comicallycluttered, do gaming w What's your favorite example of developer's foresight?

Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Although, it’s less foresight for random actions and more of a way to set the tone for the rest of the game.

There are two possible outcomes of how one of the early missions plays out, depending on actions you wouldn’t initially consider.

There’s a hostage crisis and if you don’t listen to Sarif and get to the transport on time, they’ll all be dead when you arrive there.

Thing is, you’re not really given like a ticking clock on the top of your screen or anything. And in most games, you expect the “meet me there now” thing to not actually matter much, because oftentimes NPCs will act either as if we’re perfectly on time or just make a minor note about it in dialogue. We’re also used to most missions starting the same or only with minor differences depending on choice, but there is no explicit choice here.

So if you treat it like any other game, ignore the quest marker, and just wander around the building, exploring and looking for interesting shit before actually leaving, you arrive at the location and get berated because you took too long and now a bunch of innocent people are dead because you were fucking around.

If you go immediately, you have a chance to actually save them all.

I think you’ll actually find a lot of stuff like this in immersive sims, just due to their nature, although it’s less “we know you’re going to do this exact thing” and more “you’ve got freedom and we know you’re going to do something we didn’t expect, so we’ll embrace that instead of limiting your options”.

I know that when Arkane was developing Prey, they knew the GLOO Cannon was going to be experimented with in a bunch of ways that they couldn’t necessarily anticipate, so instead of imposing limits on it, they embraced it, gave the gun to you at the beginning (well, very close to beginning) and just said “go wild”.

They basically turned what would otherwise just be a random, only semi-important utility into a super useful tool for traversal and combat engagement. Went from “cool, does gluey things” to “okay, I’m going to make a staircase with this thing because it looks like there’s something up there”.

Apparently, they were inspired by Bethesda’s famous lack of usable ladders up until that point, which is pretty funny. Or rather, they used that as a metaphor for design in general (though, they did put up posters or notes or something that just said “NO FUCKING LADDERS”, if I recall, but I’ll have to find the video/article about that later).

It was basically this approach of “there doesn’t need to be a ladder if you can make one yourself”.

WeebLife, do games w Lies of P | Review Thread (83/100 OpenCritic)

Damn. I played the demo and didn’t like it. But maybe I’ll have to give it another chance.

Melatonin, do piracy w safe to use?

Why aren’t you using popcorn time?


This looks new and promising

skankhunt42, avatar

Or movie-web[dot]app


appreciate the tip!


Popcorn time isn’t new, be sure to use a vpn with it, it’s basically just directly downloading and playing torrents

Joyboy, avatar

Can you give me the Official websites URL

kniescherz, do piracy w I am looking into setting up a home mediaserver. Any good guides?

I would look into the zima board or zima blade, cheap but should be powerful enough. Otherwise there are really great server builds possible with low powered mini PCs possible. See Wolfgangs channel on youtube for inspiration.

You could use a raspi but there are more powerful options for a similar price.

kniescherz, do piracy w I am looking into setting up a home mediaserver. Any good guides?
nudnyekscentryk, do zapytajszmer w Czy któraś partia ma w programie zmianę systemu wyborczego, żeby był bardziej demokratyczny? avatar

Razem oczywiście. Proponują głosowanie na wielu kandydatów z kolejnością preferencji (STV).

phoenixz, do piracy w I am looking into setting up a home mediaserver. Any good guides?

Don’t use Plex they regularly screw over their users.

Go for open source, go for jellyfin, it’s awesome

jherazob, do gaming w What's your favorite example of developer's foresight? avatar

For decades, the phrase “The DevTeam Thinks Of Everything” has been the most common phrase to refer to the devs in the NetHack community, whatever foresight the devs of other games have shown, the NetHack DevTeam goes so much further, they tend to program even obscure interactions that a reasonable player would never find

manwithabox, do xbox w What are you playing this weekend?

The angler, fun so far.

AlexanderTheGreat, avatar

Never heard of it. I assume a fishing game?


Yes indeed, it was added to game pass.

Kovu, do games w Recommendations for good YT channels exploring lore and stories avatar

Jacob Geller

!deleted7120 avatar

Seconding Jacob Geller. All his videos are amazing.

v4ld1z, (edited ) do games w Recommendations for good YT channels exploring lore and stories

If you’re interested in Skyrim, Fudgemuppet is awesome. They’ve made content for what must be a decade now, discussing all kinds of aspects of Elder Scrolls games with a focus on Skyrim - from lore to builds to discussions of the upcoming TES IV. Can’t recommend them enough to get a good grasp on Elder Scrolls lore.

Ghostcharm is also an amazing content creator who makes, among other formats, “villainpedia” and “heropedia” entries for video game characters and explores the different facets and nuances of the discussed characters. Some of the characters are Glados from Portal, Mancar Cameron from Oblivion or even more nuanced characters like Arthas from the Warcraft series or the Daedric prince Sheogorath from the Elder Scrolls (more specifically the Shivering Isles expansion for Oblivion). Really interesting lore and analysis videos, huge recommendation.


Shout out to Camelworks for deep, deep deep dives into tiny details on Skyrim too.

GrammatonCleric, do games w Recommendations for good YT channels exploring lore and stories avatar


avater, do games w Recommendations for good YT channels exploring lore and stories avatar

Luetin09 for Warhammer Lore.


I’ve been really obsessed with Attenborough 40k where it’s all 40k lore voiced by David Attenborough w AI


That dude’s content is solid.

redhorsejacket, do games w Recommendations for good YT channels exploring lore and stories

Jorphdan (the ph is silent) has dozens of videos exploring the lore of the Dungeons and Dragons multiverse. Those worlds have been the setting for enough videogames that I think it applies.

You might also check out Eckhart’s Ladder. He focuses primarily on Star Wars but with some digressions into Halo and other science fiction universes.

One of my personal favorite gaming essayists is Grim Beard, though his particular style may or may not gel with you. His videos are generally about a single game and often encompass a game’s conception, development, gameplay, reception, and legacy. It’s not exactly a lore channel, per se, but I feel like it might be in the ballpark of what you’re looking for.


+1 for Grimbeard. Their video essays are as well-done as they are hilarious

MarcomachtKuchen, do games w Recommendations for good YT channels exploring lore and stories

The Tarnished Archeologist makes great Videos fokusing on elden Ring and Bloodborne. His strengh is how He intertwines the Lore with the Real word historical inspiretions and their usage in These games. The (visual) presentation is worse than other Souls Youtubers but his Script is really well done and i usually learn a lot of New Things from games where i thought i knew everything

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