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Brunbrun6766, w Doom Studio id Software is Seemingly Working on new Version of its Game Engine - id Tech 8 avatar

New Doom when?


hopefully its going to be more like Doom 2016 than Eternal

InEnduringGrowStrong, (edited ) avatar

Yea I have a hard time articulating why, but I preferred 2016 to Eternal.
Also, I think Mick Gordon and id Software aren’t likely to work together anymore, which to me is kinda the nail in the coffin of these reboots.
I don’t think Doom can be Doom without its music composer.


I don’t think Doom can be Doom without its music composer.

Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom 64 and Doom 3 would all like a word with you.


Maybe they should pony up for another Trent Reznor score.


You jest but I would love a moden Quake reboot with a squelchy, organic NiN soundtrack

mindbleach, w Your Minecraft account might be gone forever unless you act now

Yeah hey that game you bought? Fuck you, jump through hoops.

HKayn, avatar

That’s on you for buying a licence to play the game and not the actual game.


Fuck that stupid word game.

ShittyRedditWasBetter, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

What a bunch of whiney cunts.

Imagine bitching because your 10 year old phone GPU can’t push polygons.

You are lucky they made it work as well as they did on switch and don’t charge you EXTRA for the absurd amount of optimization that it must have took to get it even workable.


It seems easier to just not release these games on switch and focus on the stuff it can run

!deleted7120 avatar

Or maybe just wait for the Switch 2, since that’s actually looking like it’s real? This could’ve been a good 3rd party launch title for it.


Yeah dude lets just push back that game for a year or two while we wait for the next gen. I’m sure that’s just free and not costly at all.

Maximilious, avatar

Ah yes, I'm sure Sony lost oodles of money sitting on Spider-man and FF7R for years before they were ported to PC, or the other console "exclusives" that have a 3-12 month waiting period.




I mean, it probably would have been better than this. Not every game needs to release on all platforms. NeverRealm made a stupid decision trying to release on Switch at the same time as other consoles, especially when the Switch already has a foot in the grave as it is.

If they'd have waited for the new hardware, sure some fans might've been a little upset, but it's not like there's a whole lot of crossover between MK fans and players who only own a Switch in the first place. Half of the MK games never got released on a Nintendo platform at all, and several that did didn't release simultaneously with other platforms, and were also heavily modified ports.

They could've waited a year or two, and not left such a bad taste in players' mouths. I'm sure most people would've rather waited.


I’m sure that’s what happened to Hogwarts Legacy


I’m sure there are people out there with Switch as their only means to play games that would like to be able to play Mortal Kombat now and are happy it’s available. The people complaining have unrealistic expectations, either for what the Switch’s hardware can render, the amount of work that was and is required to make a game like it work on the Switch in the first place, or both. If you don’t want to play an inferior version of the game don’t buy it, but you clearly aren’t the target audience for the game.


That’s for the development company to decide. If its profitable they will keep releasing because there’s a market of people that want to play the game and only have a switch. Mortal Kombat is a multiplayer game that you play for the combat, not the graphics. You can play it for the graphics but fighting games fans don’t really, so if the game runs on the switch they open up to a huge extra market.

vzq, w BioWare vet says Mass Effect and Dragon Age got "too homogenous," wishes Dragon Age had been more "Neverwinter-like"

I really really liked ME1 and 2. Sure, there are some nits to pick, especially with the act 2 gameplay (stupid mako, silly scanner), but they are great games.


ME2 is a good game in isolation, but I think it played a big part in getting Bioware where they are now.

ME2 saw them move far, far more into the action-RPG direction that was wildly popular at the time, with a narrative that was in retrospect just running in place (ME2 contributes effectively nothing towards the greater plot and zero major issues are introduced if it is excised from the trilogy). I feel the wild success ME2 saw after going in this direction caused Bioware to (a) double down on trend chasing, and (b) abandon one of their core strengths of strong, cohesive narratives. ME3 chased multiplayer shooter trends, DA:I and ME:A both chased open world RPG trends, Anthem chased the live service trend, and the first try at DA3 chased more live service stuff before Anthem launched to shit and they scrapped the whole thing to start over.

All while, of what I saw first hand (of those I played) or read about secondhand (of those I did not play) none of those games put any serious focus on Bioware’s bread&butter of well written narratives. ME3 in particular is a narrative mess, with two solid payoffs (Krogans + Geth-Quarians) and the rest being some of the worst writing I’ve seen in a major video game.

ME2 was great. ME2 also set Bioware on a doomed path.


ME2 vastly expanded the universe of mass effect from the very bare bones level of the first game. It makes the reapers into more than vague robot threat that kills the universe every so often. It established other races as more than basic caricatures. You can keep the basic narrative intact without it, but you lose the sense of payoff in 3 without seeing krogan as a dying race, geth as a sentient race that deserves equality, and the truly desperate nature of the nomadic quarians.

3 was pretty good until the final ending that was clearly rushed in establishing the full reasoning behind each choice. Yes it had multi-player tacked on, but it was clearly a rushed effort and cutting it wouldn’t have fixed the story. The multi-player is also the best coop gameplay I’ve ever played and nothing has came close to the feel. You’re problems with 3 and other Bioware releases seem directly related to the broad direction EA was forcing everyone down.


There is a big failing in ME2 that made me sad: the shift to a human centric story and universe.

ME3 I don’t see anything interesting in the scenario right from the start. It’s very similar to DAI btw.


Ah that’s true, I realize it now that you put it your finger in it: ME2 is really a “let’s tour the universe” kind of story fleshing out the background of known races (and adding new ones) and places.


I think you’re putting an awful lot of blame on ME2. Visceral combat in no way precludes good storytelling.


This is very true. And it’s ironic because when I saw BG3 I thought that bioware paved the way for it. They had everything to make a BG3 since kotor and nwn2, they successfully kick-started their own IP with ME and DAO, but they went on the path of ME3 and DAI instead.

They mistakenly thought the kotor and neverwinter nights ways were different. And then they failed at adapting to the openworld era.

DrSleepless, w Diablo 4 Twitch viewership continues to drop as Diablo 3 overtakes it

They kept nerfing the fun out of it


correction, they were feeding us medicine but forgot the sugar.


That implies they’re doing something good for us. This is like giving your friend a box of smokes and then offering them chewing gum to hit the nicotine fix. It didn’t help, but I guess I have some gum now.


this is litetally the analogy blizzard used.


Last few updates there’s only buff I think. Seems the nerf patch only happened before season 1

cypher_greyhat, w The Elder Scrolls VI will skip PS5 and isn’t coming until at least 2026

I have completely lost confidence in Bethesda.

woelkchen, avatar

I have completely lost confidence in Bethesda.

What did you think would really happen when Microsoft bought them?


Even before that. With Fallout 76’s launch, they just didn’t care anymore.


Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76.

Pratai, w The Elder Scrolls VI will skip PS5 and isn’t coming until at least 2026

They’re going to skip releasing their game on a console that outsells their own 2:1?

That’s some business savvy worthy of an Elon nod right there.


MS does not care - they want to increase their marketshare

It rhymes even


Actual data shows it closer to 4:3.

Kirkkh, (edited ) w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I do not understand this debacle at all. 100% of people against the inclusion of pronouns—USE A PREFERRED PRONOUN. I guarantee if I called one these man children a “her” they’d lose their little minds.

uglyduckling81, (edited )

The argument really isn’t against pronouns.

It’s against censorship. Why shouldn’t I be able to remove that feature from my game if I want to?

Is it really hurting anyone if I don’t want stupid pronouns in my game?

I’ll note that I don’t own the game and have never played it. Just an outside observer watching the stupidity.


I can tell you definitively that yes, this debate hurts people. Sending the statement that it’s a valid point of view to consider trans people mentally ill (or worse) harms people. If you look at how our existence is being debated and the consequences of that you would have to be very privileged to not see a problem.

mnemonicmonkeys, (edited )

Dude, I went through character creation and barely noticed the pronoun option was even there. The mod is unnecessary


I thought so too, but you and I are not everyone else. Imagine if they removed a mod that included pronouns. I would still be against censorship.

MikeT, (edited )

Nexus Mods is a private site with their own terms of conditions. They are saying no to mods that removes diversity and it is their rights.

People can go elsewhere instead.

saze, (edited )

This isn’t a court of law and I’m not arguing the statutes. I don’t like unilateral censorship in any form and I’d be equally butt hurt if they banned a mod to include pronouns.

Bear in mind we are both here because of the actions of a private corpo.


It’s almost like inclusion and exclusion are different.


It’s almost like you exclude yet call it inclusion.


My guy. Even your sneering comment described it as inclusion.


Imagine if they removed a mod that included pronouns.

A mod that makes other people feel included is NOT on the same level as a mod that deliberately excludes them. There’s a massive difference here.

The pronoun removing mod is a pretty blatant message of hate and deserves to be moderated as such. People can go on about freedom of speech blah blah blah, but no one is required to include you in their community if you’re being mean and hateful. That’s exactly what happened here.


If you don’t want to feel excluded then don’t install the mod.

I don’t understand why people argue for less options that don’t affect them.

No one is forcing the mod on you. Is it really that harmful that it exists?

I don’t give 2 shits if a mod exists that makes everyone in the game trans or gay or anything else. I’m just not going to install the mod unless it improves the game in some way or it sounds like it would make the game more interesting with alternative play styles or something.

I’m never going to argue that the mod I’m not interested in should be removed because it’s not reinforcing my beliefs.

Tolerance goes both ways. I tolerate your beliefs and you tolerate mine.

That tolerance doesn’t exist in this woke reality we are enduring at the moment. Anything that doesn’t repeat the correct narrative is subjected to cancel culture. It’s always my way or the highway.


No one is forcing the mod on you. Is it really that harmful that it exists?

Yes, in very much the same way that hate speech is moderated out of communities, and for good reason. Allowing this stuff to exist is basically saying that this is okay when it frankly isn’t. Imagine if there was a mod out there that removed your entire race and culture out of the game. How would that make you feel if you were just scrolling through the list of mods? It’s just a shitty statement to make.

We moderate things like the N-word and antisemitic Nazi bullshit out of forums all the time. This is the exact same thing and if you can’t see that, well frankly you’re probably in a position of privilege.

Tolerance goes both ways. I tolerate your beliefs and you tolerate mine.

This argument is frequently used by the intolerant to justify their actions. The one’s who identify as they aren’t the ones going around telling those who identify as he or she that they’re wrong. It’s the other way around. You’re completely misidentifying who’s being intolerant here.

uglyduckling81, (edited )

I don’t know how to do the cool quote thing you did but I’ll answer in order.

  1. I don’t care if you want to edit my race out of your game. It has zero effect on me. It’s your private game. Why would I care? If I don’t like the mod it I just won’t install it. I’m never going to intervene to stop you from enjoying your game the way you want just because I don’t agree or like it.

This argument is just trying to find reasons to be offended.

I’ll give you an example that will definitely trigger you. I play HOI4. That game is a historical WW2 game. The game does not have an accurate flag for Germany because it’s symbol is not allowed to be shown in Germany. I always use a mod to put the proper Nazi flag in the game because I want my historical game to be representitive of the period. Denying me the ability to use it doesn’t make the historical event suddenly not happen. It happened. Am I suddenly a Nazi supporter because I want my war game to reflect reality?

Im not out Heil Hitlering, or calling for the deaths of millions of Jews. I’m just playing was war game in the privacy of my own home.

  1. I’m not American so the N word has very little meaning to me. I think it’s stupid that people can’t even write the word without being banned. How are you supposed to talk about it. It’s rediculous. If your skin colour is the right shade then you can go around saying the forbidden word at will?? Honestly I’m never going to say it because it’s not part of my cultural norm anyway.

In Australia the racist word people used for indigenous was ‘coon’. I’ve never used it and I never will. Ive not even heard anyone use it since maybe the 80s when a kid was trying to be an edgelord. Do I think the word should be banned internationally just because some wankers used it 30+ years ago? No. If you’re using it in a hateful way against someone or a people, then sure, that bastard should face some consequences.

I’m just never going to support blanket banning activities or words for everyone because of a few bad actors.

I think that’s a terrible idea.

Now we are onto the apparently oppressed rich western people that want to be called some idiotic pronouns like xi, or horse person or some other BS. I’m not doing it. It’s too stupid.

If someone wants to be called she instead of he, then whatever, I’ll call them it. It causes me no harm and I really don’t care. Live your best life.

Blocking a person from modifying their game because you don’t like the idea? That’s Nazi book burning philosophy right there. If you can’t see it irony then I don’t know what to say to you. You think your in the right, but your actually to oppressor, even if you think it’s with good intentions.


If you’re using it in a hateful way against someone or a people, then sure, that bastard should face some consequences.

That’s exactly what the creator of this mod intended and its hilarious that you don’t see that.

In Australia the racist word people used for indigenous was ‘coon’. I’ve never used it and I never will.

Think about it this way. There’s a reason why you don’t use it, right? There’s a reason why your friends don’t use it. If one of your friends uses it all the time to hate on others, would you be okay with that? If its as offensive as you say it is and I have no reason to doubt otherwise, would you want to be associated with that? Probably not. You’re making conscious decisions every day about who you want to hang out with, who you want to be associated with. You’ve cultivated your own community of people who you like and want to hang out with.

That’s exactly what Nexus Mods is doing. They want to cultivate a community that’s gender inclusive. They don’t want to deal with people who aren’t, nor give them a platform to do so. They’re within their right to do so.

Just because Nexus Mods is an online community doesn’t mean it’s different from real life. That’s what people fail to understand.


On “removing a mod that lets you commit pedophilia”

“…How dare you. Imagine if they removed a mod that got rid of pedophilia”.

Do you see why “both sides” of the issue are not “exactly alike”?


stupid pronouns

which is stupider, “he” or “she”


“it” is probably stupider, honestly.


Share your opinion, get downvoted. Feels just like reddit!


With the way G*mers are trying to justify being shitheads. It does feel like Reddit.


You are still speaking your opinion on a private site but you don’t get to escape from consequences because others disagree with it.


No I do not, no one should. Your comment is the correct way of disagreeing, downvote parades are not.

Bear in mind I don’t give a shit about pronouns or no pronouns, I am against the unilateral censorship of a mod.


Hates unilateral censorship, wants to unilaterally censor our downvotes


Shit opinions get downvoted??? No way!!! Why would people do this???


Are you unfamiliar with being wrong, as a concept?


Upvotes = correct now? Or I’m wrong cos I have a different opinion to you?

Braindead take


Gonna take that as a no.

The reason some things get downvoted, is that they’re factually incorrect, morally intolerable, or just plain incoherent. Reasons matter. The fact it’s “your opinion” means nothing. Some opinions are bad, actually.

What you’re doing is a finger-curling argument. ‘Oh what, is curling your finger a crime?! I’m in trouble cuz I went like this?!’ Sir - you shot your wife.

Default_Defect, avatar

You can so whatever you want to your installation of the game on your computer. Nexus does not have to host it. No freedoms lost.

But we all know you’re not using the mod, you just want it up to stick it to the libs.


he/she/they doesn’t even own the game, just wanted to have a bigoted whinge


You could, you just can’t host it there.


How about names. Do you call Muhammad Ali still Cassius Clay? Just because that’s the name he was given at birth. Should people not have the right to change their name? Like it is here in Germany. And what exactly do you consider stupid about the pronouns them or they? I think they (!) are just normal pronouns, aren’t they? And for quite some time they are regularly used to replace single persons, if the gender of that person isn‘t known. I know that because when that started I was totally confused because I had learned different at school in the 70s.


My only take on the pronoun thing is please don’t get mad at me and go into lecture mode if I forget your preferred pronouns for a second. It’s essentially muscle memory, and I will already feel bad about it just by your facial expression from the mistake.


People generally shouldn’t get mad as long as you’re behaving in good faith. It’s like accidentally calling someone by the wrong name, you just apologise and correct your mistake.

Trans and non-binary people often get portrayed as if they’re monsters, but most are reasonable people who can understand mistakes and are capable of accepting apologies.

Corkyskog, (edited )

The more I think about all of this, the more rude I find even using pronouns instead of their name in general… are there certain sayings in English that generally require defaulting to pronouns? I am having a hard time coming up with many.

(Yes I am aware of the fact I used a pronoun to type this, but it’s not directed to a specific audience)


Generally speaking, it’s awkward in English (or even weird) to constantly use the Proper Noun every single time you refer to a person.

Simplest example is “Jim got into his car”. “Jim got into Jim’s car” is strange. And that’s within a single sentence. Properly in English, we use gendered pronouns for all unambiguous references to a person several sentences in a row. For example:

“Jim got into his car. He turned it on, and hit the gas. When he saw a red light, he stopped quickly. Jim got impatient, and honked on the horn”. That would be entirely proper, and virtually none of those pronouns should be replaced with Jim’s proper name.


Thank you. This explained how pronouns would be used, at first I always imagined you would be taking to “jim”, bur after reading I could see where you may be telling a story about “Jim” to others as a third party. I know that sounds dumb, but I never claimed to be smart.

I appreciate you taking the effort to comment instead of just downvoting like some others.


Not a problem. People don’t usually think about pronouns. We could circumvent a lot of confusion if there were an agreeable gender-neutral pronoun in English… But people have gone back and forth about the only one we have (“they”) enough that it rubs both sides wrong. Gendering a person in a sentence rarely disambiguates… it only maters if you have a conversation with exactly 1 male and female subject and ZERO genderable objects.

A man and a woman sitting in a boat, for example, and “her” still might be ambiguous.

eupraxia, (edited ) avatar

Personally, it’s nbd when people slip up - especially people who’ve known me for a very long time pre-transition. Oftentimes they correct themselves, and I usually feel worse that they feel bad about it. It’s pretty easy to tell when it’s intentional or not, and I reserve my ire for people who clearly mean disrespect.

Though, I should say, that’s now - early on in transition, it was certainly a bit harder to take. It reminded me of very fresh family abandonment and abuse over my identity. That’s not on the people who accidentally called me by the wrong pronoun, but it certainly could put me in a pretty bad place and I’m sure I wasn’t the friendliest in those moments. The more that trans folks are supported by their friends and family, the more secure they feel and the less likely they are to react strongly to being accidentally misgendered, imo.

abraxas, (edited )

But what the anti-trans people tend to miss when making the “offended every mis-gender” is the wide gulf of difference between being hurt and being offended. I’ve known people in Emergency Services who had PTSD triggered by off-color comments that reminded them of something they lived through (things like “he’ll have your head for this”… you can imagine why).

They weren’t offended by those off-color comments. They were hurt. And those of us who care about them are careful not to say things that hurt those we love. But if we do slip up, we know and they know that it wasn’t out of malice, and nobody is offended.

…except the people who want to call you by your deadname because hurting you makes them feel good. They are offended, and they want to hurt you. And nobody should be making excuses for them. Dozens of people here are, and that’s a shame.

eupraxia, avatar

Well said. We’d be so much better off if people generally had a better understanding of ©PTSD. Everyone has a responsibility for how they act, but maladaptation is a hell of a thing and takes lots of time to address, especially when people know these triggers and weaponize them because they want to see you hurt.


No one gets upset if you forget for a second. That’s not real.

MikeT, (edited )

NexusMods is a private company with their own conditions for using their services.

You are not entitled to anything on others’ properties, including your ability to speak.

There is no freedom of speech here on either for you, they can restrict and block your posts from being seen by others, still their rights to do so.


That’s still a form of censorship. Arguing over the definition of the word is brain dead anyway.

Your second paragraph is all you need to say.


The more I think about it, you’re right. I edited it.


thats self censorship!!!


It’s a pretty common conversation and people rarely appreciate my pedantry, so thanks =D


Is it really hurting anyone if I don’t want stupid pronouns in my game?

There’s pronouns in this sentence.


The argument is against pronouns. You are literally arguing FOR censorship.


People say Lemmy isn’t a hivemind but the reaction to your comment proves that this is not the case.

I’m pro choice either way. If people want to identify as they, them, it. It’s up to them. If people want the option to remove that from their game it’s also up to them. Who cares either way.


This is the wrong take tbh. It isn’t about censorship. The mod itself is a message of hate and deserves to be moderated as such, just like on any other platform.

Imagine if you were scrolling through NexusMods and you saw a mod that removed characters of your ethnicity or race from the game, or maybe a mod that added say Nazi symbols or something. How would that make you feel? Mods get removed over inappropriate content all the time, this is no different.


or maybe a mod that added say Nazi symbols or something.

You know there are WW2 games that have mods that do exactly this, right? Specifically because they don’t use Nazi imagery to refer to Nazi Germany because that imagery is illegal in Germany so they use substitute imagery that’s Germany-safe to represent Nazi Germany, because that’s cheaper than managing two editions where one is historically accurate and the other is Germany-friendly. For an example of this, see Hearts of Iron.

Then you get mods that restore the historically correct imagery.


Lol I feel like you’re just proving my point. The question isn’t whether these mods exist. Of course they do. But an entire country has made such symbolism illegal specifically because its a bad part of their past and they find it offensive. They’re within their right to do so and so is Nexus Mods. Nexus Mods are allowed to remove whatever content they find offensive to cultivate the community that they want.

abraxas, (edited )

It’s not censorship when private groups are doing it. Moreso, I think the entire world has figured out the right answer to the Paradox of Tolerance is intolerance (yes, even censorship).

There are two reasons said censorship is okay.

  1. Those who hold to these extreme beliefs are happy to censor the opposing viewpoint whether we censor them or not. They see the idea of trans human rights as unworthy of protection.
  2. So long as you allow a false belief to spread, there will always be adherents. When it is a harmful belief, that makes even innocent-seeming propagation of that belief genuinely harmful… which by every moral tradition (and most legal ones) is sufficient to override freedom of speech.

Remember, there is no free speech absolutism where all speech is protected. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying or ignorant. What we’re arguing about is whether to draw the line at malicious behavior that is already more harmful than speech many of us are already against.

And from your “don’t want stupid pronouns in my game”, you show you’ve fallen for bullet point #2.

WuTang, avatar

funny to read that when trans actually lost their mind. there’s no way I would call this ugly dude with bad makeup and wonderbra a ‘she’.

nyakojiru, w Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email avatar

Would need a kind soul to verify with more trusted sources this shitty website allegations .

HarkMahlberg, avatar
lowleveldata, w Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email

The site is unusable on mobile because of the aggressive ads

!deleted7120 avatar

Sorry, I have an ad blocker on my phone so I genuinely have no idea if there are ads on a site or how bad they are anymore on mobile. Try flipping to reader view to see it without ads?


That’s on you for not using an adblocker.


Oh really? It’s not on the site for placing aggressive ads?


As far as I’m concerned, all ads are aggressive. I don’t want to see any ads, period. Using an adblocker is a norm. It’s not only a matter of civilized online experience but also privacy and security (latest example). Of course you are not required to use one, but don’t go online complaining you see ads.


I’m not following. How am I supposed to let everyone knows that this site is shit without complaining?


Everyone else should use adblockers too.

!deleted7120 avatar

If you don’t have an ad blocker installed though, seriously, I can’t recommend getting one enough. It’s legit like night and day how different it is. There are occasional inconveniences, but it is overall so, so much better for browsing QoL.

iammike, w Alternative sources for the No Pronouns mod for Starfield

WTF is wrong with you people? All this effort just to be a dick.


Maybe it’s some sort of mental gymnastics that “If you can’t get some dick, you must become a dick”.


Playing a single-player game the way I want is being a dick how exactly.


You’re so triggered by pronouns that you actively seek out a mod to remove them. You can fuck right off you bigot.

firebreathingbunny, (edited )

I'm simply removing objectively incorrect content. There is no such thing as personal pronouns, and with a simple mod, they are easily removed like any bug in any program. Problem?

snooggums, avatar

So in a game with faster than light travel you want realism from some optional character creation choices?


Unaware7013, (edited )

I'm simply removing objectively incorrect content. There is no such thing as personal pronouns,

> claims to be removing 'objecticely incorrect' content

> does nothing but post incorrect content

My fucking sides, you bigots are hilarious(ly wrong about everything).

OmegaMouse, avatar

I don’t get how this lets you play a game the way you want? It takes out an option in a drop down that you wouldn’t use in the first place? It’s like me removing the colour blind option in a game, when I’m not colour blind. Just don’t use it if you don’t need it.


The option itself doesn't exist in reality. Biology and English grammar are crystal clear on this. The presence of the option in the game is itself wrong. The mod corrects this mistake.


Not that I agree with your point in the first place, but I hope you’re also modding out FTL travel then.

firebreathingbunny, (edited )

That's theoretically possible through wormholes. We just don't know the exact mechanism yet.


says wormholes are theoretically possible but we don't know how they work

incorrectly claims biology and English don't allow personal gender pronouns opposite from sex despite ample evidence to the contrary.

firebreathingbunny, (edited )

Feel free to study any actually published biology or English textbook. You won't find this nonsense anywhere in them. You're just ignorant. You need to go back to school.


Lol, you don't even know what personal pronouns are, why would I listen to you about anything?

You're just ignorant. You need to go back to school.

Keep looking into that mirror.


Listen to settled science and consensus English grammar, as published in textbooks. You're wrong per both standards.


I do, and you should too. Because you're entirely wrong about everything. Like, you're arguing that personal pronouns don't exist while using them and calling others stupid.

As much fun as it is arguing with the confidently ignorant, I have better things to do today. Like maybe watch paint dry. It would definitely be a better use of my time than reading objectively incorrect and bigoted REEEEEEEEing about biological and grammatical concepts that you don't have the slightest understanding of.

Ferk, avatar

But that's not what you are doing. You don't need this mod to make the choice that allows you to play the way you want.

I mean, I have no problem with modding anything anyway (in fact I believe it was wrong for Nexus to remove the mod, the only thing it did is making certain kind of obstinate people go into a silly crusade to defend a silly mod). But this mod is objectively removing options, not adding them.


There is no such thing as a choice of personal pronouns. The concept doesn't exist in biology and English grammar. The so-called feature is a bug.

Ferk, (edited ) avatar

This has nothing to do with biology, it's 100% English grammar. Biology books are not the ones explaining what's a "pronoun". In fact, many languages don't even have pronouns, and yet their biology books can perfectly be translated.

English grammar is constantly evolving. In fact, it would make it a lot more realistic if there were more strange expressions and mannerisms, even outside of pronouns. Battlestar Galactica did add some funny nonsensical expressions like "frak", "rook", "frimp", "pogees" and popular phrases like "so say we all" that added a layer of depth to their futuristic culture, making it a lot more believable.

I don't think this mod really helps with "realism". It would in fact be unrealistic to expect no linguistic changes at all in 300 years. The only reason why I think some people are mad is because they think it's pandering to a political agenda so they don't even want to see an option be given at all.... despite it actually being a totally optional and even totally believable aspect of a future hypothetical culture. Whether you agree with the direction that this hypothetical futuristic culture developed towards or not.

firebreathingbunny, (edited )

It has to do with both. In consensus English grammar, your pronoun is assigned to your per your sex. Billions speak English this way and they will not change because a handful of sexual degenerates tell them to. This is not up for debate.

UnRelatedBurner, w Alternative sources for the No Pronouns mod for Starfield

I hate how the very few fighting back this bullshit get’s handled. Def saved if I ever play this game


In all seriousness, why? You can just leave the default value and be referred to as your preferred pronouns. You can literally do nothing and get exactly what you want. What’s the point in going out of your way to install a mod to effectively do nothing?

firebreathingbunny, (edited )

There is no such thing as a preferred pronoun. It is nonsense. Out it goes.

Lojcs, w This is Microsoft’s new disc-less Xbox Series X design with a new gyro controller

Apparently the new controller is also more silent. I wish it wasn’t so ugly tho


I thought the same. I think it’s mostly the gloss that is making me not like it. Hopefully with the amount of variation Microsoft typically offers with controllers means the will be something that I can stomach.


I could see the utility of the textured surface if it has the durability, but holy hell does it look bad if it's actually just cut in half for colors like that.

If that's just for demonstration and the split is more naturally contoured, maybe it's OK.

De_Narm, w Diablo 4 Twitch viewership continues to drop as Diablo 3 overtakes it

Knowing Blizzard, the fix will be to end D3 support.


Yep. They’re gonna Overwatch that shit. And everything else from now on.


Look at what they just did for the new D2R ladder season. There were literally no patches at all. They just reset the ladder. It’s not like there are any glaring problems cough cough mosiac cough cough that need to be fixed or anything.


that statement is seriously dystopian


And extremely Blizzard

Default_Defect, avatar

That’s so Raven Blizzard.


Really sad what became of Blizzard.

They provided Diablo II (2001) with updates until 2016.
Starcraft (1998) became freeware in 2017 and received patches until 2022.

breadsmasher, w Alternative sources for the No Pronouns mod for Starfield avatar

aww the little snowflake seething over a pronoun. pathetic.


You're the one seething in a thread that you could have just ignored but personally and explicitly chose to come into just to seethe.

muse, avatar

Seething? You literally couldn't handle pronouns in a game, nor the mod being taken off of nexusmods. Nor could you ignore that guy's comment.

That's literally 0 for 3, you little snowflake bitch baby.

  • a trans woman (she/her)
firebreathingbunny, (edited )

You literally could not handle a mod that removes incorrect biology and English grammar from a game. Cry more. Your ideology is objectively false and we will never bend the knee to it.

HopeOfTheGunblade, avatar

Where, by "bend the knee" you mean "never have to interact with it in any way," but nah, you go off, fam. Row row fight the powah!

firebreathingbunny, (edited )

I'll interact with the mentally ill if I have to, but I won't participate in their mental illness as part of the interaction. This is irrelevant in the context of this game, because it's single player.

hal_5700X, avatar

Can you say the same thing about people who are downvoting this post? All you need to do is replace “pronoun” with “mod”.

breadsmasher, avatar

People are downvoting you because youre a pathetic whiny child.

hal_5700X, avatar



Check again. People are upvoting him and downvoting you. If you deserve your legitimacy from the mob, guess what, asshole, you're still illegitimate.

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