simple, (edited ) do games w Fables creator places Wolf Among Us universe in public domain amid clash with DC over Telltale adaptation

Holy cow, that’s huge. Fables is a very well-beloved universe, good on him for giving it to the public. I hope this opens the door for an adaptation of the comics. Alan Moore would be proud.

Turious, do gaming w Critically acclaimed Dragon's Dogma 2 hits "mostly negative" on Steam after players raze it for microtransactions

This is what I was afraid of 15 years ago. I couldn’t tell you the last time I bought a AAA game. This release is so disgusting.

p03locke, avatar

They expect you to spend $60 on a game plus microtransactions?

I put away 50 to 100+ hours into games that cost me $15. Why doesn’t everybody else do this? Does high-end 3D graphics actually matter that much to people?


It does, unsurprisingly.


$70 nowadays.

Get fucked Capcom. Can always dig through backlog until it’s reasonably priced and not a buggy mess.

Japanese company and poor business decisions are a match made in heaven. After success its almost like they race to shoot themselves in the foot.


EA, Activision blizzard, Ubisoft, 2k games and many more. I think you meant “AAA gaming companies and poor business decisions are a match made in heaven”.


We’ll watch From Software’s career with great interest.


Chess is free. No DLC. I have never stopped playing.

VindictiveJudge, avatar

Chess is free to play now, but for centuries it was more like shareware.


What do you mean?

VindictiveJudge, avatar

You can play online and there are tons of free apps, but it used to be that someone had to purchase a set to be able to share it with their friends. Though since making copies would have been difficult I guess it would have been more like Mario Party than the first nine levels of Doom.


The issue was never having the set, you can make one in an afternoon with scrap wood. The problem is having other people who want to play whenever you want to play.


But doesn’t shareware refer to software that is distributed freely, playable (maybe with limitations on how far you can play into the game, or how long you can play it for free) but it’s generally a proprietary game that is distributed through this model? I may not have a perfect grasp on the precise meaning of shareware.

I see chess more like abandonware - if someone developed a proto-chess game and didn’t assert their ownership over the IP (recognising that this happened before copyright and IP were understood concepts), doesn’t that make it effectively free to play, noting you of course need a board to play?

Maybe an ancient and highly modded board game doesn’t translate that well to a software/copyright analogy. Also you lost me on your comparison between Mario Party (I think you mean only one person needs to own the game) and the first levels of Doom (which are more like a demo). I don’t see either of these as shareware, though I guess a freely playable demo is a form of shareware with my understanding of the term above!

Grass, feel like there used to be a time where we didn’t pay the canada tax on games

Amir, avatar

I couldn’t tell you the last time I bought a AAA game.



It’s kind of telling that when I play BG3 I can never label it a AAA game. My heart just doesn’t accept it.

Ledivin, do gaming w Elden Ring is getting a free-to-play mobile version with in-app purchases

Sad to see From licensing their good name to someone like Tencent. Be prepared to see some predatory shovelware


IMTX can be fair if these don’t abuse the players time, and offer fun content. You’re paying the game for free, mind you.

Tencent already had invested in From Software. They want to see returns, and this is how.


I disagree. Just you saying mtx can be fair is proof that younger gamers are just used to them being in the game. They shouldn’t exist. Period.


Why did you assume they are young?

Servers cost money, adding content costs money, if you want something for free, who’s paying these costs? Because if it’s the business, they won’t be in business very long if they just spend money and have nothing coming back in.

I say this as a person in their 30s, age is irrelevant here.


FFVII for PS1 didn’t need a server. There were no mtx or post to social media buttons or pay walled content crap, just a game you paid for and played. It didn’t need to always be online or require a secondary launcher.

Fast-forward and here we are with profitability being the most important aspect of gaming. Sucking every tiny bit of money and attention away from competing games that do the same thing. Character licensing fees and in game ads literally everywhere. Single player experiences requiring online components so that even though you aren’t directly participating in the mtx system the companies you buy from are still mining your usage data and selling it off to third parties. Mtx and ads and all that are just how gaming is now. Younger adult gamers have a pretty big role in his this had turned out. Instead of saying no to these types of games, they were just like ‘meh I like posting $5 for horse armor…’ and that’s all it took.

Downvote away. I’m right though.


The key difference being you paid for the game…. This is a free game… totally different scenarios. So yes I will downvote you for completely missing the point of the discussion and ranting on about something totally irrelevant.

How does a company keep paying for servers and content when they don’t charge for the game or anything else….? With proper MTXs….


I didn’t miss the point. You’re talking about free games that live on mtx and ads… That’s the problem. There shouldn’t be games that function that way, and the fact that you’re using that as some gotcha talking point just proves how normalized they are. They’re predatory.


It’s another unrelated market, mobile games can’t charge $80 for a game. People don’t even like paying $10. That style of developing is barely affordable nowadays as well for pc/console anyways, but that’s another argument and not relevant to this one.

You are comparing apples to oranges. And there’s nothing predatory when it’s done correctly, but there’s also some people who just see the devil in everything, lien you apparently.


Ok, bud.

iAmTheTot, avatar

Addressing only your first paragraph, the comparison is a bit silly. FF7 didn't have any online features. Elden Ring does.

Your rant or point is hard to take seriously when it eschews any kind of nuance and comes off as "old man yells at cloud".


It’s hard to take seriously because people don’t like their hobbies and interests being scrutinized.

I’m not going to argue about this anymore. It’s one of those things where the hobby I used to enjoy is no longer for me. It’s for you kids to buy your V Bucks and season passes at an ever increasing price. Let the publishers know you love giving them more and more money for beta software wrapped in a new Peter Griffin skin!



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  • the_q,

    I didn’t choose it and neither did you. You had this forced on you and you were like “yes, daddy more” because people don’t have the stones to say no with their wallets. You won’t give up your Diablo IV Season Pass trinket pack with 666 Devil Coins and a new Overwatch “Dablo” skin for Moira. You’re out of your depth.

    iAmTheTot, avatar

    Lol, I am very critical of my hobbies, especially the companies that produce my hobbies. That's not why your comment is hard to take seriously.

    Also, who is "you kids"? I'm in my thirties and don't buy mtx.


    Alright, adult.


    Listen if you want to piss away money on transient shit you are welcome to go and do it, but the person missing the nuances here is you. The industry moving towards these models is negatively affecting gaming as a whole and it’ll only get worse, even if you’re too blinded by tacky skins to notice the reason why.



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  • conciselyverbose,

    This is a lie not even loosely connected to reality.

    iAmTheTot, avatar

    My guy, I wasn't even trying to make a defense of micro transactions, I was pointing out the really weird comparison of a PS1 game from 1997 with no baked in online features, and a modern game with baked in online features.


    Elden Ring doesn’t use a server, it’s peer to peer.

    iAmTheTot, avatar

    Player connections are peer to peer, but a server is absolutely still involved in match making and serving up player messages.


    Matchmaking is also peer to peer as far as anyone knows but I can’t find any info on how messages are handled. It’s entirely possible those also work on their peer to peer system but even if not a server that serves short text snippets with coordinates to all these players could be run on 20 year old hardware so not even costly enough to register.

    iAmTheTot, avatar

    They have literally taken down servers before for maintenance and the like.


    Oh, yea, they have a verification server for shadowbans but it isn’t strictly necessary for matchmaking, if that verification process were removed you can still play. The seemless coop mod for example does that.


    Saying you were 13/14 when horse armor came out doesn’t help your case arguing against their comment. It just means you were prime gaming age when dlc, map packs, and smaller content were replacing larger expansions. The acceptance of those (which based on your demographic you probably did accept) made it easier to transition to more and more egregious micro transactions.

    There used to be (maybe still are) complete games released on mobile. They usually cost $6.99 and didn’t need more. If they want Elden Ring on mobile without tarnishing its reputation, they could sell a complete experience for $10 or $15 since it’s been a decade since those $6.99 prices. That’s what Elden Ring was and it was widely praised. That’s what the rest of their games have done and that has turned out well for them.

    There may be servers for the multiplayer, but based on the fact none of the other From Soft games charged for it the cost must be minimal.


    Who said they want shit for free?

    Buying the apps isn't possible because this malicious extortionate bullshit makes them more money.

    Poggervania, avatar

    When you’re so old you forget expansion packs existed before DLC and MTX


    When you’re so young you forget that it wasn’t required to complete the game, it was a one time purchase and it often came with some sweet swag.



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  • the_q,

    I’m sorry that you just take what Papa Activison says you have to take. Poor guy.


    No, they aren’t. DLC is an expansion upon the content. The best case scenario for mtx that do not affect gameplay are cosmetic only.

    If a game in any way has anything else than cosmetic mtx, the game is worse.

    “But you don’t have to buy it!” Is how I often see them defended, the subtext being that, if I don’t buy them it doesn’t affect my experience.

    Here is the secret, games with mtx are designed to have problems and they sell you the solution. They are designed WORSE intentionally, so you will spend money to bypass the inconveniences. Often your time.

    A perfect example is something like long standing games selling boosts to max level. They’re aware the old content is dead, and they’re aware the only people playing it are the people who don’t want to spend money. Why don’t they fix that?

    The answer is they did, they decided that inconvenience was acceptable in their game in order to convince the player to spend money.

    MTX is not content, often it’s used to bypass content or save time. DLC is content. DLC often expands upon the experience of the game. MTX worsens the experience of the game just buy existing. Dlc doesn’t change your experience if you don’t purchase or use it. MTX changes the game at a base level no matter if you spend money or not.


    I feel like it’s just wrong to call these games ‘free’. They are ‘partially free’ with the incentive to extract as much money from you as possible in order to get the ‘good stuff’ or simply to avoid endless hours of unfun grinding. It’s just inferior in every way compared to games you pay for once and that’s it, because they don’t need to drip feed you ‘fun’.

    Exceptions apply to competitive games that need a changing meta and content updates. New content for non-competitve ‘free’ games mostly amounts to new stuff you can buy to surpass new arbitrary walls built in front of you.


    Free (as in beer) is never free


    Take a look at the free to play market on mobile and you’ll see why people don’t like the news.


    IMTX can be fair if these don’t abuse the players time, and offer fun content.

    IMTX and not wasting players time are nearly mutually-exclusive. These games are designed with the MTX in mind at every single step of the process, and are made with the sole intent of maximizing MTX sales. Them wasting your time is not a mistake, but an intentional (and meticulously-researched and -designed) feature.

    There are exceptions, yes, of course, but they are few and far between.

    Fleur__, avatar

    Who cares just don’t play it?


    These sorts of decisions can impact future decisions. It is to early to say that this is a trend, so people shouldn’t get all up in arms over things. But still, using other company histories as a basis, it is concerning about where this could end up.

    warm, do games w After 10 years in early access, 7 Days To Die finally has a release date for version 1.0

    The game still plays like it came out 10 years ago and it was outdated then even. I don't know where all that development time went.


    I bet they wasted most of their time doing rewrites of various mechanics for no good reason.


    Yep. They rewrote the progression/leveling system like 5 times.


    Yeah.. I watched a dev stream and they didn't even know what they were doing with a planned stream, coincides with how they handle the game I guess.


    They were too busy ruining the game by turning it into a repetitive grindfest.

    glimse, do games w Hades 2 will likely be in early access until 2025, with first big update to add new enemies, maps and features

    Then I shall wait until 2025 to play it.

    Supergiant Games is probably my favorite studio out there but I just can’t do early access anymore. If I play it now, I know I won’t go back when it’s released to see the stuff that changed…


    Feel free, I think it’ll be a great game when you check back in.

    I’m a big Hades 1 fan, and played that game in it’s early state as well. Hades 2’s early access feels roughly 90% or more complete, it’s missing pictures for some items (placeholders for now), some character portraits of some of the lesser-interacted-with NPCs. I think there will be another weapon because there’s a slot for it, and there’s seemingly some more boss content. Gameplay, basically at 100%

    So if you’re likely to finish and not check back in, definitely wait because the game should be in pristine condition by then, with it being this polished already. Love this studio, love this game


    It will definitely be great - I just won’t check back in if I play it now.

    Supergiant has never made a game I didn’t like!


    I hear you, but I caved lol. You will NOT be disappointed. EA is such a weird choice for this one. It’s where I’d call it well past beta (a true beta, not the marketing betas that we usually see where there’s no time to fix anything). Like it truly is “early access” but we’re so used to that term meaning “somewhere in dev”.

    If they’re targeting 2025 release this thing will be incredibly polished by then.


    I know, I know. Supergiant can’t miss so I’m positive I would love it…it’s just that I don’t ever replay games like this and I’d rather wait a year for the polished version than get my fix now.


    I’m a chronic “patient gamer” belive me I get it. The underworld awaits you my friend ;)


    Is the story or voice acting done tho? It was my understanding with the first one that basically all the story and stuff came as hades completed early access. I feel like you can’t call it even 90% if the story isn’t there or its going to change or is incomplete. And what i loved most about the first one was the storytelling. I’m pretty sure thats why most ppl loved it.


    I don’t know when the person above you played, but I didn’t notice any of that (got it last week, binged it, 35ish hours). I didn’t notice any missing graphics, and yes there are some spots where you can tell somethings coming, but it doesn’t feel janky, it feels exciting. With game loop being all about upgrades, you can tell there’s a few that aren’t available, but there’s so much meat their absence feels like part of the loop not part of the dev cycle.

    The voice acting is all there, the mechanics are all there. I think I had like… One line of repeated dilouge? There’s a good breadth of characters and they’ve got that same slow, well thought out progression they did in Hades I. With only one exception that I can’t mention due to spoilers, you could tell me this a complete game with free DLC inbound.

    Bug wise it’s almost entirely free. I had some crashes but I think that was due to a bad HDMI cable repeatedly becoming unstable, and making the game freak out as to what screen it should be on. I haven’t had an issue since I fixed the cable and it’s the only bug I encountered.

    I definitely feel like I got my money’s worth.


    Several characters, all keepsakes, all fish except, I think, one, at least one background element…

    The voice acting is all there

    I’d be very surprised if the number of voiced characters isn’t significantly higher in the finished game. And, of course, we’re missing the top end of the relationship interactions with all characters, which will definitely be voice acted.

    the mechanics are all there

    I wouldn’t be surprised if we get some new mini games in certain parts of the map we can’t access yet.

    Apart from these minor nitpickings, however, I completely agree (well, except that I haven’t had any crashes or significant bugs); I’m already enjoying the game as much as the first one, and I definitely feel I got my money’s worth, which is sadly quite unusual for too many supposedly complete games these days.


    The only crash like I said was almost certainly due to a multi-monitor display and one monitor disconnecting and reconnecting. I didn’t even bother submitting a report.

    And yeah there’s definitely going to be a few extras. Its wild, like I never play games at launch, specifically because they always ship broken, and here this thing is with the stones to call itself early access when it’s so polished narcissus would gaze at himself in if.


    They’ve done the incomplete artwork well.

    For example, a lot of the characters you meet along the way during your runs have the same hooded NPC model. Those are all incomplete.

    When you actually talk to them, most of them have the static artwork done though.


    Thanks for pointing out! I see what you mean now but didn’t even notice.


    It took me dozens of runs to even realize that was happening. It really doesn’t feel incomplete.


    There are parts of the story and maps we simply can’t get to because they aren’t there yet (I imagine about 30 to 50%), and there’s a limit to how much we can improve our relationship with the various characters (which means that there’s probably a significant amount of voice acting we can’t hear yet), all of this clearly indicated as provisionally cut content (“you might be able to do this in the future”, “can’t go there yet”, “what happened after this is, for now, literally indescribable”, that kind of thing).

    There’s also what’s clearly provisional concept art from time to time, and plenty of placeholder character models and art (plus keepsakes, and fish, the later even having generic descriptions), and there’s almost certainly missing gods and characters (though there’s no indication of which those might be and in which number).

    So, yeah, it’s not complete, by a long shot.

    That said, I’m fairly certain that there’s already as much content and story as in the complete first game, if not more, or at least it feels like it. And it’s just as fun.

    Dremor, avatar

    Supergiant is probably the only studio I’d still buy an early access from, even day one. Even when I end up not liking it that much (like Pyre), it is interesting enough to be worth the asking price.

    To this day, Hades is still my most played game on the Switch (I even managed to get a physical copy), and I will probably do the same with Hades II… Maybe on the Switch 2, who knows 😆.


    Oh I’m sure the game will be great! I just don’t want to “burn out” on it in early access and never go back like I have a tendency to do.


    I’m going to use this as an excuse to go back and play Hades 1. I bought and binged it when it first released EA, and never went back to play the released version.

    chemical_cutthroat, do games w The Day Before studio say the game's downfall was thanks to "a hate campaign" avatar

    I miss when dumpster fires used to burn out after a day or so. Devs need to learn when to shut the fuck up and walk away. Fleece some more rubes in another 5 years or so.

    newthrowaway20, do games w Sims 4 devs assemble team to focus on fixing bugs and upping performance

    Sims 4 released in 2014. They had plenty of time to address bugs in-between the millions of stupid updates, but they didn’t bother. Who honestly expects any real work from these guys at this point?


    If I’m given a choice between some fixes and no fixes, I’ll take some. You know they’ll dump the code like a hot potato once Sims 5 starts rolling out micro expansions.


    I think the real news is that they are no longer making new content cause the new mainline game is now all hands on deck with whoever’s leftover just working on minor updates for 4 now

    Caligvla, avatar

    I don’t even know how I feel about this. On the one hand, it’s great we’re moving away from 4 which was always a shitshow to begin with, on the other hand I have no faith whatsoever 5 is going to be even on par with 4.


    I’m both hopeless and optimistic at the same time. I want it to be good so I’ll reserve judgement until we get actual concrete info.

    Yeah, I got sick of the way they dealt with dlc for 4. Early on it was still kind of annoying but if you were of a certain persuasion you could look past it. But compared to how it ended up being, the early days of 4 expansions now look like heaven.

    Instead of playing 4 I’ve been messing around with XP and playing 1, 2 and the Stories games. I’m sad the series had ended up how it is but I’m glad of the earlier games still though and they bring me endless joy.


    Where did you see that they are no longer making new content for Sims 4? The article doesn’t seem to say so and the last I heard they planned to release content for Sims 4 alongside Sims 5. FYI, I would prefer they stop with Sims 4 content.


    It didn’t explicitly say. I’m reading between the lines of the PR speak.


    Oh okay. A while back, their VP Lyndsay Pearson explicitly said they plan for Sims 4 to continue to exist side by side with Project Rene (aka Sims 5). I was wondering if that had changed. My cynical take on the plan to keep both going is that Sims 5 is probably going to be a live service abomination, which they wanted Sims 4 to be, so keeping Sims 4 might be hedge in case Sims 5 fails hard. Of course, they could also have been lying.


    It’s funny how as soon as two competing projects (Life By You and Paralives) start to get closer to release they suddenly care about improving stuff they’ve ignored for 10 years lol


    Especially since Paradox already destroyed SimCity and is publishing Life by You.

    TheAlbatross, do gaming w Players are now less "accepting" that games will be fixed, say Paradox, after "underestimating" the reaction to Cities: Skylines 2's performance woes

    Ah Paradox is finding their model of releasing unfinished games and getting around to solving it later less appealing!

    That is a little disappointing, actually, as Paradox made some damn good games this way. Crusader Kings 2, Hearts of Iron 4 and Stellaris were all made like that.


    I mean, have you looked at HoI4 lately?

    Look, I get it, but the state of DLC in Paradox games has moved beyond even the memes. I think they took those as inspiration. There’s a fucking monthly pass now!

    I deeply enjoy their games, but the DLC bloat confounds me.


    I feel guilty about it, but I appreciate the monthly pass. I played EUIV for exactly one month, at a total cost of like $7 (got the base game for free at some point) with all the bells and whistles. It seemed like a good compromise because you’d have to pay it for years at this point to cover the DLC out right, but it is a disgusting level of rent seeking behavior.

    Now it bothers me that I’d need to put another $7-$10 into the machine to access those saves, but not as much as if I’d throw down hundreds of dollars on it to own the content for a 10 year old game.


    It’s been nice if they had a “perpetual fallback license” approach where you are granted everything you’ve subscribed to for at least 12 months even if you cancel subscription.


    That may be true but with that kind of success behind them, one would assume they have the budget to finish their games without needing the support of the crutch that is the Early Access model.


    Stellaris is one of my all time favorite games, but the late game really becomes unplayable from lag. I have over 1000 hours in it because I love it’s modding and the immersion possible with it, but the performance is a real problem.

    They have tried to address this too, with minor success, but that doesn’t help when the start of each month from 2350 onwards takes seconds to load.

    radiated, do games w Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email

    Microsoft needs to fuck off.


    im getting really tired of all of these MS acquisitions. I know the nintendo one is very unlikely, but i would be pissed as fuck to see valve swallowed up by this terrifying beast.


    It would never happen as long as Gabe is still at the helm.


    For sure. I hope he’s found a good successor that will keep Valve’s core values alive for years to come.


    Valve isn’t any more likely than Nintendo, given you can’t buy shares because there are none, and it’s a money printing machine that would have a truly absurd value.

    EdibleFriend, do games w Escape From Tarkov studio boss says he "did not foresee" players would get mad about charging extra for PvE avatar

    On top of all that the fucking game is still early access.


    I migrated my emails to my own domain and needed to change the address on every service. They don’t even allow changing the email address for years now, judging by their faq. It’s fucking embarrassing.

    ArtVandelay, avatar

    That’s typically an indicator of piss poor database design, where they likely use your email address as some kind of unique identifier


    This was the news to me on this whole mess. I knew about Ark but hadn’t heard about this one. Shameless.

    Gxost, do games w The Day Before studio say the game's downfall was thanks to "a hate campaign"

    This game looked like a scam before release. The developers copied art style and their trailer scenes from other games, and never shown gameplay videos. In the trailers it looked like AAA, but was developed by a studio without required experience. There were doubts the game existed at all. Well, it existed, but was far from what trailers shown.


    I don’t remember the last time I saw actual gameplay in a trailer.

    inlandempire, avatar

    You have 800ms snippets of a character walking or shooting in between cinematics, but you gotta be attentive otherwise you’ll miss it


    really? go watch a gameplay trailer then. it’s a whole category that almost every game releases.


    Watch any Path of exile 2 trailer, it’s all gameplay, in depth, with devs explaining what’s going on and the plans are.

    WeLoveCastingSpellz, (edited )

    I think it didn’t actually exist, what we have been shown is something that they quickly cooked up to avoid lawsuits


    I think this 100%

    I remember like a week after the first trailer dropped some YouTube dude made a video saying it was sus and wondered if it was real. I can’t remember their arguments, as of was a while ago, but they were convincing.

    Also, for how long it was supposedly in development, what they released doesn’t even make sense… Like it kind of looks like a hobbiest could make that on their own pretty quickly (assuming they used free/bought assets)

    moody, do games w Epic Games reportedly hit by 189GB hack, including login and payment info

    Situations like this are why I never save my payment information anywhere.


    I use a CC, so I really don’t give a shit if someone steals my number.

    Last time my card got skimmed it was $0 and <30 seconds to fix, including hold time. They don’t fuck around when you’re reporting stolen info, because legally it’s their money, not yours.

    MajorHavoc, do games w Nightingale to add offline mode "as soon as feasible", as devs say they "misjudged" player demand for it

    “Game studio apologizes for misunderstanding a widely understood aspect of what their customers want.”

    I keep seeing this headline. It’s…weird.


    This is what happens when the people who make decisions are not the people impacted by those decisions.


    Game studios are largely tone deaf.

    CooperHawkes, do games w The Day Before studio say the game's downfall was thanks to "a hate campaign"

    I love it when people try to revise history. /s

    This game got hype on top of hype the likes of which I don’t remember greater. Everyone was talking about it. I was also curious even though I’m pretty much over all things zombies.

    I work from home and leave my favorite streamer in the background when I’m not in the mood for music. Listening to their excitement turn to confusion to utter disappointment was almost agony.

    This dillhole of a human being makes it sound like the hate campaign was before the game ever had a chance. Stop fucking lying. The hate came after the game turned out to be dog diarrhea.

    PrinzKasper, do games w Baldur's Gate 3 level editor is cracked open by modders, bringing homebrew campaigns one step closer avatar

    Modding a modding tool so you can mod more mods. Jokes aside this is really cool. I know Divinity OS2 had similar tools, but given how much more popular BG3 is there will likely be more substatial mods made for it.


    Having played both, there are some really nice quality of life changes in BG3 that will make this way better. Also Div 2 rules were weird.


    What didn’t you like about Div 2 rules? I understand some of them wouldn’t adapt well to tabletop / dice but I liked their AP system better than BG3s action / bonus action


    Sometimes the afflictions didn’t trigger properly like accidentally healing an enemy because decay was applied same turn etc. also turn order and initiative is impossible to predict. In a 4 person co-op game there must always be an alternating turn order regardless of number of players. So basically we’ve had players skipped for two whole rounds because the AI gets to go again. It’s fairly consistent in that regard. It’s frustrating because it’s usually a different person each session that just gets entirely skipped over for almost the entire fight.

    And to be honest, I liked the action/bonus action mechanic as it makes the turns go faster. We just did a 4 player bg3 campaign earlier this year and the fights went way faster.

    And the crafting mechanic has a high learning curve.

    I did find the physical/magic armor mechanic different. I don’t have any real opinion either way with it.

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