Kissaki, do gaming w Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together?

What I’m reading is that it’s a quick way to lower expenses and pad the investors’ pockets, flooding the market with developers and reducing their value, to then hire them back a few months later at lower salaries.

That sounds like what I see people comment on Lemmy. Those opinions or impressions are not necessarily true though, or seeing the full picture.

People are laid off, which makes the news. But many others remain employed, those don’t make the news. Many others founded or found new companies, which don’t make the news.

Creating your own company, with all its investment, management, and risk involved is much scarier, higher investment and risk, personally and professionally, than being employed. Some people are willing to take that leap, others not.

I imagine profitably in creating games is very hard. You need to grow a user base or publicity. The market is flooded with games, publishers, and developers. Only the big ones have marketing budgets big enough that the marketing makes a bigger impact on profitability than the quality and discoverability of the product. (Like CoD investing a similar amount into marketing as the product development cost. And marketing is effective - more than a good game or product.)

Either way, I don’t feel I have an overview of the whole market situation, or statistics on the broader market and development people movement. But I’m sure “why don’t people start their own companies” is a wrong premise. They do. Some do. We just don’t see it.

The hiring back is unlikely to be the same people too. It’s new people. At the cost of experience, and possibly gain on lower salaries. I’d be skeptical it’s generally good long-term management though. Short-term management is popular. Lay off, you reduced costs, get more people, you increased productivity - and the cycle continues. Managers gotta manage. (/s)

millie, do gaming w Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together?

Tryin’! I gotta put out a tabletop RPG first. Smaller market, plus I need to finish the rule set to use it in my games!


Can you give us the gist or is it under wraps?


The tabletop system is intended to be modular, with subsystems that can easily be added, removed, or tuned for different genres. The initial playtest I did was in a zombie survival setting, currently we’re doing a campaign that’s got a bit more of a Shadowrunny type feel, mixing technological dystopia and magic. The idea is to put out a core book in those settings as well as a fantasy setting and a space opera setting, so people can mix and match subsystems and do whatever they like with it.

I applied programming concepts to the design of the mechanics themselves in a way that I hope makes them more intuitive and tries to maintain a steady flow of tension and release without a bunch of pausing to check stuff once you know the system.

I don’t want to give too much of the details away, but I do plan to release a system resource document along with the actual books. And it’ll be released under an anti-corporate license, so other small creators can make modules for it, but big companies will have to shell out if they want to play ball.

Once that’s ready to go I have a couple of video games planned using the same system. One of them ties heavily into themes of abuse and autonomy, the other is about time travel. I have some of the early stages of the art and some shaders and stuff done for these, and have set up a few mechanics, but they’re still kind of on the back burner. I’ve been teaching myself music theory and composition so the soundtrack doesn’t become an afterthought, and I feel like there’s still something conceptual I’m missing at the core of the visual design. I’ll get there, though.


That sounds cool. Are you using any particular tools to organize your ideas/systems? That was one of the reasons I was curious--turning ideas into something real seems daunting.

millie, (edited )

I use Trello a bit, but not consistently. I’ll use it at the beginning of a project to kind of map things out, then come back a few times to kind of check in with where I’m at and see if there’s anything I’m not thinking of. I also have a ton of note files just laying all over my computer, my discord, and my notesnook account. I used to use Google Docs, but I don’t really want them scraping my stuff for their AI before I even get to finish it.

Honestly I just kind of operate like a blob. I expand in a bunch of different directions on a project a little bit at a time until it starts to come together. Stuff percolates and another piece will fall into place and I’ll get a burst of momentum. Eventually I’ll notice I’m banging my head against something that doesn’t work and I’ll realize I’m looking in the wrong place or I don’t have the right thing yet and I’ll work on some other component.

A lot of stuff just kind of comes to me at random times and I try to get it out before I forget it. But it also involves a lot of like sort of flow state thinking keeping track of how different pieces of a thing connect with one another.

But also like, I feel like you kind of have to be comfortable just having a bunch of files full of concepts that don’t necessarily go anywhere immediately? Like, you need to be ready to just throw some shit out there, see how it works, chop massive pieces off of it or throw it away entirely. The moment you let yourself be self-conscious about your work or worry if you’re “really going in the right direction” you’re fucked. I mean, you can have that moment I guess as long as you don’t stay in it, but it’s the drive and the confidence that gets the actual thing finished whether anybody sees it or not.

You have to do something. You can always do something else later.

Once it’s done I feel like that’s its own other game entirely. Like, I have some guerilla marketing ideas and some former contacts I can try to get on the radar of, but that’s another phase of things. I can’t worry too much about that while I’m over here in playtesting, tweaking, and adding play-informed mechanics land.

Like right now we’re just basically playing a game and I’ll stop suddenly in the middle of it and be like oh I need to add something, and I take some notes and then we keep going. A lot of the time at the end of the session I know pretty much what I need to do; whether a mechanic is too complicated or fiddly or not robust enough or needs something else to compensate for it or whatever, it becomes evident when you watch it play out.

I’m not really sure how I’d ever get anything done if I was too focused on the organization of it, to be honest. I give myself enough hats without trying to also be a hat rack.


My gaming groups (both tabletop and video) are leaning into experimental phase of trying new stuff. Count me in if I ever come across your release in the wild.

On the music and visual side. If at all possible I highly recommend finding or hiring someone to at least review what you have and advise, if not doing all the work. There's so much to both that it takes ages to get right but they can have such a huge impact as you seem to know.


I’m going for very specific look of stylized visuals that’ll play well into my animation experience with Flash. I’ve got the shader for it pretty much nailed, I’m just working on my actual like body concept stuff and I’m not fully sold on the actual perspective angle I’ve been playing with. I definitely have a lot of artist and animator friends who have seen it and I’ve gotten good feedback.

But yeah, on the music side of things, I honestly think I want to try to find some folks to play with some time soon. I’m still shoring up my performance end of things, but playing some bass and/or keyboard and/or guitar with a band would probably help my ear a lot and also give me some folks that I could have a musical understanding with who could help me with the soundtrack.

I’d honestly love to release a sort of grungy album. Most of what I’ve been composing seems to lean into experimental guitar stuff, but it’s all still pretty raw.


You are the hero we need

MamboGator, do games w The PlayStation 2 avatar

I still love the aesthetic a lot of PS2 games have, with smooth, bright textures instead of a lot of detail that gets stretched and blurry at low resolutions. The way metal surfaces look in MGS2 and Zone of the Enders is really nice.

But then there are games like Silent Hill 2 & 3 that use a lot of detail in the low resolution textures to create a grimy or rusted look. Those games really benefited from working within the limitations of the system, like the fog to reduce draw distance.

Zworf, do gaming w Why do mobile games suck nowadays?

For me they have always sucked. The only one I liked a bit was “1112” (also known as Fade), BUT the developer actually cancelled the last episode because they didn’t feel like making it anymore 🤬 So yeah it also sucked big time.

More details:…/the_history_of_1112_an_ambitious_adv…


Adventure games don’t sell too much, and four episodes are a lot if you make them separate purchases. Episode 2 would be purchased only by a fraction of episode 1 users, then episode 3 from a fraction of episode 2 and so on. And the longer the time between episodes, the smaller the chance it would generate new sales because existing users lost interest.

It’s instead much more remunerative to think a fun gameplay mechanic, then create a fake ad around it, buy some assets and create an idle game that plays by itself with the possibility to pay to get it faster. Use the fake ad with the fun gameplay to promote the completely different game and users are dumb won’t complain. Don’t worry if the assets you purchased for your asset flip are unrelated, it’s also allowed to be a completely different genre, for example evony (medieval and swords theme) is using zombies, tanks and machineguns in ads


And the longer the time between episodes, the smaller the chance it would generate new sales because existing users lost interest.

True, but with that particular game what didn’t help either was that there were many years between episodes, it was pretty awful. It’s one thing I really hate about episodic gaming. But Valve already proved it to be a failure, only Telltale And Dontnod still do it (and they do it consistently right, to be fair).

The rest of the gaming industry has gone on to “Early access” which is even more awful. Rather than buying the first part of the story for a lower fee, you now pay top dollar for a game which isn’t even finished and never might be because once you pay them there is no real incentive to actually finish it :)

But really, most categories of mobile games don’t interest me. Arcade and other simple crap like angry birds never interested me even in the 80s. Adventures yes but they’re few and far between on mobile and if they are they’re almost always desktop ports anyway. FPS really really sucks on mobile for me, the input is just too crappy and the screens too small.

Aquila, do games w Half Life 3

Valve used to make games, now they make money


And that’s why they can afford investing in VR and in games like HL: Alyx. I enjoyed it very, very much.

v4ld1z, do gaming w Why do mobile games suck nowadays?

Enshittification, the rise of micro transactions in mobile games over actual in-game mechanics that make the game interesting etc


Trust capitalism to ruin everything

Eeyore_Syndrome, (edited ) do gaming w Best Linux Distro For Playing On Steam? avatar

Technically speaking it is not a distribution.

“Bazzite is a custom image of Fedora Atomic Linux 40, utilizing Universal Blue’s custom image framework designed to bring users the best in Linux gaming for their PCs, including the Steam Deck and other handhelds.”

I’m too busy playing games and having no issues, to write why it’s amazing.

I am at 237 days with no issues, and that issue was Valves anyway.


I used to write personal GitHub gists in the 6 years I’ve been using Linux/Fedora. To share with others to tweak their Fedora installs for gaming. Don’t have to do that anymore!


Bazzite has been wonderful. I went in skeptical about immutable distris for gaming but Bazzite has been such a great experience.

The_other_fish, do gaming w Heroes 3 appreciation post

Recommend you try Horn of the Abyss mod. A couple of new towns and a lot of good balance changes. Works really well with the HD mod too

jaykay, avatar

WoG mod is also great

doctordevice, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 21st

Stardew Valley, the 1.6 update adds lots of small new content in all the right places to really take the game to the experience I imagine ConcernedApe always wanted it to be. This is something like my 10th playthrough and it’s easily my favorite one since the 1st.

Whenever it comes out, I’m so excited for Haunted Chocolatier.

ObamaBinLaden, do gaming w Good AA single player games?

I think these are fairly popular in their circles but I will take every opportunity to recommend sleeping dogs and judgement. Played both fairly recently and the plot is amazing and action is satisfying. Highly recommend putting them on your wishlist so you can pick them up on a sale.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Sleeping Dogs was a lot of fun. Kind of like Grand Theft Auto but more serious and a focus on martial arts.

Zehzin, avatar

A man who never eats pork bun is never a whole man.

vulgarcynic, avatar

As a reddit refuge and former long time troller of r/sleepingdogs, this warmed my heart. Ty stranger.


Thanks for the reminder that both of these games are sitting in my backlog.

Bugger, do gaming w Open world games, need recommendations avatar

Perhaps you may or may not enjoy Space Asshole Red Faction: Guerilla. It’s a 2009 game that got a solid enough PC port that may run on weaker systems. There’s a remastered version but if you’re aiming for low-spec the original might be a better bet.

Anyway, it’s an open world set on Mars and you go around wreaking havoc and blowing up buildings with ahead-of-its-time physics/destruction mechanics. The combat is more like a shooter and you play with lots of explosives. It’s not a huge map by standards today but is a big enough playground to keep one occupied.


It’s also on the Switch!


I’ll never not upvote Red Faction.

Trainguyrom, do astronomy w After 30 years, I'm finally going to see a total solar eclipse. Also, Potato World is a thing.

My wife only went because I was hellbent on seeing the eclipse at totality (we saw the last October’s eclipse and 2017 both from around 90% coverage). Afterwards she said “the Grand canyon ain’t got shit on a solar eclipse” and we are both still in shock for how amazing of an experience it was.

The wonky colors as day slowly turned to night, the sudden whooshing shadow as totality began, the burning ring of fire in the sky then the light whooshing back as totality ended, the cacophony of yelps by folks too slow to put their eclipse glasses back on. It was a hell of an experience


I’m in a similar boat. Flew across the country because after “missing” 2017s I immediately felt regret. Now I’m debating Europe in 2026.

But the colors. Can someone who understands this stuff please explain to me why a simple reduction in light in the lead up to (and following) totality makes all the colors seem “wrong”?


Ot depends on which colours you mean.

Fizz, do gaming w Open world games, need recommendations avatar

Dark souls 1. No other game made exploring the world so exciting. I was checking every single nook and cranny because the game isn’t afraid to give you good gear if you look. The combat can be frustrating but the further you get the easier the game gets. Also definitely follow a build guide if it’s your first ds game.


Note that Dark Souls games are absolute Marmite. I’m aware that some people praise them as the greatest games ever made, but I had a terrible experience playing DS1 and have no desire to touch another one!

Fizz, avatar

Fair play I love marmite.


and that’s good, I’m always happy to see completely different kinds of games get attention even if they’re not my cup of tea

UnbrokenTaco, do gaming w Open world games, need recommendations

Have you looked at “immortals: Fenix rising”?

It has borrowed many elements from botw but with a lot of the “Ubisoft open world formula” on top. I really enjoyed it. The combat is deeper than botw in the traditional sense but I found it responsive and easy to learn. The “shrine” equivalents also had some interesting and unique challenges too.


Looks like a good game, just don’t have the power to run it and no way I’m giving Nintendo any more money


It’s an Ubisoft game but you can usually get it for pretty cheap second hand for your switch if you’re against giving Nintendo more money


Local market kinda sucks,

soulsource, avatar

I would recommend to play this on Switch though. That’s because, unlike the PC version, the Switch version can be played without an Ubisoft Account. All one has to do is to disconnect the Switch from the internet, and suddenly the game runs without login.


Would play it. Just don’t have enough emulator power

Kichae, do astronomy w After 30 years, I'm finally going to see a total solar eclipse. Also, Potato World is a thing.

So, apparently Potato World is actually open today, unannounced. So, just this once, everybody lives I really can have it all


False alarm. They just have an inflatable planetarium set up inside. No potato displays at all :(


This was a roller coaster of emotions! I had to look up Potato World after that and saw Col. Chris Hadfield is giving a speech nearby this evening


He is! Though I’m not sure how anyone has anything left in the tank after the eclipse for a talk, even from him

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

“Potatoes throughout the universe! This week only at potato world!”

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