Just signed up for the beta. I also have adhd and I was overweight for the majority of my life, and then in 2018-early2020, I went from 300ish to 160ish, and I felt great. Then the pandemic hit and I could no longer go on walks and runs and then I got depressed and then injured my leg permanently and now I’m back up to 235 and I fucking hate it but I can’t seem to get the will to walk again. So this game sounds like it would be really fun.
Refinement wise origins is to Fallout 3 and Odyssey is to New Vegas.
I liked Origins. Tomb exploration. History lessons. Angry hippos. It was solid.
Odyssey is my favorite of the 3. Worth it.
Valhalla was too long. They took the Odyssey formula and just did too much. Normally I completionist games, but I could not finish those repeatable side quests. Odin’s marathon runs among other things. After Valhalla I had no interest in buying Mirage and doing it again.
Imagine overcooked but where you kill and use your customers as ingredients and can raise skeletons from the dead to automate as your chefs and servers. It’s overall a very well put together game, especially for one with 240 reviews (total)
It’s a game where you are a little sheep creature that runs a cult. It’s a mix of a management game and a roguelike since you go on runs to fight the games main bosses and get items to bring back to improve your cult.
Art style kinda reminds me of Klei’s Don’t Starve and is probably one of the most impressive parts of the game
Though this one is more well known. Still, I hadn’t heard of it before so I think sometimes games with even a big following like this one can stay off the radar a bit unless they are truly massive.
It’s a cute game where you are a dog that brews beer. The game isn’t complicated and its pretty short in playtime but it’s $3.50 without a sale and its both cute and fun so I think it’s very worth.
The hell theme is cool, the cards are interesting as well as the characters you can play and overall just a really high quality game that’s underappreciated.
This game is incredible. Genuinely like probably the best game I’ve ever played. It simulates an economy fairly accurately (using the different colonies outputs and inputs to determine prices dynamically). In addition to this colonies can be hurt by you or other parties, affecting the prices of items on the market significantly so you can try to make your money on this margin.
There’s space fleet battles with a complex ship modification system. There’s colony management, it has an interesting early game and it keeps your interest as you get further in the game with new challenges.
It is $15 dollars and is technically in early access (which tbh is a steal). Though in practice my experience with it is not remotely reflective of it being early access. It’s a little like how dwarf fortress was in early access (although unlike df before the steam launch there is a frontend that’s really solid).
It’s an Bullet Heaven game like Vampire Survivor. You can play online with up to 4 Friends and every Character has it’s own Skills. The Game is still in Early Access but it gets Updates regularly.
I’m certainly not expecting this game is amazing, but in terms of bringing a playable slice of a popular fictional world to life, I have a lot of respect for it. What I’ve watched doesn’t even fall too hard into the worst of Ubisoft formulas - and I would argue a lot of people can’t even identify what those are.
I don’t even expect to love it myself if I ever get it, but some of the hate towards the game seems so poorly formed and weird - stuff like “Looks like a mobile game” or “The main character is so ugly”. I can even get worries about it being a Ubisoft game, but just like EA, it seems like they do put out a game low on microtransactions every so often. I want to be sure they’re recognized for efforts when the game is decent.
I don’t even get the main character complaints… She’s got a cute coffee shop barista vibe to her lmao people are just weird about women being “beautiful” in such stereotypical ways I guess. Must be exhausting and extremely lonely to have such trivial “standards” for a damn video game character.
Wipeout. They can continue from Omega, it was great fun. Formula Fusion is a really cool spiritual successor by many of the original minds, but it's a little lacking in content.
Edit: lol, took me four hours to realise that continuing on after Omega rather ruins the title of that one
I was actually slightly put off by how tightly it looked like it was imitating the first couple of Wipeout games, like the UI being almost identical and a bunch of the teams being the Wipeout ones with the serial numbers filed off. Like they're unwilling to try their own ideas, you know? If it's so similar, well I can still play the old games. I assume you feel differently?
i think that’s sort of the whole point. i mean the dev is called Neognosis. though i can definitely see how that could be unsettling if you’re intimately familiar with the franchise, which i am not.
i had the pc version of 2097 as a child and i could never get the hang of it. too technical for a 9-year-old i guess. so i never really had any nostalgia for the specifics, i just saw Ballistic on sale and thought “hey that looks like wipeout, I wonder if they still have that weird floaty feel”. it does feel like i remember, and after spending some time with it i really enjoy it even though i’m still no good 25 years later.
also they did add go-karts so it’s not entirely plagiarized ;)
Watch Dogs. It’s without a doubt my favorite video game franchise of all time and it saddens me that there hasn’t been any sign of a new game being in development at all. I’d love if the game went back to its roots by following the first entries formula, but that’s just a minor preference and at this point I’d take anything.
Crazy talk, and you’re onto something… that’s been solved already.
First part: you hate that a 10+ years old game is only getting cosmetic changes instead of a rehaul of the whole character model. That’s crazy, nobody’s going to do that, not the ones expecting a profit, and not the modding community doing it for free. If you feel it’s a silly change, you’re right, but realize that it’s the only change they could do.
You’re onto something: body feature sliders. Male, female, giraffe, and turtle bodies, have some structural differences, that however mostly match to the same bones having different shapes. The solution is a body shape slider, or 50. It’s something that existed, in some games, since at least the 2000s. Others were lazy and didn’t do it.
For reference of how far this could go, the following all have the same bones, only change in shape, size, and muscle placemen:
I agree with what others said that more customization is generally good, but not all games really need that level of customization. For something like animal crossing, I think the body type thing is fine, since the designs are more neutral unlike what you’re describing. I think what could help is a third option that’s a more neutral body type. Or maybe if it’s not relevant, just don’t have a body type option.
I also don’t know much about runescape, but I assume this was an update that just changed the names from genders to body types, so adding other options might have increased the scope of the update. I think at least uncoupling that from gender is at least an improvement over before. Plus, I kinda disagree that people would only pick the corresponding pronouns. Plenty of people have a gender expression that doesn’t necessarily match their gender identity.
Oh definitely, heck, in Animal Crossing they might as well just ask for your pronouns and nothing else… In fact doesn’t New Horizons basically do that? But I’m referring more to the more common scenario of “Beefy Guy” and “Curvy Cutie”, which we see in World of Warcraft, you can pick whatever pronouns you want but it’s going to go on either on testosterone fueled bearded Dwarf you’ve ever seen or the hourglass with pointy ears we call a Night Elf…
When you only get two body type options and neither have any level of androgyny, what does pretending they aren’t gendered when they clearly are accomplish? That’s the part I have an issue with, it’s dishonesty being masqueraded as progress. Either have androgynous character options or don’t pretend “Body Type A/B” is a solution to a problem.
I feel The Sims 4 gets this right by letting you pick between male, female, or a custom gender (where you can decide if the sims pees standing up or sitting down, whatever pronouns you want them to have, whether the sim gets others pregnant, becomes pregnant, both, or neither), and ALL THREE of them have a healthy amount of customization options to go for whatever look you want.
Yeah I agree with you there. If you’re gonna just give two or three body type options and no other customization, there should be an androgenous option or at least they should all be generally androgenous. I think the issue with runescape probably stems from how the game was before.
I don’t remember 4 being that chill, when you press the frog button and have to leg it back to the start for fear of losing your loot it gets pretty intense!
Jonathan S. Harbour of the University of Advancing Technology argues that Tomb Raider (1996) by Eidos Interactive (now Square Enix Europe) is “largely responsible for the popularity of this genre”.
Hell, Max Payne was definitely more popular, and it came out in 2001.
Well you are right but I’m talking about the style and feel that one of those earlier pivot resident evils created. It plays the same as gears of war and all other cover shooters that followed. Sure third person existed but everything today plays in a way that series established.
yeah it was such an improvement so instantly adopted that people forget 3rd person shooters used to put your character right in the middle before that.
Crush the Castle inspired Angry Birds and several other games with the same catapult mechanic. Loved that flash game way before Angry Birds was put on the App Store.