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HidingCat, w Microsoft’s Phil Spencer says acquiring Nintendo would be ‘a career moment’

I don't really like Nintendo's stuff that much, but really, that would be a bad outcome for the gaming industry as a whole.


Microsoft will just turn Nintendo into another dumb acquisition and the timeless quality of the Nintendo games would be lost forever.

azurefirefly, w Microsoft completely misjudged Baldur’s Gate 3 avatar
p03locke, avatar



I think one of the love interests is a druid shape shifter…

Broken_Monitor, w Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis turns Square Enix's best into an avalanche of money-grabbing tactics

Unsurprising. They already split remake up to milk more money out of long time fans, and now they’re doubling down on the mobile market. I remember long wishing for a remake and now I want my wish back. DAMN YOU MONKEY’S PAW!!!

ButtholeSpiders, avatar

Can I borrow your monkey’s paw? I want to wish for this timeline to be over.


It turns out this is the only timeline and your wish just ends up destroying the universe.

MelodiousFunk, avatar

Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.

ButtholeSpiders, avatar

I’m okay with that, and I would imagine most of humanity would be too.

Swim, w Your Minecraft account might be gone forever unless you act now

the title reads like a phishing email

dan1101, w A quarter of Starfield players couldn’t even be bothered to finish the first mission

I think that 25% would be comprised of people that bought the game and haven’t had much time to play, or use console command right away and disable achievements. Speedrunners, modmakers, and general hackers would use console commands liberally as they should be the same as Fallout/Elder Scrolls games.


The article says mods disable it unless you add an extra mod to re-enable them.

That's really all the explanation you need to throw out the usefulness of the numbers completely.


Yeah, for a Bethesda game, 25% of people using mods right out of the gate is frankly totally believable.

And while starfield isn’t perfect, people not finishing the first mission would hardly be an indictment against the game itself, who judges if a game is worth playing in the first mission? Usually - and especially in games like this - the first mission has practically nothing to do with the standard gameplay


I wouldn't be surprised if it's higher; there are people who mod who will also go out of their way to get achievements and people who don't care about achievements at all.

I personally love the game for what it is. There's no one else out there making anything all that similar to a Bethesda RPG. I do think that some portion saw the performance and set it aside for that reason, though. Especially gamepass people.


I definetely fall under that umbrella, I’ve got mods downloaded, but didn’t bother with the achievement mod. I downloaded my mods after the first mission though.

I’m enjoying starfield for sure, but I think it does have a fair few faults, though I’ll be the first to admit that a lot of them are subjective. For instance I can’t stand bullet sponge enemies and the bullet sponge is strong with starfield. Drives me crazy when I can literally empty an entire magazine of an auto shotgun pointblank into an enemies face, and have it only take them down to like 40% health lol. I grabbed a mod that helps with it, but its still pretty bad, even with that mod, and it breaks the balance a bit. Hoping that once proper mod support is in we get something better.

I also think the whole “spaceship” part of the game is pretty half-baked, I wasn’t expecting E:D levels of piloting immersion, but I’d have hoped for more than basically a series of menus and loading screens for interstellar travel. Additionally ship combat balancing is pretty rough, all the encounters I’ve done so far have felt comically easy, or ridiculously hard (The final mission of a certain UC Vanguard mission comes to mind…)

Overall though I’m definetely having a lot of fun though, and while there are bugs, it’s definetely one the least buggy Bethesda titles we’ve seen so far, and definetely less buggy (in my experience) than BG3


So the way I play, I bought a silenced rifle early and spent my perks on stealth and ballistics. Most humans a few levels above me are single headshots from stealth or 2-3 shots once they know where I am. To me, that TTK feels pretty good, and I tend to be able to use space to attack at range and the boost pack for position.

I could see other approaches feeling less good, but that specific style feels pretty comparable to the later Deus Ex games I liked or Cyberpunk, but with better mobility.

I don't love the spaceship combat, at least that I've played so far (though it's been kind of minimal through 20 hours), but I don't like many. The only exception I can think of that really clicked for me was star citizen with a full stick and throttle, and I don't love most others, so I can't really evaluate that super well. I definitely don't think it's the focus, but it's weird that people expected stuff that only a very small handful of pretty pure space sims do and they never promised (flying down to planets). I don't love the number of loading screens, but on steam deck the length isn't awful, so I live with them.


That would probably help, but I find stealth builds to be really dull in Bethesda games. I do agree though that the mobility is great, I just wish there was zero-g combat (if there is, and I haven’t gotten there yet, no spoilers plz)

And yeah star citizen has the best flight model and ship combat mechanics imo - it’s a shame about the rest of the game… And to be fair there, there’s only so much you can do that with a flight model when it’s primarily going to be played on KBM or a game pad, but some games manage to do pretty damn well (Everspace comes to mind as a game with really excellent gamepad controls for spaceflight)

to be fair regarding what was promised, the vast majority of gamers arent out here reading every interview about the game ahead of time, so you can’t blame them for seeing a game that takes place in space, with stuff like ship building being one of its big selling points, and then blame them for expecting it to have features on par with the other big name space games from the last decade. Just because it’s not promised, doesn’t mean it’s not missed 🤷🏼‍♂️ like I said though, it’s really not a deal breaker, it just would have been a big selling point for me personally.


There’s some zero G combat areas you can come across. Like other Bethesda games, the main quest isn’t where you have the best interactions.

Level up the ship building skills and turrets will kill in space battles sometimes too fast. I rarely get the chance to board and steal the ships unless I scale back and turn off weapons.

If you want to stay in the game, you can target planets and moons from the cockpit to travel without opening up the Star map. Only scanning has to bring up the map. Random space encounters can be more enjoyable than some of the Fallout 4 ones.

Just be careful not to kill the nice granny


the main quest isn’t where you have the best interactions.

No worries there, I’ve been focusing on faction quests and stuff like that for the most part, only occasionally dipping into the main quest for a few missions. One thing I feel like Bethesda did well with the writing of Starfield is that they finally made the main quest not world-saving urgent (at least not from the get-go). In practically every other bethesda game I can think of, the player starts off pretty much right from the start with a “Hurry! We need to do [Quest] before [Bad Thing] happens!”, which inevitably kills the immersion a bit when you go fuck around for a solid month just exploring and doing side-quests. But in Starfield it makes perfect sense that you’re not necessarily out there every single day chasing down artifacts, at the beginning of the game, they’re just a curiosity


It's not something that's close to regular for space games, either. I can name one game off the top of my head that has it (No Man's Sky), and there's very little else going for it. That one feature combined with endless planets less interesting than Starfield's is close to the whole game.


Just off the top of my head

  • No Man’s Sky
  • Elite: Dangerous
  • Star Citizen
  • Space Engineers
  • Kerbal Space Program

I’m sure there are others, but it’s really not as uncommon as you’re making it sound, especially for AAA titles. I’d also argue it’s disingenuous to say that No Man’s Sky has “very little else going for it”. It was shit at launch, but they’ve built a really solid game now.

Again (and I feel like I need to keep re-iterating this, because people on this site are so sensitive about any criticism to their favorite games) Starfield is fun. That just doesn’t mean that it couldn’t have been better, and there’s nothing wrong with pointing out the areas we feel it fell short. Really, I think what Yahtzee Croshaw said about Tears of the Kingdom applies here - “If the game had these things, you wouldn’t be saying they didn’t matter


Especially on the first days - driver bugs, enable/disable features, QoL fixes, etc.

pory, w The Elder Scrolls VI Is at Least Five Years Away, and Is Likely to Launch on PC, Xbox Series X|S Only avatar

No way in hell they’re gonna still be supporting the Series S in five years.


I have a Series X, and I sort of hope they stop supporting it in 5 years. 30FPS is pretty rough in starfield as it is.

AWittyUsername, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Sorry this is stupid all round. People are stupid for getting annoyed that you can set pronouns in a game, but Nexus are stupid for removing the mod that allows players the ability to if THEY wish to choose so.

Nexus just hosts the mod, if anybody is offended they could just not download it.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

Hosting implies complacency. They have to draw a line somewhere, and the longer they wait, the harder it becomes. This was obviously a bigoted mod, and even though it could be considered “harmless” to leave up, it leaves the door open for further mods. These bigots will not stop slowly eroding away features they think are “woke”, and they will only get worse and more egregious. Stopping them now, letting them know it’s not acceptable behavior, is the only way to end it.

librechad, (edited )

Hey bud, don’t tell me how I should play the game I spent my hard earned money on. If I want to remove a certain feature I don’t like, you and I both should have the freedom to do so.


You have the freedom to do so. Start your own hosting site or learn to code. Nexus doesn’t have to host shit they want to. Stop being a bitch and forcing those to do what you want.

librechad, (edited )

What I was trying to convey is that gamers should have the freedom to customize their gaming experience based on their preferences. It’s not about forcing anyone to do anything, but rather having the option to make changes if we want to. It’s all about personal choice and freedom in how we enjoy our games.

Removing a harmless mod is a slippery slope because then moderators are just removing mods based on their political ideolagy. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

I love that you are so dense that you are arguing for the freedom of choice, while trying to take away other’s freedom of choice. Fucking hell, bud.

librechad, (edited )

When a mod is removed entirely, the choice is taken away from everyone, limiting the overall freedom for customization. The aim should be to find a balanced approach that respects both individual freedom and community guidelines.

I acknowledge they have a freedom not to host the mod. But, coming from someone who’s used Nexus Mods for the past 6-7 years, it’s sad to see them start to take this route. We can have a mod to kill children but god forbid we have a remove pronouns mod.

I’m stating my own opinion on the situation, I’m not forcing them to reupload the mod. I’m just trying to debate with you guys. Would you like to debate or no?

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

No, I would not like to debate. Debating would be futile. I’ve looked through your comment history, and I don’t believe that it would be worth my time. You want to bitch and complain cause the woke police are coming after your vidyas, then go for it, but you are on the wrong side of the argument, and you won’t find many good-hearted people over there. Life is hard enough as it is. I implore you to rethink your positions on pronouns, gender identity, and sexual identity. Those that appreciate choices like these in the game are the people that are having some of the hardest times in their lives. They don’t need you to come in and tell them that you feel like their decisions aren’t valid, especially when it has zero actual affect on your life. Don’t want to set a pronoun? Then fucking don’t. That’s your choice. But when you support mods and the bigots that create them that try to limit the abilities of those that need to have some comfort in their life, those that need to know that society is moving towards a broader acceptance of their identity, then you are the bad person, and that’s how the world at large sees you. Be a better fucking person than that.

librechad, (edited )

I agree that platforms like Nexus Mods have a responsibility to consider the broader societal impact of the content they host. However, they also have a responsibility to preserve the freedoms that have made such platforms valuable to so many. The challenge lies in finding a balanced approach, which is never easy.

It’s worth mentioning that I fully support your right to view and critique mods based on their societal impact. At the same time, it should be acceptable for others to evaluate these mods based on different criteria, such as user freedom, without being labeled as “bad persons.”

Would it not be more constructive for us to have an open dialogue on how to balance these competing interests rather than dismissing each other’s viewpoints outright?

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

Would it not be more constructive for us to have an open dialogue on how to balance these competing interests rather than dismissing each other’s viewpoints outright?

No, I don’t want an open dialogue with bigots.

librechad, (edited )

OK fine, I don’t want to argue with someone who’s obviously closed minded and can’t debate on simple issues.

Keep it classy bro.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

Fine. We’ll keep it simple and set the facts. I’ll even let you define the problem. Tell me. What does this mod do?


There’s no slippery slope. It’s a hosting site and they can host what they want. If you don’t like that go mod and upload to your heart’s content on another site. You have that personal choice and freedom. They have choice and freedom to tell you to fuck off just like I do. Fuck off.

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

Removing a harmless mod is a slippery slope because then moderators are just removing mods based on their political ideolagy. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me.

Removing a harmless feature is a slippery slope because then modders are just removing features based on their political ideology. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me.

It’s just as ridiculous the other way around though.

librechad, (edited )

You’re point is valid about the two-way street that is ideological moderation, whether it’s done by modders or platform moderators. While some argue that removing certain features serves to make a political statement, the same could be said for removing mods themselves. Both actions can be seen as influenced by the ideological beliefs of those making the decisions. In this case, the main question is: who gets to decide what crosses the line and what doesn’t? And should these decisions be open to discussion within the community?


You’re still free to remove what you don’t like, but you’re not entitled to have the mod hosted on any site you want. The site owners decide that, and they don’t want it on their site. That’s not infringing on your freedom, but forcing it to be hosted on their site would indeed infringe on the site owner’s freedom.


We can play the slippery slope game both ways. You say: if you dont remove a harmless mod, then bigots will start adding harmful mods.

I say: if we let moderators remove harmless mods because of their political ideology, they will start removing more and more mods that are not made by bigots, but disagree with moderators politics. Like for example, if player wants to play as a billionaire and exploit poor workers.

How about instead of playing the slippery slope, we just deal with actual harmful mod as they come. I mean, ffs, there is a mod that lets you kill children in Skyrim. Is removing pronoun selector really worse than that?


I mean, ffs, there is a mod that lets you kill children in Skyrim. Is removing pronoun selector really worse than that?


The people this bigotry hurts are not in the game. They’re real. And they’re the only possible target of removing a checkbox that most people won’t even notice.


We can play the slippery slope game both ways.

And be wrong.

One way is how trolls always escalate, because their entire fucking deal is pissing people off for attention.

The other is a textbook fallacy that plainly has not happened, since the last time Nexus removed some right-wing bigotry signal. This is not the first time. This won’t be the last time. The line will stay about where it is, because they don’t want to deal with this woe-is-us horseshit unless they have to.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

You see, there’s the problem. You have politicized gender and sexual identity. Don’t bring your politics into the natural world.

Yewb, w Payday 3 developer drops Denuvo from the game before it's even out

Dude that pre release beta was terrible almost everything was inferior to payday2 there is zero chance if me buying this game.


Damn that’s sad to hear.

All they had to do was remake payday 2 with a few improvements/new puzzles/ maps and they would have made bank.

Payday 2 sold 40 million copies full AAA price too (like 79$ back then or wtv). They should have had the money to make a good game.


Well after paying executive salaries and bonuses they unfortunately couldn’t have predicted the game would be on a bootstrap budget.

Kaldo, avatar

Tbh I'm not really a fan of this stance either. If I'm buying a sequel I expect meaningful improvements, otherwise you're just ripping me off for something that could have been a dlc or expansion to the first game.

themoonisacheese, avatar

Tbh, a large part of payday2’s problems stem from being built on a racing game engine. Redoing pd2 on unreal straight would be of course a lot of work, but the end result would be a better product that I would pay for. Payday3 on the other hand doesn’t look like something that I would enjoy based on the fact unlike pd2.


I played the beta.

It’s prettier Payday 2 with some quality of life tweaks. Plus it’s cross platform multiplayer which means I can PC with my Xbox friends.

That other guy is just salty. Whatever, it’s a brand new game for $40, not $70. I’d say give gamepass a shot if ya wanna rent it for a month.

PP_BOY_, avatar

Didn’t play it but I had to drop PD2 with about 200 hours on it after all the microtransactions got too much to deal with. Coupled with the fact that hosts could leave games in the middle of a heist with no punishment and risking your account being banned for accidentally getting on a crew with a hacker, the game lost a lot of its appeal.

themoonisacheese, avatar

It is basically impossible to be banned at all from playing payday 2. The worst you can do is equip invalid stuff, which marks you as a cheater and most people kick marked cheaters.

PP_BOY_, avatar

Idk my account was banned for about a month within the first year of the game coming out because a hacker started spawning infinite money bags on the Harvest bank. It took about a month of emails with support to get my account unbanned. It’s possible that they’ve since slacked off on enforcement, but I haven’t played the game in easily 5 years at this point.


Payday 2 did two things that drove me away: fundamental changes to the gameplay long after release that did not improve it (heavyhanded stealth nerfs), and an absolute mountain of DLC, complete with power creep.

I will be waiting quite a while before touching Payday 3 because I want to see how they will monetize it. Remember, it’s up against the likes of Deep Rock Galactic which is not at all abusively monetized. We do not need to suffer that shit again.

ElmarsonTheThird, avatar

Good it’s on gamepass after release so you can test it out until it eventually leaves.


I mean, to be blunt, the game was never going to beat PAYDAY 2. PD2 is years of updates and content additions to make it fun despite the shitty engine, PAYDAY 3 is a brand new game with a lot of potential but all of it unrealized.

InEnduringGrowStrong, w Ubisoft Montreal in Turmoil Amid What Developers are Calling Broken Promises avatar

It’s not about about money: corporate would spend more money when you’re in the office.
It’s not about productivity: shit has been getting done from home and then some, for literally years.
It’s not about team building: productivity requires focus, open space bullshit floor plans hamper that and most everyone is gonna wear headphones and try to block out the background noise and social distractions as much as possible.

It’s about control, power and obedience: butts in chairs are reassuring to managers who have no fucking clue what they’re doing, nor what you’re doing, nor what the company needs done.
Management usually has no idea what anyone is really doing, they’ve never figured how to measure actual productivity, so they equate butts in chairs with productivity.

I don’t work for Ubi, but I’ve been the one remote player of an in-office team for the last 15 years.
Nobody ever cared where the fuck I was working from until after covid, where suddenly some insecure execs fear we might all be wanking all day, probably because they think we’re like them.

I’m perpetually busy at work, mostly because we’re understaffed, but I know what needs to be done and I do it.
I don’t need a babysitter to do that.

Them? They’ve always been useless, but now it shows, because there’s no-one to boss around, shit still gets done, but they’re not around, so they can’t delude themselves into thinking their bullshit is what makes things work.
Since they no longer have anything to do, they fuck around at home all day.
Faced with their uselessness, they pull a Seymour Skinner… it’s everyone else who’s wrong and not them.
They extrapolate and think that if they’re fucking around, surely we’re all doing what they’re doing and thus need reigning in. They fail to realize they’ve never had a productive purpose even before.

It’s all just a symptom that your management is full of old useless farts.

Some manager usually chimes in with some remote lazy bitch they “caught”, as if these people didn’t exist in the office.

Having been the outsider remote guy since way before, I can say the rest of my team fucked around a lot more when they were on-prem than when they’re remote.

If everyone just… didn’t go back at all, what are they gonna do, for everyone and close the whole studio?


I keep telling them the same thing.
Our jobs involve working with people in offices on the other side of France and that’s no problem, surely. Therefore what difference does it make if a remote worker is at home rather than on a different site? None. It’s all bullshit to control people, just like you said.
You should see HR people squirming trying to justify that one…


Very well articulated. Could not agree more and this is not just a development issue. The control is ultimately to make the rich richer of your value.

Muffi, w I wonder why Godot and Unreal are getting so much interest today

I spent the last 10 hours trying to learning Godot, and I love it! Seems like a mix of the best things from Unity and Blender.

captain_aggravated, avatar

It did just occur to me that the amount of time I’ve spent over the last few years tinkering with Godot as a hobby just got more valuable.

Pregnenolone, w Starfield user score drops to "mostly positive" on steam

I think I’m just getting old. Games like Starfield are boring the hell out of me. I played it for about 1.5hrs then uninstalled it.

nanoUFO, avatar

I did the same thing with fallout 4, I think it’s just todd that’s boring.


It’s been in the top 10 (and often in top 5) concurrent players on steam since release so I think you just don’t like it, but many others still do.

altima_neo, avatar

I think it’s that other games have done cooler stuff, while Bethesda keeps making the same game with a different skin.


You must have such a refined taste to not waste more than 90 minutes on starfield. May I recommend Elden Ring or Baldur’s Gate 3 for a discerning individual such as yourself.


Because they’ve been making the same game just with different settings for 20+ years and it been overused. You may have fun with the game if you didn’t play the last few Bethesda games or you still enjoy that type but it is stale for most who have played fallout 3, nv, 4 and the elder scrolls games for most of their lives. There’s just nothing new.


If you can already know the game is boring after 1.5 hours, the game is indeed not for you.

I thought it was yet an other boring scifi shooter, but gave it a try after seeing someone else playing it. Then I saw how much of a Star Trek TNG vibes it had.

Kichae, w Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag can’t be bought on Steam due to a “technical issue”, not an incoming remake, Ubisoft insists

Well, you see, the technical issue that's stopping them from selling it is called "canibalization of sales", which is technically an issue for their marketing department.

Diabolo96, w Paradox of Hope, a Metro-style VR game, has been removed from the Steam Store following a copyright claim

Bit fishy. Subway surfer is copy of temple rush. Angry birds a copy of crush the castle. All the breakout clones? If his game violate copyright then those games too.

CorrodedCranium, (edited ) avatar

I am wondering if the game advertised itself in anyway as inspired by the Metro series. I could see that causing potential issues but you are right. It does rapidly cascade if you take that approach.

The quote below is from an article with the author of the series and (TL:DR) they admit that they were inspired by the Fallout and Roadside Picnic.

I know Metro is a product of your environment, but I read earlier that you were inspired by the Fallout games…

Very much so by the first Fallout games. One of the sources of inspiration was Fallout 1 and 2, the isometric RPGs. And I was so inspired by Fallout when I was a student that once I went to cook my pasta and I was in such a hurry to get back to my desktop that I poured boiling spaghetti over my knees and luckily enough it was just inches away the most valuable thing that I have. That’s just to explain the extent of my passion for Fallout 2 back at the time. Also, not just that of course, but the books by the famous Soviet science fiction authors the Strugatsky brothers who wrote Roadside Picnic (Пикник на обочине), later adapted as Stalker and another work of theirs called The Doomed City (Град обреченный) which also has this incredible romanticism of abandoned urban spaces where you become the new master and you can explore the empty streets and empty buildings and everyone’s gone and you roam through empty apartments full of the belongings of other people. So this is something very romantic and very dreamy that can also be accounted for as an inspiration. And there’s some movies of course. There’s a very famous Soviet movie called The Letters of a Dead Man (Письма мёртвого человека), also about the post apocalypse. Altogether, that’s shaping your art references that inspire you. Then you build up on that and you become the inspiration for someone else and that’s how creative things work.

The Fallout games themselves were inspired by a multitude of works such as Mad Max, On the Beach, and A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World. There’s a PDF file out there that I believe was used during some kind of conference/convention talking in depth about this that I am struggling to find. It’s continued to do so throughout the series. I find this is most noticeable throughout Fallout New Vegas with many quest names and a chunk of dialogue referencing the material.

Kind of unrelated but interesting if you ever want to go down a rabbit hole you should check out how inspirational the book I Am Legend Is. It inspired The Omega Man and The Last Man on Earth and was incredibly significant in the creation of the zombie media going on to be the inspiration for Night of Living Dead.


While you comment and the books recommendation are very interesting, it still doesn’t explain why he had a copyright strike. By whom even ? The copyright infringement notice would certainly explain what he did wrong. I don’t think it’s gameplay related because if gameplay mechanics were copyrightable EA would’ve done that years ago. If it’s story, name related it wouldn’t be the first time someone is forced to change them because copyright. Unless, he provided some more explanations i would think he just got tired of working on the game and wanted an exit.

CorrodedCranium, (edited ) avatar

I think he was intentionally pretty vague about that. Maybe out of fear of landing in hot water. I believe Deep Silver Embracer Group owns the rights to the Metro video games and it might be one of those fuzzy situations where they are (somewhat) overstepping what they can legally do because a small project can’t afford to fight back and they are striking down something that could potentially be competition for something they might attempt in the future. A similar example of the latter being Take-Two Interactive taking down a GTA 5 VR mod or the source port for GTA 3/VC for devices such as the Switch and PS Vita.

I don’t think they wanted an exit because the game was slowly gathering attention online in the year leading up to this. I think it’s mentioned in a few articles it was their primary source of income and I don’t know if they have any other projects on the go. I imagine by now Paradox of Hope’s discussion page would have been updated if they did.


The fear of landing in hot water argument is very probable although i never heard someone got in troubles for saying who gave the DMCA. For the GTA 5 VR and GTA VC ports, it’s understandable since it’s using copyrighted material. This is a new game that was inspired by older games, the takedown sets a dangerous precedent. Imagine if every silent hill inspired game was sent a DMCA…

CorrodedCranium, avatar

For the GTA 5 VR and GTA VC ports, it’s understandable since it’s using copyrighted material.

The GTA 3/VC port wasn’t using copyrighted material though. You still need to own a copy of the game and bring over your own data files. It’s similar to how OpenMW allows you to play TES 3: Morrowind on your phone. Nothing was being distributed on their end.

The GTA 5 VR mod was filed under a copyright not licensing claim so it doesn’t seem like it was about the creators making money. Likewise you still need to own a copy of the game. There are conversion tools that target a multitude of games with the goal of converting them into a VR experience that don’t, to my knowledge, receive legal threats. It’s just that this project targeted Take Two Interactive games (it also worked for Red Dead 2).

This is a new game that was inspired by older games, the takedown sets a dangerous precedent. Imagine if every silent hill inspired game was sent a DMCA…

I agree. I feel like a significant amount of the games I’ve played recently are very upfront about being inspired by Resident Evil, Wasteland, or the STALKER series. I hope it doesn’t become an annoying hurdle for indie developers.

Diabolo96, (edited )

If it was just an engine then the GTA 3 “port” is i believe legal. Just another company abusing it’s power.

As for GTA 5 VR, I know they can’t make any money of their work or they’d have something worse than a just a mere DMCA ( Nintendo made someone pay it half his income for life ) but I know the most devs are mostly doing it for the challenge and more importantly out of love for the game. As an exemple, here’s someone porting portal to the N64

CorrodedCranium, avatar

As for GTA 5 VR, I know they can’t make any money of their work or they’d have something worse than a just a mere DMCA ( Nintendo made someone pay it half his income for life ) but I know the most devs are mostly doing it for the challenge and more importantly out of love for the game. As an exemple, here’s someone porting portal to the N64

I think it’s the wording they used. A DMCA is one thing but skirting around a license is another thing and that’s not what Take Two went after.

I think it really depends on the company and what they think they can get away with in the fine print of the terms and conditions. It might be Nintendo as well who I believe at a time was going after game play videos.

I wonder if there is a court case in the US that talks about game modding in a similar way to the one that legitimized console modding?


It might be Nintendo as well who I believe at a time was going after game play videos.


I wonder if there is a court case in the US that talks about game modding in a similar way to the one that legitimized console modding?

I am not from USA so i don’t know. I highly doubt it tho.

TheBlue22, w Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying

This game won’t ever come out. At this point, the devs just steal money and see how much they can get away with.


I said the same thing years ago. At this point it’s Duke Nukem Forever level vaporware.


Well Duke Nukem Forever actually released.


Right. But in which state?


Full gold release? I’m not defending that pile of trash but it got an official release, that’s more that Star Citizen will ever get.

pimento64, w Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto Issues Heartfelt Thanks to Former Voice of Mario, Charles Martinet - IGN

“Thanks for recording all the data for our Mario Voice language model. Now, in the grand tradition of Nintendo, cease and desist”.

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