Transporter_Room_3, do games w Halo Infinite Update to Bring Networking Overhaul, Easy Anti-Cheat, and More Next Week avatar

If it’s not single player content, I still have no reason to reinstall.

Buffalox, do games w Baldur's Gate 3 Has Been Completed by 1.3 Million Players, Shadowheart is Most Popular Love Interest

Congratulations to Larian Studios and to the millions of players who enjoy their games.
And congratulations for an honest game-launch, without the shenanigans we often see from other companies.


I never played DnD. I bought it because of the rave reviews and it’s been fun. Glad to support real AAA without the upsell shenanigans.

mlg, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours avatar

Sometimes I wish Fdev had done a better job of updating elite dangerous and really putting in effort for cleaning up mechanics issues.

But then I see stupidity like this and realize I am so much better off lmao. At least I have a 1:1 milky way game to play whenever I want.


God… Elite has so much potential. Its almost so good, but just stumbles so much. Like… i bought it so I could walk around my ship. Thats like my fantasy and they were promising it, but, alas, they still don’t have it.


Elite is great but too damn shallow. And don’t get me started on odyssey. The game did not need space legs jankps.


That’s why I like what star citizen is doing. Fdev is not only beholden to shareholders that force out unfinished unpolished crap lacking in content, but they have 262828 other games to focus on so they took the lazy way out: get a minimally viable product out and then axe most of what braben talked about elite being in favor of small lore additions and an attempt at FPS stuff but again as lazily as possible.

I loved what elite wanted to be but I hate the greed and laziness. I’ll wait another 10 years for star citizen for it to be the best game ever because I know for a fact no one is ever going to attempt this again, it’s too expensive and no company will ever spend the money if they have a publisher.

These comments sections are almost laughable because we see the dichotomy of gamers “OmG TeN YeAr AlPhA!” but every other game it’s “OMG DELAY IT! ITS NOT FINISHED!”

ExfilBravo, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours

Star Citizen players and Escape from Tarkov players. Both think their game will be finished before they are copied/cloned by a faster/better studio.


The Fun Pimps have entered the chat

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

This has already happened with Tarkov. Tarkov has been copied and cloned, but none of them are nearly as popular. Call of Duty didn’t even really come close, and that’s AAA. The game has already been around for 7 years. You would think someone had the time to make a better extraction shooter by now, but no one has. I honestly wish they would hurry up, because Tarkov is a mess from a netcode and performance perspective, it’s just great in the game design department.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

I’d argue DMZ was a better (or at least more casual) extraction shooter than Tarkov, I enjoyed it more than the cycle frontier at least.

TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

I prefer Tarkov just a bit, but I honestly really liked dmz too. It wasn’t bad at all. Not nearly as deep as Tarkov, but it didn’t need to be. It had actually decent netcode and hit reg compared to the mess that EFT is. It’s kind of a shame that the mode wasn’t more popular, but thats partially due to the playerbase being so divided between multiplayer and warzone already. I’m still hopeful that they can improve it in the future.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

I’d rather them just update the MW3 zombies mode, I’m having a great time with it. It’s a really fun combination of DMZ style gameplay with the zombies from CW “Outbreak.” Hopefully they expand the types of missions and put special events into it.

Dark_Arc, avatar

I think Hunt Showdown has done really well in the extraction shooter genre

Epicmulch, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours

I really confused by all this hate. Has anyone here actually tried to play the actual game? It’s pretty damn impressive what they have now.


It’s not a game. It’s a demo that’s been given more money than any other game in the history of kickstarters, and it’s been going on for over ten effing years.

Does it look cool? Absolutely. Am I totally 100% behind the idea for the game? Absolutely! Can you play the game right now in a way that all of your progress isn’t erased? No. But you can BUY progress that will.

So that’s what people do. They buy things to make progress in a universe that’s possibly never going to be officially launched. In August they reported making over $600,000,000 to date. For a game that’s never launched, or set a launch date, or put together a serious road map.


It’s still alpha. 11 years after I threw $100 their way.

Some people may be happy to play buggy alpha builds as they trickle out, I want to see a finished game without the perpetual feature creep.

We haven’t even seen Squadron 42 which was supposed to be out in 2014.


They showed off Squadron 42 earlier this year. They’re definitely spending money on stuff since it had a ton of A-List actors in the game. Graphics look amazing, everything looks so detailed… The game engine however was struggling. During the gameplay footage it constantly looked like the frame rate dropped to 15fps. They claim the game is “Feature Complete” (whatever that means in their definition…) and now is in the polishing stage. I honestly don’t think their CryEngine based Engine will run well even on the latest and best hardware when (if) it finally releases unless they make massive changes to the engine…


See, now YOU guys fucked up. I can understand why someone who paid literally $100 for a video game would be upset.


I only spent 45. I’m not unhappy about that purchase. But I pretty much understood what they are trying to deliver is going to take a very very long time. So I guess I’m not mad about it because I wasn’t expecting to actually buy a completed game for that 45. It’s not the first time I’ve jumped on an early access game so I was fully expecting to wait and the things I’ve seen look so awesome I’m perfectly happy waiting till it’s done. But shit I am going to get squadron 42 plus the base game so IDK I’m happy with that.


I paid $45 over 10 years ago. I would like to play version 1.0 sometime during my lifetime.

Shadywack, avatar

I’m not confused at all, timelines are forever moving goalposts, and each major “milestone” is really just a tech demo addition with no cohesive product. You can walk around spaceships, get auto generated quests, or get in some pvp where the person who bought the best ship wins.

The underlying promises have been continually missed with constant deflection that amounts to “hey look at this shiny thing we just did”.


I did multiple times, it’s a fucking mess.


I’m sure it is, but they lost me almost a decade ago when I paid for “alpha access” made dozens of bug reports, put a hundred hours into a broken game, signed up at least ten other people, and then lost alpha access because I wasn’t enough of an influencer.

All I wanted to do was play a buggy fucking game and give them free (professional) QA and they instead decided to restrict access to a bunch of extra exclusive PTU alpha influencers. That’s the second I decided to not give them any more money or free labor.


How did you lose alpha access? I paid 45 bucks several years ago haven’t reported a single bug and have played on and off for years and I still have access.


After Arena Commander was released, while they were testing early stages of flyable ships, they implemented a tiered release process where a small group of hand picked players were given access to release candidate builds before these were pushed to “alpha subscribers.” In practice, this was supposed to help reduce server loads for testing purposes, but in practice it meant we would go months at a time between playable updates, while a select few stared to control outsized influence on the development meta. At times it meant that the game was actually completely broken and unplayable in the public universe for extended periods, while the special test group would go on about how “trust us, it’s not ready yet,” even though the newer build were clearly more stable.

Also, in those early days, it was already obnoxious enough going back and forth with forum power users over shit like accurate G force simulations, control scheme preferences and weapons balancing, and then suddenly most of us were completely cut out of that conversation.

To me, this was a departure for what I signed up for, which was to be an alpha tester. In my mind, the generous sums of money I spent on ships and weapons was supposed to buy me two things - access to real time development of a revolutionary gaming concept, and perhaps a small amount of influence on that development (even if that just meant reporting bugs focused on things I cared about). When they implemented the tiered release system, both of those things were negated. All of use who were not selected for the real alpha test were excluded from the meta, and the real access to the development process, and were instead walled off behind an increasingly tall “community management” fence.


Bug reports from random players aren’t that useful. The bottleneck is fixing the bugs not finding them. For any bug you report to a games studio, there is a good chance they already know.


The confusion comes because most people are jaded by the dev cycle, which has been incredibly expensive while delivering almost nothing of substance for years. On top of that, many have defended the dev team with a lot of fervor despite this, so I think people take it less seriously when people praise the game.

I’m personally skeptical, but I’ll definitely give it a better look if it gets released.

Brunbrun6766, do games w Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Praises Japan for Innovation with Game Boy, PSP, and Nintendo Switch avatar


steal_your_face, avatar

Such a non-story. The writer must have a quota of articles to write.

circuitfarmer, (edited ) do games w Full Cities: Skylines 2 Economy 2.0 Patch Notes Revealed as Huge Update Goes Live avatar

I am hopeful for this. Playing it on day one, I reported a garbage management bug on the official forum: only to be told it was “by design”, and yet still game-breaking.

The performance woes got all the press, but the game was fundamentally broken. It was nearly impossible to lose. Too many services for a small city? Here’s free “government subsidies” that you also can’t shut off when your city is successful. Don’t have garbage service? No problem, a neighboring city you have no control over is gonna handle your trash – for free.

I hope this is finally a step in the right direction, but I’ll never understand why it took a year to listen to day 1 issues. If the game had been released Early Access the response would have been better all around. Performance issues need to take second place: if the game isn’t fun, I don’t care how it performs.

LucidDaemon, (edited ) do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours

It seems a lot of people haven’t played it. It’s quite playable and has less bugs than the average new AAA game.

It’s currently got 4 planets, each with 3 or more moons, and many stations that can be visited. 6+ game loops and around 30 flyable ships.

Yeah people spend way too much real money on it, but 90% of the fly read ships are purchasable in the game. At least give the damn game a shot before you shit on it. The community is super nice and willing to help new comers.

Edit: Not sure why everyone is so upset. This is my experience and every argument I’ve seen against sc is about bugs or spending real money on ships. Let people enjoy the games they want without getting so mad cause someone likes a game you don’t.



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  • Rutschi, avatar

    It’s still in alpha and will propably be for quite a while. I occasionally play star citizen, it’s fun but nowhere near feature complete or bugfree.


    still in alpha after nearly 15 years, and 3/4th a billion dollars drained from donators.


    and it only took almost 15 years and a three quarters of a billion dollars to get… most ships flyable, and a couple planets.

    and you say that as if its praise worthy.


    I mean what game has been around with active development for 15 years? Most games development stop at 5sh. I paid $45 8 months ago with no reason to spend more.

    While 15 years is stupid, at least it’s a fun game. So I’ll continue to enjoy it while not spending anymore money on it.

    M0oP0o, avatar

    Project Zomboid Playable since 2011 and still in active development, oh and no micro transactions, ton of mod support and costs $26.

    mutch, avatar

    Less bugs than the average new AAA game is just not true lol. I have a lot of fun with SC but it’s a complete buggy mess.


    For me this is true, I’ve been playing since 3.18 and haven’t had many bugs. Cyberpunk and Halo had more bugs.

    mutch, avatar

    Give me your secrets, lol. I want to love SC desperately but I find prohibitively frustrating every time I die in an elevator for no reason, or my ship explodes randomly, or I’m unable to get up out of the bed, or my character phases into the planet, etc etc etc. Functions on ships just don’t work sometimes for me.


    I had those, but it’s rare for me. When I first started I phased into a corsair and decided to do a character reset and have had very little issues since. That and I’ve heard newer hardware helps as well.

    mutch, avatar

    Everyone gets too upset about it. Personally I payed $45 for it, and I feel like I got more than $45 worth of game out of it even if I feel like it’s a total mess. I don’t think it’s a $500m, 15 year game, I guess, but to me it was a $45 game so it doesn’t bother me.


    It’s a mess, but people are playing the new COD and that’s a mess too. Maybe it’s because I’ve only been playing for 8 months, but I find it super enjoyable.

    Defaced, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours

    I literally can’t play this game, my PC has 16GB of RAM and it runs out of free memory after like 10 minutes and crashes to desktop. When your “fix” is to just buy more RAM or increase your page file size, then your game is a fucking scam. I understand new games require more powerful hardware, but this is Amazon lumberyard ffs.


    new games

    It’s a decade old lol.

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    It’s not even that new anymore. A 1080ti was tip of the spear graphics technology when this game first became “playable.”


    It’s actually not lumber yard anymore, it started from that but they’ve Rewritten most of it. And they literally show you the code and such during their like 2+hr devs videos. It’s never going to release but the technology is actually genuinely impressive.

    Sadly 16GB just isn’t much anymore. Windows alone will happily eat 4, steam sometimes 2 for no reason (usually not but can happen when it’s web process leaks) games like icarus claim minimum recommendation is 24.

    Which is absolutely insane and developers need to get their shit together but it’s just the way things are going.

    yesdogishere, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours

    it's a huge success story for Star Citizen. I htink they are delighting the dreams of people who want to travel and work in space, but know they can never afford to really do so. Bethesda's Starfield is a sort of attempt to do Star Citizen, but it's just not as gritty and realistic as Star Citizen.


    With the amount some folk have spent on Star Citizen I think they actually could afford to explore space in real life

    Justas, avatar

    I think India landed a probe on the Moon for less money than what was spent on SC.


    Holy shit, they did. Less than half of the money, even


    Starfield is single player, so it’s not really in the same category. Star Citizen was meant to connect people, which is why the lack of launch sucks so hard. Nobody can ever convince me it’s playable without a permanent, persistent universe for this reason.


    It’s a really interesting one, it’s done much better than most people expected and seems to have a very strong community. It could evolve into something really interesting in the long-term, like it’s entirely possible that twenty years from now it’ll still be going strong with a healthy user base, it might even have the scope to really embed itself and still be popular in fifty years.

    I never expected it to get to where it is and I never expected it to get to any of it’s previous milestones, now I’m starting to really wonder how far it could go

    Sanctus, do games w Embracer and Sony Are Removing Every Trace of Knights of the Old Republic Remake They Can avatar

    I forgot about this the minute there was drama with it and the writers were changing the story. All they had to do was remake the models and textures for it to be a masterpiece for the second time. Sad, but glad it wasn’t turned into a dumpster fire.

    Fizz, do games w Full Cities: Skylines 2 Economy 2.0 Patch Notes Revealed as Huge Update Goes Live avatar

    I decided to test it even though I’m done with the game. On my 110k pop city I ran it for 2 hours and simulation speed pre patch was 1.2 and is now .06 - 0.8

    The performance is back to where it was pre optimization patches.

    Dagnet, (edited )

    Sometimes you need to take two steps back so later you can take one step forward, ok?

    Edit: seems like quite a few people didn’t understand the joke, 2 steps back and 1 forward is still 1 step back, they are slowly getting worse

    Fizz, avatar

    It’s almost a year and the game isn’t even in the expected day 1 release state.

    HogsTooth, do games w Halo Infinite Update to Bring Networking Overhaul, Easy Anti-Cheat, and More Next Week

    Oh hey, I might start playing again.

    tkohldesac, avatar

    I played briefly at launch and stopped until about 2 months ago and picked it up again. I had a ton of fun. They fixed (almost) all of my gripes.


    Now if only the start up loading screen didn’t take forever. Takes like 20-25 minutes on SSD. One of my friends has it complete instantly and the rest of my group is baffled with how.


    Could be nvidia driver issue. I remember an update came in October that started this issue


    Nah it’s been an issue we’ve had since the game game out. No idea what it is


    Does your BIOS have “Enable Resizable Bar” and “Above 4G Decoding” options? Both of those were off on mine, and I had the same problem until I flipped those on.

    kurcatovium, do games w Embracer and Sony Are Removing Every Trace of Knights of the Old Republic Remake They Can

    Oh come on! This was one of only two remakes anounced that I was interested in and they scratch it? Well, let’s hope at least Witcher one gets it and gets it right.

    JimmyMcGill, do games w Baldur's Gate 3 Has Been Completed by 1.3 Million Players, Shadowheart is Most Popular Love Interest

    My save must be bugged. Still haven’t managed to bang anyone. Not even Halsin despite a bunch of them saying they are interested.


    Halsin makes you wait til Act 3. Got to lift the shadow curse first.


    I’m already there…

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