MentalEdge, do gaming w Don't forget to undervolt your gpu and change fan curve avatar

Changing voltages and fan curves is super situational. And depends on how much you value noise over performance.

That said, I undervolted and underclocked the i7 cpu on my G501 gaming laptop back in the day.

This helped a ton, because the heatsink between the discrete GTX 660M and the CPU, shared a heatpipe. The CPU would only throttle at 90, while the GPU would throttle at something like 75. This meant that because it was basically always hotter, heat from the CPU would conduct via the heatpipe INTO THE GPU, causing it to always thermal throttle, and be unable to be cooled. Because even though it was maxing out and trying to cool down by throttling, the CPU would just keep going because for it the temps were fine. So it would keep pumping heat into the heatsinks and heatpipes, which would then keep the GPU hot, too.

Undervolting the CPU allowed it and the GPU to run at closer to same temps, raising FPS by way of allowing the GPU to actually run a full tilt, even though the CPU was then significantly slower.

crony, avatar

Yes, agree that they are situational. In case if my laptop I’m unervolting mycou because if I won’t it will just crash when used at max speed.

Edit: in case of my brother pc, the temps were just horenderous for the perforformance he was getting. Plus the fans were barelly on even at 85C. Undervolting and making the fan curve more agresive allowed him the get much better temps at same fan speed, and lets him play some games he wasn’t able to before cause of themps. And the fans even at 100% are quieter than my laptops at 50% so he doesn’t mind them at all.

Coelacanth, do gaming w Rockstar has some of the most restrictive mission design I've ever experienced avatar

This is well treaded ground and I agree with pretty much everything. I tried to get through RDR2 twice last year but whenever I was doing main story missions I would get frustrated. Partly because of your points, but also for another reason: how the hell can you maintain immersion in the story when the protagonist effectively commits genocide? Seriously the kill count in the missions is so ludicrously high I want to quit every time I do a couple of main story missions. Like I get it, you want to sprinkle some action sequences in there to keep up the tempo, but I can’t take killing a hundred lawmen in some town in a main mission and then have the world go on as if nothing happened.

ryathal, do games w Is Civilization 7 not fun?

As others have said start with 5. The rule of thumb for civ games is to wait for the expansion dlc to release and buy the game on sale. 7 is also a significant departure from the previous games, so it’s probably even more important to wait or outright skip it until they get it more polished.

Also it’s worth looking into endless legend or endless space 2 if you want to try more 4x games.


Endless legend is so good

ZephyrXero, do gaming w A Mario is never late

Born to kill goombas.

Kongar, do gaming w I'm something of a data hoarder myself

No, my pc doesn’t have an internal optical drive…. But doesn’t everyone have a usb portable drive?

Endymion_Mallorn, avatar

I used to have a USB floppy drive too. Now I just have disk images.


Who isn’t keeping multiple vintage pcs? I keep a core2 system with a floppy and disc drives to deal with old media. It even has parralel and serial ports in case I need to deal with old hardware like zip drives. It has internal sata so it can boot from an ssd.


vintage pcs




Ok, not vintage yet, but released 18 years ago an discontinued 12 years ago.


I got one and I’ve been watching old DVDs on my puter

kittenzrulz123, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Brutal Wolfenstein is a great mod for GZDoom (and free with freedoom). Imagine the original wolfenstein but you get to stain the walls with the blood of nazis. The difficulty is significantly increased, weapons hit harder, and everything is better.

MarcomachtKuchen, do games w Hogwarts Legacy - a weird (90 hour) review *no spoilers

Honestly I don’t know why you want to 100% it. It seems like you’re not having a good time. It’s okay to stop games instead of forcing yourself trough something you don’t enjoy.

Having said that AFAIK the PC version seems pretty stable. There are some perfomance kinks but overall the game seemed to run good. My partner has not reported minor or gamebraking bugs aswell. So this side might be on the switch port.

Now let’s talk about the actual game. It is incredible shallow. That’s just it. But honestly I think that’s fine. The game was made not made for people who play a lot of games and more importantly I don’t think the actual gameplay is the selling point of the game. It’s the incredible and rich presentation of Hoghwarts and it’s surroundings. The amount of unique assets and beautiful textures you find in the castle are incredible and it’s clear most of the development budget was spend there instead of the gameplay.

The word as a gameplay playground is horrible as you said. Countless of meaningless repetitive tasks. But as a backdrop to the focal points of the game they do their job. I don’t think the game is a game of the year but I’m still impressed by the visualisation of Hoghwarts and it’s surroundings. I’ve expected this game to be way worse than it is.


I strangely find enjoyment out of 100% something and I’m not currently the main player (mostly help my partner out in the difficult spots, collect items for upgrades and restock equipment). If it was just me I probably would’ve lost interest a while ago.

You’re absolutely right about the assets. The variety was baffling, we wondered if they were able to import a large library or if considerable time was taken modeling all of it. Would explain a lot for the development, and our hopes is that everything can just be carried over to the next installment so other areas of the game can be concentrated on.

Tarquinn2049, (edited ) do games w Favorite retro games?

Earthbound, gotta play that at least once in your life.

Chrono trigger, still one of the greatest games of all time.

Final Fantasy 6(US 3) there is debate, but widely regarded as the best one overall still. 7 is the other strongest contender, but if you are gonna play that one, don’t play the retro one, as one of the very first polygonal games, it’s hard to look at now.

Zelda (3), a link to the past.

There are certainly more, but those’ll last you a few months.

Edit: Suppose I can’t really get by without saying Rock n’ Roll Racing.

tacosanonymous, avatar

Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest games ever made.

skulblaka, avatar

Third for Chrono Trigger. I didn’t get to play that one when I was a kid so I played it for the first time in 2020. Holy shit what a game. The original definitely still holds up today.


I played it back in the 90s when it came out. What surprised me almost immediately was the ren fair scene. I forget exactly how they worded it, but the guards had kept track of everything I did at the fair. Which was mind blowing to me in a time when all games npcs would literally unload when off screen, and reload when onscreen. Completely forgetting anything you’d previously said/done.

Then THIS game remembers what I did 30 minutes ago.

Was that still startling in 2020, or did you not even realize how mind blowing that was since you’re in 2020 and not 1996?

skulblaka, avatar

It definitely still caught me by surprise. Not like it might have in 1996 - I just played Baldur’s Gate 3 within the past year, after all - but the first time I played I definitely managed to get almost every single piece of bad evidence against me that I could rack up without even meaning to.


Huh…Despite being true, I’ve never heard anyone refer to LoZ:LttP as “Zelda 3”.


Hehe yeah, I figured with them having no context, that might make it easier to figure out which zelda it was quicker. There are a few kind of similarly named ones now if someone is coming in fresh.

the_captain, do games w Are there any games like Starfield?

if only elite dangerous had a campaign


Sometime in 3025.


2026 i think they’ve announced somewhat recently, we’ll see if it actually holds though


I’m old enough to remember the Kickstarter campaign. I lost track of how many release dates flew by since then.


Yeah they gave up announcing new release dates for it like half a decade ago if not longer lmao, but now they’ve started again. Hopefully it’s true this time.


When Squadron 42 finally comes out, it’ll just be considered commentary on contemporary issues. Basically like Job Simulator… in space


Well, they recently showed over an hour of supposedly live gameplay (obviously somewhat spoilery for the start of the game), so there’s some hope at least…

Of course, it remains to be seen how much more of the story is finished to the same extent, and at what point will it be consistently playable on contemporary hardware (I haven’t played Star Citizen in a long while, so I’m not sure what state it’s in, and I don’t know if Squadron 42, being a single player game, will be as susceptible to server issues, or if it’ll even need servers), but it gives a good idea of the state of the main game features and how it’s intended to feel.


I bought myself into sf before you got a hangar, i only had that one person race ship and after a while they added a hangar where you could spawn and walk around it.

After a while i noticed loads of reviews so i tried playing it, but always ran into issues making it unplayable. So i got really fed up with it for a while.

Then a couple years later i could actually run it with some issues, ended up buying a better ship and i’m now basically waiting for it to release and computer parts to be affordable once again.

I would love for star citizen to be my jam, but i doubt i’ll ever be able to put enough time into it. The most i ever managed to do consistently was diablo 4 season 1 to 3 before i dropped it completely.


I mean, they kind of do. It’s just not driven by cut scenes or NPC interaction. Have to read the news and be involved in the off game communities to get into the lore that’s happened in game.


That’s why a lot of people didn’t engage with the lore of Destiny - you had to go to a website totally separate from the game, link your account old-school Bungie style, and could only access the grimoire cards from said site after you went through the hoops. There was nothing in the game giving you more aside from the NPCs and the few cutscenes themselves. Not even a link to take you to the site from the game itself.

Almost every other game has an in-game lore/info screen talking about the world and characters of the game.


Pretty sure the in-universe news can be read in game.

I have a faint memory of them introducing a feature of text to speech for them as well, not sure I might be imagining this. Long time since I played.

Delphia, do games w What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Not too long after it came out I was good at Siege and I mean good I was ranked in the top 1000 players and I thought that was pretty badass. I got a DM from some guy who was like “Hey I’m from TEAM and we wanted to know if you wanted to try out for our Siege squad?” I said thanks but no thanks, I have a mortgage and a full time and then some job. I dont want to take on the obligation.

I then went and googled the team, I was being courted by serious professional players. I still decided I didnt want that headache but as someone who has always been an underachiever it was like an IRL achievement popup or a level up notification. Like… look what I can achieve when I actually give a fuck and put the work in.

Psythik, do games w How many games do you manage to play at the same time?

I’ll play one game at a time, binge the hell out of it, then stop right before I beat it (if it’s a single player title) and then never touch it again for at least 5 years.


I do this, then after the 5 years I feel like I need to start over from the beginning so I know the story. Then I stop just before the end again.


Same. Mostly because I don’t want the experience to ever end (and because it’s been so long that I forgot where I was and what I was doing if I don’t start over). Apparently it’s an ADHD thing.

nivenkos, do games w what was the last game you played in 2024?

Slay The Spire - finally beat the heart.

De_Narm, do games w Have JRPG battles become a sub-system?

From my point of view, you’ve got it wrong, but so do many developers. A good JRPG is all about resource management. Your HP, MP, items, money and the balance between these and your EXP and equipment. Combat is simply a drain on your resources up until the final boss, which should require more strategy. This needs something akin to a dungeon without constant healing and money being a thight resource. Once you’re in a dungeon, you should either be prepped or doomed.

You mostly see this done in dungeon crawlers, think any Etrian Odyssey game for example. Persona 5 goes for the same thing, as do most Shin Megami Tensei games.

Most modern games, however, are overly lenient with either money or healing. Often times, combat is easy enough to not even drain your resources. That’s when endless grinding becomes an option. Once you’ve destroyed this balance, you need something else to keep attention and that’s where I think your observation comes in.

ampersandrew, avatar

Is this a modern/old dichotomy? Playing through Metaphor right now, I agree that they go with the old-school dungeon crawler approach, but Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VII are definitely not modern, and I don’t think they’d fall into the same bucket.


Not entirely, however, I feel as though proper resource management got less common over time. While the ideas are still present in modern games, they tend to be easy enough that most resources can just be horded. Most people don’t even use consumables nowadays. Games are seemingly balanced around ignoring entire systems.

Briict, do games w What games have you sunk the most time into? avatar

The culling was nice until they ruined it, hunt was nice until they finally ran me off with their monetization efforts, valves deadlock is climbing my playtime ranks though. It’s now 7th place at 224 hours.


I’m trying so hard to get into deadlock but the game runs horribly. It’s not like I have a weak system, it’s mid range.

Briict, avatar

It certainly has a long way to go in some areas and is ahead of what I’d expect in others. It supposedly works on Linux but crashes immediately for me so Windows it is… here’s to hoping for a solid optimization patch.

Nefara, do games w What MMORPG are you playing, and why?

Been playing GW2 since beta, but haven’t been that active since I had my a baby. I’ve played thousands of hours, have over 40k AP, was even mildly famous in the community for a bit, but I just haven’t had the time for any games lately. It’s still my favorite though, I love the art, the music, the player centric design and how they really try to make a fun experience and not waste your time. I tried Star Trek Online because I heard they had screen writers from the shows writing some of the content, and had enough fun to max a couple of characters and upgrade a ship or two and then they raised the level cap on me and made it all obsolete. I quit. I have no patience to put up with that kind of crap. I’ve been spoiled by GW2’s design philosophy, and they’ve proved worthy of my trust and time. I recommend it to anyone looking for an MMO.


Wow, that’s quality armor!


By Droknar’s hammer, what a savings!


GW2 is the first MMO i out over 2k hours into. It’s a shame that the last few years have felt pretty meh. I haven’t been playing seriously since PoF, life got busy, and the narrative just wasn’t hitting with me. Also the desert maps weren’t that great imo. I guess i have more problems than I expected with it.

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