sirico, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics? avatar

Arma 2-3 have been responsible for at least 3 major multiplayer genres.

Danitos, (edited )

SovietWomble has a video essay that touches this topic.

kratoz29, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics? avatar

Please people, help me out with this, which game popularized any modern game to be a huge ass open world action RPG?

My best bet is that it is The Witcher 3’s fault.


First thing that came to mind are the Dragon Age games before, at least Inquisition was sort of action RPG.

Before that in a lesser extent the Assassin’s Creed games, although they were more action than RPG.

That said, I greatly enjoyed all these games, including Witcher 3.


Probably any Bethesda game


GTA3 is the one that started the trend.

kratoz29, avatar

Hmm, it lacked the RPG part though… GTA San Andreas on the other hand 😀


I wouldn’t call most of the modern ones real RPGs either.

MalReynolds, avatar

Been around since at least early Final Fantasy / Chrono Trigger SNES era (for some values of action). Maybe Atari ‘Adventure’.


Could even say it goes back to the Zelda games on NES. Metroidvania games might also count. Those games all have the “you might progress in any available direction” mechanic, which IMO is the core of the open world mechanic.

There’s also some games like Star tropics where the whole world was open (as in you could return to previous locations) but progress was more linear.

Would super Mario world count as open world? Not as old as the NES ones I mentioned, but I’m curious. Or say if you could go back to previous worlds in SMB3, would that be open world?


Depends on how you constrain that idea. Open worlds were a very early idea, but old computers were somewhat capacity limited in how much content you could have.

r00ty, avatar

I would say older than that (well maybe not elite), as much as the tech could handle it you should include:

Here you had several town maps, including dual carriageways, main roads, side roads, one way streets. And you could just drive down any of them. They were all nondescript, but the amount of memory really limited what could be done.

There was also the games using the freescape engine. Driller, Darkside and Total Eclipse. These were all about as open world as you could achieve on the hardware of the time.

In terms of "open world" the definition is open to interpretation. I'd argue that text based adventures were open world too in their own way. So it really depends on what features people agree makes an "open world" game as to what the first game that contains all those features was.

UndercoverUlrikHD, avatar

It started long before that, I think ubisoft in general was hugely influential in that trend.




Open world RPGs were always the goal, old games tried to mask the hardware limitations by using several techniques. By the time the Witcher 3 came along open world RPGs were the most common thing, in fact at the time lots of people called the Witcher a sellout because of that, it’s like if it had come up a couple years ago and had base buildiechanics, EVERYONE else was doing it.

There are LOTS of examples that pre-date TW3, I’ll limit myself to a few, just because it’s the ones I played. In the 90s and early 2000s I used to play Ultima Online, which is an MMO from 97 that has a vast open world. But if you want first person, Oblivion is old enough to drink.

ICastFist, avatar

In a way, I’d say World of Warcraft (2004 onwards) popularized that.

Here’s your starting place. Here’s a bunch of easy quests and monsters.

You quit the starting area. Everything feels huge and really, really fucking far away. One step in the wrong direction and you’re assaulted by an enemy with a 💀 for a level. Not only that, most people would only see the loading screen once before doing an hours-long playthrough and that also increased the sense of “fucking huge world”


I think the fault lies with Ubisoft and Assassin’s Creed. They really championed the idea of a bloated open world stuffed with systems that don’t really interact with each other, and now AAA gaming just keeps trying to stuff more mechanics in the pile.

hal_5700X, do games w Geoff Keighley: No Silksong in Gamescom. Team Cherry are still cooking.

Wait…that’s still an thing? They first talked about it in 2019. After that nothing.

Kaboom, do games w Is 4gb vram enough to run read dead redemtion 2?

Look up the min requirements. Look at what it tells you.

Omegamanthethird, do games w What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end? avatar

Spider-Man 1 and 2. It’s just more excuse to swing around.

clubb, do games w Should I play rdr1 or rdr2 first? avatar

Rdr1, in my opinion, if you have an xbox 360, ps3, or Nintendo switch, or are fine with emulating. If not, just play rdr2 instead of buying hardware for a game you might not like.


I have nintendo emulator for pc it works fine

clubb, avatar

If it does, than go for the first.

Nibodhika, do games w What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end?

Based on games that I’ve 100% myself.

  • The Stanley Parable
  • Graveyard keeper
  • Out of space (This is a couch co-op, me and my SO 100% this game and still play it regularly with one mod installed to enable huge ship sizes)

Oh shit I played graveyard keeper until the beginning of the communist DLC and then forgot about it. Thx for the reminder, I need to finish it some time.

9point6, do games w What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end?

FTL. Unlocked every ship and got every achievement, and I still play it from time to time


This is a fun game I recommend to anyone. I eventually got a bit bored but installed the multiverse mod and now have 50x more content to play with

all-knight-party, do games w What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end? avatar

SOMA. I unlocked all achievements just by beating it lol. I've 100%'d Kirby & the Amazing Mirror a few times.

Omegamanthethird, avatar

The Walking Dead Tell Tale game also gave you 100% by beating it.

scrubbles, do games w What is your opinion about Read dead redemtion 1 in terms of graphics by todays standards?
!deleted6348 avatar

I also have a harder time with older games, but RDR1 is definitely an exception. It’s worth playing for sure, and RDR2 is probably the best game I’ve ever played. It’s worth the time.

Although I’m still mad, the remade the whole damn RDR1 map inside RDR2 for future online stuff and they didn’t bother to just remaster RDR1 as a DLC? So fucking stupid. Would have been just a pure profit generator


Could have been amazing. But Rockstar only cares about selling shark cards.

!deleted6348 avatar

Oh it will only make 18 dumptrucks of money? Sorry we only start a project if it makes at least 35 dumptrucks.

ProdigalFrog, do games w Should I play mafia 1 original or remake?

The remake has much better gunplay and graphics, and overall has been ‘smoothed out’, but personally I think the new casting choices were unbelievably bad, and take all of the soul out of the game.

If you can get past the jank of the original (and get the community patch to add the old music back in), I personally think the original is the better game by far, but I was a huge fan of the original, so I’m biased.

Cadeillac, avatar

This was always how I saw it. Haven’t gotten around to playing them yet, but from my research the original was the way to go

Wilzax, (edited ) do games w Deadlock (Valve's Unannounced Title) Passes 12k Peak Players in Closed Alpha

I vow to invite everyone from this thread if I receive an invite myself.

Edit: added every friend code or profile link I could find under this post. Quick links are single-use so I couldn’t add those.

Game invites take an unknown number of hours to reach your account once sent. They seem to go out in waves. Happy gaming everyone!


Did you get an invite? If yes, can you pass along here?


@Wilzax coming through! Got my invite, thank you! Hopefully see you online sometime!

Yokozuna, (edited ) avatar

Ooooh pick me

edit: to the beautiful soul who sent me the invite, may all of your shits be swift and unable to clog the toilet.

genuineparts, avatar

Hey it’s me your pal!

SkyezOpen, do gaming w Gamers Above 30, What Older Games Would You Still Recommend to Younger Gamers?

Morrowind is hands down the best elder scrolls. If you want a TRUE sandbox where you can do whatever the hell you want, that’s your game. Some issues include graphics, no quest markers (you have to read the quests and follow directions), the leveling system is not intuitive at all, and combat is heavily stats based.

Upsides are you can craft any spell or enchanted item using any spell effects you know. Ring of permanent invisibility. Spell of lock every door within 50 feet. Summon 3 different daedra at once. Conjure a whole set of bound armor. Explode yourself in fire. Literally anything.

The elder scrolls renewal project is working on recreating morrowind with skyrims engine and I really hope it comes out soon.


OpenMW replaces the engine with an open source one. Runs better on modern hardware, easily moddable, has multiplayer.

HarriPotero, do gaming w Gamers Above 30, What Older Games Would You Still Recommend to Younger Gamers? avatar

The sheer amount of games available today probably makes it hard to get into many of the older gems. Hell, even I have a 30 year backlog.

I think everyone should explore:

  • The Secret of Monkey Island (1, 2 and return)
  • Loom
  • Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
  • Street Rod
  • Prince of Persia
  • The Incredible Machine
  • Pokémon yellow/red/blue
  • Chrono Trigger
  • Worms
  • Mega Man II
  • TMNT: Turtles in Time
  • Diablo II
  • Burnout 3/legends/takedown
  • Skyrim
kinther, avatar

Crono Trigger is a real gem for an early SNES RPG. Highly recommend.


There are so many ‘Prince of Persia’ games that you need to add a year to be more specific.

HarriPotero, avatar

So they finally made a sequel?

I’m thinking about the 1989 version. There’s many ports, but DOS/Amiga/Macintosh are all good. Even the C64 port is great.


Would you recommend a ssoecific Worms game for PC? I have “Worms” (that’s the whole game title) on PS3 which has modern 2D graphics but idk which edition to get on Steam to get a similar experience, there are so many games.

HarriPotero, avatar

Just Worms that got all the ports.

I haven’t tried the 2007 version that you speak of, but it might be good. I’ve played a couple of rounds of WMD on my switch, and as I recall the gameplay was similar.

Of course, you need one or three friends in your couch to pass the controller around to to get the full experience.

greenshirtdenimjeans, do gaming w Gamers Above 30, What Older Games Would You Still Recommend to Younger Gamers?

TMNT IV: Turtles in Time for SNES

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