Menschlicher_Fehler, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis? avatar

Since the Wolfenstein games were already mentioned: The Saboteur

It aged quite a bit, but there are some nice mods to make it look and handle a bit better on Nexus Mods.


I enjoyed The Saboteur.


That game was so cool!

Hubi, avatar

I’m still sad about Pandemic Studios getting shut down by EA.

Screen_Shatter, do games w The four horsemen of unmet financial expectations

There’s five horsemen here

Bezier, avatar

You get one for free


The fifth one is a paid DLC horsemen

Deadeyegai, do games w Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale? avatar

I have too much of a backlog of games i haven’t played yet. I did not buy anything. Friendly reminder to play your playlist before buying a new game.


Yeah I got the steam deck in the early spring this year and am still trying to get through Witcher 3 and fallout 4. I have a handful of games I got for PC back 15 years ago on steam that I still need to work on after that


This is truth, although i did pick up Cities:Skylines. I’ve got to get through all the other Paradox games from the time they had the bundle sale

Grumpydaddy, do games w I'm tired of every game being live service

I vote with my wallet. I don’t buy games that have scummy conditions or requirements. There are too many other choices out there to justify supporting companies who treat their customers poorly.

r00ty, avatar

This is the answer. If you don't like live service don't buy live service games. If the majority have the same opinion there won't be profit in it.

Games publishers are businesses and they want to make money.

Now in reality I think they make more money from those that are buying microtransactions and so long as that makes them more money than selling a plain single player game, it's a no brainer they'll keep making the.

Thann, do games w PlayStation product manager says ads being shown was just a bug avatar

Man I sure hate it when your dev teams spend all sprint developing a bug!


“It’s not a feature, it’s a bug”

ms_lane, do games w Fallout London - I just can't anymore

Everything is fixable with console commands-

First, try force dismissing broken companions, you’ll need to get their refid first though (so maybe load an older save, or just search for the refid with the help command - ie. help mountbatten 4 npc to search for ‘mountbatten’ in refids that are classed as ‘npc’)

For reference, since I have it written on a post-it in front of me, Mountbatten is 082c1edc (08 may be different if londonworldspace.esm is in a different slot)

To force-dismiss Mountbatten-

<span style="color:#323232;">prid 082c1edc
</span><span style="color:#323232;">setconsolescopequest followers
</span><span style="color:#323232;">emptyrefalias companion
</span><span style="color:#323232;">setplayerteammate 0

To move Mountbatten to you-

<span style="color:#323232;">082c1edc.moveto player

Try to get Mountbatten to join again normally, if he doesn’t, to force-enlist a companion-

<span style="color:#323232;">prid 082c1edc
</span><span style="color:#323232;">setconsolescopequest followers
</span><span style="color:#323232;">forcerefintoalias companion
</span><span style="color:#323232;">setplayerteammate 1

Console commands should not be a requirement to play a game that they claimed was in a releasable state. Also, some players are on a steam deck, where console commands are difficult to make use of on the go.


Theyre making a Bethesda game full of bugs. Seems pretty spot on.

Carighan, do games w Is overwatch 2 really that bad? avatar

It’s… okay?

It’s a bit hard to describe. Overwatch 1 was a bit magical when it came out. It was the WoW of team FPS. Everyone (and their mother) played it. This made it this fascinating thing where your default way of hanging out with friends would be to be on voicechat and chat away while playing OW.
It’s unbalanced and ridiculous cadre of character loadouts also enabled just about everyone to play the game. Do they have amazing reflexes? Give them Genji or Hanzo. Do they have damn awesome aim? Hanzi, Widow, Cassidy (McCree at the time). Do they not have aim worth speaking of? Symmetra, Mercy, Bastion, Reinhardt, lots of options in fact. So you could always talk friends into buying it, and they’d enjoy it!

Now, of course, as such as game ages, players get better and better at exploiting the imbalances, so naturally there’s a bigger pressure on balancing.

But the crucial breaking point IMO came not with OW2, but a long time before that. When this need for more balancing arose, instead of embracing the ridiculous nature of many character loadouts, Blizzard worked against it. In their desire to become the biggest esport, they saw a need to make every character as skill-based as possible, to focus on individual player contributions and individual aim and reflexes. Lots and lots and lots and lots of balance changes slowly pushed the overall core of the game from first being about finding out who you as a player are, then picking a character fitting you, to having to mold yourself into “an FPS player”, because even Torbjörn, Symmetra, Bastion and Pharah need to aim quite a bit now.

And as this progressed, I could see my friends drifting away from the game. The game became effort to play. Not something you can have in the background while spending an evening chatting along on Discord, catching up. And Overwatch was at its core this social thing, so once some drifted off, so did more and more. And eventually, so did I.

Overwatch 2 was merely… how do I say… the end of this chrysalis stage of Overwatch’s life? What emerged from it was the final form of a more esports and twitch-aim-centric game. Gone were the double tanks leading to extremely slow kill times (which in turn meant players who lacked the reflexes to engage in twitch-gunning no longer had the time needed to react to anything), with it gone were the days of cohesive teams where everyone had a singular role, instead you needed to first and foremost be able to fend for and defend yourself, only then would you integrate with the team. Because otherwise you were long dead already.
But this was merely the result of finalizing the change that began all the way back with early post-release OW1 balancing.

IMO, OW1 could have been an absolutely fantastic social lightweight team FPS, if they had embraces the chaos and non-FPS-y nature of much of it. Instead they abolished it. OW2 is but a shadow of this former glory. It’s a decent enough team FPS, but eh, it’s also nothing special any more.


Thanks for the awesome response. What do you recommend as an alternative? Valorant? TF2?


Deadlock? If you need an invite (does anyone still, I genuinely don’t know?) HMU


I’d like an invite to deadlock!


This is really well articulated and puts into words the reason I stopped playing. I was one of those non FPS players who really thrived on Sym and Moira and Mercy and I felt welcomed and appreciated when it first came out. I just had fun and that made me want to try to get better and kept me coming back. As they kept retooling things, especially with Sym 3.0, I felt they were deliberately pushing me and people like me out. Instead of having a fun, wild and playful team game for my friends to all have a good time in, it became just another FPS game.


Used to be that 5 out of 6 on the team could be dead but the 6th was a Mercy with her ult charged. She swoops in and pulls off a hail Mary 5 man resurrection that totally wrecks the opposing team.

Or Lucio was able to speed rush an entire team onto point with a well times speed buff.

Those kinds of whacky plays kept even the most skilled players on their toes.

They patched all that out of the game in the first year or two.

randint, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before avatar

AAAAXY. AAAAXY is a nonlinear 2D puzzle platformer taking place in impossible spaces. You can take a walk on a Möbius strip, try to find the platform with your train at the train station, and play a piano that makes the Shepard tone. It will be a bit confusing at first, but I promise it will eventually get fun.

It’s not on Steam, but it’s available for download on the website for free. Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. Also on F-Droid and FlatHub. give it a try im begging you

ExtraMedicated, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

I think this is the only thread where I actually haven’t seen any of the games before.

Another game I enjoyed was The Eternal Castle (remastered). It’s a remake of a game from 1987. The animation is great and the visual style is really cool.

ABCDE, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

Return Fire was a head-to-head military shooter, with a choice of four different vehicles of destruction, and is played split-screen on PC with one keyboard. I think I only ever had the demo but it was fantastic.

ampersandrew, avatar

This was the 3DO game.

TheBest, do games w Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp will end service in Nov 28 - but will transition to a paid offline app avatar

This is… kind of weird, no? Like why would they pull the plug on an app that keeps the microtransaction money rolling?


I recall Nintendo claiming they wanted to move away from mobile again a while ago but I didn‘t really believe it back then and I‘m still skeptical now. They‘ve received more criticism for their predatory mobile games lately so maybe that got something to do with it or it‘s simply not making enough money anymore to bother with it and they‘d rather get the devs working on something else.


nintendo and DeNA crates a joint venture team last year, so i highly doubt theyre pulling out of mobile, theyre just relying less on it.

Deceptichum, avatar

Maybe Switch 2 will be announced around than with a new AC as a launch title?


I have to imagine the game is no longer making enough money through MTX to staff a dev team anymore.

This seems like a pretty good way to end a live service game, though. This way your game doesn't just disappear into the ether completely.

TheBest, avatar

That was the most logical answer I came up too. Its just crazy to do the right thing and make if work offline instead of just binning it like so many other live service games.


I mean, I never paid for it but I did the math many years ago, to explain predatory microtransactions, and found out that for a chance - a perfect rolled no dupes chance - it’d be cheaper to buy a 2DS and a physical copy of new leaf.

Like, there’s only so many times they can release a set or do a palette swap for a ‘new’ collection.

Zozano, avatar

I always wondered this myself.

I think I remember reading a while ago that apps need to be updated occasionally to comply with .apk guidelines.

This is presumably dependant on which permissions the .apk requests. So a simple calculator app wouldn’t need to be updated, but the calculator plus app, which tracks my blood pressure, how many glasses of water I’ve drank, and my semen count, would need to be updated occasionally to comply with Google’s privacy policies.

But I’m not an app developer, so don’t trust me on a whim.


I see your post has a few upvotes. Therefore, I will trust you implicitly on this matter. Thank you!

simple, do games w Coming back to a western open world game H:FW after Elden Ring is a massive whiplash

I had exactly the same experience. I played Ghosts of Tsushima after Elden Ring and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, I was surprised how shallow the mainstream open world games are. I don’t hate them, but the gameplay really boils down to:

  • Walk slowly while characters talk to eachother for 5 minutes
  • Open the map, click on where you need to go, then walk in a straight line to your objective
  • Trail an enemy without being seen
  • Liberate an enemy camp (kill the same 3 enemies and collect the 5000 twinkly useless items in the area)

The Elden Ring withdrawal is really hitting me. Most AAA games are trying so hard to be cinematic and movie-like that it’s boring me to tears.

odium, (edited )

If you want good exploration, I would recommend:

  • witcher 3: good exploration and incredible quests
  • hollow Knight: 2d metroidvania so very different genre, but great exploration with no hints. Souls like fights, so similar there to some games you’ve played and liked. Metroidvanias in general are good at exploration.
  • genshin impact: most varied biomes I’ve ever seen in a 3d game. Will hold your hand first time you see a mechanic, but won’t tell you anything subsequent times. Cons: starting areas have the blandest exploration and quests. You need good willpower to not swipe. Combat is often very easy.

I liked Gensin Impact for the first few years, but last time I played it, that game was the worst example of this.

Teleport to location. Chat with npc for 5 minutes. Teleport to next location. Chat with another npc rehashing the first conversation for 5 minutes. Quick fight with trivial enemies. Teleport back to first npc Chat about random crap, slow walk to another npc, rehash the earlier conversation again, walk back to starting location, receive the most basic of rewards.

The game is 90% dialog of which very little is relevant or meaningful and none can be skipped. There is an auto advance option for conversations, but so many meaningless dialog prompts (with options are always the same semanticly) that it doesn’t work.

Of course this is all by design as the real goal is to sell you characters, not play a game.


Yeah quests are pretty shit. But I think just the exploration and puzzle part is still good.


I think Witcher 3 falls into the same problems listed.

  • Witcher Sense
  • Busy HUD
  • Fetch Quests
  • Given direction to go w/ mini-map
  • Talks to self

I mean, I loved the game, but it’s not minimalist. It’s like playing a movie.


Geralts talking to self never bothered me. The characters, story and world were really interesting for me. The side quests were definitely all filler. I found a few that were amusing but most were the same thing: go kill this over here.


The winds are howling


Looks like it’s about to rain


I mean a Witcher getting paid to kill monsters…


I understand though


Actually this is what I liked about the Witcher 3 is that the side quests were really great. Of course there were generic ones that felt like doing chores but a surprisingly big amount of quests were actually unique with great stories.

This for me was the best thing about the game. Combat was kind of meh, especially the oils, etc. but the world was very well crafted and not only the main story but also a big chunk of side quests were really engaging.


The chores ones are what I mean. Boring. But there were some really good ones for sure. I really liked finding all the Witcher gear too. The world is incredibly vast and detailed, packed with stuff in every nook and cranny. Same with elden ring. Though I felt the dlc lacked in that regard.

The blood and wine dlc was amazing. I loved the main story/mission. There was a lot to love in the Witcher 3. I’ll have to play it again some day.


You’re right. The witcher 3 never grabbed me because of these reasons. It’s got such phenomenal quests and storytelling but in between feels like a chore just staring at the minimap the whole time. I installed mods to remove HUD elements to help fix it but I still needed a toggle for them to show me direction occasionally since the games design relies on those HUD elements to drive the player.

It’s such lazy design in an otherwise rich experience. It boggles my mind.

littlebluespark, avatar

Also, Witcher has some heart-punch right-in-the-feels moments in side quests, FFS. 😶 Even when you’re purposely avoiding what you know is gonna be an emotional wringer in a prominent quest line, they cut ya while you’re wandering around? Genius. Damn. 🤌🏾🙇🏽‍♂️

ampersandrew, (edited ) avatar

I haven’t played Forbidden West yet, but I had a very different experience from most with Zero Dawn. I think a lot of people view these games as Ubisoft style open world checklists, but if you turn the difficulty up a few notches, it really forces you to engage with the mechanics. A game where you used to just charge headlong into a fight you were surely going to win changes into one where you need to pay attention to weaknesses, lay traps, and pick off their deadliest weapons. Plus, you end up actively hunting certain machines for their upgrade parts, because those upgrades become more crucial to your own success.


I agree with you here. While turning up the difficulty means it takes me quite a bit longer to finish as I have limited time to play these days, I tend to enjoy the time more as I learn the mechanics.

Elden Ring and the other Souls games are just different in that there isn’t a difficulty setting so you have to do this from the get go. I prefer this style, but it’s possible to get a more enjoyable experience in other games.

In my opinion, easy games aren’t as fun and I lose interest much more quickly.


Speaking of this, I hate the fact that farcry just stuck with the farcry 3 format.

Farcry 2 had none of this “tag an enemy to make them always visible” bullshit. But then they did 3, and that was just their settled format from there on out.


I love Tears of Kingdom, that’s one of the few games that does open world really well and doesn’t do any of the things that OP mentioned. Sense of exploration in ToTK is even better than Elden Ring imo with some really clever environmental puzzles and multiple ways to tackle them.


Im so glad the minimap genre is dying. Fucking killed gaming there for a moment.

Rhynoplaz, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?

What Remains of Edith Finch. A psychological horror game that REALLY sucks you in. As you play, there is a lot of stuff that doesn’t make any sense, but there’s a secret (disturbing) meaning behind it all.

I spent a good chunk of a Saturday going through it and there’s no need to do it again, but it was a great ride!


I am thinking of replaying Edith Finch because I must have missed a lot of details by the time I realised what the story was about.

Aviandelight, avatar

And if you do want more try out Unfinished Swan.


Thanks for pointing that out, I had never heard of that one. I looked it up and I’ll definitely check it out.

Coelacanth, avatar

The Unfinished Swan is such a hidden gem, honestly. I never hear anyone talk about it. Very unique style and mechanics and an endearing story. Some beautiful environments too. And pretty short, so not a big commitment.

It’s a great, great game.


The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a little older but it kind of reminds me of Edith Finch in vibes. It’s also really beautiful.


Also take a look at: The Suicide of Rachel Foster

It’s currently 90% off on steam at 1.79USD


Oh man - I loved WRoEF, but the bathtub segment has ensured I can never play it again.


Oh yeah. They aren’t subtle in that one, you know what’s coming and I think I just muttered “oh no. Oh no. Oh no.” through the whole thing.

verysoft, do games w Valve issues DMCA takedown for "Team Fortress: Source 2"

The GitHub DMCA report linked in that post seems fake to me. It's unprofessionally written and has many mistakes and inconsistencies across it.

muhyb, do gaming w How are you all playing these insanely complex games?

For BG3, don’t search something about it, just start and play. You don’t need to know anything prior, however it’s a role-playing game so play accordingly what kind of character you created. You can save-scumming if you want if some desicion you made leads to something bad, though they all the part of the game. Just play and experience.

For games like Overwatch, it isn’t complicated at all. It just requires you to play it constantly and learn counter measures just by playing. Learning them is the fun part, overthinking about them not so much.

To be fair when I see “complex game” part, I was kinda expexting some advanced building games, something like Factorio, maybe RimWorld.

Anyway, also you don’t have to like any games even if they are overwhelmingly positive titles. Just find what you like and dig in.


I don’t know I’d qualify Rimworld as complicated, honestly. It has more moving parts than The Sims, sure, but it is nowhere near how complicated EU4 seems (I haven’t played it, it scares me, but CK is another good example).


Counterpoint. Rimworld is complicated. EU4 is super complicated.

key, avatar

Hey now factorio isn’t complex, just play it a lot and you’ll pick it up… I’m 2000 hours in and managed to finish a game in only 70 hours! I’m thiiiiis close to making train lines without constant crashes. Pretty soon I’ll feel ready to add in Bob’s mods to the mix. It’s… Simple…

KSPAtlas, avatar

You should jump right into PyAE, very great easy mod idea just trust me


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