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imgonnatrythis, (edited ) w Is It Farewell To The Internet Archive?

This is depressing as hell.

Most people have no idea how much sci-hub has advanced medical and basic scientific discovery.

We need things like the archive more than ever now too as the the disease of thinking truth is a maleable substrate continues to spread.

Gamey, w So, Unity is charging game developers per video game install now...

Maybe that will give Godot a serious chance for second place I guess, Unity ocupied that for far too long anyway!


Doubt it. They’ll go to Unreal.

Godot needs console support if it wants to displace Unity. Open source is a noble goal, but it’s going to lock you out of certain markets.


Unreal is first place already so that wouldn’t matter too much for Godots place but you are partly right, people probably won’t switch to Godot. What I think you get very wrong is the chance for open source offerings in that area, the reason why so many big developers still have in house engines is control but those engines get more expensive as the scope of games increases, I think that wiuld be the perfect spot for open source to occupy but it’s questionable if that will ever happen.


No, I mean that they legally can’t support say PS5 and still be 100% open source. There would need to be a closed source wrapper, and that’s what they don’t want.


Which is fine, they can do what they want, but it means they can never be the choice of a developer that wants to put their game on as many platforms as possible.


Oh, sorry I missunderstood that! That’s certainly a issue and probably should be outlawed but it doesn’t make it impossible perse, if the interest would be big enough someone could probably write some sort of modular component to add, you can modify it after all and there is no requirement for the wnd product to be open source but again, if anything like that actually happens is highly questiknable, I wish the DMA identified consoles as Gatekeepers! :(


Yeah, I’m not sure how consoles avoided that.

It would sure be nice to run whatever I wanted on my consoles. Top of my list would be SteamLink for Switch.

Avoiding piracy is a thorny one for them. They’ve really locked that shit down in recent years. The last time I saw any was for the Xbox 360, where everyone at work had their drives altered and laughed at me for being a mug that still bought games, and then I laughed as they all got banned at once during the Great Purge of 2009. I think piracy was one of the reasons that the PS3 Linux thing was discontinued as well.


I’m pretty sure the people behind Godot actually started a company to solve this exact issue, so it should be fine these days.

teft, w Can they even track pirated installs ?
@teft@startrek.website avatar

Why couldn’t someone set up a script to install, uninstall, and reinstall Unity games on a loop? That would fuck with their numbers hardcore.


If I’m reading this right, it isn’t even the real numbers they’re working with. It’s their “proprietary data model.”


They don’t care. That would fuck the creator instead.

@wolfshadowheart@kbin.social avatar

Right but if it's something that's affecting every single creator then why would anyone continue to want to use Unity


As far as I know the developer community, doesn’t want to continue using it.

Yglorba, (edited )

The only reason people will continue using Unity is because they’ve already made )or are in the process of making) a game using it and switching to something else would waste massive amounts of time and effort. Unity is depending on this - this is basically them squeezing everything out of existing customers without regard for long term growth.

Remember, the whole idea here is that Unity is demanding payments for already existing games. They clearly don’t care about whether people keep using Unity for new games in the future; the executives who made this decision will have cashed out and will be long gone by the time all the existing Unity games in the pipeline are done and things dry up.


They will try to sell based on future payments owed, or projected earnings. Then they will be sued by a big guy for breach of contract, having changed the terms without consent.

Then the money will disappear. Already, the engine will be abandoned. Unity is dead now.

Foss is available and with the programming community now incentivised to use it, it should do well. That might be their play. They knew the end was nigh.


What’s the best FOSS alternative to Unity that you know of, if any?


I don’t develop games but from reading Godot seems ready for mainstream. I use blender for 3d production in industry. It’s also Foss and powerful.

IvanOverdrive, (edited ) w Pirate Pro

Here’s my experience with 99% of private trackers:

“You haven’t upload enough. Download a free-leech to upload more”. So I download it, and no one downloads it from me.

@mark7869@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

yup same experience with the freeleech


You’re downloading old and/or unpopular stuff. For you to upload content someone has to be actively downloading that content (that’s how the bit torrent protocol works at the most basic level). If you choose some 5 year-old FL of a Game of Thrones pack with 7,000 seeders, that’s on you


The incentive structure just doesn’t seem designed well. It creates a zero sum game. When downloading you can either:

  1. Not seed to 100%. This damages your ratio
  2. Seed to exactly 100%. In terms of ratio maintenance across all seeders this option makes the most sense
  3. Seed past 100%. You build up your own ratio but deny other downloaders from reaching 100% which hurts their ratio. They must spend longer seeding the torrent to reach 100%, which further decreases the likelihood of subsequent downloaders from reaching 100% when seeding

When you seed past 100%, you essentially have to rely on bad actors to create more upload work for good actors. If there are no bad actors then seeding past 100% is to the detriment of other good actors, who you want to protect because you also rely on them for system health. And private trackers aim to minimize the number of bad actors.


Some great private trakers implement a system where users are rewarded for the time they spend seeding rather than the amount of data seeded. This creates an incentive towards keeping torrents available to everyone for a long time, which makes the whole system healthier.

@Aetherion@feddit.de avatar

which private trackers are engaging this approach. Seems worth to join them.




polishsource (polish general tracker) requires you to only seed 48 hours within a week from downloading and nothing more


That’s smart!


and some other trackers completely ignore all of that and make it extremely hard to gain ratio. if they all had a bonus points system that would be great though


Basically RED only


yeah its red im talking about, they are kinda essential for getting higher up, but i just dont want to deal with it


Yeah, RED guarantees access, but it’s also possible to gain access without it; it just takes longer. Sites like TorrentLeech can serve as valid proof for certain sites during applications, for example. Additionally, AlphaRatio also has some recruitment.


yeah, but i would like to get in BLU or AB, and they just don’t take applications or registrations


BLU took applications a month ago though


wait what? :| i shoudve checked more


Bonus points?


I got around this by just downloading some big freeleech porn packs or a couple new release shows/movies. My highest ratio item is an anime episode I downloaded minutes after release

GoumLeChat, (edited )

Use Sonarr or Radarr, it will download content for you as soon as it is available on the tracker. Since people are mostly looking for new stuff it works really well to boost your ratio. I have at least a ratio of 10 (first episode is closer to 20) for every Ahsoka and Futurama episodes. For Asteroid City I’m currently at 18.

@toxictenement@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Sonarr and Radarr actually take a bit after the initial upload to discover it, autobrr can grab quicker because it relies on the irc announce channel of the tracker.


I’ll look into it. Thanks

Blizzard, w Now you have to pay to see lyrics on spotify

To be fair, Spotify is unsuable without premium.

Kir, (edited )
@Kir@feddit.it avatar

Spotify is unusable without premium Xmanager


Is what someone would say if they didn’t know any better.


Using Spotify without premium, as Spotify offers it, is unusable. There might be other options than paying, but the vanilla Spotify experience is horrendous


That’s fair

ICastFist, w Starfield has been cracked
@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Eagerly waiting for the videos of every Starfield’s fade-to-black screen transitioning back into Skyrim’s opening

DJDarren, w Ubisoft has quietly pulled Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag from Steam

I saw my wife playing this years ago, and always fancied having a go, but never got around to it.

So a few months back we got it going so it could stream to our Apple TV and off I went. Spent a few weeks playing it in the evenings and having a nice time.

Then Ubisoft put out an ‘update’ to it, that broke it completely. A massive update for a ten year old game. Cunts.

So I guess I’ll never finish it, because fuck Ubisoft.


Wait, seriously? I haven’t finished it either! What broke?


Not really an advocate for piracy but I wouldn't have any qualms about recommending that route to you.


It feels very much in the spirit of the game.


Is it piracy? He owns a license for the game.

Are Ubisoft or Rockstart Games pirates for using scene cracks themselves?

520, (edited )

Is it piracy? He owns a license for the game.

Technically it's not.

They don't even need a new copy of the game, just the cracked .exe file.

Are Ubisoft or Rockstart Games pirates for using scene cracks themselves?

Arguably so, as they did not get the scene group's permission to redistribute their works.


Just pirate it


I wouldn’t stress it; you didn’t miss much. Like every modern Ubisoft title, the game was very repetitive. You had enough playtime to see everything the game had to offer.

argv_minus_one, w Starfield has been cracked

“Pirates? I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the gazillion sales we’re about to make.” —Bethesda, probably


*Already made. They’ve got like 200k+ $100 deluxe version sales already, the base game hasn’t even officially launched


Sixteen times the details


The extra cost “early access” stuff just encourages piracy. I’m paying for gamepass, so I’m already paying for access in four days. I’m still tempted to pirate it. It’s probably going to be a better product than dealing with Xbox crap on PC, but I could also play now.

empireOfLove, w Fuck remote attestation
@empireOfLove@lemmy.one avatar

Friends don’t let friends keep using uTorrent. There are so many better alternatives these days.

@HurgletOfficial@lemmy.basedcount.com avatar

Yeah, i use qBittorrent myself.

I just stole this meme from an imageboard lol


an imageboard

I think we all know which one you’re thinking of; nobody uses any other imageboard ;)

@RandomLegend@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

We’re talking about danbooru, right?

@empireOfLove@lemmy.one avatar

e926 obviosuly

@moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

we weren’t talking about monosodium glutamate but you brought it up and here we are

@HurgletOfficial@lemmy.basedcount.com avatar

Hello there, fellow lainchan user

rikudou, w How can I use yuzu If I don't have a switch in the first place?
@rikudou@lemmings.world avatar

Those files can be found by googling, no one here is likely to share them because sharing them is illegal.


looks at the sub 😏


He probably meant this: lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/18438


Ok that makes sense, thanks!


General discussion of illegal activities is legal, but distributed methods/keys/software to bypass DRM is not. In addition to the poster getting in trouble, the admins of multiple instances could at minimum be forced to delete the content, and at worst get their asses kicked by Nentendo’s legal team, and be forced to reveal the identities of the user that posted it.


Fair enough, I didn’t read the rules.

@rikudou@lemmings.world avatar

In my jurisdiction downloading pirated stuff is perfectly legal. It’s only illegal when you’re distributing it. And even for jurisdictions where it’s not legal even to download pirated stuff, companies don’t much care about people who download, but only those who upload and as far as I know, you can discuss pirating all you want and nothing’s illegal.


Interesting, thanks!

FractalsInfinite, w Is It Farewell To The Internet Archive?

Anna’s archive acts as a drop in replacement for libgen and z-library, also doesn’t cost anything

@MalReynolds@slrpnk.net avatar

doesn’t it rely on them ? more of an indexer…


No, more like a mirror in that it hosts all of zlib and libgen’s content as well as providing torrent and ipfs links for the files (which they seed)

@MalReynolds@slrpnk.net avatar

And yet when libgen was broken a couple of days ago it sent me to the broken libgen for the (admittedly obscure) thing I was after. Perhaps caching I dunno. Still, glad it’s there…

FractalsInfinite, (edited )

From what I see, there are 4 5 options on annas-archive.org

  1. Use fast(but fee charging) direct download
  2. Use ipfs
  3. use torrents
  4. Go to source pages (libgen and/or zlibrary)
  5. Slow direct download [Edited]

It sounds like you clicked the link to the source as opposed to the mirrors

@MalReynolds@slrpnk.net avatar

Nah, in this case there was only 4. I’ve seen the others before.


Huh, it seems it depends on the existing sources, I’m not particularly sure how that works


Not everything is mirrored yet, so some searches will only lead to external sources


CaptainFlintlockFinn, w Pirate Pro

How do you go about getting an invite to one of these holy grails?


I’ve never had any need, except for audiobooks. Getting into myanonymouse is just a case of knowing the rules and passing a wee test. Maybe start there?

@muse@kbin.social avatar

No way in hell am I sending anyone my piss to get into a website


here have my DNA!

@Nobsi@feddit.de avatar

Then you don’t need the audiobooks. NEXT!


Are there good audiobook trackers? I’ve used audiobookbay and haven’t failed to get a book I want so far




I recently joined myanonamouse and it’s working great so far. The only thing I haven’t figured out yet is how to make my qbitttorrent + vpn docker container accessible for seeding.

@das@lemellem.dasonic.xyz avatar

You need to use a VPN that supports port forwarding, such as PIA, and qbittorrent needs to get set to use that port.


I’m using PIA and qbitttorrent is set to use that port. I also forwarded the port in my router, but myanonamouse wouldn’t show me as online/connectable.

@das@lemellem.dasonic.xyz avatar

Don’t forward the port in your router, it’s not required and is just adding a vulnerable entry point into your network.

You can use a port checker tool to see if the port you are using is open (using the VPN IP). If it’s just myanonamouse that’s not recognising it, I recommend asking for help on there :)

@das@lemellem.dasonic.xyz avatar

Don’t forward the port in your router, it’s not required and is just adding a vulnerable entry point into your network.

You can use a port checker tool to see if the port you are using is open (using the VPN IP). If it’s just myanonamouse that’s not recognising it, I recommend asking for help on there :)


I followed this guide cos the others were too confusing! - www.myanonamouse.net/userhistory.php?action=viewp…


I’m logged into my account but it says permission denied when I click that link 🤷‍♂️


You dont have send it in. Just taste your own on a video call. Safe and private.


It’s a good idea to start with MAM since they have interviews twice a week, and you can access invites for other trackers in the forums once you get to vip (which requires 4 weeks of membership, and a ratio above 2.0)

One of the nicer things about it is that you can gain bonus points (which is how you buy extra upload credit and VIP) just by being an available seed. Due to the shear number of books on the site, you won’t be seeding often, but they make it desirable to keep it available in case someone needs it by giving you a certain number of bonus points per hour depending on various factors.

@AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That’s a lot of work. I can’t imagine putting that much effort into downloading, not when Usenet doesn’t require anything but a couple dollars a month.


What’s a good Usenet?


I'm using frugal and nzbgeek


Usenet doesn’t have all instantly


I can’t imagine putting that much effort into downloading

*Uploading, and that’s why you wouldn’t get an invite for a private tracker

@AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

No, that’s why I wouldn’t even ask for one. No point wasting so much time tending a ratio when I’ve got a faster experience that doesn’t require me to do anything, and doesn’t depend on random strangers to work.


Open signups/interviews then climb up the ladder.

@Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

opensignup pages like r/opensignups (now retired) but there are alternatives online, the AvistaZ/CinemaZ/PrivateHD discord has surprise invites and usually they open around christmas and/or black friday.

demystify, w What's the deal with Steamunlocked.net?

I remember it being blacklisted in Reddit’s r/piracy megathread, supposedly they used IGG’s cracks or something. I, however, never had any problems with them.

Tread with caution. Use steamrip.com or other safe sources if you can, and if you have to use this site, at least be wary, read comments and scan the fuck out of everything.


Thanks for the warning. What’s IGG?


IGG is a cracking group with a mixed reputation. Early on they distributed malware, which continues to give them a negative reputation. Though, I haven’t heard of anything bad about them, in some time… some repackers also use their cracks, with no issues. I think they were the first that cracked the latest Armoured Core, for example.


Since when was IGG a cracking group? They're just uploaders. TENOKE is the one who cracked Armored Core. Repackers use SCENE/P2P cracks like RUNE, TENOKE, EMPRESS, SKIDROW, etc.

IGG is not a cracker. I personally don't trust them. I don't understand why they include unimportant files in their uploads.

  • Free Premium Accounts at OfficialMrB.com.txt (0.8 KB)
  • IGG-GAMES.COM.url (0.2 KB)
  • README.txt (0.3 KB)
  • _INSTALL TUTORIAL.txt (1.7 KB)

What is the point of including these files? They're irrelevant.


With or without malware, I ain't risking downloading my games from their uploads.

@MazonnaCara89@lemmy.ml avatar

IGG is bad because some of their repacks had their drm inside dll files, there were Ads built into the game at runtime, were found Cryptominers and startup malware included in their games and many other things.

nooneescapesthelaw, w Can they even track pirated installs ?

If they could tell an install is pirated then they would lock it down

They either count all installs as legitimate or pirated copies are not picked up by their telemetry


Why would you ever let a pirated copy online anyway


On the contrary, I think the incentive would be for Unity to let the pirated install keep existing because that would mean more money they can extort from developers/publishers.

pimento64, w Free Download Manager site redirected Linux users to malware for years

Bad news for the 3 or 4 people out there who didn’t just use the package manager to install everything.

@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Look, I was new to GNU+Linux computers. But it seems I was lucky not to get redirected to that malicious repo.


I’ve had to compile a few things I’ve needed that weren’t in my repos, like jackett, but I go to the project’s git.


I’ve been forced to install from a website for an uncommon printer driver. It was from the official canon website tho.

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