Depending on your client, there may be different directories for complete and incomplete torrents, so you may have to put the downloaded files in the incomplete folder. If your client only checks the incomplete folder when starting a torrent.
That’s what I read as well. You would think they would’ve gotten some leeway since it was done during an event comparable to war and they were following the footsteps of other digital libraries. They had a pretty stellar reputation and system in place for nearly a decade already, so I can only assume that they were simply waiting for an opportunity to target them.
You can check to see if it’s available anywhere for streaming or purchase. I dunno how they do it but they’re amazing at tracking this sort of thing.
Elder Scrolls Daggerfall was surely the peek of this, you get a letter at the start telling you to meet a woman in a bar on a set date - turn up too early and she won’t be there, but if you mess around on sidequests and don’t have enough time to travel there so are late then she’ll leave and the main quest never really happens.
There were a million other ways to lock your ability to progress but I always remember that, I don’t know if it was possible to get back on track but I don’t think so, I probably played a thousand hours before I did a run where I even started the main quest
I think it comes up with a little note on the screen telling you that it’s no longer possible to compete the game, you’d get that randomly in a dungeon too because two miles away a bad guy randomly died – belive it out not Todd Howard has got much better since 1996
You can find games like this one in rutracker which require no installation, decompression or dwarfs thing, only the files. Just like what you’d have after installing a repack
It is not fully private. You can browse without an account but cant use the site’s search. If you don’t want to create an account you can use a search engine like duckduckgo like adding to your query
Sci-Hub stopped adding new articles since its court case and Z-Lib had most of its domains seized by the US. I didn’t say they were dead, but tried to convey that they were attacked and forced to either cease their operations or shrink significantly.
If Jellyfin would do such stupid thing, somebody would fork it to a new project
in fact this did already happened in the past: Jellyfin was forked of Emby after they changed their license
It's hard to really say, when they vibrate, depending on the intensity that the game feeds the controller, the vibration is absolutely audible, it will never be silent, so it is a little hard to say with no audio feedback whether they're louder than they're supposed to, depending on the game.
Those are called Joycons. I would say they can get pretty loud but I suppose that depends on the game. Have you noticed a difference after starting a new game or did you notice it on the same game you’ve been playing before they got extra loud? Also, is the excessively loud noise coming from one joycon or both?
Let me just say that I disabled vibration cause when me and my so are chilling it can be quite annoying for how loud it is, especially in some specific games
Joycons. Interesting, my joycons are pretty quiet, and I have two pairs (four pairs in the family). Are they loud in certain games and not others? Which game(s) have the worst vibrations?
I feel like this could mean plex might do the same thing with real Debrid. Time to move over to Jellyfin. Good timing too since I just started using nix os
Jellyfin can’t do the same thing. Well they might be able maybe. Everyone logs on through plex servers and Plex has the IP address of all the servers. Jellyfin everything is local so no central servers to control who logins from where.
I can’t believe these are the times we live in. The services of the Internet Archive are invaluable for scholars and students alike. No library can afford all the printed books/journals or licenses needed for an adequate approach to most topics. And to be honest, shadow libraries are also much needed when publishers lock away vital knowledge (which was often gained through support from public grants).
This seems just another example of how capitalism will bring about the downfall of our civilization as it hinders the progress of science.
The Red Dead port is pretty awesome because it's Red Dead, runs well, and looks good still. No dynamic resolution abuse here! Having Red Dead poker on the go is awesome, and while the lack of gyro aiming is a bit sad, it's got that standard Rockstar hard snapping aim assist, so as long as you're okay with that, then it's no huge deal.
That’s good to know. I played it on PS3, and not in a mood to play it again, but great to have it for anyone who hasn’t played it before, or may want to play it again.
It's a good fit for a portable system, surprisingly, due to all the different activities. You can throw it on, run a couple bounties or just play some cards, and put it back away.
When they eventually put it on sale I'm sure it'll be more appealing to more people, the price is up there, but they really did put work into the port job and it shows.
I played 2 first without play 1. Now I’ve started I was immediately connected to Marston. But also adjusting to gameplay will take a while. 1 after 2 feels like a stripped back mobile version of 2. Still enjoying.
I kinda like it, but I'm also used to it since I played them in release order. I like not having to worry about replenishing cores, I like not having to cock guns after firing them, I like being able to hold infinite animal skins and such, and that you just sell everything and don't need to worry about crafting and stuff.
2 is awesome too, but it leans more sim and 1 is more "arcadey" is a short way to explain the difference.
Most of my notes about this game are on my comment from last week, I finished it shortly after posting that and got the “Legendary Pair” ending. Pretty fun game, even it was kinda short and simple. Also, the time limit was no issue at all for me - I ended up running out of things to do way before I ran out of time.
I was originally planning on starting a new VN, but had a rough week and wasn’t really up to doing a lot of reading.
So I picked up something simpler and relaxing. So far it’s great, it’s very similar in structure to the 3DS games which I loved. Finished the first two “Worlds”, then spend a lot of time playing those silly minigames at Magoland.