As others have said loss of interest can happen and the interest can of course come back with a vengeance. I’d recommend picking up another hobby until gaming suddenly grasps your interest again.
Two types of hobbies that have lasting positive impacts on people are creative hobbies and physical hobbies. Your brain is wired to invent and create and your body is wired to move, so being able to do each for fun is brilliant for your mental and physical health. Hop on a bicycle, go for a walk and enjoy the crisp fall air, stop off at that gym you forgot to cancel your membership for, and start doing it regularly.
For creative hobbies you can get a pack of printer paper for a couple of bucks and a pack of Crayola crayons or colored pencils and just start doodling. If you suck at drawing make wierd geometric shapes to rebuild the fine motor skills that computers have killed. Or if you want something more in-depth model making is always great because it has elements of fantasy while having entry points at any skill level. Personally I’ve been getting back into model railroading which if that seems boring to watch a train go around in circles, consider it has its own table top roleplay scene in the form of operations
The YouTube channel Stop Skeletons From Fighting made an entertaining and informative series of videos on the Zeebo and its games. Definitely recommend it.
Got addicted to AudioSurf 2 over the weekend. Have a small handful of songs on microSD on deck and it’s pretty fun. Otherwise, did some Shotgun King and not much else besides Shattered Pixel Dungeon on my phone. This quarter of college has kinda drained me because of 2 freaking classes I hate.
Maybe you need to take a break from games and indulge in some other, or new, hobby.
I like audiobooks, electric skateboards, cycling, manga… And more.
You could also expand the kinds of games you play. I keep trying new genres and if one gets boring I try something else.
Don’t force yourself if you aren’t having fun. That’s a quick way to really ruin something you like.
I’ve gone through several episodes of feeling like there’s nothing I want to play… But, if I keep giving things a chance, and make sure not to burn myself out by trying to find something too hard, or forcing myself to play something because it “supposed” to be fun, even when right then it isnt, something eventually gets me hooked right back in.
Most recently that has been Deadlock. I can’t get enough of it and the feeling is the best.
I think growing your taste evolves as well, we are not used to consider that in gaming but simply stuff I found exciting back in the days now would bore me to death.
Personally ive almost never enjoyed gaming alone. I can count the singleplayer games ive finished on one hand. I almost exclusively enjoy playing games with friends. CO-OP, PVE, PVP, you name it. As long as i can play with friends and we can progress together im happy. Long term progression is my favorite, really seeing something grow that youve all done together is great. I enjoy MMO RPGs but also games like Minecraft, Factorio or Satisfactory.
As others have already mentioned breaking the pattern is the cure to boredom. Maybe try something new? Look for a genre youve nerver played or bringa some friends onto a Minecraft server. Maybe join a community and find some people to play with if no friends are interested. Or just take a break. Sometimes we ned to leave the cycle for a bit to be able to enjoy it.
I have one and my kids share it with me, but considering a second. They support profiles. My son plays it on the couch while my daughter watches her shows, and then they’ll put it on the tv and play Mario kart together.
Welcome. This is normal. It will be worst later (worst vision, worst reflex, laziness, etc). Just enjoy that your are alive and you will see new iterations (maybe HL3, someday) and new good games. You can not go back to your twenties or beyond, with all your over-the-top reflex, stress-free, free-time, and un-experienced view to be easy surprised. Just enjoy other things, other game types. Never play by obligation.
Try changing your dynamic. The human brain thrives on novelty.
Play genres you normally wouldn’t – e.g: Hate horror games? Good - try out Silent Hill or some classics you skipped over.
Get a VR headset, go from 2D screen to proper full body 3D - fly a plane over the Andes, feel like you’re actually flying. Pilot a huge mech. Build a colony on Mars with your own two hands.
Burnout happens and it’s worth examining other areas in your life, but gaming’s always been the wondrous thing it always has.
I’m 10 years younger and I feel the same, granted, I still game a lot, but I find myself more excited about the ideas and potential of a game, than actually playing it.
I think it’s a normal thing, you gotta get tired of a hobby after so many years, and it’s a healthy thing to cycle it out and pick up something else, and maybe come back to it some time later