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randompepsi, w Is It Farewell To The Internet Archive?

Sci Hub is not down or did I miss something?


Looks fine from here.


Zlib still works as well

@MalReynolds@slrpnk.net avatar

No longer taking new papers for a couple of years? now. Crying shame and a pox on scientific advancement.

privadesco, (edited ) w Legendary PC developer says Denuvo is “a punishment to the consumer”

Denuvo is the apex of a long history of bad choices.

Maybe actually sell us the games in a way we really own it, without any sort of online activation/account/telemetry/data-gathering like when we could buy a disc and just use it, and it should all be ok.

I feel like a dinosaur every-time I think this nowadays, but what is so problematic with the “own as in physically own” that is so hard to implement? If they want to provide a service, sell a service.

In the past I used pirate versions of games I bought just to be able to play them offline, or because I did not agree with the terms of service. It is so much for our info, it goes beyond just knowing you are the real owner of the software copy: it comes to the point where it looks like it’s to guarantee we are not its’ owner.

Now some DRMs even destroy gaming performance and its just faster to use 'ked versions. I hope it changes somehow.

Infiltrated_ad8271, (edited )
@Infiltrated_ad8271@kbin.social avatar

Is it really possible to own them properly? If in almost all cases we lack the source code and there are even proprietary requirements for both software and hardware, what chance do they have of working halfway well in a few decades?


And with stuff like SecuRom, even owning a legit physical copy of the game does not help you when the service vanishes

odium, w Is Direct Connect still 'a thing'?

I’ve got bad news for you, what you consider a few years ago is two entire decades.

@earthling@kbin.social avatar

No, that can't be right.

@feral_hedgehog@pawb.social avatar

Yeah no way, the 90s were something like 10 years ago and… wait now we’re in…
Ohh… Ohh no…

gravitas_deficiency, w Facebook marketplace in my country is wild.

Inclusive of more than 10 softwares?!?

@AllNewTypeFace@leminal.space avatar

Four whole marijuanas

@vsis@feddit.cl avatar

more than 10. that’s a lot of softwares!


So 11?


10.1 maybe?

@victron@programming.dev avatar

Yeah! I want me some of those softwares too!

abbadon420, w Block YouTube Ads on AppleTV by Decrypting and Stripping Ads from Profobuf

Easier solution: don’t buy an apple tv


the apple addiction is too strong


Alternative solution: pay for YouTube premium.


You mean feed the investors of the company that makes tons of money by exploiting users private life? Or the one that runs false political propaganda in unskippable ads? (No idea about US elections, this is a much smaller country that I know).

Thanks but no.

@some_guy@kbin.social avatar

You could try avoiding them altogether then.


If you’re not ignorant then you too know that’s not how it works. There’s too much content on youtube that you can’t find anywhere else, and entertainment is only a small part of it.

Or when I next complain about schools forcing kids to use google classroom, will you come and say that I should put my children to expensive private schools that don’t do it (yet)?

@some_guy@kbin.social avatar

I’m not your mother, you’re welcome to be as hypocritical as you like dude.


lol, such wholesomeness


no u



@Morgikan@lemm.ee avatar

Suggesting a non-piracy option or providing links to non-piracy options is a violation of the community rules and guidelines.


Too bad most other streaming boxes suck ass and are full of ads. Begging Android TV manufacturers to use a decent SoC for once.


Shield TV.


Yup, best


nvidia shield or a pc

@rtstragedy@hexbear.net avatar

I bought the high end nvidia shield last year and just out of warranty both the bluetooth and wifi chips died. It’s basically a brick now and I am probably never going to buy another. Even more stupid as I have an old tube-shield that is still running just fine from like 2018. I ended up installing libreelec.tv on an old pi 4 I had lying around. HDR, multi-language subtitles, using existing TV remote over HDMI-CEC, all work. That being said, I only use it for Jellyfin.

I hope anyone use using a shield does not have the same experience I did.

@quirzle@kbin.social avatar

Did you try a warranty claim? Nvidia is pretty well-reputed for being flexible about that sort of thing. The warranty is 2 years in some countries, so it's not like a huge leap that they'd honor it for one bought last year.

armchair_progamer, (edited ) w So, Unity is charging game developers per video game install now...

I’m not involved in piracy/DRM/gamedev but I really doubt they’ll track cracked installs and if they do, actually get indie devs to pay.

Because what’s stopping one person from “cracking” a game, then “installing” it 1,000,000 times? Whatever metric they use to track installs has to prevent abuse like this, or you’re giving random devs (of games that aren’t even popular) stupidly high bills.

When devs see more installs than purchases, they’ll dispute and claim Unity’s numbers are artificially inflated. Which is a big challenge for Unity’s massive legal team, because in the above scenario they really are. Even if Unity successfully defends the extra installs in court, it would be terrible publicity to say “well, if someone manages to install your game 1,000 times without buying it 1,000 times you’re still responsible”. Whatever negative publicity Unity already has for merely charging for installs pales in comparison, and this would actually get most devs to stop using Unity, because nobody will risk going into debt or unexpectedly losing a huge chunk of revenue for a game engine.

So, the only reasonable metric Unity has to track installs is whatever metric is used to track purchases, because if someone purchases the game 1,000,000 times and installs it, no issue, good for the dev. I just don’t see any other way which prevents easy abuse; even if it’s tied to the DRM, if there’s a way to crack the DRM but not remove the install counter, some troll is going to do it and fake absurd amounts of extra installs.


That’s what I was thinking.

It’s going to be a legal kerfuffle trying to prove that Unity (or a competitor) doesn’t have an installation farm operating somewhere.


Whatever metric they use to track installs has to prevent abuse like this

I would be eagerly awaiting a follow-up response from unity from this, because as it stands right now, consensus among gamedev circles is that unity won’t prevent abuse at all, which is just awful for multiple groups of people.

  • someone paying for your game and then re-downloading it every hour would cost you $144 a month
  • someone paying for your game and then re-downloading it every 5 minutes would cost you $1728 a month
  • web games exist, and if the Unity Runtime Download metric is used there, well, that is going to be an expensive bill for anyone putting any sense of monetization in their web game

Yeah most games are available offline, how would they track these metrics beyond steam/store sales?

And for the web games can they not be self hosted?

JackbyDev, w Pirate Pro

Pirate? No, no… A privateer!


Can’t see that word and not think of Barrett’s Privateers


I love that song, too lol

jinarched, w So, Unity is charging game developers per video game install now...
@jinarched@lemm.ee avatar

Godot is great.

redcalcium, w Starfield has been cracked

WTF?! The game is not even released on steam yet? Are they cracking the preloaded version?


AFAIK the digital deluxe edition allows you to start playing 5 days early.


Can confirm. Started playing this morning.


What’s your opinion so far?


Skyrim in space. Exactly what I was hoping it would be.


Except when I stole some dude’s sandwich, instead of being arrested he just said “Hey that’s my sandwich!” And then sighed, defeated

Definitely a better experience already than Skyrim

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Are there any small pets or chickens for you to murder and get a massive bounty on your head?


There is no “play 5 days early”. The game launched on 1st of September. But those who can’t afford to shell out 100 Euros have to wait 5 more days. Microsoft did the same bullshit with Forza. I didn’t like it back then, I won’t like it now.


Why would you want to play a Bethesda game 5 days early? The best time is several months after release, when the community has had time to fix the bugs.

@Frog-Brawler@kbin.social avatar

I was playing it last night on steam. I needed a new GPU recently and it came with a code to download it. 🤷‍♂️


Which GPU did you get?


For me, I got a Framework 16 and the GPU module came with a code.


There was a 5 day early access, at least on gamepass.


I have gamepass ultimate and it says I can’t play till the 6th


Have to buy deluxe. Timed exclusive bullshit.


Do you keep the game if you get the “Deluxe Upgrade” on GamePass? Or do you have to keep paying the subscription if you want to play?


No, not sure how they handle it. I think the upgrade applies to either a purchased version or Game Pass version, but if you don’t buy or sub, you wasted $35

Mandrew002, w So how fast do y'all think Starfield will get cracked when the early access goes live tonight?

1 hour and 13 minutes

@ram@lemmy.ca avatar

Yup, was just Steam DRM. There’s universal tools to crack that. Less so “you can’t play our game unless you spend money” and more “it’s slightly inconvenient to install this way, innit? Why don’t you go buy it instead, bruv?”

@Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I sometimes say that Steam is the best DRM; most advantages for the least inconveniences.

darkdemize, w Leagues Trying to Take Down Illegal Sports Streams

It’s not lost revenue if I was never going to pay for it in the first place.


If I forget my ad blocker or anything, the moment I see an ad on YouTube and I see “ad x/3” with like a 30-60s timer on it I just close the tab and move on. Fuck ads.


Yeah. I was once installing Linux, and decided to open firefox in the live environment and watch a video on YT. Ads. Close tab. Reopen tab. Ads again. Fk it, installed Ublock Origin in the live environment and just watched the video. No ads.


Yeah I’m not subscribing to a whole service just so I can watch 3/4 of my team’s games and no others. I want a service I can subscribe to and see all my team’s games, and preferably all the games in one league. If it was multi-league that would be great, but I’d rather subscribe to one league at a time than subscribe to all leagues with randomly blacked out games.

Until then - and I know it’s unlikely to ever happen - I won’t be spending money on watching sports on tv

bernieecclestoned, w Megathread removed Edytjedhgmdhm
@bernieecclestoned@sh.itjust.works avatar

No one could spell it

@hogart@feddit.nu avatar

Big brain move if I ever saw one!

VraethrDalkr, (edited )

Here’s how it’s pronounced: /ɛdɪtʃɛdʒm̩dʰm̩/


Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.



@JaymesRS@midwest.social avatar

Seems like a simple acronym to me:

Everyone Do Your Thing, Just Episode Downloads (for) Home & Great Movie Downloads. Happy Media.


Everyone Do Your Thing, Just Eat Doritos, Hershey’s, Green Mountain Dew & Happy Meals.

Melody, (edited ) w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??
@Melody@lemmy.one avatar

Here’s a rule for uBlock Origin.

Credit: lemmy.one/comment/597479 && original link: lemmy.nz/comment/446556

! Anti-Youtube Anti-Adblocker https://lemmy.one/comment/597479

youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false)

youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0)

youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, [])

youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)


This has not worked for me.

@NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar

Commenting so I can do this later. Thanks OP 😁🍻


You can save comments too.

@Teppic@kbin.social avatar

They are on kbin which doesn't support saving comments (yet).

@NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar

Maybe on lemmy but not on kBin as far as I’m aware. If anyone knows how to this I’m game.

@quirzle@kbin.social avatar

Just upvote or boost? Aren't you having to go to your profile to find it either way?

@NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar

If you looked at my vote history you would see why that doesn’t work for me 😅

@quirzle@kbin.social avatar

Looks like you comment more than you boost though.

@NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social avatar


@PelicanPersuader@beehaw.org avatar

Doing the lord’s work. Thank you!


I feel dumb, do I need to do anything else besides pasting it to my rules > temporary rules > save?

kamiheku, (edited ) w What's the best way to rip music off Spotify so that I can store it on my HDD?

DownOnSpot is the only one correct answer.

Edit: Zotify and Onthespot (which has a GUI) look good, as they too download straight from the source.

@AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Direct links aren’t allowed, you need to edit that. We can talk about piracy, but no linking.


Even if it’s a link to a tool, not a specific piece of content?


I think you misunderstood the rule about not linking to pirated content.

@AphoticDev@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Maybe. I suppose we could always report the comments linking directly, and let the admin decide, couldn’t we?


Go ahead. The rule is about copyrighted content, not open source tools.


No, you have misunderstood what the rule is about.

You’re not allowed to link to pirated content, such as a download link to the Barbie movie.

But you’re free to link to places that discuss the Barbie movie, places that discuss where to watch the Barbie movie, and places that teaches you how you can rip the Barbie movie yourself.

The only things you cannot link to, are direct links to pirated content

@SaltySalamander@kbin.social avatar

Look at that, doubling down.

@roon@lemmy.ml avatar

But it’s just a link to GitHub right

@RandomLegend@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Never heard of it… Always used on the spot

Is it better?


Huh, wasn’t aware of that one! Looks like it works in a similar way, so should be good. Has a graphical user interface, too, so more approachable. Thanks!


Ganbat, w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam

Better than their in-house attempts to remove anti-piracy measures. The Steam release of Manhunt has had all of its bullshit triggered for over ten years now. It’s literally impossible to play without community patches.

Edit: Lol, as it turns out, Silent’s discovery of this was triggered by the recent revelation of this about Manhunt!


I spent hours trying to get that fucking game to work…

Ganbat, (edited )

Sad fact is, Rockstar doesn’t give a shit. They got busted using a cracked EXE in the Steam release, so they just tried to cover their asses by using an old EXE without SecuROM. I expect the same thing from this game before long.

Couple lucky things for the players, though. First off, the Razor 1911 crack is still in the files, they just renamed it to testapp. Second, old RS games have a dedicated community that give way more of a shit about them than Rockstar ever will. Silent and Fire Head have both released major patches for Manhunt that not only get it running right, but fix a bunch of other broken shit that Rockstar never cared enough to deal with.

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