HawlSera, (edited ) do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

The Witcher 3 is just… so god damn boring, it doesn’t help that weapons break too easily, yet the oppurutunities to get gold are so few that you’ll do several sidequests worth of monster genocide, sell EVERYTHING you own, and just barely afford to fix your weapons… It got so bad I had to hack my save to bypass the constant scrunging about for repairs… then I realized the story is so complicated that you NEED to play the other two games to understand what’s going on

I went back and played Witcher 2, and found it to be vastly superior, far more fun, far more immersive, and just an all around better time

I have been warned never to touch Witcher 1

the Netflix series was pretty good, though I only saw the first season


Definitely recommend reading/listening to the books. Probably the best way to experience the Witcher overall.

I do love both the Witcher 2 and 3 though, few games make me feel as immersed in their world.


Witcher 1 is a very hardcore RPG designed in the style of the old bygone era of RPG games, so depending on your interest in classic gaming you might not even understand what the fuck the game is even asking of you

Also there is pretty much no handholding so some quests are a removed

My recommendation for Witcher 3 is to not buy weapons, exploration and combat should net you good gear to carry you


I can’t stand Witcher 3 but played Witcher 1 not long ago and I really loved it. It is very oldcore and the controls are a b***h sometimes but it is a really great game with a great story. I hope Witcher 2 is as good too, it is on my next to play list very high.

1simpletailer, avatar

Witcher 2 is the most underrated entry in the series, and has by far the most interesting story to tell. I’m shocked you find 3’s story complicated as its pretty simplistic in comparison. Yeah it has more characters from the books involved, but the game tells you pretty much everything you need to know about all of them. Overall I enjoyed 3, but as a followup to Witcher 2 its pretty disappointing story-wise. Both games have shit combat, so if you’re not invested in the story/world they aren’t worth playing.


I think the explanations are the problem, it’s overloading me with information… I feel like every cutscene is a wall of text that I’m barely able to follow… Witcher 2 felt like I was learning about the world in a more natural way

1simpletailer, (edited ) avatar

I see what you mean and can get down with that. The writing in 2 is in general much tighter then 3. It’s a shame that compared to 3 relatively few people have played it.

Personal opinions aside as an open world RPG by itself Witcher 3 is pretty good, it’s was a breakout success and remains a popular game for good reason. As a follow-up to Witcher 2 though it’s pretty disappointing. Switching over to an open world does the storys pacing and stakes no favors, and it feels like CDPR is limited by following up the book series and trying to utilize its characters. As evidenced by Witcher 2 and the Hearts of Stone expansion for 3, it seems like their writers are much more comfortable writing their own original stories and characters. 3’s main storyline doesn’t introduce anyone nearly as interesting as Letho, Roach, and Iorveth, except for maybe the Baron, who like the others is an original character.

Additionally everything 2 spends time building up for 3 has pretty disappointing payoffs. The Northern Realms politics were a focus for 2, in 3 they are overly simplistic and somewhat nonsensical. Radovid is depicted as a cunning, competent, and ruthless king in 2, but goes blubbering mad off-screen between games. The Wild Hunt is barely a presence in the games storyline despite being it’s namesake and Eredin is a flat and boring antagonist. I understand why Witcher 3 is so popular, but as someone who was a big fan of 2 and was incredibly hyped for it, I found it to be incredibly underwhelming.


Funny, I was told to stay the fuck away from Witcher 2, but played Witcher 1. xD Witcher 1 has some odd controls (from a modern perspective) but an engaging story which actually forced me to stop playing on my first playthrough because I just couldn’t make the choice between pest and cholera. Of course I eventually dipped my toes in Witcher 2, but the 3rd one has spoiled me so damn hard with its fancy graphics, controller support and familiar controls, that it just didn’t click.


I played all three, watched the series and am in the process of reading though the 8 or so books.

The first witcher, as was mentioned, is very old and a little clunky for todays standards but it was great fun. I can neither understand why you liked the 2nd one - which I found bland and forgettable - nor the dislike for the third one, which was like 3 games in one imo.

I guess if you really like walking/riding a horse and have the hardware to crank it up to eleven, the third one is awesome, otherwise probably not.

cashews_best_nut, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

I fucking HATE Souls-like games. I love fantasy and RPG games but FromSoft games are just hard for the sake of being hard.

I’m an adult with a life (kinda) - I don’t have 600hrs to dedicate to defeating the fucking Taurus Demon. I even looked up HOW to kill it but apparently my controller usage wasn’t good enough to move at speed even though I completed God of War 3 on the highest difficulty.

The fact I had to re-tread the same stupid fucking area before that to reach the fucking Taurus Cunt was to much.

I quit the game and vowed to never play another FromSoft game or anything that claimed to be a “Souls-like”.

I stupidly listened to someone say Sekiro was a better game than Ghost of Tsushima (which I love). So I played it…

WTF?! The first group of enemies were all identical - no variations. There was also only TWO fucking moves I could perform. A wooden-looking block and a janky looking attack. An absolute fucking abortion of a game and I’m convinced the idiot who told me it was better than GoT had never played it.


My first “souls-like” was Dark Souls on the Xbox 360. I had never even heard of the game, knew nothing about it, and played completely blind, never googled anything. I finished the game in about 40 hours. It was the best game I’d played in years.


I kind of just give up at the Capricorn demon each time I try, it’d be fine if it was one on one, but the dogs prevent you from being able to properly fight it


I bought dark souls on the recommendation of a friend. I ended up returning it the next day. Life is difficult enough. I’ll never understand why some people like to feed frustration for fun.

ghen, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

The last of us was a boring shooter with unlikable characters who continually did things i wouldn’t do so i couldn’t invest myself in their story. The gameplay didn’t save it.


Didn’t like the game but the show was good


Maybe I’ll go check that out now that I’ve played both games.


First legit good video game inspired show or movie imo


What I find most interesting about the game is experiencing the characters stories and their reasoning for their actions. The gameplay is fine enough to keep it interesting for me.

Miphera, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

As a huge SoulsBorne fan, Elden Ring.

I was really excited for “open world dark souls”, but I feel like this turned out to be a bad combination. The difficulty is all over the place, so you fight enemies that are really strong (which is fine), but then other areas become completely trivial as a result.

And with how many bosses they put into the game, the quality of each individual fight suffered immensely imo. I think the bosses in previous games were just a lot better designed (on average, there are of course stinkers in Souls games and good ones in Elden Ring).

There’s also a ton of gank bosses, which is just lazy. You could use the summons, of course, and it almost feels like a lot of the difficulty was designed around players having that extra strength, but at the same time, the enemy AI and movesets are designed around fighting a single person, so it breaks the combat.

All around, it was just a huge disappointment for me personally, and I uninstalled it right after I beat it, whereas I have hundreds of hours in DS3.


Fromsoft had to fix a security vulnerability in all their games that got advertised in the final months before release. All Fromsoft games went offline for like a year and it really short circuited how Elden Ring got finished.

Souls games are particularly crafted series of levels. That kind of gameplay has to either be condensed in between stretches of empty, or spread out thinly over a large area.

Elden Ring has some condensed areas with good classic Souls level feel, but they’re often quite short. There is also a lot of very empty areas with little to no significance. A lot of the game feels like placeholder content that had cancelled plans.

TwoBeeSan, do games w Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?

I have tried on multiple occasions to get into 4x games and my brain is just too simple.

The 4x elements have to be secondary and not the primary focus. Age of wonders planetfall and Warhammer 2? Great. Imperator Rome and europa universalis? Might as well look at a fucking spreadsheet lol.

Wish I could get into the micro and efficiency of numbers but it doesn’t do anything for me. Even with an interest in Rome.


What does 4x Elements mean? Never heard the term before xD

bermuda, do gaming w How do you feel about the expression "updated for modern audiences" in remasters and remakes?

Lot of much more constructive answers here but I just wanna say that if you update a game so it no longer has unintuitive controls then I’m all for it


That’s really all I ever want updated on old games. Trying to play Goldeneye with the original control scheme these days is not cool


Try Katamari Damacy on tank controls.


If you haven’t heard of it, the canceled (but leaked) Xbox 360 remaster is the best way to play this game right now. Works perfectly in Xenia.


I’m currently replaying Gothic 1. Even modified to bring it up to Gothic 2’s standards, the pain is real.

Carnelian, do games w Your personal Masterpieces

Crosscode! To me it’s the ultimate hidden gem, as I hardly see people talking about it but most of the people who do play it go on to rate it as one of their favorite games. Especially if you like story focussed action-rpgs, I bet you’ll dig it. It’s also got somewhat of a zelda element with puzzles and dungeons


My favourite game!


It’s also got somewhat of a zelda element with puzzles

Bit of an understatement. The game has a LOT of puzzles. A bit too many of them IMO, most of which are not optional and bring the game to a halt. The rest of the game is S tier but I could never bring myself to play hours of back-to-back puzzles in dungeons.

Aielman15, avatar

I played it on gamepass, then bought the Collector’s Edition simply because I wanted to give some money to the devs, and then bought it again on Xbox with the DLC just to have an excuse to play it again.

It’s a wonderful game choke full of content (especially if you like the collect-a-thon aspect of the game), the combat system is amazing, and there are tons of skills available across four different branches for each of the four+1 elements, which means it never overstays its welcome because there’s always something new to unlock and play with. But most of all, I loved having a game that isn’t afraid of giving you hard puzzles without a companion or an annoying thinking voice explaining everything to you before you even had a chance to look at the damn thing.

It immediately became one of my favourite games ever, and it’s a shame that not enough people even know of its existence.

uzay, do gaming w Steam input gyro aiming feels great

I wish more Playstation games would implement this, and Microsoft would finally put gyro in their controllers as well. I find aiming in games with just sticks really uncomfortable, gyro is a literal gamechanger.


My feelings exactly, I can only hope the leaked Sebile controller does come to exist as a finished product someday. Gyro and proper haptic feedback would basically put it on par with the Dualsense sans touchpad and it’d mean all major platforms have gyro available by default.


From what I understand the leaks only mentioned an accelerometer, not a gyroscope. The capabilities without a gyroscope would then be more like a Wiimote without Wiimotion Plus and without the infrared stuff. So no precise positional adjustments, just shaking. The described use-case for it would be that the controller “knows” when it’s being picked up. So not even in those leaks there were any plans to put a gyro in their controller like every other company out there.


Taking a closer look, you’re right. I was fooled by the headline there, serves me right for not double checking 😅. As a Wii owner back in the day I’m all too familiar with the limitations of accelerometer only controllers so that’s massively disappointing.

I’ll probably be sticking to playstation controllers for the foreseeable future anyhow for how feature packed they are, just wish gyro became more widespread.


My main reason for wanting gyro in Xbox controllers is that I believe that Windows would then also implement support for it in Xinput. That way it would become a de facto default controller feature and developers would have a reason to directly implement it in their games. Then we wouldn’t be dependend on Steam Input to use it at all.


Yup, that’d be fantastic! We also probably wouldn’t have to choose between gyro and analog triggers when it comes to third party controllers and their usual Switch Pro Controller/xinput modes if that became a thing.

KeenFlame, do games w Fuck Ubisoft.

Was the same with every platform. Enshittification does not care about you

ColdWater, do games w Fuck Ubisoft. avatar

Pirate it


That’s probably the best option. Considering how a Ubisoft exec said we should be “comfortable not owning games”, I wouldn’t trust anything purchased from them anymore.

DingoBilly, do games w Fuck Ubisoft.

Lol as someone else put it, it’s silly to complain that you won’t buy a game because it doesn’t use the marketplace you want to use.

Steam is just one marketplace and it needs competition. One day it’s going to go through enshittification and when that happens you’ll be thankful other marketplaces exist.

Sometimes I honestly wonder why PC gamers get so riled up over inconsequential things.


Convenience, the whole reason piracy took a backseat for a few years. Inconvenient? Hit the seas.


I’ve never found it more convenient to use Steam or another store over piracy so it doesn’t make much difference to many.

Some of the games I do own on Steam now don’t work either, so it’s not like it’s an amazing store.

But if it’s inconvenient to download a different client just to buy a game then you’re just lazy. It’s not like you have to subscribe to it, it’s just a click and 5 minute wait.


Lazy for not wanting to have 6 different accounts and launchers? Nah. It’s easier to just get a pirated version than trying to remember which service you bought what on.


If it’s hard work having 6 launchers, it’s easier to just get a pirated version period, so might as well just pirate everything.


Not even close… no one is complaining that it’s on other stores, the problem is that it isn’t on steam and even if there was, it still requires you to install their own garbage client. Quite literally the opposite.


Who cares if it is on Steam or not though?

If everything was on everything then sure, that would be great. But that’s not realistic, and having this alternative where everything is on Steam but not elsewhere is not a good solution for that because Steam will be shit one day, and already has quite a few shitty issues.

Honestly, people have this ridiculous view of PC gaming and Steam sometimes. Look around the world and show me where having one company having a massive hold over that sector has ever worked out well long term for consumers.


Man what are you on and whats with these pointless anti steam propaganda. I get why people would be against steam but this literally isn’t one of them.

So let me repeat that. NO ONE WANTS IT TO BE STEAM EXCLUSIVE. PEOPLE ARE AGAINST PLATFORM EXCLUSIVITY. To me you look like weird one having some weird fetish for hating big bad companies. Everyone knows the problems of monopoly and I have also taken course on economics so I am somewhat aware of it but I buy things where it’s convenient and if it isn’t I would rather pirate it. Doesn’t matter if it’s stream or gog or epic, you are simply barking at the wrong tree mate.


It sounds like we agree then. Ideally everything would be on every platform, but that’s unrealistic so OP is pretty much complaining needlessly. It’s good there are different platforms and competition.

B0NK3RS, avatar

I tend to agree.

Every storefront is DRM, some better than others, and people shouldn’t get so tied to a specific one. PC gaming is so open and getting angry at this is pointless.

TheBananaKing, do gaming w New mod team, new chances.

That was certainly entertaining to watch :D

I guess my ideal gaming community would be a good balance of Srs Gaming Industry News and silly memes/idle chatter, without veering too hard in either direction. /r/games and /r/gaming are neither of them much fun, precisely because of the split.

I vote to keep the leftwing propaganda as a regular feature, so long as it’s gaming-themed. It’d irritate the crap out of that one guy, while also helping ward off the whole toxic-gamer-community thing a bit, and give this place its own unique vibe.

Kolanaki, do gaming w What are some good games that have a bad reputation due to unreasonable expectations?
!deleted6508 avatar

Maybe a bit unpopular but… Cyberpunk 2077. I followed this game intensely since it was first announced with nothing more than a short animatic sequence. It went through all kinds of changes, and many of those were publicly documented before the launch of the game and still had people complaining that they were not in the final game.

It did kind of start with pretty pie in the sky promises, but over thirteen years those promises were tempered. The hacking stuff most people point to is technically all there. Just not as presented in that extremely obvious pre-rendering. Many of the other disappointing things like cops not chasing you should have been expected. They were adamant about it not being like GTA and the cops wouldn’t give chase the same way.

Somehow, everyone got hyped to shit about a lot of stuff with this game only ever mentioned way early into production while they were still brainstorming ideas they wanted to do while I was watching every single thing CDPR put out about it and ended up getting exactly what I expected. My biggest disappointment with the game is the overhype and overreaction leading to them cancelling a lot of planned additions and likely even completely changing the scope of the DLC.

That isn’t to say I think it’s a flawless masterpiece; I expected The Witcher 3 but sci-fi, and I feel that’s what I got. Great story, well done dialogue, cool world, and fun combat. I see a lot of bad decisions and unfinished pieces, but as a long time gamer I can’t say I don’t expect that kind of shit from pretty much every game. Even the best games have those parts where you can clearly see the budget dropped off or management pulled some bullshit.

ampersandrew, avatar

How do you get 13 years? It's been 11 years since the pre-rendered teaser trailer, and it was less than that between announcement and release. They also were open about not being full force on development for the game until Witcher 3 finished, and the announcement trailer served as a recruitment tool, something that most studios don't do anymore.

!deleted6508 avatar

Er… I think I was just thinking 2013 when that teaser came out. Them not being full-on in development was part of my point. A lot of things they mentioned that hyped the game up were before they were actually set in stone and actively being worked on.

ampersandrew, avatar

Well, if you feel that that's what set that game up for failure, let me tell you about another RPG going through the exact same cycle: the next Mass Effect. That game isn't getting full attention until after Dragon Age. Its first teaser was 3 years ago, and it's still got at least 3 more years to go, assuming Dragon Age comes out this year.

!deleted6508 avatar

Sometimes devs just need to keep their big mouths shut. Especially if they are still in the planning phase. They’re not immune to over-excitement for the very thing they are hoping to create, even if they aren’t straight up lying about stuff.


I expect Elder Scrolls VI to be similarly received. Although, it seems that after Starfield, people are definitely beginning to temper their expectations of the new TES game.

Also announced far too early and it’ll probably only start major development later this year once the Starfield DLC is out (at best), and that’ll last for about four years, but more likely somewhere around five, which means it’ll probably be released about five to six years from now, which is… At least 11 years after announcing it (2018) and a full 18+ years after Skyrim.

Someone could literally have been born after Skyrim and begun college by the time TES VI is released. It’s fucking wild.

ampersandrew, avatar

Yup. But if Microsoft is smart, they'll be examining exactly the reasons why Starfield is what it is and how to improve the next BGS game. That will start with throwing their engine away, because any way you slice it, there's just no saving that thing.

millie, (edited )

I just did a replay recently and it was a lot of fun. They really nailed environments, sound, really the whole look and feel of the thing. Gameplay too; I did a monowire netrunner build this time and it was wild. Unlike anything I’ve played before, really. But I did have to cheat a bit to get there.

There used to be a monowire you could go grab out of a box right from the start, but they took it out and locked access to any monowire behind street smarts. I added a console to give myself one and added some cyberware while I’m at it, because why not chrome up?

This was, in fact, totally fine. The locking out doesn’t seem to have anything at all to do with balance.

I did have to spawn myself a bunch of these new shards to increase my cyberware limit, though, because they decided to cap them out and add an item to unlock them. Again, my going crazy with it really didn’t disrupt balance at all.

So why? Because someone in some department somewhere sees game mechanics as a commodity, and they’re treating them like dlc. I get an infinite sea of generic weapons, but try to do the cyberpunk things and the game wags its finger.

Aside from treating game mechanics as a commodity and meting out little scraps, it really doesn’t seem to have any concern for player autonomy when it comes to a lot of the quests. At one point they shoved me into a hideous green snake skin pantsuit and I stopped playing for a week. The game repeatedly forced me to use a pistol, turning what would have been fun quests into obnoxious slogs while I waited to be allowed to play the game again.

Hell, even a pivotal moment in the DLC literally forces a gun into my hands and glitches out if I try to do anything it doesn’t expect. I had a character literally glitch its hands through its head to shoot at me when I tried to run behind it. That’s not even mentioning the numerous points where going off the rails just immediately kills you and forces you to reload. Not because of anything actually dangerous or bad, but just because you’re not supposed to go that way. Rather than making some obstacle, they literally just pick you up and put you back on the path. Could have invented literally anything to explain it away, maybe a security shield or something that kills anyone with a head computer who tries to leave the area, but they just didn’t bother. Telling the player ‘no’ is enough for them. Cool. Fun.

It’s a fun game overall, but it could have been a way better game with a little more inter-departmental communication, a few less money people, and a little more respect for player agency.


I’m on my 3rd play through. It’s still janky and buggy in some regards, but my god the theme, the characterisation, the stories, the plot. It’s how you put together an open world game, where immersion relies on the art of story telling.

Someone tell Todd Howard. Maybe the next Bethesda game won’t be so incredibly bland.

!deleted5791 avatar

The v2.0 changes were actually pretty good, made me want to start another playthrough. I really like the new metro system even though it’s such a small thing considering everything else they changed, but it’s fun to be able to hop onto a metro to get somewhere. The game is already pretty immersive and that small detail just adds to it

Banzai51, avatar

The launch was a disaster on consoles. But on PC, while still having bugs, wasn’t anywhere near as bad. The game is fantastic.

angstylittlecatboy, do gaming w What games do you think are unfairly snubbed when talking about the best games of all time?

Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Kirby Planet Robobot for the same reason: while not the most innovative games and not necessarily my favorites in their respective franchises, they represent nearly flawless implementations of their respective franchise’s ideas.

Sometimes I feel like Mario and a couple popular indie games are the only platformers that get taken seriously honestly.

resketreke, avatar

Sonic 3 is still my favourite Sonic to this day.

Pheonixdown, do games w What are some of the best mini-games youve played? (games inside games)

FFX Blitzball is the mini-game that I sunk the most time into by far (100+ hours), and always had fun.

Gwent from Witcher 3 kind of goes without saying, the framework is so good it’s spawned 3 full games that I can think of.

Best Hacking mini-game goes to the newer Deux Ex games, quick, the right amount of challenge but if you didn’t like it you could basically never do it.

Best lockpicking I’m going to give to Starfield. Literally the only part of the game I actually enjoyed, each is a great little puzzle.


My roommate in college would play Qwent in Witcher 3 and I would find myself glued to the TV.


OMG blitzball!! Initially thought it was stupid but once it clicked I was hooked !!!

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