I just played Return to castle Wolfenstein again. Too bad the public servers are 100% bots all the time. I know it’s old but I expected at least one or two other players.
I have to start with the first entry so I can see how the franchise evolved over time, for example, I recently started playing the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games, I have played the first three games from each franchise and that has helped me to understand the good, the bad, and the ugly from each entry.
I found it the first RPG-ish I have spammed skip on the dialogue. Which felt odd to me, since I always sink into a RPG (even if this is a action game with RPG elements), but Avowed just felt a bit too surface-deep to me. It might not help that I booted up Kingdom Come Deliverance II around the same time…which reminded me of booting Phantom Liberty when Starfield came out.
It’s a good game, though. Solid, just not for me I think. I much preferred the writing, setting and mechanics (not to mention the atmosphere!) of The Outer Worlds.
Any diehard pillars fans who have played it? For the most part it doesn’t seem super well received but I wonder how much of a bump it gets for being in the pillars franchise. I loved the first two and would love to continue my time in eora. Haven’t dived in yet mostly because of the price tag, waiting for it to get to at least $60
Diehard might be pushing it, but I liked PoE1 and loved 2, even playing through the second game twice so I could try it out in turn-based mode. I’m really enjoying it but for different reasons than I enjoy Pillars. Sometimes games are worth $70, and I’m personally finding this one to be.
Story is mediocre. Dialog is tiresome, I started button spamming to get through a lot of the conversations that didn’t matter. Combat is nothing remarkable, no matter the weapon combos, and the enemies are just damage sponges with no real tactics necessary to defeat a given enemy. Magic is kind of cool but you have to really spec into mage to get there. The immersion is about as deep as a puddle on flat concrete.
It is one of the games of all time, a game you could not play and miss out on nothing.
Edit: Just beat it, terrible ending that feels like it was tacked on last minute to provide some sort of conclusion.
Ja słyszałem, że tak się dzieje, dopiero gdy ktoś zgłosi taką wiadomość i potem trzeba wysyłać skan dowodu, który jest sprawdzany przez AI, albo zdjęcie sprawdzane przez AI.
To brzmi jak trudne zajęcie, wymaga dużo czujności, żeby nie powiedzieć za dużo. No i nigdy nie wiadomo gdzie i jak zmieni się prawo i rzeczy legalne staną się mniej legalne.
Trudne jest też trwanie w wiecznej paranoi, kasowanie każdego “cyfrowego śladu” po sobie, namawianie wszystkich dookoła żeby używali alternatyw które są trudne w obsłudze / wymagające instalacji własnych paczek, pakietów i bóg wie czego / niekompatybilne z niczym na zewnątrz / i tak dalej i tak dalej.
Współczuję takim osobom. Byłem z tych, co namawiają, teraz po prostu stawiam warunki, że kontakt tylko przez takie i takie medium z powodu (litania powodów). Zmieniłem podejście z wymienionego przez ciebie powodu - że trudne jest namawianie. Trudniejsze, niż ewentualna pozorna strata kontaktu z kimś, komu te wartości są obce. A ite narzędzia są już fajne w obsłudze, mocno poszło do przodu wszystko, też i w świecie wolnościowym, więc łatwiej (ale nadal trudno) jest namówić. Do tego korporacje psują coraz więcej swoich produktów i coraz więcej osób skłania się ku podzielaniu poglądów antykapitalistycznych nawet w Polsce.
Nie są fajne. Tylko Signal jest, i do niego akurat ludzie się przekonali. Reszta jest “fajna” dla ludzi którzy większość swojego czasu spędzają na desktopie - a to głównie programiści i nienormalne osoby takie jak ja, co po robocie jeszcze odpalają laptop.
I am really enjoying it so far. I’m almost finished with the second map.
So many people seem to hate it for reasons I don’t quite understand. I also really liked Outer Worlds, though.
I’m enjoying the story, the characters, the inventory system - everything everyone else seems to hate. I really don’t understand why other people say the world feels dead. I guess I enjoy not having to run around to find NPCs who are always on the move? (Looking at you, Skyrim.)
Sure, most weapons in the game are exactly the same. But that makes the “unique” ones so much more interesting. I like that I can upgrade those unique weapons, so that they always stay useful. No more quest rewards that are already underleveled when I receive them! (Looking at you, Skyrim.)
I saw someone in this thread say they missed the “stolen item” mechanic. I’ll tell you what I don’t miss: becoming a wanted man because I took some food off a table in a common area or accidentally clicked and took one of the thousands of items lying around that are lootable.
I’m enjoying the Balder’s Gate 3 camping system, but I’m glad you don’t need to “spend” food for every night in camp.
My only “problem” is that it feels a little unoptimized. I get low frame rates sometimes that don’t go away even at the lowest settings, especially inside cities. But, it’s relatively minor. I can (and do) live with it.
It feels like a full game with no glitches on release, which is nice.
Although, if your glass textures all look frosted and weird, then turn “global Illumination” up to at least medium.
I’m liking it. I’m big on exploration, and I hate when games have difficult but reachable places, but when you get there, there’s nothing. That is not the case with Avowed. Just about every hard to reach place I’ve managed to BS my way to has had something. It’s usually just money and some mats, but occasionally I’ve found some unique equipment or accessories.
Combat is just a slightly better Skyrim combat but with a dodge. I will say the dodge has fucked me multiple times because it’s just the jump button, but if you press any direction other than forward when you press it, you dodge in that direction. So no jumping sideways or backwards. I’ve accidentally dashed to my death off a cliff more than a few times.
I personally don’t think the story and characters are as bad as everyone is saying, but I’m easy to please. It doesn’t seem any worse than Skyrim story-wise. I like that the companions actually have personalities and banter with each other. They feel more like Dragon Age or Mass Effect companions, granted not nearly as deep. But I’ve already laughed several times from their ambient camp banter, and I only have two companions and less than 15 hours of play time.
The beginning tutorial area is weak, and character creation wasn’t very good. I honestly expected to quit after my first short 2ish hour session, but when I finally got set loose in the first real area and started exploring and climbing around on rooftops and finding underwater caves, and finding loot left and right, I got hooked.
Just adding support for this recommendation. I had 4 gaming headsets before this, and got this for about $140 on sale. It’s far and away the best sounding headset I’ve ever used for non-professional purposes. There are two caveats:
3.5mm jack works on most gaming consoles through the controller. And you can get a super cheap and small adapter from 3.5mm to USB-C if you want to use it with phone or other USB-C input. But if you need wireless this won’t do it.
They are open back style headphones. Meaning there’s a considerable amount of sound leakage into the room with you. Someone sitting next to you can hear every word of your voice chat or phone call. They sound really open airy and have a great sound-stage because of this, but it’s not great if you need privacy. They do make the Game One version with a closed back.
Don’t have it although I am loosely interested in it, but not enough to spend the nearly $100 (after tax) asking price. Maybe when it’s $10 on sale or something.