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ISOmorph, w Steam’s latest hit is a generic F2P co-op third-person shooter – but not the one that launched last week

From the vids it looks like a carbon copy of warframe. Might as well stick with the more mature product with a record of acceptable community interaction.

CorrodedCranium, w Weekly what have you been playing discussion - week of September, 18, 2023 avatar

I’ve been playing Max Payne 3. It stopped working at the end of Chapter 6 on my PS3 so I found a completed save and started playing it on my Steam Deck from where I left off.

Also Cyberpunk 2077. I avoided it up until now partially due to how buggy it was at release and how things like the police mechanics were still lacking. Keanu Reeves being in the game was another thing. I find celebrity worship really off putting and based off of Reddit’s reaction I kind of assumed that would be a bigger part of the game with lots of obnoxious winks to the audience. I just got started but the game seems neat so far. I like the atmosphere a lot.

Perfide, w Need for Speed developer Criterion to focus on Battlefield

Fuck Battlefield, I want a sequel to Burnout Paradise :(

CouldntCareBear, w New Xbox controller with swappable battery spotted in huge Microsoft leak

Swappable batteries and gyro controls. Good stuff.


Accelerometer ≠ gyroscope


Huh, you’re right. I must’ve caught a misleading headline then.

maxprime, (edited )

I made the same mistake. The Verge misreported. What a shame.

Rentlar, (edited ) w No love lost: AppLovin helpfully releases tool to switch from Unity to Godot or Unreal

When a company doing scum-of-the-earth work like mobile ads is in a more charitable position than your company’s, you done fucked up.

TheMorningStar, w Need for Speed developer Criterion to focus on Battlefield

Again? This is like CoD taking up all the air over at Activision with every studio playing support over there every year. What is DICE doing?


DICE, with the current management, is not able to deliver a proper Battlefield game.

I hope that EA is not too much at fault either, else it won’t be much different with another studio.

azurefirefly, w Microsoft completely misjudged Baldur’s Gate 3 avatar
p03locke, avatar



I think one of the love interests is a druid shape shifter…

AWittyUsername, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Sorry this is stupid all round. People are stupid for getting annoyed that you can set pronouns in a game, but Nexus are stupid for removing the mod that allows players the ability to if THEY wish to choose so.

Nexus just hosts the mod, if anybody is offended they could just not download it.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

Hosting implies complacency. They have to draw a line somewhere, and the longer they wait, the harder it becomes. This was obviously a bigoted mod, and even though it could be considered “harmless” to leave up, it leaves the door open for further mods. These bigots will not stop slowly eroding away features they think are “woke”, and they will only get worse and more egregious. Stopping them now, letting them know it’s not acceptable behavior, is the only way to end it.

librechad, (edited )

Hey bud, don’t tell me how I should play the game I spent my hard earned money on. If I want to remove a certain feature I don’t like, you and I both should have the freedom to do so.


You have the freedom to do so. Start your own hosting site or learn to code. Nexus doesn’t have to host shit they want to. Stop being a bitch and forcing those to do what you want.

librechad, (edited )

What I was trying to convey is that gamers should have the freedom to customize their gaming experience based on their preferences. It’s not about forcing anyone to do anything, but rather having the option to make changes if we want to. It’s all about personal choice and freedom in how we enjoy our games.

Removing a harmless mod is a slippery slope because then moderators are just removing mods based on their political ideolagy. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

I love that you are so dense that you are arguing for the freedom of choice, while trying to take away other’s freedom of choice. Fucking hell, bud.

librechad, (edited )

When a mod is removed entirely, the choice is taken away from everyone, limiting the overall freedom for customization. The aim should be to find a balanced approach that respects both individual freedom and community guidelines.

I acknowledge they have a freedom not to host the mod. But, coming from someone who’s used Nexus Mods for the past 6-7 years, it’s sad to see them start to take this route. We can have a mod to kill children but god forbid we have a remove pronouns mod.

I’m stating my own opinion on the situation, I’m not forcing them to reupload the mod. I’m just trying to debate with you guys. Would you like to debate or no?

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

No, I would not like to debate. Debating would be futile. I’ve looked through your comment history, and I don’t believe that it would be worth my time. You want to bitch and complain cause the woke police are coming after your vidyas, then go for it, but you are on the wrong side of the argument, and you won’t find many good-hearted people over there. Life is hard enough as it is. I implore you to rethink your positions on pronouns, gender identity, and sexual identity. Those that appreciate choices like these in the game are the people that are having some of the hardest times in their lives. They don’t need you to come in and tell them that you feel like their decisions aren’t valid, especially when it has zero actual affect on your life. Don’t want to set a pronoun? Then fucking don’t. That’s your choice. But when you support mods and the bigots that create them that try to limit the abilities of those that need to have some comfort in their life, those that need to know that society is moving towards a broader acceptance of their identity, then you are the bad person, and that’s how the world at large sees you. Be a better fucking person than that.

librechad, (edited )

I agree that platforms like Nexus Mods have a responsibility to consider the broader societal impact of the content they host. However, they also have a responsibility to preserve the freedoms that have made such platforms valuable to so many. The challenge lies in finding a balanced approach, which is never easy.

It’s worth mentioning that I fully support your right to view and critique mods based on their societal impact. At the same time, it should be acceptable for others to evaluate these mods based on different criteria, such as user freedom, without being labeled as “bad persons.”

Would it not be more constructive for us to have an open dialogue on how to balance these competing interests rather than dismissing each other’s viewpoints outright?

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

Would it not be more constructive for us to have an open dialogue on how to balance these competing interests rather than dismissing each other’s viewpoints outright?

No, I don’t want an open dialogue with bigots.

librechad, (edited )

OK fine, I don’t want to argue with someone who’s obviously closed minded and can’t debate on simple issues.

Keep it classy bro.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

Fine. We’ll keep it simple and set the facts. I’ll even let you define the problem. Tell me. What does this mod do?


There’s no slippery slope. It’s a hosting site and they can host what they want. If you don’t like that go mod and upload to your heart’s content on another site. You have that personal choice and freedom. They have choice and freedom to tell you to fuck off just like I do. Fuck off.

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

Removing a harmless mod is a slippery slope because then moderators are just removing mods based on their political ideolagy. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me.

Removing a harmless feature is a slippery slope because then modders are just removing features based on their political ideology. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me.

It’s just as ridiculous the other way around though.

librechad, (edited )

You’re point is valid about the two-way street that is ideological moderation, whether it’s done by modders or platform moderators. While some argue that removing certain features serves to make a political statement, the same could be said for removing mods themselves. Both actions can be seen as influenced by the ideological beliefs of those making the decisions. In this case, the main question is: who gets to decide what crosses the line and what doesn’t? And should these decisions be open to discussion within the community?


You’re still free to remove what you don’t like, but you’re not entitled to have the mod hosted on any site you want. The site owners decide that, and they don’t want it on their site. That’s not infringing on your freedom, but forcing it to be hosted on their site would indeed infringe on the site owner’s freedom.


We can play the slippery slope game both ways. You say: if you dont remove a harmless mod, then bigots will start adding harmful mods.

I say: if we let moderators remove harmless mods because of their political ideology, they will start removing more and more mods that are not made by bigots, but disagree with moderators politics. Like for example, if player wants to play as a billionaire and exploit poor workers.

How about instead of playing the slippery slope, we just deal with actual harmful mod as they come. I mean, ffs, there is a mod that lets you kill children in Skyrim. Is removing pronoun selector really worse than that?


I mean, ffs, there is a mod that lets you kill children in Skyrim. Is removing pronoun selector really worse than that?


The people this bigotry hurts are not in the game. They’re real. And they’re the only possible target of removing a checkbox that most people won’t even notice.


We can play the slippery slope game both ways.

And be wrong.

One way is how trolls always escalate, because their entire fucking deal is pissing people off for attention.

The other is a textbook fallacy that plainly has not happened, since the last time Nexus removed some right-wing bigotry signal. This is not the first time. This won’t be the last time. The line will stay about where it is, because they don’t want to deal with this woe-is-us horseshit unless they have to.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

You see, there’s the problem. You have politicized gender and sexual identity. Don’t bring your politics into the natural world.

Voroxpete, (edited ) w Seeking Constructive Dialogue on Mod Removals: Stereotyping Doesn't Help

You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nr, nr, nr.” By 1968 you can’t say “nr”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nr, nr.”

  • Republican strategist Lee Atwater.

Atwater’s point here is that dogwhistles work, and they’ve been a core strategy of regressive bigots for decades.

Today’s hateful bigots understand that they can’t openly say “I want to legislate trans people out of existence, even if that means they all die.” So they engage in layers of abstraction, and wrap their abstractions up in leftist talking points. They claim to be defenders of “free speech” even as they support laws that empty out libraries of books, remove shows from television or make discussion of anything LGBTQ related impossible online.

So to you, the innocent rube, removing a pronoun selection from a game might not sound like an attack on trans people, but it very much is. The mod was a rallying cry, a call to fellow bigots to express themselves while pointedly saying to every trans person watching “You are not safe. We are here, we hate you, and we want to erase your existence.”

The existence of the pronoun selector impacted them in absolutely no way, shape, or form. There was nothing to be gained from its removal other than the statement it made, the proud declaration of their hatred encoded in a language of abstraction that made it visible only to their allies and their targets.

And the fact that they can get away with this; the fact that they can openly torment their chosen victims while the average idiot pats them on the head and calls them a “victim of censorship”… That’s their favourite part.


I understand the concept of dog whistles and the historical usage of coded language to advance certain agendas. My primary concern here is not the mod itself, but rather how moderation decisions are made and the criteria used. If we can’t openly discuss these topics, it’s hard to determine what is or isn’t acceptable. I’m not advocating for intolerance; I’m advocating for clarity in community guidelines.

ninjan, w This is Microsoft’s new disc-less Xbox Series X design with a new gyro controller

I hate flowery language like “now adorably all digital”. What the fuck is adorable about it being all digital?


the same way that removing a headphone jack is courageous, i guess


I mean based on the backlash one could argue it was courageous no?


yeah i guess i can’t argue with that…

!deleted7120 avatar

Y’know, I can’t think of a lot of adjectives to use for “all digital,” but “adorably” sure af is not one of them.


Then you have Steam.


You’re not stuck to only Steam on a computer, whereas you are stuck on a console


What the fuck are you even trying to say?

Steam is entirely digital only.

Player2, (edited )

Yeah. But guess what, you can buy a disk drive. You can install another game launcher. You can even pir-[removed].

There are inherently more options on PC than there are on a console.


I think it’s a reference to it’s smaller size.


Then go “now smaller, adorable, and all digital” or something that doesn’t sound completely daft.

DrQuint, (edited ) w Stadia's death spiral, according to the Google employee in charge of mopping up after its murder

I will never, ever, understand why Stadia was something thay had to be “ported into” at such high cost. Specially for games that were ALREADY working on Linux. Like, what the fuck was the hold up. I read up stories that it was basically like porting to a fourth console and that just sounded outrageously stupid in my head.

Whatever tech stack they had, they could have made it way more profitable by making it generic windows boxes that partially run your library elsewhere. I dunno if there’s some hubris or some licensing bullshit behind it, but fact is, if I want to do this on GeForce Now, I can do it, no questions asked, and as the costumer, that’s the beginning and end of my concerns.

redcalcium, (edited )

Google engineers always choose the hardest route to solve problems. Why wouldn’t they? If your products are going to be shutdown in a few years anyway, might as well have a glowing resume from working on those products (resume-driven development).

Think about it, every time Google made a product with sensible tech stacks, those products were actually started outside Google and later bought by Google (Android, YouTube, etc). If Google made Android from scratch, there is no way they’ll use java and Linux, they’ll invent a new language and made their own kernel instead (just like fuchsia os which might be canned soon).

anemomylos, avatar
  • Kotlin: "are you talking to me?"

Kotlin was made by Jetbrains and later adopted by Google.


But Kotlin is actually an improvement over Java.

Golang thoooooo


TIL Fuchsia hasn't been killed quite yet.


Does it actually even exist? I feel like I’ve been getting whispered rumours about it for years and years, but never anything sold!


Yes! Nest Hub devices run it


Oh wow, I’ll have to have a read up


might as well have a glowing resume from working on those products (resume-driven development).

This is so true. Getting promoted requires showing impact. If you use off-the-shelf tools (that happen to be easily maintainable) that’s not an impressive impact. If you invent a new language (and make up a convincing reason it was necessary) and so-on, that’s really impressive and you can get promoted. The minefield you leave behind that makes maintaining your solution so difficult is just another opportunity for someone else to get promoted.

Zeth0s, (edited )

Only Microsoft can run decently windows in a decently big data centers. Because they can tweak it, as they do for Xbox os as well. For everyone else scaling windows server VMs or containers is a pain, because windows is a bad, poorly optimized, resources-hungry OS developed with main goal to make hardware obsolete every 3-5 years.

I don’t know what nvidia is doing, but when I use it at my friends’ places, lags are painful.

Linux was the right call in theory, in practice gaming industry is pretty broken on the PC side with its lock on windows, as we see on every new AAA port… Let’s hope valve can save it, but I doubt.


I don’t think the people downvoting you have ever experienced the pain of dealing with Windows in a cloud environment

Pxtl, (edited ) avatar

No, we’re downvoting because of conspiracy theories about planned obsolescense.

Yes, it’s disappointing how hardware requirements climb for minimal appreciable improvement, but Hanlon’s Razor applies.

Zeth0s, (edited )

It is not a conspiracy though. Planned obsolescence is a well known real thing. There is a reason unix computers last on average longer than windows computers, and Linux is the stereotypical OS for old pcs.

If people are downvoting for this, they should learn how computers and operating systems work

Zeth0s, (edited )

Don’t worry, I was expecting the downvotes. This place is full of angry windows fan boys that believe they are tech expert because they watch ltt and can install a skyrim mod. Less than reddit luckily


The thing was clearly designed to force you into paying a subscription fee. You can’t let people have something they could possibly easily use and play games that aren’t on your subscription if your entire purpose is to milk a monthly subscription from the users. Google, fuck you capitalism woohoo.

chaorace, w Relogic: Makes a statement on Unity and donates 100k to Godot and FNA with a further 1k a month moving forward. avatar

A stand-up move from Re-Logic. You love to see it when the people at the helm of a lucrative publisher are industry stakeholders rather than the all-too-common quarterly cash extractor types[^1].

[^1]: Yes, I am all too aware that such seemingly altruistic gestures can be calculated PR moves in disguise. I certainly understand that this move will earn them (as a publisher) brownie points with various indie studios who may just so happen to be seeking publisher funding in the wake of an expensive mid-project engine switch. Such is the way of the world; sometimes a move can be simultaneously altruistic and good business.


Getting brownie points for doing a good thing is not inherently bad.

LaggyKar, w This is Microsoft’s new disc-less Xbox Series X design with a new gyro controller avatar

I hope it actually has gyros, so XBOX can finally get gyro aim. I don’t play on XBOX, but maybe support for that in XBOX controllers would make devs more inclined to support it. But the document only mentions an accelerometer.

Also, what’s up with controllers dropping face button colors? The PS5 did the same thing.

hikaru755, (edited ) avatar

Also, what’s up with controllers dropping face button colors? The PS5 did the same thing.

From an aesthetic standpoint it just looks better^1 , and by now gaming consoles are so Mainstream that the additional accessibility the colors offer is not a good enough reason to keep them anymore.

^1 subjective, of course, but if you look at modern, big corporate design a lot of it is trending towards minimalism, very little use of color, etc.

HidingCat, w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread (90/100 OpenCritic)

Feels like being a patient gamer wins again. Will pick this up at some point.

PM_ME_FEET_PICS, w Embracer makes new round of layoffs, this time at Mythforce developer Beamdog

Beamdog was a Canadian video game developer that was founded by a Bioware co-founder.

The are known for releasing all of the Bioware and BlackIsle CRPG enhanced editions.

Pretty sad to see a blow like this to a good developer but I hope they find a way to get back into the field.

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