DmMacniel, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World"

Who the Eff would expect planets to be like Disney World!?

“We could have made a game where there are four cities and four planets,”

Three planets and one gas giant (for now), Todd. And those probably have more diversity or non-boredness than your thousand planets.


As a very committed SC backer, I do not think that quote was directed at SC, I think that was just an honest assessment of the amount of work that handcrafted planets would have taken.


Could be, could not have been. But four planets and four cities was in my opinion quite specific.

wave_walnut, do gaming w Starfield's planets are an illusion: you can't land on them avatar

Space Engineers has a planet, where you can burn fuel and fly for hours from Earth and land to. However, there is no story there. Choose the game that is more interesting to you.

Die4Ever, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes avatar
Ganbat, do games w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

What? Already? Damn, that was fast.

jlow, do gaming w Starfield's planets are an illusion: you can't land on them

O no, Pluto is considered a “planet” in Starfield? 🙄

Infiltrated_ad8271, avatar

But not eris, ceres or haumea. It is surprising how many muricans are in this bizarre battle.

Poopfeast420, (edited ) do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World"

I haven’t played the game, only been watching a streamer play it, but I think arguments like “it’s boring on purpose” are dumb.

Trying to convey the vastness of space and how small you are seems also somewhat undermined, if you’re just constantly fast traveling everywhere, and it seems like you’re made out to be the most important person in the universe, since everyone is screwed without you, but that’s just most games.


It’s dumb because that’s a fringe argument that I hear people reference as absurd more than I’ve ever encountered it. In fact, I have yet to see one person make that justification. I’m just assuming that argument exist somewhere because so many people have complained about it.

Starfield is yet another example of gamers getting outraged over a perceived reception, no matter how large or small that group actually is. I’m sure there are people out there making really bad defenses of the game, but the people who are angry at those people are much louder and far more numerous. 

Most people who are playing and enjoying the game are probably perfectly capable of seeing and articulating some of the issues, but just because a game has issues doesn’t mean it’s “literally unplayable“ or whatever people like to say now. 

I don’t know I just find these back-and-forth so repetitive. Every single game release you see this. The answer is Starfield is a perfectly fine, flawed game, that different people will react to differently. Just like any piece of media.


I spent all morning dunking on the game’s issues and Bethesda’s design philosophy with some friends… But ultimately I’m having a ton of fun with the game, glad I broke my rules and purchased it early, and finding it basically fulfills the things I wish both outer worlds and no man’s sky had delivered on. It’s a good game, and it is exactly what it says it is (as far as I know. I haven’t paid a lick of attention to the ad hype): a Bethesda style open world rpg.

I don’t really want to like it over the small studio titles that it clearly builds on, but them’s the breaks. If you’re looking for a Bethesda style open world RPG set in a sci fi world, then this game will probably be fun for you, and if you think all Bethesda style games are garbage and can’t get past their very odd design choices, then why are you ranting about starfield since obviously it’s going to be that.

Lotta people just love to hate Bethesda. Including me really… but this ain’t it.

Melpomene, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World" avatar


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  • melroy, avatar

    Sounds legit


    The thing with No Man’s Sky is that it’s supposed to be in the vein of old pulp sci-fi which was usually quite scientifically inaccurate and more fantasy and philosophy.

    Melpomene, avatar


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  • turtlepower,

    When’s the last time you played? I ask because there are “dead” systems - no conflict, no economy, not even a space station. If you haven’t played in a while, you might want to boot it up again. A lot has changed!

    Neato, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World" avatar

    There's ways to make places feel barren, open, unexplored and still be interesting. I've played several games that had sections that were essentially "empty" but still hand designed to be interesting. We don't need 1000 planets, we need good content.

    One of the primary reasons people like Bethesda games is that they give players a large world to explore that's jam-packed with interesting things to see a do. If Bethesda abandons that and admits that majority of the content they expect players to interact with is going to be boring, procedurally-generated, then why should people play Starfield?

    Bethesda isn't known for deep, complex stories. Their best writing is traditionally their side content with main stories panned. Their combat is pretty basic, but functional. Their RP is pretty sad and NPCs could be a lot better, especially these days. So it seems Bethesda has given away their biggest plus: an interesting world to explore.


    The best part is, they already made a game with a gigantic world full of procedurally-generated content: Daggerfall, which is remembered fondly for a reason.


    Try walking everywhere in Daggerfall and you’ll spend minutes seeing basically nothing, it’s a huge part of why the map feels so huge, it actually is.


    Funny you say that, Daggerfall is fondly remembered but only in spite of it’s procedurally generated overworld. Daggerfall’s openworld is extraordinarily barren, remarkably so. You literally will get lost if you walk more than 5 minutes from a town, and not in a fun way but because every direction you look is literally the exact same three tree and rock sprites and you lose sense of direction. Daggerfall’s overworld is so bare and empty and large it actively encourages you to engage in the fast travel system with fleshed out gameplay mechanics like camping supplies and vehicles.

    dingus, do gaming w Starfield's planets are an illusion: you can't land on them avatar

    Yeah, this is just a little silly.

    We all know it isn’t and never intended to be No Man’s Sky.

    This is like acting upset you can’t land on planets in Mass Effect 2.

    style99, do gaming w Starfield's planets are an illusion: you can't land on them avatar

    You can land on Pluto though you aren't really meant to. It's just there for decoration.

    This is similar to how you can glitch outside of Whiterun in Skyrim, though doing that in the same worldspace as Whiterun will just let you be up close to the low-detail versions of the outer world, which you aren't really meant to do.

    lemillionsocks, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World" avatar

    A disclaimer: I havent played the game and probably wont for a few months to a year when its on steam sale so I’m going to just speak based on what the article is saying and experience with other games.

    I think its a tricky balancing act to make when it comes to creating an open world game where you travel through space. Different games have approached it differently with some games opting to scale everything down super small and letting you suspend disbelief(like outer wilds) but that wouldnt work as well on a game like this. Other games go for the hub approach where your ship is a hub that connects you to different open maps on different planets. This approach also works in letting you travel the stars and lets the story do the heavy lifting of conveying scale, but it doesnt mesh with the bethesda open world style. Likewise it can also sometimes turn your ship into just a metroid style elevator and so instead of feeling how big the universe it you effortlessly fast travel across the galaxy. Other games fill the space by making big procedural generated never ending expanses, but that can be hit and miss and not really what a lot of people want in a game like this one.

    I understand wanting to pad things out a little bit to prevent things from feeling toy like in the way that Outer Wilds did, but it does run the risk of just being boring and uninteresting and leave you wishing for a more “gamified” tighter experience or at least less openness and more zipping to the places that matter. That said if exploring is worthwhile it could make it less of a bummer. I think Wind Waker and breath of the Wild are good examples of this. Wind Waker’s sailing was notoriously long and boring when it came out, however while most of the islands are small rocks, they all have something. Some secret, some rabbit hole leading to something interesting, a piece of heart, a chest of ruppies, SOMETHING. If you engage with it and mark your map along the way, and explore then the mostly empty map becomes a little more engaging.

    Likewise Breath of the wild’s map isnt full of little side stories and secret villages or anything so if you decide to go off into that distant peak it will usually be self motivation. That said the game does reward you every time even if it’s not a huge reward. You will find ruins of some mysterious lost nation, you will find ruins referencing past zelda games, and shrines, and even a stupid little korok puzzle. The little gamified reward for exploring the area makes it less barren and worth exploring. So if it’s more Wind waker island, or breath of the wild and less Mass Effect 1 I can see this empty areas working.

    BlinkerFluid, do gaming w Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World" avatar

    That sounds like as good an excuse as any.

    bitsplease, do gaming w Starfield topped 230,000 concurrent players on Steam, and it’s not officially out yet

    Concurrent players on launch is really only a metric of hype - from what I’ve seen so far in discussions, the game itself is shaping up to be a pretty big let down

    wolfshadowheart, avatar

    Kinda seems like people hating just to hate. It's a Bethesda game in space, albiet with slightly more menu travel.

    It's a fine game. I wouldn't say it's a let down unless you're expecting fully fledged landing and docking systems. I've actually been pleasantly surprised.


    Hype inevitably produces that feeling of let down for some people.

    Harlan_Cloverseed, do gaming w Starfield topped 230,000 concurrent players on Steam, and it’s not officially out yet avatar

    I heard it kinda sux


    From the grapevine, it's less that it sucks, more like it's meh. 7/10 and all that. Exactly what you'd expect from Skyrim / Fallout 4 in space, but somehow more bland in terms of characterization and storyline.

    Same Bethesda shallowness and jank. People who just like exploring a big universe and doing repetitive stuff mindlessly will enjoy it, people who want more choice and character interaction with a compelling story probably will not.

    It's kind of like the old Bethesda / Bioware split, except that Bioware's basically dead now, and Larian's doing what they used to do, but possibly better in some ways. Then there's Obsidian who used to be like Bioware / Bethesda but better in the past, but nowadays they seem content to just try to copy Bethesda while adding some "quirkiness" and hoping it'll work.


    Most reviewers have given it a good score. Usually around 8/10. ACG has a pretty good review of the good and bad where he gave it a buy rating.

    Gordon_Freeman, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 had to be scaled back for the Series S, but the console still has a right to exist avatar

    AAA PC exclusive titles also have the right to exists.

    I miss playing good first person shooters...

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Me too, but some of my favorites were console exclusive. There's really no reason for those games to be PC or console exclusive these days. The financial math tends to not work out either.

    vlad76, avatar

    Some games simply won’t work on controllers, though. Like Arma, or Tarkov.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    If it literally can't be done on a controller, then sure, but I've now seen people happy with the controls for Age of Empires II on an Xbox pad, so Arma can probably be done too. I've never played Tarkov, so I can't speak to it.

    vlad76, avatar

    Tarkov mostly because of how you loot. When you kill a player and start looting there are a bunch of nested containers that you need to rapidly search. You need to click and drag things out of pockets into your rig, maybe you want to pack the victims backpack with their own stuff and then put that backpack inside your own… It’s a lot of fast clicking and dragging. I’m not sure how you’d make that work on a controller. I mean, I know how, but having a cursor controlled by a joystick would make looting very slow.

    That being said I have no problem with games being on all platforms. And also you could potentially make a KB/M game for consoles just plug those into the console. I remember Socom on PS2 supported keyboards for text chat, and there was that short lived Eve FPS on PS3 that supported the mouse. But you’d still have to make it support the controller by default.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    having a cursor controlled by a joystick would make looting very slow

    Perhaps, but aim down sights allowed for controllers to toggle two different sets of aiming speeds on demand, and Destiny-style cursors allowed for fast inventory management on character equipment screens that typically only worked on a mouse. There's probably a way to do it that's a little bit different than just mapping a mouse cursor to an analog stick that requires devs to be a bit more clever about it. The wildest one to me is that Baldur's Gate 3 looks entirely different when using a mouse and keyboard as opposed to using a controller. The likes of Elder Scrolls come up with one UI that can be controlled with either device, but even if I think that UI works great in both realms, people who've been playing those games for 20 years have a certain expectation for how it should look and work.


    Everything has the right to exist, whether it can financially justify the development costs is anoyjer matter.

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    !deleted6508 avatar

    I don’t blame the lack of good shooters on consoles. Consoles never interfered with that before. I blame the popularity of Battle Royale. Everything is a fucking BR now. And it’s not like they just took the gameplay style; they also took the jank.

    All the best new shooters are indy developed boomer shooters with retro aesthetics. And I’m getting kinda over that, too. The genre needs some new ideas.

    Gordon_Freeman, avatar

    I miss playing good shooters since the PS360 era, way before the battle royale genre entered the game.

    It's when the genre exploded on consoles and it was when the genre was overly simplified and dumbed down

    Before, some multiplatform FPS changed between the PC version and the console version. The console versions often had maps changed or even completely removed (and enemies where altered too) because they where too much for a controller

    people_are_cute, avatar

    Is FPS not literally the most overdone video game genre yet? How much more choices do you want to get spoiled with?

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