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praise_idleness, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

That’s a brand new way to fuck users’ ass. Very impressed.

Monomate, w Unity Fallout Continues: Dev Group Shuts Down While Developers Refuse To Come Back

This article only mentions old quotes from develpers. Nothing new to see here…


It’s from after the updated price structure, it’s not that old.


The price structure update is old news by now as well.

Dagamant, w Diablo IV Coming to Steam on October 17

Not worth it regardless of the platform. I loved the Diablo games and this game was the end of that love.


Diablo 4 isn’t that bad. Diablo Immortal is bad.


Being “not that bad” is still bad. It’s not worth the price.


As a person who bought it at $70 because the demo was really really good, yep.

Id recommend buying it for $20. Or waiting for all the content drops. Diablo 3 only got good with the expansion.


Diablo 3 got good much earlier.

The release of the console version was what spured them to make the game better it was highly praised so they imported all of those features to the PC version.

Every class having movement abilities, change in the difficulty format and Loot 2.0.

Right now, Diablo 4 is much better than Diablo 3 was on release. It just lacks an endgame.


It lacks so many more things than just endgame.

You comparing D4 to D3 at launch is just ridiculous. That’s the standard you have? For it to be better than D3 launch? I’ve seen flash games better than D3 at launch. It’s not exactly an achievement.

MentalEdge, avatar

Except it needed to be literally perfect for me to give Blizzard Activision another cent.


You know I really wanted to love it.

I loved Diablo.

I loved Diablo 2

Diablo 3 was sometimes amazing

I haven’t picked up 4 since I played an hour of the battle pass.

They ought to reimagine the game as the rogue like it was.

I want to be a warrior with fire bolt again, let me find book shelves too!

groucho, w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim avatar

Molyneux’s great sin is the inability to shut the fuck up while he’s ahead. lt’s hard to explain how much weight this guy carried in the 90s/very early 00s but he was the guy that did Populus, Dungeon Keeper, and Syndicate. And then he just kept over-promising and fucking up for a whole decade.

If he’d kept it reasonable he might still carry some of that weight but he cannot stop promising the moon and then delivering mediocre shit. It would be like Miyamoto releasing flappy bird with NFTs instead of the next Zelda game. God he’s so frustrating.

Miclux, w More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead

Empty, lifeless, soulless without a deep story.


Such as life. Or space, in general.


So where are the space hookers?


They realized that modders were going to overhaul the game in any way, so they just gave us a blank canvas instead.


Out of everything else, this is the most scathing criticism of this game I’ve seen 🤣

!deleted6508 avatar

It’s funny and true; I have no desire to continue playing and yet I am still excited to get my hands on the toolkit and make my own shit because all I see are missed opportunities everywhere. Honestly, I kinda wonder how into sci-fi the devs actually are, because everything is surface-level and misses the mark on a lot of referencial material so often.

blunderworld, w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim

I just want a proper Black and White sequel, not this crap. A man can dream.


Imagine the old black&white but with chatgpt level creature AI and propper gesture recognition…


creatures didn’t talk though. How could an ai that only deals with linguistic tokens improve creatures’ ai?


I assume they mean just machine learning - the creatures are supposed to learn by watching your actions.


they require a massive dataset to do so. much much much more than an individual person’s playthrough

They actually suck at learning compared to us, in some ways. If I show you a car, and tell you, only once “this is a car” you will start recognizing other cars, of different sizes, colors and models, from any orientation.

Meanwhile, look at something like tesla cars. they have been gathering data for years, and the ai still has issues recognizing cars sometimes.


In vr please.

JoMomma, w Thanks to a bug, players have found a 'realm of naked men' in Baldur's Gate 3

Gross… where exactly?

Edgelord_Of_Tomorrow, w Counter Strike 2 is surprisingly awful on Steam Deck right now

Fucking embarrassing for Valve, what the fuck is going on over there? This is like Nintendo launching a Mario game that doesn’t boot.


Pretty sure they haven’t been prioritizing their own games for a decade now


…it’s a competitive shooter it’s not targeting handhelds.


On a dockable PC, with full peripheral support. I travel for work, and could get set up where I go to play decent comp games. Now I can’t. It’s not common for me to have the time, but I know it’s not that unique of a situation.

I peaked LE and stayed around MGE for reference.


Literally irrelevant


“Game not targeting handheld hardware doesn’t run on handheld hardware”

nottheengineer, w SAG-AFTRA members overwhelmingly vote in favour of authorising video game strike

Why would union members ever vote against authorizing a strike?


Different people have different priorities. Sure, pay and benefits is a factor that just about everyone considers. The difference lies in the weight that factor holds for them compared to other factors such as a genuine enjoyment from their work, wishing to avoid taking from the strike fund, or any other factor that matters to them.

For most people, the consideration works out in favor of a strike. In a large enough population, though, it won’t for some people. 95%+ is really good. Let’s take it and not alienate those that didn’t vote for it. That leads to attrition of the union.


Thanks for the genuine reply. I thought union members trust their union to manage the strike fund well and decide when an actual strike is necessary, but that’s apparently not the case.


The members are the union, though? So the union is managing the fund and deciding when it’s necessary through this vote.

gerryflap, avatar

Because they can’t just strike whenever they’re slightly upset. Strikes are the weapon you use when the negotiations go nowhere and all other options are off the table. And a strike won’t work with people who aren’t fully committed to lay down the work to fight for a cause. So you’d vote against a strike when you don’t think that the cause is so important that it warrants a strike.

Ghostalmedia, avatar

I don’t know why you’re being downvoted for asking a simple question.

Could be a number of things. Some people are begrudgingly in unions. They kind of need to be in the union to get the job, but they might not like the idea of organized labor.

Some people might be tight on cash and might also need their regular wages at the moment.

altima_neo, avatar

You got money saved to survive for potentially weeks without income? Not everyone does.


I understand why you’re getting down voted, so I’ll explain a bit: although union members are able to leverage protest for a variety of reasons, that’s usually the last thing anyone wants to do. Negotiations are always the first step so that actors or whomever can still get paid, since while on strike that’s not paid labor.

ICastFist, w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly avatar

The funny thing is that Valve kickstarted the digital sales with Half Life 2 back in 2004. Steam was an utter piece of shit for, what, some 6 years? It took them a lot of time to make it bearable, then good.

That the EGS launcher is a fucking Unreal app, needlessly bloated as fuck and with barely working UI shows their complete disregard for what is supposed to be their “money givers” (us, customers) and, like every other stupid company with their own launcher which manages to be worse than their fucking website, shows they refuse to learn the obvious.

I hope GOG never goes the enshitification path.


I fucking hated Valve for making me buy a physical CD of Portal, only to get a CD with the Steam Installer and a code to download the game on their store.


Same thing happened to me but with portal 2. I had DSL at the time and it barely hit 10 Mbps on a good day which was great because I thought the disk had the game on it. Despite all of the pain I still love steam to this day lol (and I’ve gotten better Internet)


I remember when steam first came out and I was like…I need this extra program to play counter strike now ?!

Blamemeta, w KSP2 is Spamming the Windows Registry Over Weeks/Months Until the Game Will Stop Working Permanently

Thats fucking amazing and completely unity’s fault. What engine in their right mind saves user preferences in the registry?


You’d be surprised to learn then that a lot of software does this shit.


Well thats stupid


It can be very stupid. Depends on the software though as the registry is meant for saving user and system settings to a degree. Like Windows File Explorer makes perfect sense. As does settings for audio.

It’s generally advised to not bloat the registry wherever possible. WinSCP is a great piece of software. Unfortunately it defaults to saving to the user registry. You can change it to save to an ini file instead. By using the registry to save settings it can be jarring for the user when they’re trying to troubleshoot something. Only to find out after uninstalling and reinstalling it doesn’t start over fresh. Or if they’re trying to backup settings and data to restore with later. The registry isn’t typically included for good reason.


Saving user preferences in the local user part of the registry is kind of what the registry is meant to be for (besides others).


It might be bad practice to dump 1.3GB of variable user data into the registry, though. Especially when there’s SQL servers and Nuget packages that can deal with that kind of data in a platform-agnostic way.


That for sure, those numbers are way beyond intended usage.

And there is a difference between saving user preferences/settings and user game data. The last should never be saved in the registry.


It doesn’t look like what’s filling the registry here is user preferences.

Pxtl, w Unity: disappointed at how removal ToS has been framed. We removed it way before the pricing change was announced not because we didn't want people to see it. avatar

That’s the thing about breaking trust, you lose the benefit of the doubt on everything else you do, too.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett

RGB3x3, w Five Years After Launch, Sea of Thieves Is Finally Getting a Solo Mode - IGN

I wanted to like the game so badly because it looked like so much fun.

But my brother and I spent 29 minutes getting a treasure just to be steamrolled by a group of three more experienced players that killed us and took our shit.

I get that it’s the point of piracy, but it’s not much fun to spend 20 minutes accomplishing nothing. There’s a reason piracy is illegal in real life.

Maybe this new mode will let me enjoy the world they’ve built a bit more


20 minutes? You are lucky! Me and my friends wasted entire afternoons of gametime because of insanely aggressive and skilled pvp crews. That’s the reason i quit the game, i just cannot handle to waste many hours every time a pvp crew targets me.


The balance is just way off.

If you’re a PvP pirate you’re never really risking anything. You’re probably carrying a few hundred cannonballs (5k gold?), some wood and some food. If you are sunk, you get your ship back fully repaired for free and lose only the cannonballs, wood and food. If you sink someone carrying treasure, you get their entire haul and just have to get to any port to sell it.

If you’re a PvE pirate returning from a quest, you don’t really get your quest rewards until you get back to port with your treasure. If you lose to a PvP pirate all that time questing was for nothing. If you fight a PvP focused pirate and win, all you win is some cannonballs, while you have the potential to lose all your treasure, the result of hours of game time.

Having said that, if you’re a PvP focused pirate, you’re going to be bored a lot. The game world is very empty so you’re going to spend a lot of time sailing around, hoping to find someone to grief. If you fly a reaper flag people can see you on the map and steer clear of you. If you’re a PvE focused pirate, it’s easy to find something to do, so you can have a great time sailing around, having adventures… until you run into a PvP player.

The game should really be changed so that PvP focused players have an easier time finding other players to fight. Meanwhile, people doing PvE content should have something significant to gain if they ever beat a PvP player. If they choose to turn and run, there should be safe harbours where they can unload in peace.

slazer2au, w Unity: An open letter to our community

And the backpedaling continues. Here’s hoping the fireside chat actually happens this time.


If they launched with this, I think the community would’ve been fine with it. But IMO the damage has been done, and a lot of indies are going to look elsewhere.

yukichigai, (edited ) avatar

99% of it was them trying to make the new fee structure retroactively apply to already-released products, and the damage there has already been done. The fact that they think they can change the negotiated fee structure after the fact makes Unity a huge liability to use now. No one can ever be sure they won't suddenly pull a "give us more money or stop selling your game" move sometime down the line.

gravitas_deficiency, (edited )

But there’s also the sketchy (and anticompetitive, and potentially illegal in some jurisdictions) fee vouchers they were using to try to tank AppLovin’s customer base, as well as the silent and sneaky update of their license terms that everyone discovered after the fact. The “apology” makes absolutely no mention of those. And I find that incredibly telling (aside, of course, from the lack of exec team shakeup).

HolyDuckTurtle, avatar

Yeah, in particular them saying now "You will keep the license of the version you use" rings very hollow when they literally showed they can retract that whenever they want ANd get a lawyer to defend that move in no uncertain terms.


Precisely. They’ve already done it, and the people who made that decision haven’t gone anywhere. They will definitely try something similar in the future.

DrQuint, (edited ) w Stadia's death spiral, according to the Google employee in charge of mopping up after its murder

I will never, ever, understand why Stadia was something thay had to be “ported into” at such high cost. Specially for games that were ALREADY working on Linux. Like, what the fuck was the hold up. I read up stories that it was basically like porting to a fourth console and that just sounded outrageously stupid in my head.

Whatever tech stack they had, they could have made it way more profitable by making it generic windows boxes that partially run your library elsewhere. I dunno if there’s some hubris or some licensing bullshit behind it, but fact is, if I want to do this on GeForce Now, I can do it, no questions asked, and as the costumer, that’s the beginning and end of my concerns.

redcalcium, (edited )

Google engineers always choose the hardest route to solve problems. Why wouldn’t they? If your products are going to be shutdown in a few years anyway, might as well have a glowing resume from working on those products (resume-driven development).

Think about it, every time Google made a product with sensible tech stacks, those products were actually started outside Google and later bought by Google (Android, YouTube, etc). If Google made Android from scratch, there is no way they’ll use java and Linux, they’ll invent a new language and made their own kernel instead (just like fuchsia os which might be canned soon).

anemomylos, avatar
  • Kotlin: "are you talking to me?"

Kotlin was made by Jetbrains and later adopted by Google.


But Kotlin is actually an improvement over Java.

Golang thoooooo


TIL Fuchsia hasn't been killed quite yet.


Does it actually even exist? I feel like I’ve been getting whispered rumours about it for years and years, but never anything sold!


Yes! Nest Hub devices run it


Oh wow, I’ll have to have a read up


might as well have a glowing resume from working on those products (resume-driven development).

This is so true. Getting promoted requires showing impact. If you use off-the-shelf tools (that happen to be easily maintainable) that’s not an impressive impact. If you invent a new language (and make up a convincing reason it was necessary) and so-on, that’s really impressive and you can get promoted. The minefield you leave behind that makes maintaining your solution so difficult is just another opportunity for someone else to get promoted.

Zeth0s, (edited )

Only Microsoft can run decently windows in a decently big data centers. Because they can tweak it, as they do for Xbox os as well. For everyone else scaling windows server VMs or containers is a pain, because windows is a bad, poorly optimized, resources-hungry OS developed with main goal to make hardware obsolete every 3-5 years.

I don’t know what nvidia is doing, but when I use it at my friends’ places, lags are painful.

Linux was the right call in theory, in practice gaming industry is pretty broken on the PC side with its lock on windows, as we see on every new AAA port… Let’s hope valve can save it, but I doubt.


I don’t think the people downvoting you have ever experienced the pain of dealing with Windows in a cloud environment

Pxtl, (edited ) avatar

No, we’re downvoting because of conspiracy theories about planned obsolescense.

Yes, it’s disappointing how hardware requirements climb for minimal appreciable improvement, but Hanlon’s Razor applies.

Zeth0s, (edited )

It is not a conspiracy though. Planned obsolescence is a well known real thing. There is a reason unix computers last on average longer than windows computers, and Linux is the stereotypical OS for old pcs.

If people are downvoting for this, they should learn how computers and operating systems work

Zeth0s, (edited )

Don’t worry, I was expecting the downvotes. This place is full of angry windows fan boys that believe they are tech expert because they watch ltt and can install a skyrim mod. Less than reddit luckily


The thing was clearly designed to force you into paying a subscription fee. You can’t let people have something they could possibly easily use and play games that aren’t on your subscription if your entire purpose is to milk a monthly subscription from the users. Google, fuck you capitalism woohoo.

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