The problem you’ve got is that the two lists that you’re looking at are ones with concrete release dates, and we’re currently in the period of the year where the release dates are the hardest to come by. Basically everyone’s either just started their fiscal Q1 and so have a completely clear slate, or like Microsoft have just started their Fiscal Q4 which means all they’ve got left on the slate are the delayed stragglers.
Not sure about the upcoming months but I felt like 2024 started off with quite a few games coming out one after another, including Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth, Helldivers 2, Last Epoch and Dragon’s Dogma 2.
They’re still microtransactions in a full priced game which can break the trust between player and the developers/publishers.
Worst ones are probably the portcrystals and metamorphsis ones which both solve artificial problems created by the developers.
The appearance change item can be purchased in-game and portcrystals are also findable in-game. So, at best, these items provide a small “headstart” to someone playing the game from scratch.
If anything, the biggest issue is that they are kind of a waste of money.
Portcrystals are not the same thing as ferrystones and are useless without them.
You are speaking from ignorance.
They give you some ferrystones in the game as well, but it is artificially limited to force microtransactions into a single-player game. It literally goes against the design of the game.
The microtransactions are the reason I’m not buying the game. That they sell a lighter tent tells me that the tent in the base game is too heavy. That they sell rift crystals for real life money gives them incentive to raise prices in game. Microtransactions that make the game easier necessarily inherently give the developers incentive to make the base game worse.
If all of these microtransactions are innocuous and don’t make the game any better, then why do they want $40 for them? If all of these microtransactions do make the game better, then they shouldn’t cost $40 when you already spent $70 on the game. This is the kind of head start bonus that you would expect to see in a shitty free-to-play mobile game when you use your favorite youtuber’s discount code, not something you should expect to see after spending $70.
I highly recommend Amid Evil. I wasn’t even a big Hexen/Heretic fan, but it’s fantastic. It has the record for highest screenshots->playtime of any game I’ve played on steam.
I refuse to spoil anything, but I think I took a screenshot every 30 seconds on the last map. It helps you manage to traverse every single square foot of space in the map over the course of completing it.
Terraria is the easy pick for me. I believe the only game that comes even close to the amount of hours I have in it would be Minecraft. I doubt I need to say much about this game, so I’ll leave it at 3 words: near infinite replayability.
Melvor Idle is an amazing game if you like the “idle” in idle games. And if you like the idea of leveling up a multitude of different skills like in RuneScape but don’t like the idea of walking back to a town every time you’ve chopped down 12 trees, Melvor Idle has you covered. It’s a long grind but I had fun the whole way. I’ve 100%'d it and all the DLCs and still love playing it.
Cassette Beasts… I’m genuinely surprised I haven’t seen this game mentioned here. An absolutely amazing creature collector with a very unique twist on things, a great story, beautiful pixel art, and hands down the best game soundtrack I’ve ever heard.
Melvor Idle is a great call. The base game is a solid idle game and there’s a load of mods too.
I did a HCCO12B (Hardcore combat only, 12 bank slots only) run when the game first released.
Reinstalled the game yesterday and started another HCCO run using the new mod, it adds some QoL and tweaks.
My only negative about it is that when playing normally, I always feel like there’s a perfect/optimal strategy and I should figure it out before playing.
I spent a whole sick day blasting through a good chunk of the games a while back. It’s weirdly fun. I basically just bought it for the pin pull game that always infuriates me in ads but spent several hours getting all the stars in the parking lot game instead.
I think the Deep Rock developers are owned by Embracer now, so I’m not sure if that counts as “indie” anymore, even if they’re still a small (and previously somewhat home-grown) studio. But it’s still a damn good game - ROCK AND STONE
DRG was never an indie, it was published by Coffee Stain Publishing, which is a subsidiary of Coffee Stain, which in turn is a subsidiary of Embracer.
Ghost Ship got fully acquired by Embracer in 2021, though their publishing deal with Coffee Stain started in 2017, before Embracer had even touched either company.
Ghost Ship did not self-publish DRG, they published with Coffee Stain. The publishing deal started in 2017, with Embracer/THQ buying Coffee Stain a year later in 2018. And even later buying Ghost Ship, as well.
My dad helped me install the original Wolfenstein 3D on DOS when I was a kid. And he’s 100% a boomer (b.1947). So for that reason it always feels accurate to me.