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Klystron, w Microsoft May Exit Gaming Business If Game Pass Subscribers off Console Don't Increase Enough by 2027

While less competition is bad, I’m not sure there’s been a competition with Microsoft since like 2009. They have continuously proven that they will make the dumbest choices with stuff like always on online, can’t play used games, gimping games for the series x because the series s is basically just the Xbox one again, buying game developers and doing absolutely nothing with them, and releasing maybe two interesting exclusives in the span of 15 years. I was team green from the og launch until I got my PS4 but man I hope they just kick Xbox to the curb and just let PC kinda do its own thing. I have zero confidence in Xbox making any decision right in the gaming space.


That and also - fuck Microsoft.


Games look better on the Series X than the PS5. Very little is gimped.

HidingCat, w Microsoft’s Phil Spencer says acquiring Nintendo would be ‘a career moment’

I don't really like Nintendo's stuff that much, but really, that would be a bad outcome for the gaming industry as a whole.


Microsoft will just turn Nintendo into another dumb acquisition and the timeless quality of the Nintendo games would be lost forever.

Kaldo, (edited ) w Cyberpunk 2077 2.0's revamped police force is finally good enough avatar

Tbh I'm still not sure what the point of it is. In gtav you get into trouble with police if you rob shops, steal cars or drive over pedestrians, among other things like scripted missions. In saints row it's about gang warfare and them being a nuisance during your city demolition. In mafia you have to obey road laws, hide weapons from plain sight and they are generally a bigger threat.

You can't rob stuff or do heists in 2077, you can summon your own car for free at any point so no need to steal them and since you can fast travel you don't drive as much anyway. The missions that do have car chases are heavily scripted and on the rails.

Is this something just for people who want to go out of their way to fight endless waves of cops and thats it or am I missing something that makes it such a hype worthy feature?


It was a huge immersion breaker for anyone not going stealth/low profile (as the author admits he does). In fact, it was the reason I haven’t played until now. I guess I’m a patient gamer and it irked me what was missing from launch. I’d built my 2070 machine for this game years ago and now I’m stoked to have a 3080 to break it in with.

Kaldo, avatar

Seems more immersion breaking to me that you can fight maxtac and get away with it in the first place, or that they all still just forget about you if you hide for a minute or two out of sight, but we'll see. Maybe I'm just missing something and will appreciate it ingame more.


Driving was a huge immersion breaker. After 15 feet, there was literally no pedestrians. There was barely no other cars on the road.

woelkchen, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod avatar

Wait, the mod removed the option to set a gender in the character editor? Why don’t these people just make a male character and be done with it?


They need to force their views on others. If anyone believes what they believe, then they are suddenly just like everyone else instead of the bigot they know they are deep down

underisk, (edited ) avatar

They aren’t really forcing their views on anyone though, they’re just jacking themselves off. No nonconforming person is going to download this and inflict it on themselves, and they have no reason to use it themselves unless they’re just really closeted and lack the will to not express their own nonconformity. It can literally only exist to rile people up who sought out the mod specifically, which includes only them.


If they weren’t trying to force their views on others they’d just make their character a guy and move on. They go through the trouble of coding this mod to push their agenda on others.

underisk, avatar

What I’m trying to say though is that most of them just do make their character a guy and move on. They don’t need the mod and the people who they think do need it aren’t going to install it. It’s not just a transparent attempt to ignite culture war arguments online, but it’s a stupid and ineffective one.

AmbleHamble, (edited )

The point of the mod is not to change something in game, its to appear in the list of mods and remind some people that they are hated and bigots will never stop hating them.

Its a weird “I was here, and I hated x people”.


I have trouble imagining enough people wanting to download a mod to do this to get it to appear on anything but the most recent releases list, and to only be on that list long enough for some other mods to get released.


Well, the type of person that would do this wouldnt be opposed to spoofing the number as well. And they can just keep reuploading the mod so it’s always appearing in the list.

The point is, their ineffective methods still worked a little. Ruining someone’s day, hour or even minute is validation enough


Apparently nexus mods has some sort of ad sharing with mod makers. Could be a grift. Grift is popular among right wingers, possibly because they are on a fundamental level stupid.

Some grifter makes an anti “woke” mod that probably took 5 minutes. A bunch of stupid chuds download it to pwn the libs. Grifter makes money. Chuds feel good about their shitty lives.


How does installing a mod on a single player game force views on anyone?


Insisting that Nexus Mods should host this bigoted mod is the losers who walk in fear of “woke culture” trying to enforce their bigoted views on the rest of the world. The assholes are still free to install that mod but Nexus Mods is just as free to not host that trash.


I can think of one: a parent who installs this before letting their child play it to enforce their culture of hatred within their house.


Then they couldn’t do their performative outrage, which is all they have.


Because they’re little fucking babies.

Jimbo, avatar

Looking throughout history, aalways have been

darq, avatar

Because it's not actually about the pronouns. These people aren't actually angry about pronouns.

They're angry about trans and non-binary people. They're angry that people are growing to accept these people, who they do not think should be accepted. They are angry that a group they don't think is normal, is being accepted as normal.

Sludgehammer, avatar

I don’t think it’s even about that, they’re angry because the want to be angry. The why doesn’t matter, if the current right wing outrage du-jour had been… I dunno, left handed people rather than trans people, you’d see all the same people working themselves into a screaming tantrum if a game or movie had a left handed person in it.


For sure. And when there’s not enough people focused on trans people they’ll shift their focus to some other marginalized group to harass.

These limp dicked losers have literally nothing better to do but jerk each other off in their seedy racist forums and message boards.

Stanley_Pain, avatar

Oh no, it’s very much hatred. The same hatred they had for black or gay people.

librechad, (edited )

Who the hell are you to say that I hate black and gay people? You’re overgeneralizing a group, how much different are you in this case? Stop with that man, this is why we can’t have actual debates.

Stanley_Pain, avatar

The problem is you want to debate.

There’s no debate. No one has to tolerate your intolerance.

Gay people exist. Trans people exist. Fin.


Stereotyping people and overgeneralizing things without actually debating your point is ridiculous. Grow up man.


And the "replaced white people". And the female leaders. If someone wants a taste, go through the Steam forums for the game. It's a complete deranged mess.


Steam forums are the absolute bottom of the barrel for game discussion, maybe tied with 4chan.

transigence, avatar

It's not "about trans and non-binary people," it's about the injection of identity politics into video games. The removal of the mod shows that activist fiat is necessary to present the illusion that people buy into gender ideology.


Pronouns, gender, genitals, etc. in player-character customization are just yet another option for someone to tailor their gameplay to whatever experience they want.

The only identity politics comes from the people politicizing it.

Laticauda, (edited )

The existence of trans and nonbinary people is not an injection of identity politics into video games. The fact that they exist and a video game is acknowledging their existence is not political.


No no no, you have to break their brains.


White people in a video game is political. Statistically, the default is Han.


Wow 2+2 is 4 in this video game??? Didn’t know it’s going so WOKE


You just but I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened.

Conservatives have a long running feud with the sciences.


I thought 2+2=4 was anti-woke? Wasn’t there a whole weird Twitter drama thing a couple of years ago where 2+2=4 was considered the racist side?


did a bot write this? what are you even trying to say?

Are you one of those people that thinks anything that’s not straight cis white is “identify politics”? That anything that isn’t your world view is “political”? If so, please go fuck yourself. If not, I have no idea what you’re on about.


Not a bot; just a bigot. If you scroll to the very bottom, a good 30% of the total comments are this guy digging a hole trying to prove it’s “woke” society that’s the problem and not him.

Snowpix, avatar

That’s legitimately just sad. What a pathetic individual.


It got worse:

The only thing left to fight for is the right to indoctrinate very young school children into gender ideology and show them, graphically, how to be gay.

Either a troll, or too far gone to help.


Teaching children how to be gay, sure.

Hey, Children. If you like somebody and they like you back, don’t worry about which gender you think you belong to.

People can love people no matter if they are the same gender or not.


“Identity politics” always seems to mean “I am upset that different people exist.”

This is a nothing option in a video game. Nobody’s rubbing your nose in it. It doesn’t affect you, at all, but it’s a neat little extra for other people. Do you give a shit about other people? Or does the mere possibility of anyone distinct from you, the protagonist of reality, fill you with emotions you can’t handle? There’s no third option, here. It’s a checkbox for how NPCs choose voice lines, in exactly the same way they’ve done for decades. It’s just separate now.

But of course one glance at your profile shows you’re an unapologetic bigot, and what you mean by “gEnDeR iDeOlOgY” is exactly what every other diet Nazi means by it: you hate queer people, and you want it to be their fault.


darq, (edited ) avatar

,"Identity politics" in this case meaning "trans and non-binary people exist and are trans or non-binary respectively".

The removal of the mod shows that activist fiat is necessary to present the illusion that people buy into gender ideology

Bullcrap. It shows nothing of the sort. It shows nothing more than that NexusMods doesn't feel like hosting assholes.


I mean if you don’t want to “buy into gender ideology” you should be non-binary and not pick a side there Chet.


It’s only politics because people go out of their way to oppress them. There’s nothing to be political about if people are allowed to be who they are.


Yeah, having that "he/she/they" toggle and calling sex "body type 1 and 2" instead of male/female sure is political. You know when it became political? When people saw them and went "REEEEEEEEEEEEE" because they're bigoted dumbfucks.


The fact that you unironically used the term 'gender ideology ’ proves that you are, in fact, a bigoted little shit.


I can’t imagine being such a pussy that pronouns in another character’s profile would make you cry from extreme butthurterie like a little beta wuss

NOT_RICK, avatar



The crazy thing is how hysterical they’re being over something you can fail to even notice is there. It gave me male pronouns as I choose the male body type, and the button prompt to change it is hidden way down at the bottom of the screen. It’s literally on screen for a few seconds and then never mentioned again in a game with hundreds of hours gameplay.


Yeah, I’d see reaction videos before I played, and I honestly couldn’t find how to change my pronouns for a good 30 seconds.

God, Bethesda sucks at UI.


Yeah, it took me ages to realise the prompt was at the bottom of the screen, I didn’t even want to change them, I was just wondering why it set off such a wobbler with the bald bloke.


Does it matter? I have a mod to improve blood splatter, does murder meet your approval?

CileTheSane, avatar

If someone made a “killing Jews” mod it wouldn’t be allowed either.

Nazis aren’t welcome.

BarterClub, w Microsoft May Exit Gaming Business If Game Pass Subscribers off Console Don't Increase Enough by 2027

Click bate title. Just a slide of what they think they will hit. Microsoft is not going to drop gaming when it just spent how much on studios?


Microsoft paid Ninja about $50 million to leave Twitch and stream solely on their Mixer platform, only to close Mixer entirely less than a year later.

They will absolutely buy up a bunch of stuff and then just close down altogether. Their market cap is in the trillions; these things don’t really matter to them in the end.


True but aren’t they spending billions for Activision and Bethesda?

Much bigger than millions


Activision has a money printer business in CoD, WoW, hearthstone, etc. Those have realized business equities. They’re practically self sustaining.


Those aren’t even the moneymakers in that deal. The real money is in King.


Why wouldn’t they just buy a large stake if they’re only there for the money? The reason to buy the company out is control, meaning they can further other interests (e.g. growing XBox market share) through the acquisition.

BudgieMania, (edited )

Nah, even then that guy is still right. Go check out what Microsoft makes in a quarter, Q22023 for example.

They can afford that loss. Remember, Microsoft is stupid big and makes stupid money, if you go to any world index fund, Microsoft is like 3% of it. It is titanic.

BarrierWithAshes, avatar

Yeah no way. I can't see it. Maybe shutting down game pass and shuttering xbox integration but I can't see them completely leaving. Too much money on the table.


They created the Zune only to promptly shut it and the division down. The zunes were awesome and I wish we had more options for music playback devices.

Clbull, (edited ) w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I used to have a lot of respect for Az from HeelVsBabyface as a content creator back when he did WoW videos. Many of the fanboys who play Blizzard games dismissed him as a whiny bitch when he complained about issues with the game long before other more respected creators (i.e. Bellular, Asmongold, Sodapoppin, Preach) jumped on the very same ‘fuck Blizzard’ bandwagon.

Watched him a lot less after he branched away from WoW stuff because his content was more anti-woke and not really of my interest.

His two minute anti-pronoun rant made him look like a clown and was the last straw that made me unsub to his YouTube and unfollow him on X.

What people like Az seem to forget is that Starfield is set hundreds of years in the future. I can understand why a pronoun selection menu would look out of place in a medieval setting like The Elder Scrolls, but not in a game set 300 years in the future.

Also, nobody is forcing you to play as a trans or non-binary character. This is not discrimination against white men as Az pointed out in his nonsensical rant. You can make a white male character that identifies with he/him pronouns and not be placed at a disadvantage in the game.


The crazy thing is that in TES, people don’t know what a UI element is and we can hide it from the NPCs. Everyone wins. Most games don’t directly feature bigotry in their content, certainly not TES, so there’s no real reason not to include such ab thing.


Most games don’t directly feature bigotry in their content, certainly not TES

Well. Not real-world bigotry.


Yea, if you create a male looking caracter it will even default to he/him, that rant is just reducles and silly af!


reducles -> ridiculous


I kind of like the way “reducles” sounds in my head. “Rih-duck-uls”

reducles reducles reducles


Had a hell of a time trying to sound out what that word was trying to be


His two minute anti-pronoun rant made him look like a clown and was the last straw that made me unsub to his YouTube and unfollow him on X.

Part of me wants to have a “NO PRONOUNS” option. Just replace all uses of he/she/they/you/etc with the characters name, no matter how awkward that makes it read. Give Az exactly what Az wishes for.

No one will ever refer to Az by a pronoun again, Az will simply be Az regardless of if referring to Az in that fashion sounds weird as fuck and not like the way anyone would ever actually talk. But then Az will have to find another issue for Az to complain about, likely that other people are allowed to play as they see fit, even though Az is also allowed to play as Az sees fit.


This calls for everyone else to be aware of this social convention.

Kinda like someone asking about preferred pronouns.

Klystron, w Persona 3 Reload | Third trailer

I fucking love burning my bread so goddamn much

NOT_RICK, w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread (90/100 OpenCritic) avatar

I’m hyped for this, but I’m not sure if I really want to go through all the content I already played per CDPR’s recommendation.

sigmaklimgrindset, w Bluey's getting a four-player video game adaptation in November

GotY has arrived

Touching_Grass, w Relogic: Makes a statement on Unity and donates 100k to Godot and FNA with a further 1k a month moving forward.

I didn’t realize until now that unity’s CEO was CEO of EA. Making a lot more sense now why unity would make such a bone headed decision

Riccitiello returned to EA to serve as CEO from February 2007 to March 2013,when the board of directors accepted his resignation because of the company’s financial performance. Following EA, he worked as an advisor to startup companies and became an early investor in Oculus VR.

chaorace, avatar

MonEA. It’s in the executive.

Jimbabwe, w If you like short, steampunk SNES-style RPGs, give dystopian freebie Franzen a shot

Just finished my 300+ hour play through of BG3, so something short and snappy to fill the void sounds perfect!

kadu, w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread (90/100 OpenCritic) avatar

Very excited for this.

I really enjoyed the base game, I just waited a little after launch (like always) to play with some bug fixes updates.

I was just coming back from a gigantic period in my life where I didn’t game much, and never on PC - Cyberpunk was the first AAA I played right after coming back. This meant I wasn’t following the game for years and building a lot of expectations, and it didn’t disappoint me because “mechanic X was missing!” because I never knew I could expect X anyways.

I also wanted something a bit more linear, but still an open world, which is something this game balances pretty well.

The end result is that I really liked it. In fact, I prefer it to GTA V, which is a game that, in my opinion, struggles with balancing it’s mission structure with the actual game world.

TigrisMorte, w CD Projekt recommends starting a new game when Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 drops: 'starting fresh will enhance your overall gameplay experience'

As they've rearranged and completely changed lots of the controls and menus, I'll need to start a new campaign just to learn to play it.

CluckN, w Embracer makes new round of layoffs, this time at Mythforce developer Beamdog

Lay them all off

bionicjoey, w Microsoft estimated Valve's revenue in 2021 at $6.5bn

Here’s hoping they never go public and GabeN lives forever. Imagine the horror if they started being driven by a Board of Directors instead of a loveable fat guy with a beard.


GabeN lives forever.

Unfortunately, being a “loveable fat guy” also raises his risk of many obesity related diseases, :(

I hope he is an outlier


Me too. I have this terrible fear that Valve will rapidly turn evil without him at the helm. I hope he has done some succession planning…

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