Cmor, do games w Best sidequests in the Fallout games?

I did the Mechanist quest line in 3 for the first time recently, not sure how I missed it on my first playthrough in 2008. Like with the Silver Shroud quests in 4, I just love the over the top retro comic book vides.

MacedWindow, avatar

I’ve got Charon wearing the Mechanist suit and I’m wearking the ant villain one. Its the ultimate team up!

Zehzin, avatar

I have my problems with Fallout 3, but that mission and “You Gotta Shoot Them in the Head” (which gets bonus points for having a secret outcome that’s not explicitly mentioned and comes up organically and involves breaking into a heavily armed military compound) are some of the best quests in the series.

ULS, do gaming w I hate the term "Boomer Shooter"

Who says boomer shooter?

onlooker, avatar

It feels like everybody, here are just a few examples. And if that doesn’t cut it for you, Steam has a whole-ass tag for boomer shooters.


Man, this is the first time I’ve heard that term. But then, I don’t play anything in this genre anymore, so maybe it’s just by virtue of the fact that I’m out of that space almost entirely.

skulblaka, avatar

There’s been a big revival of that genre over the last 10 years or so and I think Boomer Shooter was adopted as a way to differentiate it from your standard FPS. Turbo Overkill is very different from Borderlands which is very different from COD. You’ll need a way to communicate that difference if you want fans to buy your game.


That’s cool. Always neat to see things come back but with the modern understanding of game theory.


I mean it became a tag on steam it’s so common. “Retro-style FPS” doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as easily. Boomer = Baby Boomer generation (or close to it) where the engineers making the things; so while it’s not entirely accurate of the dev demographic of the day, “the things people who are now old used to make” is the meaning. Boomer is also like “boom” because there big loud guns, big loud sfx, ridiculous explosions, etc.

Why does this have to be a point of contention? No fun allowed? What is this, Nintendo?


As for why it might be a point of contention with many millennials.

My best guess is we’ve spent years being accused of doing things by boomers who didn’t know that Gen Z was a thing and now it feels like we are being lumped in with Boomers because Gen Z can’t be bothered to learn that more than one generation camr before them.

For Gen X it may just be that they constantly feel forgotten and want to be known.

whotookkarl, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability? avatar

90s style adventure games like Sam and Max hit the road, day of the tentacle, monkey Island, Indiana Jones, etc. Lots of comedy you can’t hear again for the first time, and puzzles that can be memorable.

scummVM can be used to run those games and runs on basically everything, phones, tablets, desktop.


Yeah I played S&M and Full Throttle probably once every couple months when I was a kid… how else can you recite every scene from the entire game?

Construc_, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability? avatar

Outer Wilds. not only is it a fantastic game, but the entire premise and gameplay is centred around discovering the world. theres no progression, the story is all diagetic and not quest-bound or anything, and once you know the world you cant really discover it any more (unless you forget)

TheOakTree, do gaming w Let's discuss the 3ds family?

I really enjoyed Kid Icarus: Uprising on the 3DS, but I never hear anyone talk about it. It’s not an fps, though.


That’s oki


I should get into kid Icarus lol


This was by far my favorite 3DS game. It was just perfect.

kratoz29, avatar

And one of the best looking ones too!


I’ve hear a lot of people talk about it, but usually in “best 3ds games” articles. Maybe it’s a bit of a hidden gem, since it wasn’t a big franchise?

kratoz29, avatar

As a hardcore player of Metroid Prime Hunters (online) in the Nintendo DS I always was confused about what the issue with the controllers for Kid Icarus, or other shooter like games was lol.

Caligvla, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability? avatar

Dredge comes to mind. It’s a nice game and all, but outside of the two endings (which are basically a choose left or right situation) you see pretty much everything there’s to see in a single playthrough.


I will play Dredge just to fish. When I get sucked into an absolutely stupid meeting and am required to be there, fishing makes it fun.

lutesolo, (edited ) do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?

If you want something very similar to the three you named, do not sleep on Case of the Golden Idol.

It might have a little more replayability due to they way decisions you make impact the story, but I’d also put in a strong recommendation for Pentiment.


Yesss, I loved both of those games. Pentiment was so strange - there are things I didn’t love about it, but I still got so sucked in that I’d wake up the morning and be eager to start playing again to find out what happens next. I haven’t felt that way about a game in a while.

ifGoingToCrashDont, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?

Stranded Deep - one of the only survival/crafting/procedural open world games that has a defined objective and an actual ending.

10/10 don’t need to play it again but I might anyway because it was so great

Stamets, avatar

I want to like this game but I keep making stupid decisions and being so confused at the start that I just gave up. The game is fun but doesn’t do a fantastic job at explaining how to get going.

Carighan, avatar

I would also put Subnautica here - and personally say it is worlds superior to Stranded Deep but of course personal preference can give either hte advantage.

Infynis, avatar

Subnautica is replayae just because the world is so beautiful


I enjoy replaying it, but the contrast between first time and any repeat is mind-boggling, and nearly enough to say that replaying it isn’t worth it. That first time… wow, it just hit so well.

bratosch, do gaming w Best PS2 games?
  • Need For Speed Underground 1 & 2
  • NFS Most Wanted
  • GTA San Andreas
  • Call of Duty 3
  • Lord of the Rings Return of the King

Interesting, I heard cod 3 was the worst one

vlad76, avatar

It was one of the few games I had for the PS2. Never played the multiplayer, but the SP campaign is awesome! I highly recommend it.

Zarxrax, do games w Microtransactions

I have no problem with developers continuing to create new content and give customers the option to buy it or not.

Loot boxes and gambling stuff and types of micro transactions where you are basically paying a fee to avoid artificial annoyance/grinding are a cancer on the industry.

KaRunChiy, do games w What games run well with integrated graphics? avatar

Celeste, Enter the Gungeon, Nuclear Throne, FTL, Minecraft with optimization mods and low draw distance, Guilty gear Xrd. Really, if it's 2D it should be fine. Oh, and Hollow Knight sometimes, it depends on the igpu model if it likes it or not

KaRunChiy, avatar

And factorio, factorio runs on anything


Depends on the base you build but yeah

Ultimatenab, do gaming w What games make you happy?

Factorio without bitters. The music of desolance, alone on the planet trying to get efficient so you can leave and go home. I don’t know why it is so relaxing, but it is… just having time to plan and build exactly what you had in mind is bliss.

On the other hand if you want some adrenaline, play bitters in deathworld.


Factorio has this thing where if I play it while listening to a podcast or audiobook they use up exactly 100% of my focus. No less, I can’t think of anything else. But also no more, I never get tired. It’s a very specific form of relaxation for me; where I feel like I’m existing “just right”.

bloopernova, avatar

Exactly what I do. I use Angels and Bobs mods for a huge amount of stuff to do, loads of trains (almost 1,000 in my current playthrough!), and loads of stuff to build.

It’s heavenly!

NakariLexfortaine, do gaming w What games make you happy?


The soundtrack, art direction, color palette, and gameplay all come together in a relaxing loop. I have spent hours just drifting along spot to spot, taking care of the spirits in my care until their times came to depart, and still go back to it when I just want to have some time to relax.

As a warning, the game does deal with some emotional tones, so there’s a bit of melancholy mixed in. My wife and I both had times where we teared up because it felt like saying goodbye to someone again. It’s handled well, though. Really gives the feeling of everything being put to rest, and there’s still everything they taught you right there as a reminder of the effect they had.


I remember just sitting there after helping the first spirit depart and thinking - wow. Which doesn’t happen a lot in games, but the combination of the music, the storylines for each spirit and the time when I started playing (early in the pandemic) cemented the game in my mind as a piece of art.

alpacapants, do games w What games do you recommend for my girlfriend?

So I am a baby gamer. My husband is a big gamer and has been trying to get me into it for years but his games are intimidating on a level he doesn’t understand because a lot of the interfaces are hard if you didn’t grow up with them. And I don’t like a lot of scary battles or waves of enemies. I just wanna explore and at the beginning platforming was freaking hard as I just wasn’t precise enough with jumps.

If it’s in budget, I would recommend the switch as I’ve found a ton of games I’ve gelled with and have grown with me a bit. Get a pro controller and that was super easy to get used to, WADS controller have a learning curve I’ve never personally mastered. Hubby also has a steam deck I’ve stolen on occasion but I like the cute and cozy games in switch. The steam store is great but overwhelming too…

Current games I’m playing, unpacking, Stardew and Disney dream light valley (I’m not even a huge Disney fan but I am over 200 hours in on this sucker). I have played animal crossing, Gris, costume quest, monkey island, and Luigi mansion (that one was a challenge for me). I have Veneba, coral island, short hike, little to the left and ooblets on my want to play list.

I would also say that YouTube has helped me find games. If you look up cozy games, I find a ton of reviews and let’s plays that kinda help me get a better idea on if I’d be interested or if it’s kinda in my play style before I waste my money. I do have a limited gaming budget so, I like to be sure before I spend… Nothing is more discouraging then dropping money on a stinker game that you can’t get the hang of. Granted watching reviews and playthroughs is kinda becoming it’s own hobby.


This is the best advice in here imo. Stardew valley or animal crossing is a decent start imo.

Kory, do games w Emulation avatar

Cool question! Just dropping !emulation here in case some aren’t aware of that community.

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