Still playing Pikmin 4, I think I might be close to finishing. It’s been fun, but I’m starting to feel a bit bored after almost 30 hours…
After yesterday’s Direct I got Horizon Chase 2 which I was expecting on the Switch. It’s a bit buggy (nothing major, just small things here and there), and the frame rate drops in some stages, but it’s still quite fun and the music is amazing. Barry Leitch never disappoints 🙌
I think I’m at the last site of the main campaign. I’ve been playing pretty relaxed and getting 100% in each site. HowLongToBeat says it takes 38½ hours for “Completionists”, so I’m guessing that’ll be how long it takes me at least. But I’m in no rush 😅
Horizon Chase 2 is pretty fun, it’s arcade racing, so pretty accessible for people who don’t play realistic racing games like me (the only other racing game I play is Mario Kart!).
I also played some Smash Ultimate during the weekend and I’m seriously considering getting Nintendo Online again to play online (and also for F-Zero 99…).
plex_debrid looks the way to go with. I was put off it because its name and I use jellyfin. Reading more closely it works with jellyfin, so cutting off the middleman (radarr) seems like a very good solution!
Is there anything special to know about it before trying myself? Any issues or roadblocks you had when setting this up?
Yeah I’ve tried it with both plex and Jellyfin. Plex has a more seamless experience with discovering new shows and movies and adding to wish list to see it available instantly. Though as I go more FOSS, I think it’s time to move back to Jellyfin. With Jellyseerr to find and request new media. It’s all pretty simple!
I use it with docker along with his fork of rclone with realdebrid support also in docker. Works great! I’d say my biggest annoyance is sometimes realdebrid gets a weird title of a show or movie which doesn’t mix well with how his rclone fork works.
His fork uses regex to parse names and move them into either a movie or tv show directory. If it can’t decide which one it belongs to it goes to a default. Plex handles this better than Jellyfin from what I remember. You would add tv and default to tv library and movie and default to movie library. Jellyfin would get confused and there’s no way to rename it or move it. You just need to find a different torrent. You can customize the regex and scraping profiles and even integrate it with torrentio.
but exciting news! on august 27 he announced the beta update for his rclone fork that will allow renaming/moving files and folders. As well as creating new folders and deleting parts of torrents instead of the whole thing. This is huge and will make operating it through Jellyfin much easier and prevent the issue I mentioned.
Interesting. I installed here but I may be doing something wrong with my setup, because just using Jellyseerr is not triggering a RD download. First, using jellyseer required radarr anyway, the setup is like following:
Jellyseer request a movie/show, put that request via radarr
radarr will try search for a torrent via indexers (not working right now)
Download via Black Hole Torrent, which is basically monitoring plex_debrid folders
Still, not working as things aren’t communicating with each other correctly and I didn’t set any indexers (or set jackett).
My setup feels wrong or too complex, can you give a bit more of details on yours? How the parts communicate? :)
Hmmm. I don’t use radarr but this is how my workflow was for Jellyfin and jellyseerr
These are the steps from his GitHub but for my Jellyfin setup.
Mount your real Debrid account via api token and rclone_RD. You know you did this right when you can browse the new realdebrid mounted directory and see all your shows and movies currently in your Debrid account.
Setup Jellyfin as normal. Making sure to setup your libraries to use the Debrid mount. So tv shows and default for tv and movies and default for movies.
Launch the plex Debrid main .py file and go through the configuration. Example:
First you choose a content service. Which for you would choose jellyseerr.
Next you need a library collection service (which might be the confusion) you do need to use either Trakt or Plex so that plex Debrid knows what you currently have in your library. Given you are doing a Jellyfin setup it’s prob best to use Trakt. Which means you need to hookup Trakt to your Jellyfin library so it knows what you already downloaded. If I’m remembering correctly this plugin is how I did this for Trakt + Jellyfin.
So now when you add a request via jellyseerr plex Debrid will first scan Trakt library to see if you already have it. If it doesn’t find it then it will push your request directly into your Debrid account after scraping for the best torrent.
Next step in the plex Debrid setup is library update service. Which you can set to Jellyfin. So that once real Debrid caches your torrent it will force a refresh of your full Jellyfin library to scan for new content.
Then there’s a few optional steps I’ll explain below but last important step is for **Debrid services ** which is when you’ll tell plex Debrid what your real Debrid account is via api key.
So full workflow would be request tv show or movie via jellyseerr, which check Trakt if you have it already and if not pushes it to torrentio to find a torrent for your request. Once found it uses your Debrid api key to automatically load the torrent into real Debrid. It will wait for Debrid to finish downloading and once complete it will refresh your jelly fin library and then you can watch it
To clarify , for my identical setup you wouldn’t be using radarr or black hole. The Debrid python script takes care of that for you.
That’s really it. The rest is optional to configure. library ignore service you can use a local ignore list or a Trakt library or local file and it knows what you’ve watched and doesn’t try to get it again.
Next optional step is scraper services I usually leave this as default which will scrape using torrentio.
Awesome and thanks a lot for putting the time to explain it like this.
So for some reason I got side tracked with radarr and didn’t see the need for trackt anywhere, but that seems the missing part on all this.
This also shows up that the Plex workflow is seamless (no Overseerr/jellyseerr need, no trackt need) than jellyfin right now.
Reading plex_debrid code, it seems it has some initial code on scanning current Jellyfin library, so finishing that code could remove the need of Trackt.
Now, one advantage of using Radarr ia that it will move and rename to a standad naming the incoming files, I think that only for this feature it is worth to keep it in the workflow.
So it seems like I’ll need to fix plex_debrid to understand existing Jellyfin library and remove the need of trackt!
Awesome stuff! If you do fork or PR for seamless Jellyfin integration let me know! That’d be awesome. I know he’s been super busy lately and hasn’t been able to update as much as he wants.
Oh and because I’m recently learning to move over to NixOS (which comes prebuilt with packages for Jellyfin and jellyseerr) it has the default rclone but I’m compiling a NixOS package for his fork that I’ll push to the main repo when it’s done!
Search for DVDRip, filter by upload date and check for ones that aren’t well seeded. See if you can find ones that don’t have any other rips available, and seed whatever looks at-risk. Godspeed!
Yeah, I’m surprised there’s so much praise of the combat. There was a lot of feedback on the combat after the demo, so I wonder if they tightened it up before release.
Demo is kinda punishing, the first boss is very spongy yet have crazy move that doesn’t really fitting for a first boss. It’s like fighting Champion Gundyr as the first boss in DS3.
Did something unusual for me and picked up the Pokemon DLC and started it before finishing Tears of the Kingdom. Needed a break from TotK for a while anyway. Since it’s only been out a couple days I don’t think I’ve gotten too incredibly far into it, but it’s still good ol’ Pokemon fun so far. I just really wish Game Freak would put more effort into fixing the optimization (if they can) because almost a year in it still chugs in places it really shouldn’t.
Well, with Game Freak, voting for wallet isn’t going to work, as Pokémon is really big and they have big enough following that is just going to buy anything with Pokémon name on it. So all we can do is pray. 😛
Just started replaying Pokemon Scarlet so will play a bit of that. Might look into getting the American track pack for Assetto Corsa Competizione since there are races this weekend at Indy.
VI is wonderful. One really good note I heard from an analysis video was the presentation of VI feels and looks more like a play. A diorama playing out in front of you. So the dialogue and reactions is all based around this idea and setting. Because modern ff or most games in fact are told through a more cinematic lens and linear storytelling. This note might help you enjoy the story more I hope.
Yeah! By “finally,” I mean that it’s living up to the 30 years of hype haha. I’m playing the pixel remaster on Switch so it has actual vocals and HD-2D art style for the Opera scene. Definitely helps promote the stage play presentation and I enjoyed both versions when I watched the original SNES scene afterward.
FWIW I “liked” IV but was overall disappointed with it when I played it back in 2020 (my first FFs were 7 & 10 when I got my PS2 in 2001). Having a much different experience now with VI.
I’m nearly done with Final Fantasy 5, after having beat 3 and 4 back to back. 6 is up next!
I’ve been on a Final Fantasy kick for the last year after a long hiatus. I completed 1 & 2 over 20 years ago, and beat Tactics and Tactics Advance a few years after that. After a long gap, I finished 7 (the original) and Crisis Core Reunion within the last year.
My eventual goal is to beat every single-player Final Fantasy RPG, including sequels and spin-off series.
Damn, I envy you for getting to experience them for the first time! I didn’t start until PlayStation 2 era so I’m in a more backwards order- did 7/10, 8, Tactics, 9, 12, 15, 7R before going back to 4 on PSP in 2020 and then Crisis Core & 16 earlier this year.
I have the GBA port of 1 & 2 but got bored at some point through 1. Also played maybe half of 13 when it was released according to Xbox achievements. I remember liking it actually but was a huge pothead at the time so my memory is a bit fuzzy. Have a strange nostalgia for it though so I plan on going back soon.
In the menu theres a search engine you can activate
It requires python but it will more or less auto install it all for you.
Go to the new tab and in the bottom theres a link to a page where you can download plugins for the search function (or maybe you need to just search first? Its been a while… lol)
Download the ones you want. (I just downloaded them all), and throw them into a folder (its all .py files)
Tell the search plugin to install the plugins from that folder. It can inatall them all at once. Just press OK to the ones that might be outdated.
Search for something. Sort/filter as needed, and download.
You can basically download most torrents without opening a browser.
Do this, but instead of “add the ones you want” just add Jackett, then go to their github (you can actually get there through the “add the ones you want” menu in qbit, click
search -> search plugins -> “You can get new search engine plugins here: [URL]” -> [In the sidebar of that page] click “How to configure Jackett plugin” -> click “Jackett” to get to their repo and “this address” to get the stuff to copy for your file for qbit and stick it in the right folder, which will depend on your OS.
I’ve been considering moving to Jellyfin for a while, but I’m worried they will do the same thing in future.
Currently would not be possible. Jellyfin does not have the sort of centralized accounts/logins that Plex does e.g. you’re not asking Jellyfin devs for permission to log into your own server. That’s just a Plex thing.
If you’re asking could they add that “feature” in the future? Highly unlikely but I guess anything is possible. Were that to happen most likely the code would get forked into a new project.
PS - Jellyfin itself is a fork from Emby back when those devs decided to close their source. Myself & tons of other people dropped Emby at that point & migrated to Jellyfin.
I haven’t had a chance to do the research yet, so pardon a dumb question that might have an easy answer. With the setup I’ve described, would JellyFin just be a drop in replacement or would I need to drastically change things to get the same basic work flow?
Offhand it sounds like it could be a drop in replacement for you. But there are a lot of other variables you’d need to consider e.g. if you require specific app/TV support & don’t like the current Jellyfin offerings.
Maybe others can clarify or you can post with any specific requirements/questions in the Jellyfin forums or the lemmy communities !jellyfin / !jellyfin
That aside you could always just try it out & see how you like it.
Ultimately, I think that is what I am doing, but figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask someone with experience with the software already just in case there was an obviouls big red stop sign I was missing. Looks like I have other plans this weekend then playing more Stanfield or Baluder’s Gate 3. Thanks for the help and info.
Plex is so bizarre. I consider myself a tech-savvy person, but I can’t wrap my head around the concept of “I host Example App on my servers. I host, maintain, and pay for the instance of Example App and servers myself. I also pay for a license for Example App. But Example Company controls my instance.” It’s so foreign to everything you can host yourself. It’s such an unfair commercial practice that I can’t for the life of me explain how such a model can survive. Self-hosting is about regaining control in my books. Yet Plex over here thinks they can not only shove down the maintenance burden and costs of everything down my throat, but also control access to my data. The solution to Plex’s retarded ToS violation situation is for Plex to say shit happens, how about we stop controlling everything you do with Plex to such an excessive degree that the media mafia can accuse us of empowering piracy instead of… the person who hosts pirated media on their server? Plex’s biggest business liability is Plex’s own business practices. They’re practically begging the media mafia to sue them.
I thought the phone home was to make it easy to have different devices talk to each other. It’s similar for a lot of IoT products. If properly set up, they don’t need to phone home and can find each other with the setting ayku input. However, many users are less technical and automating this through a central service makes it easier. Most companies also use this to scoop up personal info too, unfortunately.
Jellyfin can’t block media. The connections are direct. Jellyfin db performance is noticeably slower than plex with 500k media items but it can still handle it