atlasraven31, do games w Having sex in Starfield is OP

Skyrim had the same thing “lover’s embrace.” It is not new.

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

It’s a Bethesda classic that’s also in Fallout.
Breaking news: Bethesda game made by Bethesda has classic Bethesda mechanics from pervious Bethesda games also made, you might be surprised to hear, by Bethesda employees.

Fuck this AI sharticle

sandriver, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World"

wow it’s just like playing Daggerfall again

sadie_sorceress, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

I’m playing with a Ryzen 5 and a 970 and it runs pretty smooth on low settings. I’m not a graphics whore though so I don’t mind the visuals on low.


A Ryzen 5 is a pretty large span of processors, ranging from “old and mostly obsolete” to “modern and highly capable for gaming”. Which one exactly would be helpful for others to help judge their own.


Looks like this is what I bought almost exactly 3 years ago: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core, 12-Thread Unlocked Desktop Processor with Wraith Spire Cooler

anteaters, avatar

Game does not really look good even at high settings. Releasing something with such bad performance and nothing to even show for is just insulting.


Not my experience at all, looks really nice, I did get rid of the overblown LUTs tho for a neutral one from nexusmods.

There are definitely some silly things like some of the random gen NPCs look… Disturbing sometimes.

Other then that though, very detailed environments, textures are very high quality and shadows/lighting is good

anteaters, avatar

I’ll take another look at it today after I fiddle with the settings a bit. What I saw yesterday was not impressive - occasional stuttering while barely utilizing my 2060 on low/med settings while looking worse than Skyrim did in 2011.

nottheengineer, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

It’s sad that this is necessary. And given that it took less than a week for modders to get actual performance gains means that bethesda could’ve easily done it themselves.


You see modders care for the game.


Starfield is a shit game that should not need the level of detailed gfx to run. Anything from 2000 will trash Starfield today. The devs know this.


Bro you hating.

Username02, (edited )

I can understand the hate. I can’t understand the love. Feels like people that like starfield never touched any genuine good games before.


I mean theres certainly a game there, but its very much a game pass filler or a sale game. Its definitely not worth the asking price.
Its like Fallout 4 but with less going on all around you. The dialogue is improved I can give them that, but all around the game is pretty uninspired and bland, its very much a console game. Theres a lot better out there.


I’m surprised that the mod is even necessary given that the game can run on the Xbox S or whatever the hell it’s called.


They probably optimized the minimum settings for that and spent zero time considering low-spec PCs.

I’d guess that this is a management issue and not a development one.


The Series S is still current Gen tech running at a lower power profile. A lower end PC may be using a previous gen CPU or GPU making it harder to optimise.


Don’t think Bethesda is focused on making their gaming look specifically bad just to make it run on older hardware. Similar to all other companies there is a minimum spec. I do think that having such great mod support allows for this to happen which is great.


They are sabotaging their own sales by not doing it. Starfield is such a hyped game that many people who don’t usually game much will want to play it and those people tend to not have the most up-to-date hardware. The PC I built in 2018 for about 1100€ is pretty much exactly the minimum spec for starfield. And given that minimum specs usually target 30fps for some reason, I’d need this mod if I wanted to play it at a reasonable framerate.


I'm running starfield medium graphics on a 1660 super and getting 60fps at 1440p.

It honestly runs fairly good on just a decent graphics card.


Good to hear, maybe the minimum specs are just a very conservative pick for this game.


It’s a first party title used to drive Gamepass subs now, they have different metrics for success. Not to mention you can play it streaming on multiple services too and on console. They’ll be fine not appealing to people stuck a decade back tech wise.


From a money perspective, probably. But there’s also the PR perspective to consider, and they threw away an easy win there. Starfield can run decently on the steam deck and if they cared to optimize it for that, it would have been a big win.


People were going to shit on it no matter what, literally the only game in recent memory that the Internet didn’t shit on was Baldurs Gate 3, and that’s probably mostly because it’s a much smaller company.

Bg3 is great don’t get me wrong


That shouldn’t be a surprise for a five year old computer.


This seems like pure speculation. The relative number of people below this spec is probably not worth it for them to focus on this. Besides their explicit support for modding allows them to improved sales value. Consider for example Skyrim. It was re-released so many times and people kept buying it and mods allowed it to look great even years after its release. I think by narrowing their scope they can focus on development of a good core and by leveraging their mod community it can run on older or higher hardware. Win win in my opinion.

Kirkkh, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

God forbid they ask for any money for it. Bethesda fans are apparently dirt poor.

LameName3000, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

Reminds me of Oldblivion. It was amazing being able to play that game with a Geforce 3.


It’s just poorly made (performance wise), period.

Even modern hardware struggle with that crap. The old “But will it run Crysis?” meme is even more relevant for Oblivion


Me: Turns on HDR

Oblivion: Fucking crashes

LastYearsPumpkin, do games w Having sex in Starfield is OP

Holy shit that article reaks of AI generated content. If it was written by a someone that claims to be human, then that human needs a Voight-Kampff test ASAP.


This is one case where I almost posted a summary from another source that linked to it, but there seems to be a (loose?) norm here around posting the original sources.

Yepthatsme, do gaming w Starfield's planets are an illusion: you can't land on them

This article is for idiots. What a dumb test. This isn’t SC or ED or SB2.

If you want to fly around space in a sim buy another game.

If you want a quest and story rich world buy this game.

BreadGar, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World" avatar

People complaining about planets not having anything fun to do have never played Elite Dangerous.

Just the fact you’re exploring a new planet, to me is a cool feeling.


I’ve had this same thought since Starfield came out. Go play ED: Odyssey and then complain about how plain and boring planets are.

Neato, avatar

You are all saying that both games have boring, procedurally generated planets. Sounds like both games were designed with boring elements people don't want. Just because ED is more boring, doesn't mean Starfield is good.


The point isn’t that ED being boring makes Starfield good. The point is that space exploration is mostly boring, and ED exemplifies that well. If I wanted unrealistic space exploration, I’d just play No Man’s Sky.

Neato, avatar

I guess there's an argument that boring space exploration has an audience. I just didn't think that overlapped much with Bethesda's audience.

PhatInferno, avatar

Imo its nice to just pop some chill music on and just fly/ explore around without thinking too much… keeps ur eyes busy while listening lol

BreadGar, avatar

I mean, I never thought ED boring, I kind of enjoyed seeing new planets.

I joined an expedition of 2 no ths out in the black, exploring out there. Enjoyed all of it.

quatschkopf34, do gaming w Starfield's planets are an illusion: you can't land on them

“You can‘t do something you‘re not supposed to“ This is such an ridiculous article.

wolfshadowheart, avatar

I agree it's particularly dumb thing to complain about. You can land on Pluto. Well for posterity, I'm assuming they mean going to the planet and landing directly, which you can't do to any planet. You can land on Pluto, just not by flying directly to it. You can't really fly to any planet and land on it like that because when you're at the planet, selecting it has you bring up the planetary map to initiate landing/destinations.

Basically, if I'm anywhere in the galaxy I can select Pluto, plot a course, and land in it's orbit. Or, if I've landed on it before and visited a settlement, or made my own outpost, then I can select either of those.

You cannot fly from earth to Mars and then directly land on Mars. You can select a location near mars and then press a button to travel to it, likewise for any waypoints you can see.

At no point does the game or the marketing say that you can fly to planets without menus and land on the planet with a seamless transition, so I don't really understand what everyone is up in arms about. They told us long ago that cutscenes would be the transitions so frankly I'm just seeing people complain for making assumptions they were never promised. (unlike 2077 which actually did have some missed promises).

So yeah, "can't land" on Pluto without using the map menu... Just like literally everything else except waypoints in the game

Ferk, (edited ) avatar

Wouldn't it be relatively simple to have the ship be automatically stopped as soon as it gets at a certain distance from a land-able object and open some dialog asking whether you want to land / enter atmosphere or something like that to initiate a cutscene / loadscreen?

And if you say no, the ship's computer could make up some in-game excuse, such as needing to avoid the gravity well of the planet, for it to automatically turn around and move away from it.

I mean, I get that they probably didn't expect someone to spend the time to actually go and attempt physically reaching the planet, but after all the attention this thing is getting it could be an appropriate approach to take for when they do the full release, if only to shut people's mouths. It's just one small detail.

shiveyarbles, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World"

Bethesda game full of jank. Same as it ever was, Pikachu face.

Renacles, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World"

A lot of people seem to want this game to do poorly, half the comments complaining about it also say that they haven’t played it yet.

!deleted6348 avatar

Honestly, avoid Lemmy and Reddit for reviews on this game. The absolute vitriol it’s gotten here has just pushed me beyond trusting any of them. (and yes, they all end with “I mean I haven’t played it.”)

I have played it. 8 hours in so far, it’s fun. I won’t say it’s “redefining RPGs” for me or anything, but I’m having a good time playing around. To others here on Lemmy I am now the worst person on the planet.


Also avoid the Steam discussion forum. Awful awful place right now.


Have you ever seen a steam discussion forum that isn’t?


Steam off topic pre-2013 was a gold mine.


It’s the same people that have been bashing Bethesda for years now, they don’t care whether the game is actually good or not, they just want to bash the people behind it.

I’ll play it for myself on gamepass and see what I think, discussion around it has been worthless here.


“all these planet are boring”

Yeah, as if Mars and Pluto is interesting. People want this game to fail because it isn’t a better game than the darling Baldur’s Gate 3. And gamer has been like this for a while: either the game is 10/10 or it’s shit/10, there’s no between.

I remember the time when zelda botw came out and jim sterling gave it a 7/10,people went banana over that lol. Starfield and Witcher 3 may very well be a 6 or 7/10 game, and that’s okay.

Jho, avatar


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  • Ketram,

    I think the big issue with a personal preference of realism vs. Fantasy is that Starfield has no commitment to realism in its execution (I say this with 12 hours played before I gave up). It is very much made to cater to lowest common denominator in other space travel things. The ship movement is very primitive and simplified. Travelling to new solar systems, landing on a planet, etc. Is done through fast travelling on the map to connect the different cells. It does not feel immersive in the slightest to me, and I have really enjoyed the “realism” of games like Elite Dangerous in the past.

    Most damning is the lack of environmental planet differences. The only affect of a planets negative traits is suit protection reduction. There is no life support, your oxygen is just a stamina system. There is no vehicles. You are just running across barren, boring, procedural planets with none of the pomp and circumstance of games that have done effective space exploration.

    Maybe in 2 years of mods you might have a more realistic experience out of starfield.

    Erk, (edited )

    Any Bethesda game is essentially a mod vehicle with an RPG tacked on anyway. I think it’s entirely on brand that they didn’t go all in on hard sci fi for vanilla. I don’t think that’s incompatible with having a lot of planets that are mostly barren filler; I’m never going to explore 1000 detailed planets, and rescuing someone from a crash on a barren moon or finding a smuggler base on a frozen rock helps to keep the more interesting places feeling cool. There are still more interesting planets than I’m likely to ever get through.

    fox_the_apprentice, (edited )

    I can’t remember much of how Starfield was marketed but I remember the “1000 planets” thing being parroted a lot. Was the fact that these planets were going to be realistically portrayed and mostly empty wastelands something that was made clear during marketing?

    They said that about 10% of planets would have life, and that one of the things they wanted to portray was an IRL astronaut’s quote of being in space as “magnificent desolation.”…


    The point of a game is to be fun in some sense of the word, not to depict Mars as scientificly accurate as possible, unless it’s Scientificly Accurate Mars Simulator.
    If the planneta are boring, then the game about exploring those planets are probably failed at being fun, and that’s kind of irregardless of what people want.
    Personally I would like all the games to be good, for example.


    I dunno, I don’t think the point of all art is to be “fun”. There’s plenty of examples of games that aren’t necessarily fun but do something interesting in some sense or inspire other emotions. Exploring a bunch of dead and boring planets may not be fun and maybe it’s not compelling or worth doing in Starfield, but I think it can be interesting to have something more “boring” most of the time to have other moments stand out… and sometimes something being boring or painful is part of the experience and it wouldn’t be as worthwhile without, like for example particularly difficult games can be pretty painful to play through, but sometimes having gone through the painful thing is a huge part of why you care about the experience.

    Of course not everything is for everybody, and more “boring” experiences in general are probably not what the average person playing video games is into… but there’s plenty of us who like a good boring or tedious or painful slog every once in a while :). Maybe it’s rewarding, maybe it sets the atmosphere, maybe it’s meaningful in some other way… I get it, but I think it’s a little sad to reduce games to “just supposed to be fun!” It’s an awesome art form and I love seeing other creative things done with it.


    By fun I largely mean “brings positive and meaningful experience”


    It’s a space exploration game with thousands of planet, they can depict planet being a barren rock and can be fun.

    Personally i don’t think all games are good, arguing with people parroting that is a waste of time. Personally Witcher 3 is mediocre, but i’m allowing people to love it and see it as 10/10. Game is personal taste, if you don’t like that sort of thing then it isn’t for you, no such thing as “all game is good”.


    can depict planet being a barren rock and can be fun.

    And that will be good then. My point was, that games should sacrifice realism in favour of fun and criticism of “yeah it’s boring, but it’s realistic” is fundamentally wrong.


    I think in Starfield case it’s less of sacrifice fun for realism and more of having these realism for a reason. From the review alone, the location is boring, and that’s by design, because you can either ignore it or interact with it, like gather resource or build a base. There’s thousands of planet, it’s not realistic to all be handcrafted and interesting, because what’s interesting for the first 10 times will get boring when you do it 50 times.

    There’s a reason why they design it that way, and i think it’s rather fair for this sort of game.


    That depends what you’re going in expecting. Bethesda have been very clear that this isn’t a Space Opera but more hard-sci-fi. I don’t expect cities on every planet and alien political intrigue. I expect a cold, barren and uncaring universe that humans are trying to tame.


    Not surprising to see them get complaints about this tbh. They went for “borderline horror game” with how much of a miserable wasteland Fallout 3 was and got blasted for it.


    And the only metrics here would be “is the game fun” in the end. Is exploring barren planets fun? Good. Is it not? Then it doesn’t matter that real life Mars is even more boring


    Fun is subjective though isn’t it?


    I mean, isn’t it still only available to those who paid extra? That’s probably why you see so many people wanting to discuss it without having played it yet…


    Yeah, but maybe they should wait until the game is out before bashing it.


    Personally, I try to see it positive. They want to protect others from being disappointed from yet another Bethesda game. I got burned by Skyrim in my youth, so when I see Todd Howard spitting straight lies again, I’ll try to save others the disappointment.

    Now that Starfield is public, I feel like people can at least try to form an own opinion, but if only the people who are willing to pay extra talk about it, then you’ve only got Bethesda fans talking.

    bermuda, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World"

    To chime in, I think a lot of this kind of discourse is just based on what you’re looking for in a game.

    In American Truck Simulator, one of the DLC’s is the state of Wyoming, which is remarkably barren. It’s the least populous state in the whole country, and many of it’s “biggest cities” don’t even top out over 100,000 people. If you look at the reviews for it, it’s actually somewhat divisive. A lot of people criticize it for being “boring,” but that’s also how Wyoming is in real life, having driven across the state partially myself. I think a lot of this has to do what people come into the game expecting. Some want to enjoy the game as a truck simulator and Wyoming offers plenty of space for that. Some also want to enjoy the game via other formats, such as the scenery, and Wyoming doesn’t excel that much in those areas.

    My point being, I think it’s just hard to make claims about this thing because it’s all just subjectivity. I think if you make a black-and-white claim about this then you just aren’t thinking very rationally. Some people will like it and some people won’t. Such is life.

    punseye, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

    is there a similar kind of mod for fifa?

    Cocoa6790, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes avatar

    Thank God

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