lorty, do games w Microsoft Flight Simulator F-14 Tomcat & Fokker F-100 Get New Screenshots and Details avatar

Does MSFT allow the military aircraft to sonic boom around?

NoSpiritAnimal, avatar

Yes it’s a very detailed simulator. You can generate wing cavitation and sonic booms.

Coelacanth, do games w Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl Has Entered the Final Phase of Development and Reveals New Trailer avatar

I’m not convinced by what I’ve seen just yet, but I’m happy we’re getting a game at all and I’m trying to be hopeful. Every fiber in my being is wishing for this to end up a GotY slamdunk after all the developers have been through.

I loved Shadow of Chernobyl and I probably have a couple hundred hours in Anomaly so I will buy it regardless, not least to show my support.

Wet, do games w Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl Has Entered the Final Phase of Development and Reveals New Trailer avatar

Release date: Q1 2024

It’s coming!!

GrammatonCleric, do games w Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl Has Entered the Final Phase of Development and Reveals New Trailer avatar


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  • avater, (edited ) avatar

    it’s Chornobyl. They changed to the native Ukrainian romanisation after the brutal attack of Russia. Most of Ukraine has swapped out their russian terms in favor of the ukrainian language.

    LucasWaffyWaf, do games w Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl Has Entered the Final Phase of Development and Reveals New Trailer

    Hopeful, but not holding my breath. I will happily buy it at full price since I wanna support smaller, passionate studios, but I’m waiting on my purchase to see how it ends up on launch. Huge fan of the OG, hoping that this one rocks my dick off!

    aluminium, do games w Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl Has Entered the Final Phase of Development and Reveals New Trailer

    I really hope its not another game in a long list of UE 5 games with massive technical issues. Fingers crossed!

    ExcursionInversion, do games w Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl Has Entered the Final Phase of Development and Reveals New Trailer avatar

    Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie

    FangedWyvern42, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours avatar

    I honestly feel like they should just release Squadron 42 now and then do Star Citizen. Let us have the ships and combat in an Ace Combat style game just in case Star Citizen never release.


    That’s the plan. They started with star citizen being the focus and then 2 years ago they pulled most of the staff to finish SQ42. Now that they’re in the “polishing phase” for sq42 they have started pulling people back to work on star citizen. Next year is going to be big for star citizen, very very important core tech being implemented and a deluge of content should come with the reallocation of workers to star citizen.

    Source: I’m literally obsessed with star citizen/sq42 and know too much about it, send help. (My wallet is ok lol)


    Ah yes next year will be amazing for Star Citizen. I wonder when it will finally come…


    Honestly, I don’t see star citizen being “complete” for another 5-6 years lol next year will be awesome though if they can get server meshing implemented so they can try to nail down server performance. Right now it’s atrocious lol


    Fingers Crossed.

    I backed back on kickstarter, and still wanna play it.

    okmko, (edited )

    “(On SQ42) …but our plan is to be feature and content complete by the end of 2019, with the first 6 months of 2020 for Alpha … and then Beta.” - Chris Roberts, 2018

    Apparently the order of operations is reversed for Chris Roberts in that both “feature complete” and “content complete” come before both “alpha” and “beta”.

    There might even be a “delta” and “gamma” - you never know when it comes to this man and the absolute slipperiness he employs with the English language.


    … That is how it works? You aren’t in beta until you’re feature and content complete, that’s the final stage for any game. Alpha is mostly content complete, but pretty much always feature complete.

    The people who bastardized the usage of those words are the steam early access devs that call a game with 1 feature completed and almost no content an EA beta.

    okmko, (edited )

    Is it the early access games, or is it just Chris Roberts’ history of being deceptive?

    I mean, if SQ42 is truly close to being released, if it requires a last push, shouldn’t all employees continue to work on the project? Usually the final stages of a project require more work, not less.

    Why would you suddenly “prioritize porting features from SQ42 to SC” if releasing SQ42 is a goal?


    Because those people aren’t currently needed for the things that need to be done in sq42. They didn’t move everyone, it seems like a lot of the people they’ve spoken about moving over are art related and some tech people that aren’t needed for “polishing.”

    Star citizen hit a point where they knew that large complicated tech was going to take time to implement and they couldn’t progress with content as the servers can’t handle it until the aforementioned tech is in so I think they made a reasonable decision to pull as many people over to SQ42 while the networking people and the core tech people worked on star citizen. Within the next few months we’re going to see if they can complete that core tech needed for the servers and that will allow for work to continue on as far as content/future systems.

    All that said, Chris is absolutely horrendous at giving dates and I’m glad he stopped himself at citizencon this year. I would love to ask him what made him think 2020 was a reasonable estimate for anything lol

    okmko, (edited )

    I see. Well, I guess I’ll see you in 2 years then when they inevitably pull off another swap and move all resources from SC back onto SQ42, and use that as an excuse, yet again, for why significant progress isn’t happening now, but soon in the near-future.

    I’ll even mark my calendar 😉

    NOT_RICK, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours avatar

    This project is baffling

    weeahnn, avatar

    don’t judge until you’ve seen the dynamic cloth physics! that is what everyone wants, right?


    I actually will only play a game with realistic sweat and tears. Oh, they are hard at work on that?! Well FINALLY, I’m SO fucking glad. Thank you SO much, Robert’s Space Industries. You guys are definitely NOT complete hacks.

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar



    I paid for star citizen a decade ago and honestly enjoyed it enough for about 2 days. It always felt exciting to see how ahead they were of early Xbox 1 / PS4 games in their scope with volumetric effects etc.

    The trouble is, 90% of their innovative content has been long overtook by general game progression, they’re making a game that could have probably launched with the PS5 and been innovative and are already falling behind there. I genuinely believe that they were Innovating their game slowly over time and there were amazing things in the works, but they missed the moment that it was exciting and new by so many years.


    I have a friend who is obsessed with it. I asked him if it was a money laundering scheme. He agreed its the most likely situation.

    canis_majoris, avatar

    A few of my guildmates play SC as well and they try to get other people to play, but every time an open period happens, the servers always shit the bed with instability and the play experience for the new player is awful.

    It’s so funny trying to hear them rationalize bad servers and inability to do basic things as just part of the experience.


    to be fair, its issue is that they literally have a whole flood of people trying the game, like 70%+ is people just trying the game then

    wizardbeard, avatar

    It’s not like these free play periods are a surprise to them. They are in complete control of how hard their servers get pounded and when.


    sure, but AWS only has so many servers ready to spin up at any one time

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    I’m convinced they made the game as a side project to their true goal of inventing dynamic server meshing.

    We are talking about Chris “feature creep” Roberts here, though. The guy can’t stop himself from retasking a team with yet another “immersive” thing they need to waste their time on.

    So who knows. Could just be bad management, but I wouldn’t put it past them to be doing this so they can license and sell the engine or something. That is, until other developers snipe their employees and use their knowledge to develop server meshing themselves.


    I literally cannot think of a worse way to launder money then an extremely high profile public crowdfunding campaign.


    Laundering? They’re not even entering as investors are they, so they are not really expecting any return other that a presumably finished game at some point?


    That and they release their financial reports every year…

    The people in this thread are astoundingly hateful idiots that are just doing the groupthink thing to be part of a group that lets them feel “smarter than you.” It’s really disappointing to see this every time star citizen is mentioned, but I’ll just continue to enjoy it and then welcome all these people when it’s completed as they suddenly stop hating on it because it isn’t fashionable anymore.

    setsneedtofeed, (edited ) avatar

    I’ve been part of some amateur game dev projects and SC has the vibe of an amateur project where the devs are constantly focusing on whatever catches their fancy at the moment, going back and tinkering with things they’ve already made, and sort of aimlessly scope creeping. There’s nobody to strongarm them into writing, much less following a game design document.

    All of that is intuitive to me to understand.

    Then there is “the dream” that is being sold to people who want this type of game. That level of very specific fandom is also easy to understand, at least from a distance. People get super into all kinds of games and spend outsized amounts of money and time.

    Star Citizen is like the perfect storm of these elements.


    Think part of it is that Chris Robert’s comes from a time when games couldn’t be patched.

    setsneedtofeed, avatar

    No, there’s really no excusing this game’s development. If anything, Robert’s should have learned from Freelancer to have a tight core product that’s actually shippable.

    At this point Internet nerds are locked into throwing money at Star Citizen’s development, making it the closest thing humanity has achieved to a perpetual motion machine.


    Freelancer was fantastic. It’s what convinced me to back Star Citizen back in 2012.

    setsneedtofeed, avatar

    I suppose I should have elaborated.

    Chris Roberts begin developing Freelancer with a similar aspiration of total simulation that Star Citizen now promises.

    Freelancer repeatedly overshot development timelines and Roberts was running out of money. He had to go to Microsoft for cash. Microsoft gave money to develop Freelancer in exchange for Roberts being essentially demoted to a consultant, and Microsoft taking charge. Microsoft immediately began cutting features and mechanics to turn Freelancer from an amorphous project into a shippable game.

    If you know that, then seeing Roberts in charge of a new game, with no oversight and essentially infinite development time, the resulting quantum superposition state of Star Citizen’s release should not be surprising.


    ya, now it’s the people who play the game funding it instead of corporate executives, and honestly I think that’s a good thing, look at Elite Dangerous, No man’s sky (even after the patches) or Starfield, sure they might be “completed games” but can’t hold a candle to SC in it’s pre-alpha in terms of gameplay

    wizardbeard, avatar

    What? Specifics please.


    specify what you want specifics on please?


    It’s as if the person read a parable about the Hindenburg disaster and took from it the idea that hydrogen should be the only gas used for balloons.


    If you don’t know what you want except a nebulous dream, you can’t tell that you’re dissatisfied with what you actually have, and don’t realize that what you’re doing isn’t actually getting you anything. This applies to both the devs and the fans.

    INeedMana, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours avatar

    Star Citizen is only available on a single platform too. At least Cyberpunk was multiplatform.


    why should they care about consoles, exactly? Especially when we know that a bunch of licensing requirements from consoles are literally giving control of your project to Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo


    It’s relevant because it’s the most expensive game ever, yet it only targets one platform. The second most (and others) can at least justify some of their expense because they’re targeting multiple platforms which does have a cost.


    ok AND? the fact that it’s the most expensive game ever already clashes with the policy of publishing with console service providers, there are drawbacks beyond cost to porting software to console, and I will remind you that both Microsoft and Sony are Running AMD64_X86 architecture so porting isn’t the difficult part.

    it’s not my fault if you fall for console ports justifying price.


    Ok thanks for the reminder about something you clearly aren’t educated on.

    Star Citizen fanboys, Jesus.


    what exactly am i “not educated on”?

    because both the Xbox series X/S and the PS5 use AMD Zen2+RDNA2 with Zen2 being a chipset that uses the X86_64, fundamentally there is nothing much separating the two, and I will remind you the if at times buggy, Cyberpunk ports where done in just a few months towards the end of the project that spanned many years.

    or maybe you meant it in regard to Microsoft and Sony having a significant amount of policy control towards licensing anything that is release on their consoles?


    SC wouldn’t run on any console currently in production, and even if it could/did, you’d own a console several generations newer than what it was meant to play on by the time it officially released.


    That’s assuming it will eventually be released in a finished form


    Holy moly! Squaresoft really bet hard on FF7


    If I had just made FF6 then I’d be pretty damn confident too

    M0oP0o, avatar

    Shenmue! Shenmue is on that list, wholly crap that almost as embarrassing the people here saying that the SCs fans are not being scammed. And anyone who thinks this is a scam must be brainwashed/part of a hivemind.

    ExfilBravo, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours

    Star Citizen players and Escape from Tarkov players. Both think their game will be finished before they are copied/cloned by a faster/better studio.


    The Fun Pimps have entered the chat

    TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

    This has already happened with Tarkov. Tarkov has been copied and cloned, but none of them are nearly as popular. Call of Duty didn’t even really come close, and that’s AAA. The game has already been around for 7 years. You would think someone had the time to make a better extraction shooter by now, but no one has. I honestly wish they would hurry up, because Tarkov is a mess from a netcode and performance perspective, it’s just great in the game design department.

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    I’d argue DMZ was a better (or at least more casual) extraction shooter than Tarkov, I enjoyed it more than the cycle frontier at least.

    TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

    I prefer Tarkov just a bit, but I honestly really liked dmz too. It wasn’t bad at all. Not nearly as deep as Tarkov, but it didn’t need to be. It had actually decent netcode and hit reg compared to the mess that EFT is. It’s kind of a shame that the mode wasn’t more popular, but thats partially due to the playerbase being so divided between multiplayer and warzone already. I’m still hopeful that they can improve it in the future.

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    I’d rather them just update the MW3 zombies mode, I’m having a great time with it. It’s a really fun combination of DMZ style gameplay with the zombies from CW “Outbreak.” Hopefully they expand the types of missions and put special events into it.

    Dark_Arc, avatar

    I think Hunt Showdown has done really well in the extraction shooter genre

    JdW, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours

    I am not proud to say I was an original backer, but luckily only for like 25 bucks.

    It became clear after a year or two it was vaporware. even if a product ever comes out it’ll not be what I backed originally, which was Privateer TNG. So I stopped following the game, never played any of the tech demo’s and just shake my head warily when I see news articles like this. Bernie Madoff is in jail for basically the same thing. How can people still support this travesty.


    Calling it vaporware is a bit silly they have over 500 employees and have tech nobody else has you can play right now. If you have an original package you can sell it on the gray market for much more than you paid for it. I understand it has had troubled development but you don’t know what you are talking about.

    M0oP0o, avatar

    What does the number of employees have to do with not having a finished product while also being the highest funded game in history? By this logic I am sure since FTX had 650 employees they must be all above board, if that was all some ponzi scheme they why the staff?


    troubled development

    This is the biggest understatement of the year.

    you don’t know what you are talking about

    EXCUSE me? I was an original backer, I know EXACTLY what I backed. If you like what Star Citizen is doing then enjoy yourself. But do not tell me what was promised to me and what is being delivered now has ANY bearing on each other. Beacuse it does not.


    Are you aware they had a backer vote on the direction of the game? It was on if they were going to have stretch goals after the original KS pitch. 94% of the votes went to changing the game into something bigger (more features added). I understand it sucks for people that wanted the smaller more realistic game but they lost the vote. And again you can sell your ship for more than you paid, sometimes way way more. Should they have ignored the vote that was that overwhelming?

    Blackmist, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours


    This ROBERTS SPACE INDUSTRIES. You game locked for virus and crime.

    Please send further $3.5 MILLION USD in iTunes GIFT CARDS to further unlock services and ships in the future maybe.

    mlg, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours avatar

    Sometimes I wish Fdev had done a better job of updating elite dangerous and really putting in effort for cleaning up mechanics issues.

    But then I see stupidity like this and realize I am so much better off lmao. At least I have a 1:1 milky way game to play whenever I want.


    God… Elite has so much potential. Its almost so good, but just stumbles so much. Like… i bought it so I could walk around my ship. Thats like my fantasy and they were promising it, but, alas, they still don’t have it.


    Elite is great but too damn shallow. And don’t get me started on odyssey. The game did not need space legs jankps.


    That’s why I like what star citizen is doing. Fdev is not only beholden to shareholders that force out unfinished unpolished crap lacking in content, but they have 262828 other games to focus on so they took the lazy way out: get a minimally viable product out and then axe most of what braben talked about elite being in favor of small lore additions and an attempt at FPS stuff but again as lazily as possible.

    I loved what elite wanted to be but I hate the greed and laziness. I’ll wait another 10 years for star citizen for it to be the best game ever because I know for a fact no one is ever going to attempt this again, it’s too expensive and no company will ever spend the money if they have a publisher.

    These comments sections are almost laughable because we see the dichotomy of gamers “OmG TeN YeAr AlPhA!” but every other game it’s “OMG DELAY IT! ITS NOT FINISHED!”

    LemmyIsFantastic, do games w Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours

    I dumped $60 into this like… 12 years ago I think? I knew it was a Chris Roberts scam but was willing to take a chance on modern freelancer.

    How the fuck are people still pumping money into this? How is this not been exposed as a government or criminal front?


    You guys are delusional. There is no scam. They have a feature complete game and are entering refinement.






    I’m guessing they’re referring to Squadron 42.

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