I checked out OpenAudible posted in this topic and it seems interesting, and might be a better choice. But if you’re looking to rip your audible files yourself you’ll want inAudible: github.com/rmcrackan/inAudible
There are other options around, but none of them are as free or as good as inAudible, IMO.
Ripping myself is what I did with Libation as suggested here. You log into your audible account when starting the software for the first time, your libary is shown and you can start to download.
When adjusting the auto tagging then audiibookshelf automatically sorts the stuff in the correct way with series etc.
About halfway through Blue Reflection: Second Light
The story is fine, but I’m unsure about the battle system. At first I loved it, but building up a combo in every fight makes random encounters kind of a drag. I wouldn’t mind this as I could just avoid them - however, you need to farm drops quite a lot for the crafting system.
I did not. Back when Second Light released I’ve seen people praise the game for how much of an improvement it was. I planned on playing the first one anyway, but I could not find a physical copy.
I have 2 servers through Hetzner, both I got from the auction side of the site.
My lower end server is what I use to run my seed box and up till now PLEX. I use the Higher end server to run some work projects and for experimenting with.
Thanks! I just found out about the auction option through this post. I’m curious, given the price per month, wouldn’t it be better to self host with similar hardware? Higher upfront cost but lower over time I’d think?
Just curious because I’m thinking about switching up my setup, self hosting Plex currently but lack the bandwidth that I’d likely get if I moved to a hetzner server.
Oh yeah, would be lower cost over time for sure. For me though, internet is kind of crap in my area and the work server gets a ton of access from coworkers. And my sister in another state watches movies and tv shows on my Plex. Both these server get over 1.2 gbps up and down. There is also no cost if I have a hardware failure. There are pros and cons for sure, like I’ve been wanting to do some stuff that could really benefit from a GPU but not really an option with the auction stuff.
Awesome. Yeah that would be one of my concerns for what I have now. My internet service is some pretty terrible residential internet so my upload speeds are absolute garbage here but I have some good hardware for Plex/jellyfin.
How’s transcoding on the hetzner server? Any issues there at all? In any case thanks for all the info!
99% of stuff worked fine, but when I had issues it was a random error about server being under powered which wasn’t true at all lol. Someone on a forum suggested using the official windows app from the store and once I moved to that for client side access, never got the error again.
Keep in mind though, if you plan to do Plex from Hetzner, after Oct 2nd it won’t work anymore. But others here have suggested JellyFin instead. I’ll be testing that out this weekend, and if all is good moving over from Plex all together.
Yeah I’ve been wanting to make the full jump to jellyfin anyway. The only thing holding me back really was some extra services I was using that were Plex only. Posterr for example, but jellyfin is on the roadmap and I can just roll my own version until then. The mobile clients have at least gotten pretty good as well for JF.
Funny that they thought of that, but then slipped up that you could become archmage before you have to ask the archmage for help. But there’s no dialogue for the quest if you are the archmage. So if you progress in the wrong order, you get stuck in the main quest.
They may have fixed it since, but that was a huge error.
I’ll probably play a little Starfield, and maybe Rocket League with my brother. Other than that I’m patiently waiting for Lies Of P to hit Gamepass on Tuesday.