
Pyr_Pressure, do gaming w You can't sue us for making games 'too entertaining,' say major game developers in response to addiction lawsuits

There’s a difference between addictive and entertaining.

I wouldn’t call nicotine entertaining.

Opening lootboxes you paid $5 each for is not entertaining.

FenrirIII, do games w 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate
@FenrirIII@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t really enjoy their games, but I love them as a studio

UlyssesT, do gaming w Gabe Newell on why game delays are okay: 'Late is just for a little while. Suck is forever.'

Counterpoint: Star Citizen.

I’m not being snarky there. If there are no deadlines and unlimited feature creep, you get Star Citizen. Or rather, you never get Star Citizen except as a janky hyper-monetized pre-alpha.


Yes, landing is difficult.

There is delaying to release a higher quality product and delaying while having features creep… Not the same thing.


Nah star citizen was a scam first, game second. If it ever produces a game it will have been purely incidental to continuing to run the scam and milk those whales


I kind of believe Chris Roberts himself is just an overambitious perfectionist. He pulled the same kind of bullshit with Freelancer, which only released because Microsoft put its foot down.

I can also believe that a lot of the top people around him are grifters feeding his ambition and perfectionism to keep the gravy train running.

Either way, they got my Kickstarter money so the only entertainment I’ll ever get from that game is opining about it like I know anything.


That’s my take too, though “overambitious perfectionist” still sounds too flattering for what a bumbling narcissist he is.

He even put himself directly into the fiction’s lore as my-hero but bigger.


groucho, do games w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim
@groucho@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Molyneux’s great sin is the inability to shut the fuck up while he’s ahead. lt’s hard to explain how much weight this guy carried in the 90s/very early 00s but he was the guy that did Populus, Dungeon Keeper, and Syndicate. And then he just kept over-promising and fucking up for a whole decade.

If he’d kept it reasonable he might still carry some of that weight but he cannot stop promising the moon and then delivering mediocre shit. It would be like Miyamoto releasing flappy bird with NFTs instead of the next Zelda game. God he’s so frustrating.

blunderworld, do games w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim

I just want a proper Black and White sequel, not this crap. A man can dream.


Imagine the old black&white but with chatgpt level creature AI and propper gesture recognition…


creatures didn’t talk though. How could an ai that only deals with linguistic tokens improve creatures’ ai?


I assume they mean just machine learning - the creatures are supposed to learn by watching your actions.


they require a massive dataset to do so. much much much more than an individual person’s playthrough

They actually suck at learning compared to us, in some ways. If I show you a car, and tell you, only once “this is a car” you will start recognizing other cars, of different sizes, colors and models, from any orientation.

Meanwhile, look at something like tesla cars. they have been gathering data for years, and the ai still has issues recognizing cars sometimes.


In vr please.

JoMomma, do games w Thanks to a bug, players have found a 'realm of naked men' in Baldur's Gate 3

Gross… where exactly?

Metal_Zealot, do games w I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal
@Metal_Zealot@lemmy.ml avatar

You’re not buying a triple A game anymore. You’re buying the idea of the game they want to sell you, and hoping they deliver.

@mp3@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s just an expensive early access.

iforgotmyinstance, do games w I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal

They just added driving combat, which was in the launch trailer.

NegativeLookBehind, (edited ) do games w I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal
@NegativeLookBehind@kbin.social avatar

Cyberpunk is the soul sole reason I don’t preorder games anymore. Hype be damned.


No man’s sky for me. Both are amazing games at current stage but with shit releases.


if you where hyped for NMS release it still isn't the game you where sold and never will be.

@NegativeLookBehind@kbin.social avatar

Same for cyberpunk


My experience with people who have played Cyberpunk is being told that if I don’t expect it to be the game they advertised it was going to be, that its great.

Which makes no sense to me.

@NegativeLookBehind@kbin.social avatar

Thank you for being a logical person.


It's a great time waster, but as far as interesting and engaging gameplay? I'm pretty sure minesweeper still has it beat in that department.


You are 100% correct.



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  • Knusper,

    If I remember correctly, it got hyped as the procedural generation not following the usual formulaic approach, where ‘new’ species are created by just propping tusk C onto body shape F etc…


    It’s basically a meme at this point to link to this, but Crowbcat got you covered



    The Australia tax is why I don't buy games at all, much less pre-pay for the ones I might want.


    soul reason


    @NegativeLookBehind@kbin.social avatar

    Ha, yes. Thanks for the correction.


    Hype is literally the only thing you miss out on by not playing games on release. If you get used to existing 3 years behind the release schedule, your gaming experience is vastly improved.

    reksas, do gaming w Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous"

    If they ended up adding him him in any way, he should be just removed. That piece of shit parasite shouldnt get any recognition anywhere. Not even negative.


    What if they turned him into a drooling hobo or cyber psycho who fried his brain with a homemade implant? I could be down with that. If not, I’m counting on a mod to remove his ass.


    Homeless folk are victims of a system(generally), he doesn’t deserve to be portrayed that way


    He would be the victim of his implant.


    I’m down with that bit for sure - would prefer the cyber psycho or just finding him as a corpse with a letter or something and some environmental storytelling. Nothing too high effort, mind. But it’d be nice to at least virtually know he fucked himself


    Any mention will also preserve his name which he doesnt deserve.

    DrQuint, (edited ) do games w Stadia's death spiral, according to the Google employee in charge of mopping up after its murder

    I will never, ever, understand why Stadia was something thay had to be “ported into” at such high cost. Specially for games that were ALREADY working on Linux. Like, what the fuck was the hold up. I read up stories that it was basically like porting to a fourth console and that just sounded outrageously stupid in my head.

    Whatever tech stack they had, they could have made it way more profitable by making it generic windows boxes that partially run your library elsewhere. I dunno if there’s some hubris or some licensing bullshit behind it, but fact is, if I want to do this on GeForce Now, I can do it, no questions asked, and as the costumer, that’s the beginning and end of my concerns.

    redcalcium, (edited )

    Google engineers always choose the hardest route to solve problems. Why wouldn’t they? If your products are going to be shutdown in a few years anyway, might as well have a glowing resume from working on those products (resume-driven development).

    Think about it, every time Google made a product with sensible tech stacks, those products were actually started outside Google and later bought by Google (Android, YouTube, etc). If Google made Android from scratch, there is no way they’ll use java and Linux, they’ll invent a new language and made their own kernel instead (just like fuchsia os which might be canned soon).

    @anemomylos@kbin.social avatar
    • Kotlin: "are you talking to me?"

    Kotlin was made by Jetbrains and later adopted by Google.


    But Kotlin is actually an improvement over Java.

    Golang thoooooo


    TIL Fuchsia hasn't been killed quite yet.


    Does it actually even exist? I feel like I’ve been getting whispered rumours about it for years and years, but never anything sold!


    Yes! Nest Hub devices run it


    Oh wow, I’ll have to have a read up


    might as well have a glowing resume from working on those products (resume-driven development).

    This is so true. Getting promoted requires showing impact. If you use off-the-shelf tools (that happen to be easily maintainable) that’s not an impressive impact. If you invent a new language (and make up a convincing reason it was necessary) and so-on, that’s really impressive and you can get promoted. The minefield you leave behind that makes maintaining your solution so difficult is just another opportunity for someone else to get promoted.

    Zeth0s, (edited )

    Only Microsoft can run decently windows in a decently big data centers. Because they can tweak it, as they do for Xbox os as well. For everyone else scaling windows server VMs or containers is a pain, because windows is a bad, poorly optimized, resources-hungry OS developed with main goal to make hardware obsolete every 3-5 years.

    I don’t know what nvidia is doing, but when I use it at my friends’ places, lags are painful.

    Linux was the right call in theory, in practice gaming industry is pretty broken on the PC side with its lock on windows, as we see on every new AAA port… Let’s hope valve can save it, but I doubt.


    I don’t think the people downvoting you have ever experienced the pain of dealing with Windows in a cloud environment

    Pxtl, (edited )
    @Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

    No, we’re downvoting because of conspiracy theories about planned obsolescense.

    Yes, it’s disappointing how hardware requirements climb for minimal appreciable improvement, but Hanlon’s Razor applies.

    Zeth0s, (edited )

    It is not a conspiracy though. Planned obsolescence is a well known real thing. There is a reason unix computers last on average longer than windows computers, and Linux is the stereotypical OS for old pcs.

    If people are downvoting for this, they should learn how computers and operating systems work

    Zeth0s, (edited )

    Don’t worry, I was expecting the downvotes. This place is full of angry windows fan boys that believe they are tech expert because they watch ltt and can install a skyrim mod. Less than reddit luckily


    The thing was clearly designed to force you into paying a subscription fee. You can’t let people have something they could possibly easily use and play games that aren’t on your subscription if your entire purpose is to milk a monthly subscription from the users. Google, fuck you capitalism woohoo.

    canis_majoris, do games w Stadia's death spiral, according to the Google employee in charge of mopping up after its murder
    @canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

    One of the main issues with Stadia is that they didn’t even do the basics. I saw basically no marketing, and on top of that, I heard all kinds of rumors about the business model that were entirely false. They made no effort to combat the misinformation. It was never the case that you literally had to purchase the game on top of the subscription fees, but that was like the number one issue brought up in every discussion.


    It’s been how long now? TIL that was false. 🤷

    @canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

    I know, right? Service has been down almost an entire year.


    The “pay for sub then buy games on top of that” was 100% how I heard it worked and NEVER heard anything different from anywhere.

    That’s kinda nuts.


    It was basically true.

    There was a bad experience version you could use without a subscription to games you purchased outright, and they included "free" games with your subscription, but to get a reasonable experience you had to pay for both.


    The subscription was only necessary if you wanted to play in 4K or wanted "free" monthly games. Everything else worked just fine without the sub, with no change to performance.


    The subscription was absolutely required for performance not to be a complete dumpster fire.

    The free tier wasn't mediocre. It was unplayable.

    HarkMahlberg, (edited )
    @HarkMahlberg@kbin.social avatar

    From everything I can see, you did have to buy games on Stadia. They would give you a free game a month, but if that wasn't the game you wanted to play, you had to buy it. The base version of Stadia was free, but the Pro version gave you a discount on games - it did not make them free.

    This is the official support forum and there are many Q&A's about purchasing games:


    Got my Stadia Pro account with a credit card...

    ... If you have an Android device, you can also try via the Stadia app to purchase games (once purchased, you can play them everywhere, on mobile, TV or PC).


    So it wasn’t bullshit? Well in the end the environment was confusing, as thus it died


    The "wrong" part was that you could theoretically play games you owned without the subscription active.

    But it was downgraded heavily enough that it wasn't really worth doing.


    I couldn’t figure out how to do anything with one without paying the subscription. The interface was horrible and clearly designed to force you into subscribing before you could even use the thing.


    It was never the case that you literally had to purchase the game on top of the subscription fees

    It depends on the game. There were a bunch of games under “Stadia Play” that came along with the subscription, GamePass style. And then there were games you had to outright purchase.


    The main problem with stadia was Google. I knew it was doomed from the start and that’s why I never bothered with it. I actually know a lot of people that didn’t bother with it because it was from Google. It’s basically a self fulfilling prophecy at this point that most of their shit ends up on the Google graveyard.

    A lot of people actually don’t trust Google anymore since they’ve already been screwed over many times by them.

    infamous_trade, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

    nice argument lol

    @stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

    Who needs logic and rhetoric when you have 💰

    Lord knows there’s enough content creators now to self sustain shit games and businesses for all of time regardless of what genpop is interested in

    PeterPoopshit, (edited ) do games w Legend has spent years making Portal for the N64 and by Gaben he's done it

    Nintendo better not send their lawyers after this guy.


    Seeing as there’s zero Nintendo IP being used, I find that unlikely. The only company that would have any standing to go after him is Valve, and they historically don’t go after modders and such. You also need to own a copy of Portal to play this game. You basically patch a file in Portal with a bps patch that will “convert” it into a playable N64 ROM.


    What they need to do is get the licensing worked out and release it via gamepass or something. That would be a nice windfall for him and share this with with others.


    Valve has been known to make fangames based on their IP available through Steam. Black Mesa is a good example.

    Of course, this would have to be distributed with an emulator, but N64 emulators don’t require any proprietary code to run.

    Sanctus, do gaming w Nearly 6 months later, Palworld devs confirm Nintendo never drew so much as an inch of its legal sword over bootleg Pokémon allegations
    @Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

    I mean it’d be like Nintendo suing Cassette Beasts.

    I think GameFreak has sat in its own shit too long.

    These indies are coming right up their ass with ideas that were just waiting for the Pokémon IP and now GameFreak can’t touch them. (The ideas not the lawsuits)


    It had every right to take over the monster catching market back in the early 2000s. Cartoon, GBC game, trading card game, they had it all, and they wrapped it in a super cool dark comic fantasy setting with actual plot and raised the target audience by a couple years to grow along with the kids who were all crazy about Pokémon.
    Well, the trading card game just had a successful crowdfunding campaign and THIS GUY just bought a bunch of the old cards to introduce my kids to the world.


    It wasn’t a game I played at the time, but I really enjoyed going back to play it last year.

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