PhlubbaDubba, do games w Mafia: The Old Country will offer voice acting in Sicilian

There are some sicilians who are about to be horrified listening to all the characters suddenly sounding like their third cousins from America who insist they can speak “italian”


Lol I can imagine, it’s often the same with shows and movies trying to do Dutch and then it ends up being the most incomprehensible and cringe attempt with an insane accent.

Hopefully they just hire legit Sicilians to do the voice acting. Otherwise they might just as well not bother.


I was talking more about how Italian Americans that are native speakers tend to speak a dialect that largely derives from Sicilian and other southern dialects that have since fallen out of use in favor of common italian, which is technically an entirely different language based on a northern dialect.

The joke is that these sicilian speaking mafiosos will sound like the american cousins because the dialect the Americans speak is closer to sicilian than the modern italian Sicilians are more likely to use in their everyday right now.

It’s actually a pretty hilariously documented phenomenon across the old world and in multiple places within the new world, where countries that endured a nationalist unification period adopted a common tongue, and in doing so diverged the language from native speakers that had migrated to the Americas.

Similar sitch with “inauthentic” ethnic cuisine being criticized by others in America and elsewhere in the Americas, it’s not different because it’s inauthentic, it’s different because it’s a preserved cultural artefact which predates a prescriptionist change dictated from the elites (who tended to be from a single language/culture group) to the common public, while the forms seem in the Americas are those predating cultures and traditions.


I don’t know about Italian but I can tell you Greek Americans plainly can’t speak Greek.

Same with ‘ethnic’ cuisine, they don’t put lettuce in “Greek” salad because that’s how it was originally but because that’s what was available and accepted in the US.

Its also far more likely that very regional or even just family traditions/customs/recipes got attributed to whole nations rather than an elite managing to wipe it out from the original group.

JustEnoughDucks, avatar

Wait wait wait, can you give an example? I have to see this 😅


One recent example that comes to mind from recently is a scene in Oppenheimer where apparently there’s a bit of Dutch during a lecture, but nobody can really tell what they’re even saying lol

code, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

My son and i play weekly. Heres our faves

Deep rock galactic

Helldivers II


Remnant and remnant II


ThunderWhiskers, avatar

How is the Helldivers community these days? I had so much fun with that one before the whole PSN debacle. It kinda killed the vibe for me at the time and I have since moved on to other things, but I was so surprised how much a third-person online shooter sucked me in at this point in my life.


Games playerbase is like, less than half what it was on Steam. Arrowhead has put out like 3 or 4 “apology” letters about “we hear your feedback, we will fix stuff” but its like, how many times you gonna say that? You know?

I haven’t played for a while. Last I played, the bots spawn rate was too high when only two people loaded into a 4-5 star mission. They said they put out an update so I played to check, and they actually made it worse. Maybe it has improved since, but I haven’t been back to check.

capt_wolf, avatar

They just put another one out last week.

The fact that they’re still apologizing for not listening to the player base and then going ahead and just not listening to the player base really doesn’t fill me with confidence.


I remember just a handful of months ago when everyone was saying how “helldivers is already game of the year”

Lmao how the mighty has fallen


They just added a bunch of new missions, planet modifiers, and ship call downs, which was a pleasant surprise. Also, there is a lot of speculation that they’re going to introduce the third enemy race pretty soon, so if you were enjoying it before, now might not be a bad time to dip your toe back in the pool.

ThunderWhiskers, avatar

I have considered it a few times and I even have Helldivers installed still, buuuut I’m balls deep in my first run of Elden Ring right now and I haven’t even hit the DLC yet, so 🤷‍♂️.


Ah, well I’m sure it will still be here if/when you escape from Elden Ring. Have fun!


We easily fill with friends so its a blast. We have a group we’ve been playing with for over 15 years when we need more than 2

Nacktmull, do games w What are the best indie games you've ever played? avatar

FTL - Faster Than Light

Dead Cells

HonorIsDead, (edited ) do games w What's up with Epic Games?

Instead of offering anything to be a better platform they are burning money on the platform in hopes they can pay their way to dominance by paid exclusivivity and giving away games. One of those isn’t bad for users. Now consider what Epic offers beyond being able to buy and download a game. Nothing. Epic is only a storefront and they’ve had years to work on this at this point. Steam has gained dominance and maintains it in no small part due to all the additional features available to everyone. Do you use the steam workshop for any of your games? Have you used the steam community forums to troubleshoot a problem? Do you use big picture mode for a more console like experience? Do you customize your controller settings with the pretty expansive controller support built into steam? The overlay? How about the custom profiles and badges and trading cards? Epic is only a storefront. That’s it. That’s all that’s on offer. So they supplement it with bribing devs to be exclusive to their store and giving away games to try and attract users.


I love the steam chat, as someone who doesn’t use discord very often at all. Having the chat is an easy to too flick a message off to someone while i play


These are true criticisms, but I’m not sure if they’re fair. To the best of my recollection, Steam had none of those things in 2008, either, about the time they were the age of the EGS, now.

You could say they should (be able to) compete on the merits alone, without free games or paid exclusivity, but that argument wouldn’t reflect reality: you need a hefty carrot to lure people away from their comfort zone.

Strepto, avatar

Steam had none of those things in 2008

Yes, true. But it’s not 2008 anymore. It makes no sense for companies to compete based on features and functionality equivalent to their age.

If someone starts a company today offering only old 1960 color TVs, I’m not going to say “Well they’re new, and that’s what TV manufacturers would have had at the time”. That makes zero sense.

If Epic wants to compete with steam they need to actually compete. They offer nothing of value presently. They have the money and the technical talent to make a good launcher. They just appear to choose not to.


They have the money and the technical talent to make a good launcher. They just appear to choose not to.

This is completely the case. You can’t tell me the makers of Unreal Engine couldn’t figure out how to replicate at least some of the more commonly used features of Steam. Of course they can do it. Someone somewhere in the corporate ladder decided they don’t need the extra features to compete with steam. Maybe burning money on the exclusivity contracts and game giveaways will work out in the long run, but I doubt that when they flat out said they’re spending more money than they earn in their 800+ person layoff just a few months ago.


Not only that, the storefront runs atrociously slow and the privacy policy is invasive.

Mini_Moonpie, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

Epic doesn’t see gamers as their customer - they see developers as their customer and shape the customer experience around that. For example, Epic said that if/when they add reviews, developers could choose to opt their games out of reviews. That’s very pro-developer, but very anti-consumer, whatever you might think of the value of reviews. Informed customers can rattle off a long list of reasons they don’t like Epic and why they’re bad, but they are a small minority of PC gamers. The “silent majority” doesn’t keep up with this kind of stuff or really care about it, so they are literally judging stores on their merits and Epic is a bare bones platform that doesn’t offer customers a good reason to spend money in their store because they don’t think they need to.

loganberryq, do games w Recommend a game for me to play with my partner

“It Takes Two”, check it out.


I also recommend this game as one of the best co-op / split screen games I’ve played.


My wife and I loved that.

boothin, do games w Steam wishlist is buggy and sometimes lies about discounts

I believe the developer is in complete control of the pricing on steam, so it would be the developer being shady

DocMcStuffin, avatar

Could be, IDK. I’ve seen that with a regular discount and the price gets raised when a sale starts, but never with a double discount.

Perhaps someone that has published on steam could shed more light.

KingRaptor, avatar

In the store I’m not seeing what you’re seeing. I think what you’re looking at is actually these two bundles, not the base games:

Also, as it was pointed out, Steam does not control pricing, that would be entirely in the hand of the publisher or developer, not to mention it is against TOS (and also illegal in some markets)

DocMcStuffin, avatar

That looks like it. I checked one of the bundles.

Then tried adding to cart from my wishlist. It added both games, but on my wishlist it only shows the one game. That’s just really buggy, and fortunately only unintentionally deceptive instead of intentionally.

FractalsInfinite, do piracy w Is It Farewell To The Internet Archive?

Anna’s archive acts as a drop in replacement for libgen and z-library, also doesn’t cost anything

MalReynolds, avatar

doesn’t it rely on them ? more of an indexer…


No, more like a mirror in that it hosts all of zlib and libgen’s content as well as providing torrent and ipfs links for the files (which they seed)

MalReynolds, avatar

And yet when libgen was broken a couple of days ago it sent me to the broken libgen for the (admittedly obscure) thing I was after. Perhaps caching I dunno. Still, glad it’s there…

FractalsInfinite, (edited )

From what I see, there are 4 5 options on

  1. Use fast(but fee charging) direct download
  2. Use ipfs
  3. use torrents
  4. Go to source pages (libgen and/or zlibrary)
  5. Slow direct download [Edited]

It sounds like you clicked the link to the source as opposed to the mirrors

MalReynolds, avatar

Nah, in this case there was only 4. I’ve seen the others before.


Huh, it seems it depends on the existing sources, I’m not particularly sure how that works


Not everything is mirrored yet, so some searches will only lead to external sources

tom5760, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

Untitled Goose Game comes to mind as a great “slapstick” game.



I love me some honkus!

demystify, do piracy w What's the deal with

I remember it being blacklisted in Reddit’s r/piracy megathread, supposedly they used IGG’s cracks or something. I, however, never had any problems with them.

Tread with caution. Use or other safe sources if you can, and if you have to use this site, at least be wary, read comments and scan the fuck out of everything.


Thanks for the warning. What’s IGG?


IGG is a cracking group with a mixed reputation. Early on they distributed malware, which continues to give them a negative reputation. Though, I haven’t heard of anything bad about them, in some time… some repackers also use their cracks, with no issues. I think they were the first that cracked the latest Armoured Core, for example.


Since when was IGG a cracking group? They're just uploaders. TENOKE is the one who cracked Armored Core. Repackers use SCENE/P2P cracks like RUNE, TENOKE, EMPRESS, SKIDROW, etc.

IGG is not a cracker. I personally don't trust them. I don't understand why they include unimportant files in their uploads.

  • Free Premium Accounts at (0.8 KB)
  • IGG-GAMES.COM.url (0.2 KB)
  • README.txt (0.3 KB)
  • _INSTALL TUTORIAL.txt (1.7 KB)

What is the point of including these files? They're irrelevant.

With or without malware, I ain't risking downloading my games from their uploads.

MazonnaCara89, avatar

IGG is bad because some of their repacks had their drm inside dll files, there were Ads built into the game at runtime, were found Cryptominers and startup malware included in their games and many other things.

Rocketpoweredgorilla, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu avatar

It annoys me when you close down a game, and it only has the option to send you to the title menu instead of closing out. It's not the worst thing ever, but it's kind of annoying when you need to go, and you have to "quit" the game just to wait for it to go back to the title screen and make you hit "quit" again a second time.


It’s for console ports. They have a power button…so on PC you’ll need to go to that button created specifically to quit to desktop


Or, they have a hypervisor, so instead of needing to quit from inside, you just hit the magic button and go back to the console UI. Game is suspended and might resume after power off or switch, or not, depending on the system and user.

You could just ctrl-alt-del or window switch or whatever to get the same experience on a computer.


I honestly will just slap cmd-q on most games. If they don’t handle it properly… well, sucks for me I guess, but most do. (on a mac)

I wonder how most games treat alt-f4 on windows?

N1cknamed, avatar

It differs, on some games it doesn’t work or still takes a long time. For those programs I like to use SuperF4, which kills the process when you press ctrl+alt+f4.


They need to be less lazy on the ports and add the option to quit to desktop on the PC version even if it doesn’t exist on the console version.

Some games do, however I hate when I have to go to the menu before being able to quit to Desktop.

Rocketpoweredgorilla, avatar

Clicks quit
Are you sure you want to exit?
Clicks yes
Goes to title
Clicks Quit
Are you absolutely positive you want to exit?
Game hangs.

chaorace, avatar

This is a long-shot question, feel free to disregard… but I have to ask: is that you, Joost?

Rocketpoweredgorilla, avatar

Joost? Nope sorry... I assume that's a username or something?

chaorace, avatar

Ah, nevermind sorry about the trouble. He’s a cofounder of the company whose logo you’re using as an avatar (“Ronimo”, i.e.: “Robot Ninja Monkey”).

Rocketpoweredgorilla, avatar

Ah ok lol... I got this png off one of those free image sites because I was too lazy to make my own and been putting it off so far.


FromSoft games are the worst for that. They log you off the servers and then make you login again to get to the title screen to quit


Just alt-F4 once you quit the game and hit the title screen or you’re sure the game has successfully saved.

nottheengineer, do gaming w Pet peeve, games that won't let you save

Implementation probably. Checkpoints are easy because you don’t have to save the entire game state, just the progression.

!deleted4210 avatar

Yeah, good point and that’s a valid reason I suppose.

It’s still very nice when you have more flexibility.

Wish PC games could implement something like the xbox quick resume or something.


That’s already a thing on the steam deck and it works with almost any game.

Microsoft could implement it for Windows too, but people will want still use their computer when pausing a game so it’s a lot harder to do.

!deleted4210 avatar

Wonder is Valve could implement that on windows as well?


Iirc they are working to integrate it into the Steam client on desktop wherever possible (and to try to allow for cloud syncing the game state between devices.) Not sure how it’s been going but iirc it was never going to be made available until after the UI update (which came out quite recently.)

!deleted4210 avatar

That would be awesome, I hope they can do it!

DosDude, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5?

Who cares what you play the games on. I built myself a decent pc a few years ago just to play Duke Nukem 3d some more. If you’re burnt out, just stop playing. If you dislike “triple eh…” games just play something else. Or play something older. Or something completely out of your safe zone. Play a genre you’d never touch otherwise.

If you need the cash, sell it. If you don’t, then why trade it in to buy something that does the same in a different form factor. But don’t sell something just because it’s too good for the job. A Porsche can still bring you to work.

Kit, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually

I just hope my hands hold out long enough. I already have terrible arthritis in both hands.


Yeah my hands started acting up when I was in my 30s. Now that I’m in my 40s they cramp and become useless when they’re any amounts of cold.

My wife likes to rock climb but she will only go to the gym if I go. I can handle the pain but my fingers will literally just stop opening and closing. I haven’t gotten the courage to talk to her about it yet.


Do gloves (fingerless for climbing) do anything to help?


I tried gloves for kayaking since my hands lock up during that but I didn’t feel a huge difference.

I probably just gotta see another doctor. The last doctor I talked to wanted me off of adderall before they’d prescribe me anything but then I’d lose my job.


Yes, definitely see a different doctor.

skulblaka, avatar

In a better timeline this is one of the many things a Neuralink could be good for


I’m still holding out hope for full-dive VR in the next 20-30 years.


Have you check out the neuro crown devices? They are very work outside and can do some basic games already

kratoz29, avatar

VR gaming bro.

DrSteveBrule, do games w Avowed made me scream to my doctor: “I am a wizard!”

I work in a GI lab and one of the funniest things I heard when a patient was waking up was, “You guys were so good I’m coming back for another colonoscopy tomorrow!”

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