They only care as far as going after large targets running rom sites (archive is much more than that, so they skirt by) and emulation of modern consoles (they go after the devs). They will never go after an individual just direct downloading and emulating shit.
Same artist who did the music for TUNIC. While its soundtrack isn’t great to listen to alone in my opinion, it is phenomenal in game. To the point where watching the trailer gives me goosebumps.
Also, I emailed the artist once to ask permission to use the Dustforce soundtrack in a YouTube video I was making. They gave me permission and I sent the video to them when it was posted and they said very nice things about it.
Właściwie nie mam zdania, ponieważ niczego o niej samej nie wiem a o scenie politycznej w USA tyle co kot napłakał, ale perspektywa że głową państwa miałaby być kobietą cieszy mnie z uwagi na ten ból dupy, którego konserwy z południowych stanów by wtedy doświadczyły.
Thank you for this. I think it’s good practice not to post plain codes but to obfuscate them in some way so that they are not snatched by bots. Not sure if this a big problem on Lemmy though.
Privateers tended to obey a sovereign government and do all the pirate things, but directed it against the enemies of the country they were under the flag of rather than just at whoever. Privateers would sometimes become pirates, though. Basically, they’d just keep doing the same job, but for themselves.
The distinction is largely one of who gets to make the rules and do the finger pointing.
I don’t think so, seems like I am a part of a rag-tag group of people who are doing “jobs” to get rich. I don’t think we have any formal government or organization backing.
I guess I don’t know the full story of everyone I am working with yet. So there could be a twist I am unaware of.
Behold this $400 monstrosity. This is my Xbox Adaptive controller set up mapped for Ultima Online Outlands. I’ve had a few iterations but this seems best for me so far. Can use it with some other games but that requires using WASD with my feets. It costs so much because it took 3 freaking Logitech kits to get all the buttons I needed. 😭
I guess hitboxes aren’t weird anymore now that they’re more mainstream. Although I did make a custom layout that is unusual (if that’s your definition of weird).
Hitboxes are something else. I understand why they are ideal, but it’s so funny to see years of ergonomic evolution compressed down to a box with a bunch of buttons on it, for more precision. Lol.
Not super weird in the grand scheme of things but I played the shit out of FFXI using this controller and when my friends found out I was using this they were astounded at my typing speed. This was back in the era of texting with a number pad so thumb typing wasn’t as prevalent as it is today.
I unironically wish all controllers were like this. IMO the main way hardware limits game design is the number of buttons on modern controllers; more buttons = more actions that can be performed = more complex and interesting games.
It’s not exactly weird, but I loved the giant “duke” controller for the og xbox. A lot of people hated it but I think it’s one of the most comfortable controllers ever made.
I’ve always had long fingers, and The Duke was perfect. I remember getting one of the revamped controller models down the line, and it just never felt quite as good.
Still prefer X-Box style controllers on the overall, these days. Still not quite up there yet, but still better than PlayStations style, and while I think the JoyCons are absolutely adorable and clever, actually using them is just uncomfortable after awhile.
Nie rozumiem czemu Matysiak została wyróżniona podczas gdy NL jest w rządzie z PSL, z ramienia którego wicepremier bronił przytoczonego przypadku tak samo. Dla czystości ideologicznej lewica woli tkwić w układzie, gdzie nie zrealizuje ani polityki gospodarczej ani wolności osobistej.
Kompletny debilizm. Anegdotycznie powiem, że działalność Matysiak pozwala przebijać bańki w dyskusjach ze starszymi osobami obecnie głosującymi na PiS.
No bo jest łatwym celem, razemki i tak są na cenzurowanym. Ale nie zmienia to faktu że zakładanie jakichś ruchów z takimi cynikami i śmieciami ludzkimi jak Horała ma być dobrym pomysłem niby jak?
I jak niby współpraca z politykiem PiS ma być lepsza od współpracy z PSL? Elektorat PiS przerzuci się na Razem? :D
Elektorat PiS to nie tylko radiomaryjni, wcale nie wykluczałbym możliwość przejścia jakiejś ich części do głosowania na Razem, jako opcji anty-establishmentowej. Widzę jakiś potencjał w takich inicjatywach, bo mogłyby przełamywać skrajne podziały w społeczeństwie… Tyle, że tu raczej dała się naiwnie wkręcić we współpracę, która ją wykończy, a jemu nie zaszkodzi.