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hal_5700X, w Alternative sources for the No Pronouns mod for Starfield avatar

I still don’t see the big deal about the pronoun mods. You have the power to use it or not. Also banning the mods only helped it. Streisand effect, everyone.

TheOlympian, w Alternative sources for the No Pronouns mod for Starfield avatar

Y'all know there is no "removing" the pronouns for this mod right? All these do is remove he and she and default to they.

So I guess what I'm saying is I'm glad you're working so hard to remove the antiquated gender binary from your own personal fantasy future game. What a fantastic show of support for the trans and enby community! 😂


It removes "pronoun choice", which isn't a thing that exists in the real world, anyway. You can't choose your pronoun. Your biology and the rules of English grammar dictate it.

TheOneCurly, avatar


ISolox, w This is Microsoft’s new disc-less Xbox Series X design with a new gyro controller

Another only digital console: ew.

Gyro in an Xbox controller: W


I wish they’d make the drive an optional add-on that you could buy later if you decide that digital only isn’t for you, instead of using it as product segmentation. But that would be pro-consumer, so not gonna happen.


They should make it HD DVD drive compatible 😁

insomniac, avatar

Or at the very least let us convert our disc licenses to digital.


That’s problematic because you can resell disks. I suppose they could sign disks independently and then only allow one digital owner, but then you’d need a formal process every time you resell, or worse, disallow reselling, and the cost for producing disks would go away up (not to mention returns would be a headache).


Fuck no.

I’m not getting an external disc drive. It will only end in tears.

I’m going all PC, Nintendo, or PS5 if Xbox goes all-digital.

I thought the selling point of consoles was supposed to be second hand games being cheap


Another benefit of having an external disk drive is that you can replace it if yours goes bad. I’m not sure what’s going to “end in tears,” it would work just like any other USB device, you plug it in and the console could load games from it.

But yeah, an all digital console makes no sense to me, unless it’s an interesting form factor like a handheld or an arcade cabinet. So the only console I have is a Switch, and everything else is on PC.


I was all for physical copies for years. And I get why people still would be because they have massive collections. But honestly now I’ve got the disc drive ps5 version and it hasn’t been used at all. Granted I only play like 3 or 4 games at a time for a long time, but every game I’ve bought has been digital.

Plus, your point of being able to replace the drive is huge (to me atleast) because every console I’ve had the drive went first; they were also super out of warranty. So I get why people want built in drives but it’s just one less port that’s going to breaks that also less and less people are going to want or need.

Lastly cause im like weighting a thesis or something haha but I bought a 4tb external hard drive that’s plugged in the back of the ps5 that holds everything I could want if the internet went dark. And I can throw that in the microwave incase of a solar storm so


Will that drive still work on the PS6? Will it work in 20 years? Can you buy more games after a Sony has shutdown the digital store? Can you sell your digital purchases if you don’t want them anymore?

Those are the kinds of problems physical media solves.

I buy digital media on my PC and physical media on my consoles, because PC games aren’t hardware specific whereas console games are.


I fear more and more games will become like BG3, digitally exclusive. I asked for it for my birthday and was told the game didn’t exist for PS5. I was confused, as I most certainly have been reading reviews, then I found out it’s only digital and thats why no one saw a copy.


Yeah, it’s too bad they don’t have a physical release, but it is DRM-free on PC, so game preservation is totally not an issue.


Ps5s next model is reportedly going the external disc drive route

UnRelatedBurner, w Alternative sources for the No Pronouns mod for Starfield

I hate how the very few fighting back this bullshit get’s handled. Def saved if I ever play this game


In all seriousness, why? You can just leave the default value and be referred to as your preferred pronouns. You can literally do nothing and get exactly what you want. What’s the point in going out of your way to install a mod to effectively do nothing?

firebreathingbunny, (edited )

There is no such thing as a preferred pronoun. It is nonsense. Out it goes.

Binthinkin, w Alternative sources for the No Pronouns mod for Starfield

This is hilarious to see. It’s like watching human brain rot IRT.

Onion should write an article about lazy losers who mod games to gain edgelord status at some gamecon.

firebreathingbunny, (edited )

We are winning against attempts to shut down our resistance.

ChaoticEntropy, w Devs on Unity Runtime Fee: "The trust is gone forever" avatar

Some things you can’t take back, especially when as CEO you don’t even try to take it back but just indicate that they might scale some of its extremes back. For now.

Mandy, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

a glorified tablet has an inferior version of a game from other systems, who could have thunken?

more news at 8

MentalEdge, w Meta is shutting down three Oculus games without explanation avatar

If Echo Arena wasn’t safe, then neither is anything else.

Rexios, w EGDF calls for EU regulation on non-negotiable contracts in wake of Unity backlash
18_24_61_b_17_17_4, w This is Microsoft’s new disc-less Xbox Series X design with a new gyro controller avatar

I wonder what the haptic feedback being a speaker is all about?

ArchmageAzor, avatar

The vibrations a speaker can produce could be very useful for haptic feedback. If this is a speaker modified for that purpose with a thicker, heavier membrane I think it would work very well


That’s basically how haptic feedback already works. You can play music though the dualsence/ switch vibration motors.


I like when I mute my switch and the rumble makes the pokemon Screams.


Think like Nintendo’s HD rumble. There’s certain patterns it can do that make it sound like… sound. In Golf Story for example, the hits with the club, with the hd rumble on, you can perfectly hear the skins of hitting a club even with the audio of the game down. It’s strange and great at the same time. The steam controller also used it for those turn on, turn off jingles you could have on, they also sound great.

jeeva, w Alternative sources for the No Pronouns mod for Starfield

I just cannot figure out how downloading and installing a mod is somehow less engagement with this clearly dangerous pronoun selection compared to, I assume, not moving the menu from the default, creating your character, and getting on with the game?

Does the pronoun selector come back to haunt you during later exploration? Is it the final boss?

As an aside, I’m genuinely a bit worried about what terrible hellscape a site named “basedmods” which is only available on some kind of onion-or-web3 routing must be. (Jokingly, as I clearly can’t resist knowing about it, does anyone have a Firefox add-on that will remove it from the websites I browse?)


It's resistance against cultural imperialism. You wouldn't get it because you clearly have no principles. You are happy to bend the knee against any and all opreasion.

HKayn, avatar

Apparently customization oppresses.


This mod customizes the game to remove the cultural imperialism from it. Problem?

Ferk, (edited ) avatar

The mod doesn't work, though. I can call my male character "Silvia" (a female name). The game gives you the option to choose names that do not match what is culturally traditional.

They should give you less options. Don't allow choosing names either.

In fact, remove character customization entirely, then there won't be any "imperialism", right?

I'd go further: make the game more lineal. Remove meaningful choices for the story. Do not allow the player to play in a way that might end up fitting any particular imperialistic agenda. People shouldn't have freedom to choose to follow any ideal.


Good luck with your mod.


By “principals” your really are saying bigotry. Because you are a bigot.

firebreathingbunny, (edited )

By principles I am really saying sanity. Biology is immutable. English grammar is a matter of established consensus. Personal pronouns are objectively wrong per both standards.


Oh so you like Jordan Peterson, got it.


I never mentioned him once anywhere in this thread. You're hallucinating.


Never said you did. But you’re claiming oppression over the completely optional feature of… checks notes choosing a different combination of letters. Thats the sort of pathetic mental gymnastics I expect from Peterson and his ilk. Maybe youre more of a Joe Rogan or Matt Walsh kind of guy, but its not too much of a stretch to suggest one of them is informing your dumb ass opinions.

firebreathingbunny, (edited )

The oppression is forcing people to accept this completely nonsensical concept as part of a mandated world view. I resist and I use my freedom of choice to mod the game so that it is no longer nonsensical.

I do not consent. No means no. Capisce?

breadsmasher, avatar

If you’re sincerely asking,

during character creation you select skill points, traits, a name, body type, gender etc. And a pronoun. Its literally just a menu choice in character creation.

The only impact to the game is being referred to by your chosen pronoun.

Its the most ridiculous thing to be seething over like OP is here

firebreathingbunny, (edited )

Pronouns cannot be chosen. They are determined by your sex per the rules of English grammar. It's the most ridiculous thing to be seething over objective correctness like you here.


So that is literally the last time, assuming no bugs, you would encounter it?

… Yeah, that is pretty much what I figured. 😑

schema, (edited ) w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

Imo the anger is a bit misdirected. Making a toned down version of the game takes equal the amount of resources, if not more compared to other ports. Performance wise the switch always has been a toaster, even compared to the last gen of consoles. There probably are now phones with more graphical power, so ports to hardware that is so far behind is difficult.

I’ve ported games to switch and there is a lot of extra loops to go through to make it even remotely run at decent frame rates.

The publisher could have made the switch version cheaper, but they probably invested more resources into it than porting it between xbox and playstation, so i can kind of understand why they didn’t.

The argument “it looks worse so it should be cheaper” is kind of questionable, when the console they are buying it for just doesn’t allow for much better considering the art direction. If the switch was as powerful as the ps5 or current xbox, they would have made the game look as good as it is on all the other platforms.

A valid question is if this needed a switch port at all, and considering the backlash, the publishers are probably asking themselves the same question.

!deleted7120 avatar

Aren’t most Switch games still $60, though? Just flipping through the US E-store, the only game I saw at $70 was Tears of the Kingdom, and this version of Mortal Kombat is not going to compare favorably to that.


Some mid level exec wants to keep his units sold spreadsheet relevant for all platforms.

schema, (edited )

I wouldn’t personally buy it for the switch.

But typically publishers are not making the price on release based on what platform you run it on. It looks worse, but that isn’t really the game’s fault. It has the same amount of cost attached to it as any other port of the game, if not more. On the other hand, from the consumer perspective, I can 100% understand why someone wouldn’t want to spend $70 on this.

In the end, will it be worth the money they put in to port this game to less-than last gen? I have no idea.


The argument “it looks worse so it should be cheaper” is kind of questionable, when the console they are buying it for just doesn’t allow for much better considering the art direction.

I disagree.
When you have to pay the same or more for something less then that's simply not justified for the consumer. If the console can't handle anything better and is that expensive to port over, then you should simply not port your game over to it. If that's a general Switch problem, then the Switch maybe shouldn't be a thing either. I thought that's how markets are supposed to work, no?


But it’s not something less, it’s something less, in your device. That’s the distinction.

If the console can’t handle anything better and is that expensive to port over, then you should simply not port your game over to it

If enough people want to play it on the switch, the investment is worth it.

I thought that’s how markets are supposed to work, no?

Well, if it were up to you maybe, but if there’s enough people that will buy it just to play it on the switch, then the markets are working as intended.


Lot's of hypothetical "ifs" there that are seemingly in direct contradiction to this topic.


It’s portable. That’s what you’re paying for.


You can call it less because you only value graphics. Someone else can call it more because it's portable.

Discounting the most expensive port to do doesn't make sense.


The Switch is also a whole generation older than the PS5 and latest X1 Series X (or whatever it’s really called). Important thing to factor in when understanding why the Switch port is so compromised. They aren’t scaling games down from more powerful consoles of the same generation anymore, they’re porting games from much more powerful consoles of the next generation.

MentalEdge, w Unity Overhauls Controversial Price Hike After Game Developers Revolt avatar

So now it’s just a convoluted way to do revenue share.
FFS, just dump the install fee. Now it’s just an excuse to spy on their users since unity would have to come with telemetry to track installs.

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

Does anyone already have a list of unity-owned domains so I can blackhole everything?

notfromhere, w Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email

"I’ve had numerous conversations with the LT of Nintendo about tighter collaboration and feel like if any US company would have a chance with Nintendo we are probably in the best position. The unfortunate (or fortunate for Nintendo) situation is that Nintendo is sitting on a big pile of cash, they have a [board of directors] that until recently has not pushed for further increases in market growth or stock appreciation.

“I say “until recently” as our former MS BoD member ValueAct has been heavily acquiring shares of Nintendo and I’ve kept in touch with [ValueAct CEO] Mason Morfit as he’s been acquiring. It’s likely he will be pushing for more from Nintendo stock which could create opportunities for us.

Let the enshittification begin


Publicly traded companies was just the worst damn idea ever… growth for growth’s sake is ruining everything.


Honestly to me the real shame is everyone’s retirement is tied up in Wallstreet, but no one is personally voting, that’s all done by investment managers. Even in the cases where people get their proxy votes, they mostly throw them away.

Retail investment is a quarter of the market, but only 32% of retail shares had their votes cast (vs 80% for the market as a whole), and on average only 12% of a firms retail accounts vote at all.

WheeGeetheCat, avatar

If I own shares through a vanguard index, can I vote in each of those companies?

If so, how?

Someone could make a tool to make it quick and easy


Depends what fund, seems like they are trialing a new proxy vote system

DieterParker, w Alternative sources for the No Pronouns mod for Starfield avatar

So this is like an adblocker for irrelevant ingame stuff? Or is it a hack that disadvantages other players?

hal_5700X, avatar

is it a hack that disadvantages other players?

Starfield is a single player game. Where are no other players.

DieterParker, avatar



The game is single player. You couldn't disadvantage other players even if you wanted to.

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