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Mabexer, (edited ) w Microsoft documents leak new Bethesda games, including an Oblivion remaster

I hope this Oblivion remaster will not mess with Skyblivion development…


Bethesda isn’t making Skyblivion

readyno, avatar

But lawsuits can


That’s a very good point I didn’t even consider.

simple, w Coming to Xbox Game Pass: Party Animals, Gotham Knights, Payday 3, and More

I’m excited for party animals but honestly a bit miffed that they added microtransactions to it. Premium cash store with a battle pass, hooray… At least it’ll be great fun with friends.


Haven’t you heard, microtransactions are what make games fun!

Nioxic, w Diablo 4 continues to walk back changes from its fiendishly unpopular 1.1 patch, boosting XP gain on World Tiers 3 and 4

This wont save the game…

It was pretty dreadful before the patch too.


I already sold my physical copy and I really don’t regret it at all.

My group of friends and I where really excited and played through the story together, but the endgame just wasn’t fun. I don’t know what exactly it was, but we kinda stoped playing.

The new season and “patches” didn’t really improve it a lot imho… a shame, really!


The game feels unfinished. The seasons forcing you to reset so shortly after the game just launched only to replay content you just went through in order to get season rewards that don’t even pay for the next season’s pass feels punitive.

I haven’t played since the first season launched, and likely won’t until they release the expansions. It just doesn’t have enough to keep the game interesting in the meantime, which is a shame because mechanically it’s a much better game than D3, but suffers the same problems with being a single player / co-op PvE game that Blizzard is desperately trying to make into an MMO.

pastabatman, (edited ) w Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis turns Square Enix's best into an avalanche of money-grabbing tactics

I have room in my life for exactly one gacha game, which I don’t spend money on. Sometimes this is a fun little distraction, even though progress is slow without buying currency. This is how I felt about Record Keeper before they shut down the global version. I love FF7 so I’m giving this a shot, but it’s been a week and I’m struggling. There are so many superimposed mechanics that it feels like a new player starting a free to play game at year 5 or 6 of its life, after they’ve steadily added new mechanics, currencies, and other powercreep for years. But it hasn’t been out for years, it’s been out for a week and there are already so many things to keep track of. It feels like work.

Also, the “automatic” battle AI is VERY good. Better than I am. And you can double the speed so the battles go quicker. At first I was relieved because it meant I didn’t have to pay attention while grinding, but why am I doing this at all if I’m not even playing it?

schema, (edited ) w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

Imo the anger is a bit misdirected. Making a toned down version of the game takes equal the amount of resources, if not more compared to other ports. Performance wise the switch always has been a toaster, even compared to the last gen of consoles. There probably are now phones with more graphical power, so ports to hardware that is so far behind is difficult.

I’ve ported games to switch and there is a lot of extra loops to go through to make it even remotely run at decent frame rates.

The publisher could have made the switch version cheaper, but they probably invested more resources into it than porting it between xbox and playstation, so i can kind of understand why they didn’t.

The argument “it looks worse so it should be cheaper” is kind of questionable, when the console they are buying it for just doesn’t allow for much better considering the art direction. If the switch was as powerful as the ps5 or current xbox, they would have made the game look as good as it is on all the other platforms.

A valid question is if this needed a switch port at all, and considering the backlash, the publishers are probably asking themselves the same question.

!deleted7120 avatar

Aren’t most Switch games still $60, though? Just flipping through the US E-store, the only game I saw at $70 was Tears of the Kingdom, and this version of Mortal Kombat is not going to compare favorably to that.


Some mid level exec wants to keep his units sold spreadsheet relevant for all platforms.

schema, (edited )

I wouldn’t personally buy it for the switch.

But typically publishers are not making the price on release based on what platform you run it on. It looks worse, but that isn’t really the game’s fault. It has the same amount of cost attached to it as any other port of the game, if not more. On the other hand, from the consumer perspective, I can 100% understand why someone wouldn’t want to spend $70 on this.

In the end, will it be worth the money they put in to port this game to less-than last gen? I have no idea.


The argument “it looks worse so it should be cheaper” is kind of questionable, when the console they are buying it for just doesn’t allow for much better considering the art direction.

I disagree.
When you have to pay the same or more for something less then that's simply not justified for the consumer. If the console can't handle anything better and is that expensive to port over, then you should simply not port your game over to it. If that's a general Switch problem, then the Switch maybe shouldn't be a thing either. I thought that's how markets are supposed to work, no?


But it’s not something less, it’s something less, in your device. That’s the distinction.

If the console can’t handle anything better and is that expensive to port over, then you should simply not port your game over to it

If enough people want to play it on the switch, the investment is worth it.

I thought that’s how markets are supposed to work, no?

Well, if it were up to you maybe, but if there’s enough people that will buy it just to play it on the switch, then the markets are working as intended.


Lot's of hypothetical "ifs" there that are seemingly in direct contradiction to this topic.


It’s portable. That’s what you’re paying for.


You can call it less because you only value graphics. Someone else can call it more because it's portable.

Discounting the most expensive port to do doesn't make sense.


The Switch is also a whole generation older than the PS5 and latest X1 Series X (or whatever it’s really called). Important thing to factor in when understanding why the Switch port is so compromised. They aren’t scaling games down from more powerful consoles of the same generation anymore, they’re porting games from much more powerful consoles of the next generation.

lustyargonian, w This is Microsoft’s new disc-less Xbox Series X design with a new gyro controller

They can do a Duracell themed one with this design lol.

hypelightfly, w Unity to Cap Runtime Fee to 4% of Revenue Over $1M, Users Will Self-Report Figures

Still trying to shoehorn in a "runtime fee". That's not going to work and with this model it's pointless anyway. Just make it a 4% revenue for sales after $1 million. Same end results (actually potentially more in fees) without all the runtime issues. Make it apply only to a specific version and later and after a certain date and then you also don't have the retroactive problem and the massive blowback.

LoafyLemon, (edited )

They're trying to monetize the free-to-play mobile market, which is much more lucrative than a percentage of the sales. Cunning bastards.


It works for that market too even without install fees, you just make it a percentage of revenue generated from microtransactions. It's still tied to the game.


For every paying customer, there are one thousand installations. A quick maths will tell you why they are trying so much to be paid for runtime.

hypelightfly, (edited )

Quick math shows that's irrelevant with a 4% revenue cap, as I pointed out in my original comment, and at best they will be paid the same as just doing a 4% revenue fee. More likely they will get some amount less than 4% from most devs.

The only reason I see for them going this route instead is to claim they are still royalty free, install fees aren't royalties. Which is BS anyway.

Merwyn, (edited ) w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

Tes 3: Morrowind, every NPCs can be killed and of course if you kill some of them before they got usefull to progress the main quest you are locked.

At their death there is a notification message like “you fucked up, you can reload or continue to play in this world forever doomed”. BUT, in my first playthrough some broken mod I installed was hiding this message …

Also, in the same game you could lose quest item and be unable to finish the main quest. But that kind of require you to be stupid on purpose, because it’s obvious what item are important.

EDIT: found the in game message: " With this character’s death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created."


I think that’s the best way to handle it. Let me kill whoever I want as long as I know the consequences.

Steeve, (edited )

First time I played I had to load a save back in Seyda Neen because I killed some poor half naked dude in his shack in Balmora. Fuckin Caius Cosades.


😰 You killed Daddy Caius


Isn’t it like the first quest you get? 🫠


Hey man, Morrowind quests don’t hold your hand! It’s not like there’s a minimap and some big ass marker over his head saying “don’t kill and rob this half naked dude who looks like a skooma addict in his tiny studio apartment because he’s secretly the spy master for the main faction in the game”! I was young! I chose violence!


I would even check whether he even speaks to you first 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


What kind of monster uses mods on a first playthru


It was some small QoL changes in the UI and menus, recommended by my friend who recommended me the game. I don’t remember exactly the changes but there was nothing big added or changed in the gameplay


Me, more and more these days. Especially if the game has been out for a while.


If the game is made by Bethesda then it’s warranted. They’ve never been capable of making an acceptable ui it seems


Good news. You can still beat the game if the “thread of prophecy is severed”, but it is fairly challenging and generally requires stumble-luck or at LEAST knowledge of how to normally beat the game. It helps to know the identity of another character you have to kill in cold blood to get “almost back on track”. And then the location that serves no real purpose except to get back on track from that situation.

Merwyn, (edited )

Yes indeed, I know what you are talking about. But I would not really consider that the “normal” ending as described by OP. Even if the ending scene itself is exactly the same, it’s a very different path and clearly a much harder one.


Well… Yes. Not saying it doesn’t fit the topic. Just a really cool way they handled it all.


Sure ! And I discovered that only years later by reading a wiki page. But actually it make sense that it’s also feasible this way.

Gooey0210, (edited )

Marvelous morrowind I should’ve put some “morrowind joke” but I don’t remember any

LiveLGNProsper, w Stadia's death spiral, according to the Google employee in charge of mopping up after its murder

I just went to PS5 when the shut it down easy peasy and that was the last straw for me I deleted my Google account and all google services.

canis_majoris, avatar

I stuck with Gamepass because I am a PC gamer. I toyed with PSN but the PS5 controller was not natively recognized by the client at the time I was testing it, which is dumb as fuck. Steam will pick up the controller and use their drivers for most games, but the PSN service just didn’t work with the PS5 controller natively.

LiveLGNProsper, (edited )

Yeah I used to play on PC too but some of the AAA titles had terrible ports that required more performance in my opinion than needed and it was cheaper to switch to ps5 there is no perfect solution I guess lol but the ps5 can play those titles with damn good graphics and not drop many frames but on my PC framrate just sucked and I got sick of windows bull shit as well.

SpaceNoodle, w Spider-Man 2 will let you bump into the other Spider-Man

If they don’t do the Spider-Man pointing meme, I’m boycotting the game


They did that one already in the first game in a side quest iirc.


Aw shit

ZephyrXero, w Unity to Cap Runtime Fee to 4% of Revenue Over $1M, Users Will Self-Report Figures

The games making over a million are the ones who can afford the new rates. This is so regressive. It should get more expensive as your sales go up, not down. Small devs should be charged less than big studios

JoMiran, avatar

The fee is zero for games making less than $1,000,000.


Oh did they change that too? I was just going off the “capped at 4%” part. Before you only had to exceed $200k to have to start paying

JoMiran, avatar

The grammar in the article is not great.

ZephyrXero, w Alleged GTA 6 Videos & Source Code Leaked; Schreier: It's Real

Blarg, I kinda hate articles like this. They talk about the leak but don’t seem to link to it anywhere. So now you have to go off and search for it yourself 🙄


Uh, they do link to it. I also link to it in the blurb. the "found here" text links to the google doc.

ZephyrXero, (edited )

You linked to a Google doc, and I appreciate that. But there are no vids in that WCCF link


Polygon actually did link to some vids in their article. But they look to have been taken down


Gotcha, yeah sorry about that I didn't check that link and just copied it.

sadbehr, w Diablo 4 Twitch viewership continues to drop as Diablo 3 overtakes it avatar

Something to keep in mind is that a new season of D3 has recently come out (more interest) while D4 hasn’t had anything in a while (less interest). These two things will be bumping the numbers.

P.S I’m a long time PoE and formerly D3player. I’m stoked I didn’t buy into D4. If anyone hasn’t tried it yet, a D4 YouTuber called Darth Microtransactions described PoE as ‘everything I wanted in D4 but more and free’.

bhj, avatar

Oh fuck, is PoE supposed to be free? I’ve spent like $1000 on it in the last 10 years in cosmetics, stash tabs, and character slots.

sadbehr, avatar

Haha money well spent supporting an independent studio from a little country at the bottom of the world made by a group of people who are legitimately passionate about the game!

Also just for fun $1k over 10 years = $100 a year. That’s not a bad amount imo! Also I’m guessing if you’ve spent that much money that you’ve spent an equally large amount of time playing!


Money well spent supporting a Chinese company that has ties to the Chinese government and known espionage.

GGG are a shell of what they were. Most of the key people have moved on to other studios.

sadbehr, avatar

Yep they’re owned by Tencent, however from what I’ve read, seen and experienced in game, Tencent don’t have much, if any, of an input on the development. Yes I know that Tencent staff sit on the board of GGG.

GGG did a rough patch a few years ago, I was out of the loop and not playing then, but it seems it’s made a fine comeback.

Lastly, if I’m not giving my money to a NZ company owned by Tencent (who I agree are very not cool), I’m most likely giving it to some equally bullshit, corrupt, money grabbing AAA developer in America so what’s the difference?

bhj, avatar

I have thousands of hours in the game. It’s one of my all time favorites!

The other commenter is unfortunately (partially) right and PoE is owned by Tencent. I haven’t noticed any quality drop though, I still think they are making a great game. I definitely haven’t spent as much money on it in the last few years though

sadbehr, avatar

Yea it is but it’s still made in New Zealand, and personally I suspect it was a way for them to break into the Chinese market, especially as Tencent facilitate online gaming services. I don’t have any proof of that, it’s just something I’ve thought about.


Realistically all you need to play the game is $50 in stash tabs and $500 in portal skins

sadbehr, avatar

And $100-$200 on foot print skins…


Path of Exile is garbage now. Chinese meddling made the game bad.

CrowAirbrush, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I can get behind the whole: “i’m playing games to escape from the world, stop dragging the real world politics into games” sentiment, but!

I made a trans character in cyberpunk because haha look a penis and boobies, Apparently Diego is now in a gay relationship with Sam…something about Sam and Cora (i find them adoreable, i’m just sad i can’t give her all the books i steal) made me prefer them and…well i’m gay it seems lol.

Even more layers to roleplaying yay.


Gender identity is only political because conservatives made it political. Choice of pronouns shouldn’t be political. What gender you are shouldn’t be political. These people make it political and then it has to be removed from apolitical discussions. Just like how climate change has been made political, it’s not, we’re all going to fucking die, that’s not political.

SwampYankee, (edited )

I, for one, am very upset at seeing politics in muh game that includes mercenaries, piracy, loan sharking, corporate espionage, religious extremism, terrorism, war crimes, gang warfare, drug addiction, poverty, shoplifting, mass shootings, genetic engineering, environmentalism, atheism, corruption, philanthropy, smuggling, …

SwampYankee, (edited )

I can get behind the whole: “i’m playing games to escape from the world, stop dragging the real world politics into games” sentiment, but!

If you’re playing games for escapism, play a simple puzzle game, or a racing game, or maybe Minecraft. Flight Simulator. Tetris. Rocket League.

Any game that attempts to build a believable world is going to get political occasionally, because a believable world has class politics, war, struggles between technology and the natural world, etc. etc. etc. Even a game like Ratchet & Clank doesn’t shy away from the politics inherent in its world-building. Truly incredible how “Gamers” have gone from an edgy subculture that reveled in right-wing panic to a seething mass of bloated man-babies who can’t even handle being confronted with ideas.


These people would prefer if you use random made up politics in line with the world it is set in.

Instead of real world politics dragged into a fantasy setting. That’s why i can understand their point just because i understand where they come from doesn’t mean i agree with it or support them.

Heck i made a transgender in cyberpunk because i can, a lot can be said about that too. I don’t give a damn about what people want, just do it but accept that not everyone is going to like it nor agree with it and if you can’t deal with that then do not do it…you are not strong enough to cope with the downsides.



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  • CrowAirbrush,

    You are on the right track for a part, but also what else should i call it huh?

    When i make a character i make a character. If it’s gay i made a gay, if it’s trans i made a trans, if it’s hetero i made a hetero.

    I don’t give a damn, it’s a character in a game.


    I’m guessing your first language isn’t English, in fact judging by your comment history, I’d say you’re Dutch. Anyway, those words are adjectives in English, and using them as nouns is often perceived as impolite. You’d want to say “I made a transgender character” instead.


    We were talking about video game characters it’s implied ya goofball. Lol

    Rebels_Droppin, w Respawn added a new game mode to Titanfall 2 today, just called "???" The description is "Your rockets will blot out the sun" (reference to 300/Battle of Thermopylae) avatar

    Anyone able to try it out? Not at home at the moment to try myself but curious as to what it is.

    nanoUFO, (edited ) avatar

    You basically get the energy rocket launcher and the two teams fight each other till they run out of spawn tickets. You can’t switch the primary out for another and no AI or Titans from what I saw. Also it’s 2x XP. I’m not that fond of it tbh maybe I just suck.

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