every AAA title has to be some kind of open world sandbox game with as many features as possible. Personally, I really dislike that; I want a tight narrative and strong core gameplay, and I couldn’t care less for stuff like crafting and base building. (I’m also a bit saddened by the way Bethesda took Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 in. I want to play RPGs, not looter shooters.)

Some studios, like Larian and Obsidian, are still making these games, so I’m happy with that. I really enjoyed Outer Worlds, even though people were criticizing it for being too confined (or maybe especially because it was confined). I’m hoping to get around to BG3 and DOS2 soon. But it feels like we’ve had a drought for more than a decade.

So anyway, I found it surprising to read that you feel there aren’t enough Bethesda-like games, because it feels to me like everyone is copying them. Of course, they are masters of their craft, so maybe the problem is that other studios just aren’t any good at it :P

SirSauceLordtheThird, avatar

My tastes have shifted a bit, kind of due to how bethesda has taken their games past few years. First rpg i fell in love with was new vegas, I adore that game and was really at first disappointed in how they handled fallout 4. But even though it wasn’t what I thought I wanted, fallout 4 does what it does better than any other similar game imo. That looter shooter gameplay loop with the settlements hooked me in after a little while, and now I’d rather have a game like that with complete freedom to do anything i want. It’s like comfort food for me that I can keep coming back to, don’t ask how many hours I have in fallout 4 lol.

Not to say I don’t enjoy those other games, I plan on getting baldurs gate 3 soon, my friend kind of sold me on it tonight, looks great. Outer Worlds man, I really want to enjoy but I’ve never gotten past 10 hours in save. As you said, it felt too confined for a game that gives you a freakin spaceship. You give me a spaceship, and I’m going to want to land anywhere and go anywhere, and that’s what Starfield does for me. I told a friend recently that Starfield is what I wanted Outer Worlds to be, but for the record i do fully intent to try and finish that game.

What were your favorite parts of outer worlds if i can ask?

So anyway, I found it surprising to read that you feel there aren’t enough Bethesda-like games, because it feels to me like everyone is copying them.

It’s funny you say that, cause I feel like no one else is doing what they do, atleast to the same caliber. We discussed outer worlds, other than that the only similar game I’ve really enjoyed was Kingdom Come Deliverance. That game is great, but it is pretty different, and doesn’t hold the same replay value.


What were your favorite parts of outer worlds if i can ask?

My usual way of playing RPGs is exploring the whole map, picking up every side quest I can find, and then doing them in an order that feels logical. Outer Worlds made that really rewarding: it’s actually possible to feel like you’ve covered the whole map and and all the content is interesting and fun.

Also, the story and the characters are great, and the game mechanics don’t get in the way (like how there are only three types of ammo and just no lockpicking minigame).

I think I liked the companion quests the most, because they really flesh out their characters.

The DLCs do turn into a bit of a slog near the end, when you’re just running through corridors shooting at stuff. But afterwards, your companions will want to talk about all the horrors they experienced, so at least you can share that feeling with them :P

It’s funny you say that, cause I feel like no one else is doing what they do, atleast to the same caliber. We discussed outer worlds, other than that the only similar game I’ve really enjoyed was Kingdom Come Deliverance. That game is great, but it is pretty different, and doesn’t hold the same replay value.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is still on my backlog :) I started a playthrough a few years back, but the cut scenes were so long that real life kept getting in the way :P I only got to the castle after you flee from your village. Does it open up a lot after that?

SirSauceLordtheThird, avatar

Oof, beehaw only just gave me this notification.

I was disappointed in the exploration in outer worlds if i recall right, it felt closer to a bioware game like kotor than it did a bethesda game. Which is not inherently a bad thing, I like bioware games, just not as much as bethesda. This conversation does make me want to replay & reexplore this game, i recall loving how it looked visually.

he game mechanics don’t get in the way (like how there are only three types of ammo and just no lockpicking minigame)

I totally get that being a strong point for some, i however appreciate the complexity from things like starfield now having like 3 separate kinds of shotgun shells, not including all the other ammo.

I totally recommend Kingdom Come deliverance, it’s one of my favorites. The map opens up a good bit after the intro, and given that fast travel is risky in the game it makes it feel even larger. Yeah, the cutscenes can get real long, but i was pleased with the story and the voice acting so i didnt mind too much, even if Henry can be a little dull at times.


Oof, beehaw only just gave me this notification.

Haha, I’m also not getting any notifications because my app doesn’t support them yet xD Better late than never!

it felt closer to a bioware game like kotor than it did a bethesda game.

Now that you mention it, it does! I really liked the KotOR games, so that’s probably why Outer Worlds clicked as much for me as it did. I did try replaying KotOR a while ago, but I was bothered by how old it felt. I’ve never finished Mass Effect though, so maybe I should. And Dragon Age: Origins is said to be the last “real” Bioware RPG, so that’s also interesting.

It’s just too bad those games are all so old. I’m currently playing Fallout: New Vegas because I’d never finished it and I’m trying to get into a habit of actually finishing games, but the transition back from OW to FNV was quite a shock. It’s not just graphics; older UIs can be really bad. I tried getting back into a game of Fallout 1, but it felt like just playing the game cost way too much effort.

I totally recommend Kingdom Come deliverance, it’s one of my favorites.

Thanks for the rec! I’ve put it a bit higher on my backlog, after Disco Elysium and BG3. Great stuff ahead :)


You’re misunderstanding. At this point “Bethesda game” is its own subgenre, and many complaints about this game are complaints about the subgenre itself. If you don’t like being the Big Special Hero, you won’t like this game. If you want the game to have rich, detailed combat that stays challenging throughout, it probably won’t be this one either

If you want a huge world with lots of curious little things to explore and more side quests than you can do in a lifetime, built on a backbone of a kind of flimsy story (imo not a terrible one this time) that you are mostly gonna skip out on to go do dungeon hops and loot accumulation, then you’re probably golden with this. And by now, most of us should know what we’re paying for, I think. As long as you expect and want what they consistently make, this game delivers very well

On top of that, the combat and general mechanics are just far better than the usual Bethesda offerings this time around. It’s fun to fight in zero g. It’s an absolute blast to disable an enemy ship and then board it. The side quests are legit quite fun and exciting, with NPCs I’ve found I really enjoy and want to see again.

As long as you expect a game that is like Bethesda makes, it’s a very nice and fun one that delivers more than I had expected from them by a long shot. If you expected a deep, hardcore indie gem, you’re going to be disappointed and also you’re maybe kind of a silly person. It’s a mass produced game for a large audience, that’s the stick by which to measure it.

SirSauceLordtheThird, avatar

At this point “Bethesda game” is its own subgenre, and many complaints about this game are complaints about the subgenre itself.

Bingo, that’s what I’m trying to say.


They’re not saying a Bethesda game is supposed to be bad. They’re saying a Bethesda game is supposed to be… a first/third person western RPG with exploration and looter-sometimes-shooter elements and a heavy emphasis on skill checks. That’s been every one of their games since Morrowind besides FO76. Expecting different at this point would be asinine, especially considering Todd and Bethesda repeatedly said this was an RPG.


Yeah I think it’s less that people are setting unrealistic expectations for a Bethesda game, and more that people are getting fed up with being told they should be happy with all the faults “because it’s Bethesda”.

Bethesda gets a really weird pass in the gaming industry and when it comes to shallow content and bugs. I think a lot of that comes from the modability of their games, so that with mods and a few years of patches, the games often end up being a lot of fun - but the fact is that the games themselves, as released by Bethesda are usually hollow shells by comparison.

For instance it always irks me when people say Skyrim VR is the best VR game - you literally need a couple dozen mods just to make it function as an actual VR game (lack of 3d audio in a VR game is just unforgivable imo, let alone any actual physics interactions).

I think people are just starting to get fed up with Bethesda’s business model of building barebones games and counting on modders to make it fun. And then people get further fed up when they say so online and get told things like “but yeah it’s Bethesda, what did you expect?”

Erk, (edited )

As you can see in the other replies, I don’t think that’s what people mean at all.

I haven’t had a single serious bug in thirty odd hours so far. I, and others here, aren’t saying it’s a good game “despite it all”, we’re saying it’s a good game on its own, but if you were looking for something that is in a different style than Bethesda makes, you’re barking up the wrong tree. It’s a simplistic mass appeal looter shooter rpg in space. It’s a good one of those. It’s also subject to all the expected limitations of a game like this, that’s all. It’s not going to be something it’s not. If you expected to pay for a good one of the kind of looter shooter RPGs we expect from this company, it is what you paid for.

jlow, do gaming w Starfield's planets are an illusion: you can't land on them

O no, Pluto is considered a “planet” in Starfield? 🙄

Infiltrated_ad8271, avatar

But not eris, ceres or haumea. It is surprising how many muricans are in this bizarre battle.

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