delitomatoes, do gaming w What games do you think are unfairly snubbed when talking about the best games of all time?

There’s a whole generation of players now who never got to experience Soul Reaver. Brilliant writing by Amy Henning, amazing voice cast.

People lauding Lords of the Fallen dual world forgot that Soul Reaver did it first.

At this point the closest thing would be a Zelda/ Dark Souls hybrid which we haven’t seen?


@delitomatoes @Lunar

Soul reaver is on my short list of potential games to start next. (It’s up against Half Life and Silent Hill). I went through the first blood omen about a year ago and loved it.


I was thinking Soul Reaver too! I think the problem is that it had a handful of mediocre sequels that made people eventually lose interest in the series. But the original game was one of the best on the PS1. I loved the whole improvised combat mechanic where you have to use anything around you in the environment that could hit the vampires’ weakneses.


I think Soul Reaver 2 was the peak of the series for me. When Kain had his monologue during the climax about flipping a coin enough times that one day it lands on its side, jesus. I get goosebumps just remembering it.


flipping a coin enough times that one day it lands on its side

There was a twilight zone episode based on this premise too!

Timwi, do games w What are some of the best mini-games youve played? (games inside games) avatar

As a fan of the LucasArts point-and-click adventure games of the 80s-90s, it would be remiss of me not to mention that Day of the Tentacle, the sequel to Maniac Mansion (their first adventure game ever), actually contains Maniac Mansion as a minigame.

Nacktmull, do games w What are some of the best mini-games youve played? (games inside games)

Gwent, in The Witcher 3!


The one that was so successful that it got its own game.


I don´t care much for the standalone pc game, since it is very different from Witcher 3 Gwent. However, check this out: :D

Llamajockey, do games w This console generation seems skippable

You’re right in that exclusives are becoming less and less but I still think it’s worth getting a PS5.

If you have the wallet for it I think the perfect setup is owning a switch for party games and Nintendo exclusives, a PS5 for Sony exclusives/general couch gaming and as your media machine, and a PC for all the rest.

Ps5 definitely has some great exclusives that imo make the system worth it, not to mention the graphical upgrades and how quick it is compared to a ps4.
-Ghost of Tsushima is a beautiful game, with a great story and gameplay, performs so much better on PS5 -Spiderman 2 -God of war Ragnarok -Horizon zero dawn -Gran Turismo

I use my PS5 for most of my games over my gaming PC, just more comfortable for me. Also I still like that you can get lucky if you go to a GameStop and find used physical copies of expansive games at a discount.

I have also always recommended owning an Xbox/PlayStation as a media device as well. Sound and image quality usually surpass your smaller basic steaming devices or built in smart TVs. Compared to my ps5, my ps4 crawls through the menus and loading screens. One of those things that you won’t notice until you upgrade.

Having said all that, I wouldn’t get the “pro” model, unless you have the cash and want to game in like 8k or some bs


Also, much easier to get a ps5 now, most stores just have them in stock now, seen some used ones for sale too

Carsonian, do games w Games that force you to make hard choices

My favorite of all time for exactly this is Spec Ops: The Line. Its a third person shooter and really fun, but its main selling point is making super tough morally gray decisions. Still one of my favorite game stories ever. You can usually get it really cheap and its just perfect for what tou described.


Was also going to mention this! Love that game and have played it twice. I even remember two set pieces in the game like a movie and sometimes recant them to friends as if it were from a movie cuz they probably wouldn’t understand.

ShaggySnacks, do games w Games that force you to make hard choices

Pathologic 2 - Stress Simulator, decide what to do with dwindling resources. Notoriously difficult.

Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You - The information you pass on, is going to really affect the story. A couple of times, I really felt conflicted about the decision.

This War of Mine - Do you rob innocent at the cost of your humanity or fight those bandits who are looting at the cost of your life


I’ll second This War of Mine. It draws from the experiences of civilians during the Siege of Sarajevo in the 90s. The choices are hard, and they have real consequence, and what you pick will haunt your dreams.


this war of mine is gold, Jerry gold even.

yamanii, do games w Games that force you to make hard choices avatar

New Vegas fits this bill, even quests with “happy” endings leave a sour taste in your mouth, or you putting everyone equally in a shitty situation because you abstained from choosing who to favor. Outer Worlds from the same devs has some quests like this, but the main quest itself is very obviously good people vs evil mega corp.

eddisney, do games w Valve issues DMCA takedown for "Team Fortress: Source 2"

it’s also important to consider that recreating an entire game like Tunnel Rush Team Fortress 2 would involve legal and intellectual property considerations.

TwilightVulpine, do gaming w What difficult games/game challenges did you give up on?

Dark Souls and souls games in general. But the difficulty is just half of it. I have beaten hard games before. The problem is that everything is so bleak I can't even feel motivated to try. I'll do a thing only for some NPC to go "it doesn't matter, everything is pointless and you're so insignificant". Inevitably being spoiled I know that even the single optimistic NPC is not getting it great. Y'all can mope, I'm gonna put my effort where it's appreciated.

!deleted6508 avatar

The bleakness is why I assume the “age of dark” endings are the good ones. They’re the only endings that also end all the suffering of those fucked up worlds. The only weird one is Elden Ring. You can end all suffering, but it’s presented as the worst possible end for that particular game.

fadingembers, avatar

It’s so interesting how tastes can change everything. The bleakness in the souls games is intoxicating to me and keeps me coming back. I imagine it has something to do with psychology


You might want to try Lies of P. All of the highlights of Dark Souls combat and if you play your cards right pretty much every NPC gets a happy ending.

It’s free on Game Pass right now too, if you have that.


I just might. Some fights were infuriating but so was Hollow Knight and I love that game. As long as the conclusion makes it worth it.

fosforus, (edited ) do gaming w What difficult games/game challenges did you give up on?

I mehhed out on Outer Wilds because of Brittle Hollow and Hourglass Twins. Great game certainly, magnificent atmosphere, clever-in-a-good-way plot and premise, just not quite for me. Watching my daughter play through it was more fun than playing it myself.

I thought about playing the good and bad endings of Undertale, but it started to feel like work so did not. Plus I estimated that the Sans fight would’ve made be break something.


I adore the Outer Wilds vibe, but had the same experience and it still doesn’t sit well with me! Years later and the game still comes to mind, but the periodic resets were so unpleasant for me that I didn’t see it all the way through. Maybe this will be the year….

InquisitiveApathy, (edited )

I’m glad I’m not the only one who found the world resets frustrating. I agree that the world is interesting and atmospheric, but as someone who enjoys thoroughly exploring, the resets just kept ruining my immersion into the world. Maybe one day I’ll go back to the game.

minishoemaze, avatar

“True Pacifist” route is worth doing if you enjoy Undertale, it’s not terribly difficult and fleshes out the characters a bit more. If you’re thinking about going the other way, I would say play up through Undyne and see how that feels. Edit: also play Deltarune if you havent

I really want to like Outer Wilds, but it just hasn’t quite clicked with me either. I’ve probably played about 10 hours but just keep bouncing off of it.

SzethFriendOfNimi, do games w Games that force you to make hard choices avatar



Prey gives you the choices up front, tells you they don’t matter, then gives you a really good game to play.

plot twistThe way you play is entirely up to you, but that’s the point. Are you who you say you are? It’s easy to say whether you’ll flip a switch or push a person when you’re answering questions at a desk, but it’s suddenly much harder when you’re actually faced with the problem. What will you choose?

JCPhoenix, (edited ) do gaming w 5+ man group games avatar
  • Barotrauma. Game can be challenging and serious, but also ridiculously hilarious and off the walls, often in the same playthrough.
  • Valheim.
  • Project Zomboid. You might want to consider upping some of the difficulty with more players, though. More zombies, for example.
  • Minecraft.
  • Planetside 2. Squad/platoon up and just roll around together. The learning curve, however, can be surprisingly high.
  • Battlebit Remastered.
BannanaLama, do games w What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year )

Finally decided to play Outer Wilds.

Wonderful game! Changed my view of the world and outlook on the purpose of life for the better


Fantastic game. So we’ll written, designed, and artistically styled. I was blown away.

good_girl, avatar

It really does have the strength to do that to so many people that play it. It’s stuck with me for years and not a week goes by that I don’t think about it.

bananabenana, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

I personally don’t give a shit about whichever store I use for gaming because I have no loyalty to Steam like a lot of the people in this thread. It’s just a store and launcher. I wish people would get a grip.

I buy games where it’s cheapest, whether that’s GoG, Steam or Epic or anywhere else. I use the wishlist functions to make sure I can price compare on sales etc.


Do you know about ?

SeeJayEmm, do games w Do you play games over the holidays with your family? avatar

What has become our holiday tradition is Jackbox.

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