My system (a laptop, all I’ve got 'cause I had to skitterflee from doomness v.v ) can’t run much so I’m kinda stuck at “playable” framerates on old games :-\ I kinda hate to admit it but I’ve been playing Borderlands 2 … the Linux version, 'cause the Windows version, which has a bunch of patches and mod support, just doesn’t run well enough for me 😭 Can’t even get any DLC, though I’ve been really wanting to try Gaige. May be too burnt out to enjoy it any more anyway.
Before that was Titan Quest, which just doesn’t really play like I wish it did. Played it a bunch anyway. Bleh.
So now I’m just sitting around trying to avoid losing my mind to boredom or despair. flailyskitters around in circles 😵💫
Puyo Puyo Champions - After the video essay I posted two weeks ago ended up doing so much better than I expected, 11k+ views and 600+ likes, I decided to try streaming some ranked for the first time in 2.5 years. I'm still cracked.
I’ve finished Metaphor and it was really good, although I expected a bit more from the story, the ending felt a bit rushed.
I’ve started Triangle Strategy and while I’m enjoying it, the xp/difficulty curve feels really weird, as the battles feel too hard as soon as I reach them, but failing them once I level up enough to reach the recommended level and pass them.
I’m currently playing mainly the free, which to my surprise has a lot of free content. I found it mentioned elsewhere on Lemmy, and have been playing it since. hexceed is a hexagon puzzle game.
Being controllable mouse-only is nice. Needing focus it’s not always fitting to play though. :)
I also bought some pick-bundles and tried out Cash Cow DX, but it wasn’t for me.
And I tried playing The Ascend last weekend, but the Steam Controller track pad feels awful for full-degree aiming.
I’ve also been playing Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara, but am somehow on a break there currently. If I go back to a platformer on my PC, it’ll probably be that though, to continue playing through it.
I finished Max Payne but idk how I ever got through the first couple times I played it... I had so much trouble this round that I would be seriously stuck if it wasn't for console commands T_T I briefly thought about playing Max Payne 2, but thinking about the final fight in that game is kind of off putting, so I'll leave it be.
I originally wasn't going to go through Quantum Break again, but since I had already decided on playing Max Payne and Control, I thought, what the hell, it's a great game so I'll go another round in it. Besides, Alan Wake 2 technically does reference it, so... lore! Plot points! The game is still great fun, incredibly underrated, but I am a little miffed that I now had to install the show episodes to watch them. Not a huge deal, but having to stop and wait a few hours for all the versions to download took me out of the moment.
Started a new playthrough of Subnautica to do between Remedy games. I'm trying to explore more and utilize the beacons and the scanner room, and man, I've already come across stuff I haven't seen before. This might end up being a game I put on regular rotation as a "filler" game, like Mad Max or V:TM Bloodlines.
I’m in a bit of a down period as STALKER 2 is coming out soon so I don’t want to pick up a new story campaign from my backlog in the meantime (Metro: Exodus, Bioshock Infinite and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided are on the docket) in case I’m not finished in time for release day.
Still playing lots of Deadlock, but for a single player story game I’ve gone back to some bits of RDR 2 when I’m not in the competitive mood. I started it earlier this year but abandoned it as I burnt out on it a bit. Coming back to it has been a very mixed experience, there is still so much about it I love - but also some very deep frustrations. And absence hasn’t really made the heart grow fonder in that regard. I don’t really like the mission structure. I know it’s been brought up by others, but I too seem to be among those who are bothered by it. I also find the sheer body count forced on you through main story missions to be so ludicrous as to regularly ruin my immersion. I’m not even that far in and I’ve already basically committed genocide levels of murder! And then the mission is over and nobody is talking about the massacre of hundreds of lawmen?
The only real qualm I have is the lack of Ukrainian and Russian accents on the English dub. I don’t really understand the thought process as I felt like it added a lot of character and immersion to both the originals and to the Metro games.
Otherwise I’m optimistic, I think the game looks good and they’ve been saying all the right things. Game journalists who have played it also report things that make me feel very hopeful, both in terms of micro gameplay (atmosphere, tension and isolation without reliance on jump scares) and macro gameplay (decisions mattering, branching stories and factions).
I pre-ordered the ultimate edition regardless to support the studio after the horrors they’ve survived over the war, including losing colleagues to the frontline.
The lack of accent is an odd choice, I agree! Maybe they went the Chernobyl route (fitting) where they let the voice actors use their regular voices so they wouldn’t have to be faking an accent the whole time? I thought it worked well there. Thanks for the rundown, might have to preorder it!
More Baldurs Gate 3 in coop with a friend. We’re in the Underdark, gonna kill some Dwarves next time and Gnome and probably everything. We’re just complete murderhobos.
Then I heard about Vampire Hunters, which is kinda Vampire Survivors, but as an FPS. It’s fun and there are a few more maps to beat, but I don’t know if it’s going to have as much staying power as some of these other games I’ve played.
Also, more Metroidvanias. I played through Elderand, and don’t think it’s very good. For some reason, I got lost and didn’t know where to go at some point, which I don’t remember ever happening with another game. It turned out to be a way up some platforms I just missed, but it took a lot of time with me just running around, until I looked at a video playthrough. Even if that’s just a skill issue on my end, some of the other parts, aren’t that good either. The map seems to be a bit inconsistent, which didn’t help finding the correct way. Combat is extremely repetitive, with every melee weapon having the same three-hit combo, even dual-wield daggers or a whip. There’s a crafting system for potions and upgrades, but it’s useless, because basically no materials drop. Definitely do not recommend this one.
I decided to buy Ender Magnolia, the follow-up to Ender Lilies, which is currently in Early Access. There’s not a lot to do right now, it took me a bit under two hours to get through everything, but it’s fun. Definitely wait for the full release though, unless you want to pre-order this game or something.
Finally, I also got Prince of Persia The Lost Crown. It’s much bigger than the other metroidvanias I played recently. I’m almost 20 hours in and about halfway done. It plays well and I gotta say, I really like the feature to take a picture, so you can see where you missed something and don’t just go back 20 times, just to realize you can’t get there yet. Combat against regular enemies can be a bit boring, since enemies are a bit spongy. Bosses are neat though, especially since you have a parry and interrupting boss moves feels great. There’s also a ton of platforming, which can get really tricky. The story is complete garbage and makes no sense, but whatever. The game is kinda expensive, but I got it on sale, which was fine. Since it’s an Ubisoft game, it’s probably going to be on sale for -75% in a few months.
Rant: Why are some of these metroidvanias so stingy with their fast travel? In Prince of Persia and Animal Well you can only travel to specific points of the map, although in Animal Well you could at least get to the teleporters from anywhere on the map. In Prince of Persia, you need to find the teleporter, to get someplace else, which can get really annoying. Just let me travel to and from every save point. Even Elderand, for all its faults, lets you do this. In Prince of Persia, in the DLC area you can actually teleport between save points, probably since they realized the other system sucks.
DLSS is extremely noticeable to me at stronger levels. I usually turn it on but keep it set to “quality” instead of “performance”. It’s still slightly noticeable but not that bad at that setting.
Yeah I’m a big fan of upscaling myself. I hear a lot of complaints on the internet that this means developers won’t optimize their games because upscaling exists, but I think it’s great because it gives older/weaker GPUs (like your 3060) some longevity.
Heck, I use DLSS on my 4080 when I don’t want a game to suck so much power.
Thanks for contributing in unneccessary witch hunting. You’ve shown that Lemmy can be just as petulant and inhospitable as reddit. Nothing I have ever written is AI generated, such a weird criticism and hilarious to lob that at someone considering that even million dollar tech companies who have made “ai detectors” have failed spectacularly with false positives. But you dislike what I say so you’re 100% correct, right? yea that makes sense dude sure.
It’s amusing to me how you felt the need to write this incredibly long “shame on you” rant, like you were really that bothered by some words you saw that you had to write up a long witch hunt and try to harass me.
If you feel like an user may be a bot, please report it to a mod so we can put said user under observation in order to access its behavior.
Your comment seem well documented, but that’s something that should be sent to the mods via PM, not posted on the open.
If you were wrong, and he was legit, you’d have triggered an harassment campaign against him by encouraging others to just conclude he must be a bot because someone said so with a lengthy comment they don’t have the time to fully check.
Edit: clarifying why this shouldn’t be done that way, as my previous take was kinda harsh (I was a bit tired)
Buy one for the living room, oled or standard. Then, if requests / frustrations about playing asynchronously piles up. Consider buying another for the most invested of all. Take physical copies also. They’re easier to share.
I started with just one, and was buying digital games. I quickly found as each child gets to 6-7, they need their own switch. So I’m sitting at 4 right now, and agree hard on physical games.