I mean, there are still private, adfree trackers and things and I’ve been pirating before even Napster was a thing and the Internet was rife with malicious ads and popups. If anything, I’d pirate harder out of spite.
I only recently stopped using it. And a lot of content on the internet, expecially ones for download use rar part files to split it up and host freely.
Man, I’d prefer to have this account on my Xbox account but it won’t let me migrate since I have a different Minecraft account there already. Wish it would just let me throw that one away and link this one in.
You will have to request Minecraft Support to delete that existing Java Edition profile from your Microsoft account. Once they do so, you can migrate your Java Edition profile to it. I’m assuming their support’s pretty hammered right now, so I’m not sure if they will get back to you in time.
The easiest thing to do would be to choose a different Microsoft account to complete the migration, despite the inconvenience it might cause later on.
Migrate it to your child’s/spouse’s Microsoft account if you have one. If you’re feeling extremely generous, migrate to a friend’s Microsoft account. You can then swap usernames between the accounts at a later date.
It has to be executed to have any danger, so you’d need a zero day exploit for your media player, even then it should be contained at user level rather than system. I’ve not really heard of it happening, but it’s theoretically possible I guess, would take a really bad coding mistake. Keep your players updated and you should be fine.
Just wanted to give another upvote to audiobookshelf. It’s a great audible replacement and allows for local downloading and server syncing. Great project!
That only helps for shadow libraries whose operators are unknown. The Internet Archive, on the other hand, is a registered non-profit organisation, so how would they be able to hide themselves?
It’s not so simple, unfortunately. The sheer amount of data they have - 212 PB as of December 2021 - makes it practically impossible for most people to mirror. Unless they physically hand over all 745 server nodes to another operator, there’s no way of someone
There are some solutions to this - for example Archive-Team has proposed a method of mirroring the Internet Archive using distributed clients, although this method currently only has a fraction of the total dataset. Still, at this point in time, there’s no real solution to resharing IA’s data in the event they go under
It’s literally in the name for a .onion website: hidden service
Tor hides the identity of servers just as much as it does for client users. So as long as the IA hosts in a country where publishers don’t have jurisdiction, I believe they’ll be fine
Unfortunately, patent trolling means they won’t become mainstream. Companies have to pay to add paddles, so they won’t unless it’s part of a more expensive controller offering.
I think a company sued valve over it hence why they abruptly put them all on sale for 5$ and never made any more. I believe valve ended up winning the lawsuit though hence bumpers on the steam deck
I’m sure it sounds stupid but I’ve been playing less and less switch games because of this. If a game is on both switch & pc (mh rise, indies), in the past I’d usually go with switch because of the portability, but now with a steam deck or ROG ally I go with pc because portability + back paddles. The switch has those hori joycon with back paddles but unless they’ve changed something since they first came out, those back paddles could only be programmed to buttons that are on their respective halves of the joycon (left joycon back paddle cannot be mapped to right joycon face buttons) which is useless to me.
But yeah now whenever I use a gamepad without back paddles it feels restrictive, like I’m missing fingers or a limb.
It totally sounds stupid but somehow I’m guilty of it too. I’ve even rebought games on Steam that I have on Switch because of that and the fact that I know my Steam games will be future proof for new hardware
I hope this is where it stops. Current laws aren’t too favourable towards projects like these and the IA depends heavily on donations so I don’t think they’d be able to withstand multiple drawn out court battles. I’m just waiting to see what gets affected exactly and to what extent.
I have fond memories about Prince of Persia (the 2008 incarnation). it was a beautiful game and you basically could not die. your companion (a beautiful woman, because originality) would just rescue you in the last second.
And yet when libgen was broken a couple of days ago it sent me to the broken libgen for the (admittedly obscure) thing I was after. Perhaps caching I dunno. Still, glad it’s there…
Any media can contain exploits, for the most part if you stick to reputable uploaders you should do alright but it’s essentially an unavoidable problem. Keep your media player up to date